
There is this one time at the camp...

Just saw this on CNN yesterday (or ROBtv?), Merrill Lynch is holding a boot camp for people in their twenties. No no, not the band camp, not the boy scout.

These twenty something must have personal investable assets over $50 million US, they will spend 1 week at Wharton School of Business to learn how to manage/diversify/balance their investment portfolios (I thought that is my job?), how to ask for a large loan, how to write up a prenuptial agreement (!?!)...

Of course, there were only about 3 dozen people there, but if you think about it, that is at $1.8 billion in that lecture hall.

Personal wealth is deemed quite important in this materialistic world, but how wealthy is considered wealthy enough? If you ask anyone who is rich if he/she thinks he/she is rich enough? The answer is probably going to be no, greed is at play here. And greed is what drives the world, or at least, the business world.

As Gordon Gekko in "Wall Street" said the best:

"The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that: Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right; greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms, greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge — has marked the upward surge of mankind and greed,..."


Merry X'mas to all of you!

Best wishes to all my friends:

To my A list friends,
hope you had a good xmas party with your family and other A list friends.

To my B list friends,
hope you had a good xmas party with your love one.

To my C list friends,
hope you had a good xmas party with your hubbie/wife.

To my D list friends,
hope you had a crappy xmas party, because you never returned my phone calls.


A toast to the merry married couple

Wishing you
A house full of sunshine,
Hearts full of cheer,
Love that grows deeper
each day of the year.


Save the last dance for me...

There is always something missing in taiwanese/hong kong love songs, they are always depressing, they usually are about the uncertainty in relationships. Either your love is leaving you, you are in love with someone else, or you are not sure where you are in a relationship.

What is missing are the maturity, and confidence required in a healthy relationship. Consider the following song...

Save the last dance for me

You can dance-every dance with the guy
Who gives you the eye, let him hold you tight
You can smile-every smile for the man
Who held your hand neath the pale moon light
But don't forget who's takin' you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
So darlin' save the last dance for me

Oh I know that the musics fine
Like sparklin' wine, go and have your fun
Laugh and sing but while we're apart
Don't give your heart to anyone
And don't forget who's takin' you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
So darlin' save the last dance for me

Baby don't you know I love you so
Can't you feel it when we touch
I will never, never let you go
I love you oh so much

You can dance, go and carry on
Till the night is gone
And it's time to go
If he asks if you're all alone
Can he walk you home, you must tell him no
'Cause don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
Save the last dance for me

Oh I know that the musics fine
Like sparklin' wine, go and have your fun
Laugh and sing but while we're apart
Don't give your heart to anyone
And don't forget who's takin' you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
So darlin' save the last dance for me

So don't forget who's taking you home
Or in whose arms you're gonna be
So darling, save the last dance for me
Baby won't you save the last dance for me.
You make the promise that you save the last dance for me.
Save the last dance
The very last dance
For me!

This is recently performed by Michael Buble. The narrator is telling the girl to go out and have fun with anyone she feels like, but at the end of the night, to save that one last dance for him.

If the same story was done in mandarin/cantonese, it might be very different. You can imagine a guy pleaing to the girl, please don't go, but if you have to go, please don't dance with other guys, but if you have to dance with others, don't go home with them, but you have to go home with them... please love me... please please...

Trust requires certain maturity and confidence, especially confidence. Just like in the song, when performed by Mr. Buble, you can tell that the narrator is very confident that she will be back for the good stuff at the end of the night.

And, I see that as the biggest difference between a mature relationship and a chinese/taiwanese pop song relationship.

Btw, the original song done in the 60s was about this war veteran who lost his legs, telling his wife who love to dance, to have fun, but remember to come back home to him...






發覺你變得敷衍我 你的手逃避觸摸到我
若晚上和我坐 亦無言無話像厭我

但你共我 同渡過生命悲傷歡暢
棄掉我倆 求你別這樣

誰如我愛你那麼多 別當我猶如路過
誰如我愛你那麼多 原來從未認識我

縱相擁如陌生者一個 是我們完了吧
或旁人隨便代替我 我怕知

誰如我愛你那麼多 別當我猶如路過
誰如我愛你那麼多 原來從未認識我










回想三個月前,他興高采烈的在電話上告訴她年底要結婚,她到現在都還不很確定該有怎樣的反應。他在電話裡,email裡不斷的邀請她回去,他很希望她可以參加他的婚禮。她一口拒絕了,回去要以什麼身分? 自己是不是可以忍受的住?



為什麼喜歡他,她已經不大記得了,他像大孩子的個性,倒是記得清清楚楚,他總是有意無意的挑起她心中的漣洟,但說過後兩天就忘了乾乾淨淨。五個月前見到他,他還說他還是很喜歡她,一直忘不了她,她那時只有一笑置之,不做回應。 果然,兩個月後就接到他的喜訊。


因為工作? 她自己都不信的理由,她忍不住輕聲一笑。手上的電話響了起來,是他,那一頭聽起來人聲吵雜,他說朋友們要在他單身的最後一晚,把他灌到不行,還好她的電話救了他一命。她聽他嘮嘮叨叨的抱怨奔東走西為婚禮而忙碌, 她感覺到時間好像在他們之間流過,過去的事已經過去了,他用半醉半醒的聲音說她不能回來,他好難過,真希望她能在那祝福他的幸福。不必了吧,她想,兩條線交叉而過,不再相逢,又何必強求?




