
Being happy is easy, being lonely isn't...

Years ago, there was a good TV show called "Ally McBeal", yes, it is a program for chicks, but I enjoy watching them, like sex and the city and friends.

There were many famous quotes in that show, for example, the messed up main character Ally said once "I don't want what I want, and I want what I don't want, and to complicate it even more, I don't even know what I want or don't want!", come to think of it, I think this quote accurately describes all women, well, at least most women I know.

The one I remember the most was by one of the supporting character, she has a perky personality, always joyful, when Ally asked her why she is happy all the time, she said to Ally, "Being happy is easy, being lonely isn't..."

I guess we all feel lonely from time to time, and it is often hard to describe, especially when everything is going well. But, there is something important I should add after that quote, "being alone doesn't mean lonely, and you might still feel lonely even when you are with someone."


Anonymous said...

Ally said once "I don't want what I want, and I want what I don't want, and to complicate it even more, I don't even know what I want or don't want!",

just one question:
Do you want to have kids in the future?
If don't than good for you!!!
enjoy your lonely time

lambofsilence said...

sounds like you have too many kids already...

lambofsilence said...

wait... you meant enjoying alone time not lonely time?