Lambofsilence, meet James Yang

A few years back, out of boredom, I googled myself, and found there is actually a guy with the same name, and a website named after him (or me) www.jamesyang.com.

Last month, I actually found James Yang's blog on my friend's blogspot link, he is using blogspot as well! Taking a second look at James Yang's website, he is a graphic designer who lives in New York, has sculpture in museum, done children's book, and did I mention living in New York?

To find someone with the same name living a different life in a different city is quite interesting. Then, to find that person might be 2 degree seperation from you is kind of creepy. But it is interesting though, I wonder what happens if this person looks/acts like me? Would I be envious of his life?

By the way, I have done search on lambofsilence as well, this time, I found myself. :)


Breakfast at Tiffany.... in Vancouver

Tiffany & Co is opening its newest standalone store on alberni and burrard in downtown Vancouver. Of course its baby blue boxes and whats inside the boxes are what many ladies and girls want for Xmas. This grand opening features a $500,000 blue diamond ring and $100,000 diamond necklace. Funny though, if you have both, you still cannot buy a house in vancouver. According the the latest figure, the average housing price in Vancouver is $700,000.

People talk about breakfast at Tiffany, for those who haven't seen this film, I highly recommend it. Other than the charming love story, Audrey Hepburn's character is very recognizable.

Holly played by Audrey, is a young woman in her twenties, ran away from a rural home where she was married at 14. She wants to be in films, so she moved to Hollywood, then to New York. When that doesn't work out, she then decides to get married, to a rich man from brazil.

Paul played by George Peppard, is a young writer who has problem writing novels, instead, he lives on a much older married woman.

When they met, things got interesting, Holly gets into trouble, and keeps on trying new things. Paul gets inspired and started writing his novels, which finally got published.

They have different ways to handle their lives when they feel it wasn't a life they wanted. Holly was the reason Paul needed to get out of his routine, and Holly denies any reason (including Paul and her nameless cat) for her to settle down.

The film ends in a classic hollywood way, a short chase in the rain, and hug and kiss. Although the original novel by Truman Capote did not have a romantic happy ending, and Marilyn Monroe was supposed to play Holly.

It is great to see Holly finally stopped running away from herself, but I still see some girls running, running away from themselves...



記得某次失戀的時候,有個朋友在網上送了一首歌給我,下一個永遠。我聽了之後跟我朋友說她是想要我哭死嗎,沒事給我這麼悲的歌做什麼。朋友沒有回應,倒是問我為什麼叫下一個永遠? 永遠不就是永遠嗎? 如果要找下一個,上一個就不是永遠啦~



那天 是一條界線 你忘了好好說再見
在城市里流漣 卻看不見 下個永遠


時間 原來就是考驗 讓過去都成了紀念
陪著我到未來 繼續尋找下個永遠


多希望 有天偶然再遇見
我們都各自擁抱 下一個永遠



希望有一天 偶然能在回憶遇見


但我們都還是相信這段愛情是永遠,所以當它不是永遠的時候,我們就希望下一段愛情是永遠,是積極? 還是消極? 是童話? 還是天方夜譚?






妳問我他為什麼? 我只能說他不愛妳,真的不夠愛妳,至少他愛妳沒有多過愛他自己,也許他從來沒有把妳當作可以停留的對象。妳又問,是不是他還沒有到那個時候? 我不能回答,但我肯定,如果妳要等,會是很久的一段時間,妳會賠上妳的青春,也許還是得不到他。相信我,也有愛過我的女人,希望時間能改變我,結果她等了多年,我還是沒有辦法給她什麼...

看看妳為他身心皆傷,值得嗎? 妳有開心嗎?

妳曾說過妳要簡簡單單的愛,但妳有做到嗎? 妳現在的愛一點都不簡單,而是火花四濺,傷的又只有妳,不值得也不公平...






多為自己想想,不用擔心她過得好不好,相信我,她沒有你也是會過得很好。想想,你是不是每次感情都是隨波逐流? 你有沒有想過自己未來怎麼走? 你已經不可再理直氣壯的說,你現在不用想這麼多,你還年輕...






Mr. Lamb, I am ordering you to go into relationship rehab...

For the past few months, it has been a little slow on my relationship side. That is not to say that nothing is happening, a few things happened, and I have hurt some along the way.

So I am putting myself on rehab. I have the tendency to fall for girls who are in trouble, then I realize that shouldn't be what I am looking for. The knight in shiny armor does not mean happily ever after, unfortunately.

One of my friend asked, what does it mean by putting your relationship on rehab? I guess the answer is to take things slowly, very slowly, and do not take candies from a stranger if I don't like the stranger...

Another thing though, taking my relationship on rehab means I won't be hurting other souls.

When I stop looking for troubled girls, I can come out of rehab as a clean man...


以前SFU有個台灣同學會 之 男生加加油篇...

Betty 和他的老公最近回溫哥華,算算又是一年,過去一年,嫁的嫁,生的生,好多人都不在溫哥華了。和久不見的Linda通電話時,感嘆大家都不在溫哥華啦~

President: Graham,現在高雄家裡幫忙,常常忙到爛掉,不過和他的初戀(好像是)幸福快樂中。

Exteranl VP: Linda,在溫哥華的某大3C商店總公司上班,和老公幸福快樂。

Internal VP: Karen,剛考完精算師的考試,年底將和老公回流台灣。

Treasurer: Nancy,久久沒見到,上次見到是在朋友婚禮,好像生第二個小孩了。

External Secretary: Brian,在軟體公司上班,現在好像是組長,穩定感情。

Internal Secretary: Patrick,沒連絡,有人知道他在台灣最近如何?

Public Relation: Betty,好像住在宜蘭,婚後生活幸福,平常喜歡在東西上貼亮亮的東西。

Public Relation: Kent,現在和我同行啦,感情穩定,被我抓去青年商會,發達中請叫他陳董。

Communication: Ken,沒連絡,有人知道他在中國最近如何?

Activity Director: Vicky,聽說在台灣也是媽媽啦。

Activity Director: Kevin,小孩都快一歲,很可愛(比爸爸可愛多了)。



Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici!

In the movie V for Vendetta. The main character although evil, is quite interesting, he has similar dark and twisted mind as Phantom of the Opera, but his ambition is a lot bigger.

He said, "Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici", it is a phrase from Christopher Marlowe's The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus. It is a play on a guy who trades his soul for material gains. He ended up wasting all his skills and enternally damned.

The phrase, however, is a great motto.

It means "By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe"!


Many many questions...

This is what you have to pay for browsing other ppl's blog... 55 questions.

1. NAME:
James Yang

Bond, James Bond

When watching "Dear Frankie" on a plane to TW, without sound.

I like my English handwriting, definitely not Chinese.

None that I am awared of.

If I were another Libra, I would have annoyed myself so much, friends are very unlikely.

Does blog count?

Yes, because I looooove sarcasm.

Nope, unless it is for true love. (and true love won't make me bungee jump)

Nope, unless I am trying to impress some people. (e.g. Queen of England)

Rum and Raisin, best one I had was in West Mall Complex, Raven's cafe, SFU.

8.5 or 9, don't remember.

indecisive and turtle hair sometimes.

myself, 10 years younger.

greyish blue pants, black shoes.

fresh pineapple.

Report on Business Television.

Yellow, definitely yellow.

The smell of the air after the rain.

Frank, my high school buddy.

Their eyes.

Definitely, why else would I spend time answering these questions? :)

Passion Fruit Green Tea.

used to be swimming, golfing... I have to say... web-browsing...


Taiwanese, Greek, Italian, Korean, and Japanese... actually, there should be more.

Happy Ending! Because everything in this world has happy endings... (sarcasm...)

Last Sunday, "Flags of our fathers"

Purplish shirt with stripes.

definitely kisses, you can't kiss alone, but you can hug yourself.

Grass Jelly.

No one, I am not asking anyone :).

Everyone, I am not asking.

"The Corporate"

HSBC official mouse pad with "The world's local bank" and "THINK joined up" slogans on them.

Sound of cash... actually sound of an engine.

Copenhagen, Denmark, 15 hours flight from Taiwan, probably similar from Vancouver.

Observation... I watch ppl... (sounds creepy, doesn't it)

My bed.

boring ppl.

54. Least Favorite Food?
Chicken feet.

55. Least Favorite Drink?
Taquila, it is just gross.


I'll Walk Alone...

I am a war-junkie, always have been fasinated by War stories, tatics, weapons... In my relatively recent trips to London and Hawaii, I spent lots of time in military museums. Maybe it is the little boy in me that likes to see destructions and heros. On the other hand, I am very interested in understanding the human aspects of wars, why people kill and why people love.

That is why whenever there is a war movie around, especially with epic battles, I have to see it. This time, it is directed by Clint Eastwood, Flags of our fathers. A quick survey around my friends show lack of interest in war movies. Determined, I went to see the movie by myself, on a Sunday night.

The movie starts with a song from the 40s,

I'll walk alone because to tell you the truth I'll be lonely,
I don't mind being lonely when my heart tells me you are lonely too.
I'll walk alone, they'll ask me why and I'll tell them I'd rather.
There are dreams I must gather, dreams we fashioned the night you held me tight.
I'll always be near you wherever you are each night in every prayer.
If you call, I'll hear you, no matter how far.
Just close your eyes and I'll be there.
Please walk alone and send your love and your kisses to guide me.
Till you're walking beside me, I'll walk alone.

Last year when I started this blog, I mentioned that there are lots of things I cannot do alone, watching movie been one of them. This is only the second time I have watched a movie in a movie theatre by myself. It was odd, I had nowhere to go to but home, and no one to share the thoughts of the movie but me. For a moment there, I am not sure if I'd rather want to walk alone.


Phantom of the Opera, lover or loser?

For many people in Vancouver, the highlight for summer of '06 has been watching "The Phantom of the Opera".

It wasn't the first time I saw the play, but the beautiful music is still refreshing to listen to. The girls I went with though, were crying their eyes out, according to them, "poor Erik (phantom's name), poor him... sniff sniff, bad Christine, she is a biatch... sniff sniff".

I was pretty perplexed, I couldn't remember how I felt the first time I saw TPOTO, but I am pretty sure I was not feeling sorry for Erik. When the second time I saw it, I definitely am sure that I am NOT feeling sorry for Erik.

Reason is simple, other than the fact that he has poor taste in living environment (a damp, dark basement), his deception and bitterness towards life and people would be hard to bear. Yes, it is true that he had taught Christine and helped her to become the star, but he told her he is the angel sent by her dead father, a deception. Maybe it is the physical deficiency that causes the necessity of the lies, but once you brand yourself as a teacher or even a fathery figure, can you blame the girl for not loving you? That sounds like taking advantage of the authority.

Also, if you really love the person, should you be hiding in the dark (literally) for so many years, not letting her know your feelings? How would you expect a girl to act when you act possesive then kidnapped her in your dungeon (literally) for a few days?

I have no sympathy to how Erik was treated. Just think about a real life situation, Christine would probably get a restraint order and filed civil suits against our beloved Phantom.

But when looking at my female friends sobbing in the theatre, I really hope girls these days are not looking for a man with possesive and deceptive personalities...


Why go and why stay?

1949, 4 years after the end of World War II, the port city of Bremerhaven was devastated by the allie airraids. Arnold, 17 at the time, was working in a meat deli.

It was a summer evening, one of his friend working at the dock told him that there will be a boat leaving tomorrow morning at 5:30am, and it was going to America. Arnold saw the first hand destruction of Germany, and he wanted to get out, leave the country under reconstruction.

He gathered all the money he had and bought the ticket to America. The journey took him to Montreal, not United States as he first thought. He didn't care though, anywhere would be better than home, anywhere...

Montreal was packed with european foreigners, and the job his friend promised was no longer avaliable. Cash was running low, and he needed to work. His friend told him that he has a cousin who works on the west coast, but Arnold had to take a train to get there.

Arnold used up his remaining savings and took the train. After a few days of train ride, he arrived at a little forest/mining town, Port Hardy, BC. It was late, and dark outside. He wondered around the train station. Then he found a small lake, it was covered with reflection of the sky, the sky filled with stars. Arnold gasped, he then told himself, this will be home, this is where I will stay.

Almost 60 years later, Arnold told me the story with his detectable german accent. He has been working in the forestry industry and has since retired. He said he will be buying a small vineyard next year, something he has been wanting since he was a kid.

He smiled and said, "I will never forget the night with the stars..."


They are young, successful, and married...

I am doing something I have never done before, spending 3 straight nights with my C list friends. Yes, the married couples.

C list friends have the following characteristics:

1) they love to host home parties, not the ones where everyone gets drunk, but the ones where everyone gets to play monoploy until the cows come home.

2) they love to set up dates, reason is simple, they want to convert you into C list as well.

3) they are very very gossipy, because there is nothing much to talk about in their married life, they love to know who you are going out with, where you went last night, what are you going to do this weekend, and are you gay if you are not seeing anyone...

Oh, and they usually hang out with other C list friends, therefore, isolating most of the A list friends.

There was last night, an outing with 2 pairs of married couples, they were all young (younger than me), successful at what they do, and very married.

When they knew I was not seeing anyone, I had to go through the following interview

1) determine if I am playing with another team (aka. gay)
2) what type girls I like (you like older girls? you like japanese?...)
3) am I avaliable tomorrow night? (so there will be a setup)

When those are out of the way, we got into interesting conversation, we talked about sex, work, movies, and I have to say I had fun hanging out with these C list friends.

But every couples have their own share of problems like any relationships, one couple is raising a young child, one couple is considering moving to a different continent, one couple is starting a new company... The only difference is that they cannot walk away from their problems, and they have to face their hardship together, unlike B list friends, they could just walk away.

Tonight I am going KTV with more of my C list friends...



我在愛情上是個挺挑食的人(有朋友說這叫犯賤)... 但我一旦吃到好吃的,就天天吃一樣的... 很不幸,人越大,越多東西不吃。我除了一大堆跟感覺很有關係的限制之外,有幾個「絕對不把」得鐵律:

1. 前女友的好朋友
2. 好朋友的前女友


3. 25歲以下



女生也會有雷同的問題,但她們會來的比較早,而且她們還有生理時鐘的壓力,所以她們更要在某個年紀之前(九成九是二十八歲) 趕快找到自己的方向,所以她們在某個年紀之前是很茫然的,要工作? 要唸書? 要找對象? 好像來日無多…





The party after party...

It has been 29 plus a week for me, and I am still feeling the party after effect, maybe I am still at the denial stage... (I am not 29 I am not 29 I am not 29 I am not 29....)

But, I am feeling like more clubbing lately, even though I had a good share of clubbing since the beginning of this year, not much drinking, a lot of dancing. Maybe it is one of the pre-pre-middle-age crsis. :)

Sexy Back

I'm bringing sexy back
Them other boys don't know how to act
I think you're special whats behind your back
So turn around and ill pick up the slack.
Take em' to the bridge

Dirty babe
You see these shackles
Baby I'm your slave
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave
It's just that no one makes me feel this way

Take em' to the chorus

Come here girl
Go ahead, be gone with it
Come to the back
Go ahead, be gone with it
Go ahead, be gone with it
Drinks on me
Go ahead, be gone with it
Let me see what you're tworking with
Go ahead, be gone with it
Look at those hips
Go ahead, be gone with it
You make me smile
Go ahead, be gone with it
Go ahead child
Go ahead, be gone with it
And get your sexy on
Go ahead, be gone with it

Get your sexy on
Go ahead, be gone with it

Get your sexy on

I'm bringing sexy back
Them other boys don't know how to act
Come let me make up for the things you lack
Cause your burning up I gotta get it fast
Take em' to the bridge

I'm bringing sexy back
Them other boys don't know how to act
If that's your girl you better watch your back
Cause she'll burn it up for me and that's a fact

Take em' to the chorus

Okay, it doesn't make much sense posting a dance music lyrics, but the party is on, inside my twenty-f@#king-nine's head...


Happy Birthday to me!!! Again...

Another year, another birthday, but this year is a little different, it marks the last year before the age of 30. Some say this will be a depressing year, I am not sure about that though...

With a great start of a great party surrounded by friends, I am sure this will be another fun year!

Time to make another list of goals/wishes:

5 Year List:
My own place (either 300k condo or 400k townhouse, have to keep up with inflation)
Laser eye surgery (might need mental support, will do after the next wish)
Fall in love (yes, and make it last a little longer than 1 month)
30 million portfolio (my clients', not mine)
Travel to Greece (the Aegean Sea...)

The small list for this year:

Hit golf ball straight 80% of the time (at least with 7 ~ 9 irons)
Learn how to drive a stick (might need friends' cars)
Learn to play guitar (maybe self-learning?)
Get Insurance licensed (again...)
Make a new 5 year list (if the above doesn't work :) )



剛好一年前,在每年生日憂鬱症前夕開始了'小羊碎碎唸' ,用了整個上午的時間回顧過去的一年,從開始的寂寞感,到對感情的討論,喜愛歌曲的歌詞,遊記,小羊碎碎唸慢慢的變成我生活的一部分,我的一部分,當然,一些忠實的讀者給我不少鼓勵...





My own place (either 200k condo or 300k townhouse)
BMW 325i (Mystic Blue or Jet Black)
Laser eye surgery (might need mental support)
Fall in love (yes, I still believe in love)
25 million portfolio (my clients', not mine)

The small list for this year:
Hit golf ball straight 80% of the time (at least with 7 ~ 9 irons)
Learn how to drive a stick (might need friends' cars)
Learn to play guitar (maybe self-learning?)
Make a new 5 year list (if the above doesn't work :) )




Politics for idiots...

Now I am starting to notice a lot of disturbance in the air surrounding political issues in Taiwan. Of course politics have always been a hot topic in Taiwan. It is also a taboo in the cultural as well. If you declare that you are supporting a certain political party in the public, you would have created a few friends and enemies at the same time.

I realized the seriousness of the subject a few years back, when I asked my dad who he was going to vote for in that year's presidential election. He said "it is a secret"... I was thinking, "What the heck! I am your son who is living thousands km away and cannot vote anyhow!” That is just to show how serious voting can be in Taiwan, and “thou shall not share the secret, even it is your eldest offspring…”

To make people remember a certain political party, a certain colour will be used, or even animals, the two big parties in US, democrats (blue and donkey), republicans (red and elephant), in Taiwan, there are blue, green, yellow, orange... Why? A simple association of colour is so easy to remember, you don't have to know what each party stands for in order to vote for them, just remember the colours...

In Taiwan, I think politics is still at its infancy stage, just look at the poll turnout for each election, you see high 80%, that is to show that people are passionate about politics, they still believe that politicians will do what they have promised to do, and voters themselves will feel good to be part of something.

To feel good to be part of something... That is very important in politics. That is why you see rallies, protests, and songs in election campaigns. The feeling of being part of something larger than life has the same effect as a rock concert, honestly, if you pick anyone in the crowd and ask him/her what he/she is fighting for, he/she will probably give you a commendatory piece from news outlet, but really, is that what people think?

Media has to take a lot of heat for stirring up things, of course, it is easy to say that people demands it, and people are not interested in boring news, thus some creativity should be added into the news. For example, when the conflict in middle east started recently, various news outlets will find experts to warn the public that World War 3 is coming, is that really necessary? Would that help the public to understand and be interested in the subject? I argue that Media has a lot to do with the uncomfortable atmosphere in Taiwan, but some will not agree, they will think they are smarter than the media, they can see thru the fabrication in the news, sadly, it is not as easy to see thru when politics are involved…





山頂一個黑狗兄 伊是牧場的少爺
透早到晚真打拼 牧場開闊歸山拼

嘴唸明朗的歌聲 透日歌聲唸抹定
伊的歌韻真好聽 聲好會唸介出名

有聽聲音無影 U Lay E Lee 歌喉聲山嶺
歌生幼軟緣投得人痛 U Lay E Lee

阮的貼心黑狗兄 逍遙自在真好命
U Lay E Lee U Lay E Lee U Lay E Lee

我哼著哼著 (因為不會歌詞)﹐才發現我已經走出傷痛...



On that Autumn morning...

It was an autumn morning, 7 months into unemployment, after completing several video games, and built a few model cars/tanks, I was sleeping. Then, my mom woke me up, in the middle of the morning, she said, "US was under a full scale attack!".

There was so much excitement in her voice, like someone had found Santa Claus. That woke me up, I went to the TV, seeing the burning buildings was really surreal. Of course, there wasn't a full scale attack. But over two thousand people died...

The world paused for a second, then the world moved on. The president in US started a war, then another war. I found a job, then another job. I found love, then another love. Many people have moved on, but there was an autumn morning when people stopped and thought about life.

Hero - Nickelback

I am so high. I can hear heaven.
I am so high. I can hear heaven.
Oh but heaven, no heaven don’t hear me.

And they say that a hero can save us.
I’m not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles.
Watch as we all fly away.

Someone told me love [would] all save us.
But how can that be, look what love gave us.
A world full of killing, n' blood-spilling
that won't never came.

And they say that a hero can save us.
I’m not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles.
Watch as we all fly away.

Now that the world isn't ending, [it's]love that I’m sending to you.
It isn’t the love of a hero, and that’s why I fear it won’t do.

And they say that a hero can save us.
I’m not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles.
Watch as we all fly away.

[And they're watching us
(Watching Us)
[They're watching us]
(Watching Us)
as we all fly away.

Never a big fan of nickelback, but this song was released on the faithful day. Very ironic... and that, I have learnt, is life...




老掉牙的故事,許多人都會為莉香打抱不平,完治現在幸福了,那莉香怎麼辦? 沒人可以回答,因為不可憐就不是愛情故事…




所以當他們問「你覺得我應不應該給他機會?」的時候,我會反問他們,你們之間的問題有沒有解決? 他們的答案通常是沉默,但之後會給我一個理直氣壯的答案,「但我知道我不給他機會,我一定會後悔!」,或是一副慷慨就義的樣子,「反正過一天算一天…」




The silence after the storm...

I love to emcee events, to entertain a large crowd, to be part of something that is bigger...

Although being recognized right away and bonded with the crowd, the time after the events are something hard to get used to. It is hard to rid the feeling of excitement, and the sudden feeling of a little loneliness. Like the moment you left a rock concert and the morning to wake up to a monday.

Maybe the crowd was never there, or maybe they have never left...
















Summer of 2006

To Summer of 2006

It seems like you won't be staying, I still have to thank you before you leave.

First of all, I want to thank you for bringing in the nice weather, without the weather, everything else would have looked very differently.

Then, there is love, you have brought in and out a few chances, if it wasn't you, I probably would have no chances of meeting these people and discover what I am looking for and how I need to face them.

Although you haven't really helped me on my business side, you have introduced a few good friends, some of these friends, I know I will hangout for a long while.

As I probably won't see you again, but some of your memories I will always remember, here is a song for you...

Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends Lyrics

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

Like my fathers come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are

As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

Ring out the bells again
Like we did when Spring began
Wake me up when September ends

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are

As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

Like my fathers come to pass
Twenty years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends








她興奮的跳起來,仔細的左看右看,只在應該斷裂的地方,看得出細細金色的痕跡。金色? 仙杜拉看雅各胸前,他母親唯一留給他的金製十字架不見了,她感動的抱著他,


王子焦急的在王宮裡走動,他記不得了,他記不得當晚那個公主的名字,現在連長相都記不得,他只記得她那時毫不做作的表情、美麗的眼睛、她的一顰一笑… 她到底在哪裡? 他看著他手中的玻璃鞋,他不論用什麼方法都要找到它的女主人,因為當他見到她的一霎那,他就知道她將是他的公主…


使者隆重的把仙杜拉接回王宮,王子在階梯上迎接她的到來,她下了馬車,見到王子就害羞的低下頭… 全國上下都高興的在道路旁等待王子和他未來妻子的到來,身穿白紗的仙杜拉和王子在馬車上接受人民的讚美和祝福。人群中,她見到了他。她彎下身,雙手緊緊的握著她的摯友,雅各在她耳邊說,





他選擇讓她離開,就算再不忍、再捨不得,他不恨,因為她給他帶來許多的歡樂… 在禮堂前他們擁抱,然後轉身離開,仙杜拉依依不捨的看著王子的背影,衷心的祝福他可以找到自己的幸福…






明天的明天的明天 (動力火車)

愛淹沒了你 你才抓住了我
你逗留多久 我沒有問過
痛痛哭了你 你淚濕了我
你被誰傷透 你從沒有說

如果你沒勇氣陪我到 明天的明天的明天
倒不如就忘了就斷了 寂寞的昨天的昨天
誰都不必道歉 只是苦會多一點
既然你愛錯了我 認錯是終點

如果你沒勇氣陪我到 明天的明天的明天
倒不如就算了就放了 空虛的昨天的昨天
你就在我眼前 但別再愛我一天
別看我 別愛我 別怪我 閉上雙眼








心很空 天很大 雲很重
我恨孤單 卻趕不走
捧著她的名字 她的喜怒哀樂
往前走 多久了

久了之後 她變成了眼淚
淚一滴在左手 凝固成為寂寞
往回看 有什麼

那女孩對我說 說我保護她的夢
說這個世界 對她這樣的不多
她漸漸忘了我 但是她並不曉得
遍體麟傷的我 一天也沒再愛過

那女孩對我說 說我是一個小偷
偷她的回憶 塞進我的腦海中
我不需要自由 只想揹著她的夢
一步步向前走 她給的永遠不重




If I Were a Rich Man...

In the business of money and greed, I often wonder, what does rich mean? How rich is rich?

One of my most loved musical film when I was a child, Fiddler on the Roof (1971), has a catchy song called "If I were a rich man". The main character, Tevye, a Jewish Farmer living in Pre-revolution Russia. He is a simple character, happy but poor with a good heart, a little greedy, and with 3 daughters. The story revolves around his family and the fate of his daughters. I can see some similarities in this classic with Ang Lee's "Eat Drink Men Women".

In one scene, you see the poor farmer daydreaming, dancing in his barn, singing outloud...

If I Were a Rich Man

"Dear God, you made many, many poor people.
I realize, of course, that it's no shame to be poor.
But it's no great honor either!
So, what would have been so terrible if I had a small fortune?"

If I were a rich man,
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
If I were a wealthy man.
I wouldn't have to work hard.
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
If I were a biddy biddy rich,
Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man.

I'd build a big tall house with rooms by the dozen,
Right in the middle of the town.
A fine tin roof with real wooden floors below.
There would be one long staircase just going up,
And one even longer coming down,
And one more leading nowhere, just for show.

I'd fill my yard with chicks and turkeys and geese and ducks
For the town to see and hear.
And each loud "cheep" and "swaqwk" and "honk" and "quack"
Would land like a trumpet on the ear,
As if to say "Here lives a wealthy man."

If I were a rich man,
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
If I were a wealthy man.
I wouldn't have to work hard.
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
If I were a biddy biddy rich,
Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man.

I see my wife, my Golde, looking like a rich man's wife
With a proper double-chin.
Supervising meals to her heart's delight.
I see her putting on airs and strutting like a peacock.
Oy, what a happy mood she's in.
Screaming at the servants, day and night.

The most important men in town would come to fawn on me!
They would ask me to advise them,
Like a Solomon the Wise.
"If you please, Reb Tevye..."
"Pardon me, Reb Tevye..."
Posing problems that would cross a rabbi's eyes!
And it won't make one bit of difference if i answer right or wrong.
When you're rich, they think you really know!

If I were rich, I'd have the time that I lack
To sit in the synagogue and pray.
And maybe have a seat by the Eastern wall.
And I'd discuss the holy books with the learned men, several hours every day.
That would be the sweetest thing of all.

If I were a rich man,
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
If I were a wealthy man.
I wouldn't have to work hard.
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
If I were a biddy biddy rich,
Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man.

His view of being Rich is to have a big house, lots of animals, being fed well, being respected, and having lots of time to study. Many things haven't changed over the years, people still want to be richer than they are now. Wealth means big houses, properties, good food, respect... and maybe free time. What Tevye missed is the fact that wealth will probably not bring him happiness, although he thought it might.

Money is the necessary evil in life, it is something we have created to help us to value, to trade, but it also helped us to judge people. Not many people can see pass that...



Fear is the unpleasant feeling of risk, a force that freezes your thoughts and chokes your breath. The fear of height, the fear of water, the fear of getting old, the fear of death, the fear of giving, the fear of love, the fear of being loved...

My worst fears are 1)being ordinary 2)I will never find someone who understands me in this world.

I watched "Munich" last night, taking the political discussions aside, there was one scene where one of the character told the main character.

"...You do any terrifying thing you're asked to do, but you have to do it running. You think you can outrun your fears, your doubts. The only thing that really scares you guys is stillness."

Fear is what it is, Fear. Every individuals have their ways of dealing with their own fears. Most would run away, going to another country, changing names, making new friends, going into another relationship...

It reminds me of Pac-Man. The yellow pizza-looking creature has to move around to avoid the ghosts chasing him. You can never play Pac-Man having it stationary. However, eventually, your fears will catch up with you. Then, you have no choice but to face your fear.

Do you know what your fears are? And how do you deal with them?




"Je n'ai alors rien su comprendre! J'aurais dû la juger sur les actes et non sur les mots. Elle m'embaumait et m'éclairait. Je n'aurais jamais dû m'enfuir! J'aurais dû devinre sa tendresse derrière ses pauvres ruses. les fleurs sont si contradictoires! Mais j'étais trop jeune pour savoir l'aimer."

"事實上我以前什麼事情都不了解! 我應該以她的行為去做判斷,而不是只聽她所說的。她的光彩、她的香氣讓我魂牽夢繫。我當時不應該離開她的... 我應該試著去猜她影藏在花招背後的愛意。花是多麼的自相矛盾! 但我當時還太年輕,不知道如何去愛她..."


小王子說的不只是他的玫瑰,他說的是每位男性所經歷的... 愛過的那個女人...





「為什麼?! 」

經過幾次沒頭沒腦的對話,我還是不知道客家人哪裡有問題受歧視,倒是對我未來的婚姻有小小的擔憂… 嫁給我會很可憐?!





另外,客家的女性在以前是需要下田工作的,所以很多人都說客家女人非常刻苦耐勞,反之,客家男性就顯得很大男人,現代的客家女人不只要工作,家務也要照顧,因為客家男人是不管的。(這是真的,我從來沒有看過我爺爺伯伯下廚煮飯給任何人吃,我想幫奶奶姑姑還都會被罵) 怪不得有人說嫁給客家人很可憐…







風象星座的人喜歡說話,flirtatious,喜歡社交,看我的幾個外號: 小羊碎碎唸、social butterfly、社交貴賓狗... 好像還蠻準的...


Air Sign According to astrological theory, air signs are the talkers and communicators of the Zodiac. Typically they are supposed to be intellectual, analytical, articulate and versatile - able to discuss just about any topic. Air signs are also seen as the masters of social graces because they enjoy socialising and are very good at "small talk". They are often seen as so objective that they are unable to be practical and realistic.

At worst, air signs are supposed to be so changeable they will not stay anywhere for any length of time, and so restless they have trouble with serious concentration on any single job they might be required to carry out. Air signs' role is seen as providing the ideas that make the future different from the past, whereas fire signs carry out the actions necessary for this. In human relationships, air signs are said to be gregarious and extroverted, often attracting friends very willingly and easily with their charm and ability to communicate.

However, air signs are believed to be lacking in passion and unable to form strong, lasting relationships; astrologers believe few air sign people are able to have a single marriage, for they are said to be as apt to try out new people as new ideas. Air signs are also thought to be extremely lacking in emotional depth because they tend to intellectualise their feelings and generally want to avoid difficult obstacles that might be needed to hold a partnership together.

Air signs are seen as complementary to fire signs because they provide the ideas that allow the fire signs to carry out their action. However, it is often though that fire signs are too flagrant and impatient for the air signs to tolerate permanently. Air signs are supposed to more or less understand Earth signs because they share a basically rational nature. However, whilst air signs are supposed to admire earth signs' will to achieve, they supposedly find them too timid, pessimistic, undemonstrative and cautious, and the earth signs, though attracted by the air signs' unique thoughts, find them completely unrealistic. Water signs are believed to be much too passionate and emotionally deep for air signs' flighty, flirtatious nature: indeed, astrology believes air signs hate water signs as too subjective, secretive and illogical. For their part water signs supposedly deride air signs as emotionally shallow, excessively concerned with worldly pleasure, and uncaring.

With most planets in air signs, astrology belives the individual is likely to tend to try to do too many things at once and be impractical, restless, even scheming. At best, such a person could be extraordinarily bright and intelligent and able to provide new innovations. With few or no planets in air signs, astrology believes the person will be unable to articulate thoughts or ideas. they may lack social graces necessary to communicate and, at worst, are supposed to distance themselves from their own ideas ...

我看得有點毛骨悚然,因為還真準,只有講到感情和工作,我就不大茍同,照上面說的,我應該沒有辦法和一個人在一起太久,或在一個工作做太久。認識我的人都覺得我還蠻死心榻地的,不過很多剛認識我的人,都承認他們對我的第一印象是... 我應該是很不專情、很愛換工作的人... 還有我絕對絕對不會逃避感情中的困難!

看了半天,我最大的心得是.... 我應該要找一個火象女人把我燒一燒,要不找一個風象女人跟我自相殘殺、一起作夢...


so I am a snake

I was born as a fire snake, according to the chinese zodiac. I also know that snakes are creepy, cold blood creatures.

According to Wikipedia,

The person born in the year of snake is perhaps the wisest and most enigmatic of all. He/she can become a philosopher, a theologian, a political lizard or a wily financier. Such a person is a thinker who also likes to live well. The snake-person loves books, music, clothes, and fine food; but with all his fondness for the good things in life, his innate elegance gives him a dislike for frivolities and foolish talk. Snake-persons like communicating and like interesting conversations; if the conversation becomes repetitive their attention may soon wander. It is almost impossible to fix their attention for long talking about the weather. They prefer to focus on new, interesting, unusual ideas and on intelligent discussion in general. These people have a special talent that enables them to judge situations correctly. They are alert to new possibilities: when they have an idea of what to do and how to do it, they will pursue it persistently and energetically. They are self-confident and usually don't bother to listen to someone else's opinion. But this can also have a negative effect. Refusing to listen to constructive advice, they may get into needless trouble. Although it is difficult for such people to take advice, they are patient with others when it comes to giving a helping hand, and their ability to look at a problem from a variety of angles is extremely appreciated. When faced with a dilemma, snake people, as a rule, act with speed and conviction, since they believe intensely in what they are doing and rarely waste time or energy on projects lacking in good potential.

I think many of the points are very similar to my horoscope, for example, likes finer things in life (sun sign libra), looks at a problem from a variety of angles (sun sign libra), likes interesting ppl and conversations (rising sign aquarius), hard to take advice (rising sign aquarius), short attention span (moon sign gemini)...

However, the biggest difference is on situations when I may face a dilemma, Libra cannot decide while a snake act with speed and conviction.

On the other hand, my blood type AB doesn't not share any traits with snake, which is kinda interesting, considering AB does share some characteristics with my horoscope, rational (aquarius), sociable (libra), cool (aquarius), indecisive (libra)...

Again, you shouldn't divide ppl up into 12 groups, but including all the other stuff in, this might become interesting... :)


so I am type AB

I never knew what my blood type was until I was 14, checking my blood was part of the physical check-up. I am type AB positive, which didn't come to a surprise since my mom is a B, my dad is an A.

However, I did receive some weird looks when I disclosed that I am type AB. My friends told me that type ABs are selfish, sneaky and weird, I suppose being weird can be subjective, but I didn't think that I was that selfish nor sneaky.

When I was in biology class, I learnt that people with AB blood can receive blood from any type in tranfusion, but AB blood can only be accepted by people with AB blood. So, to put it another way, AB takes blood from everyone, but only gives blood to AB. I suppose this is where the selfish thingie come from.

When I was donating blood a few years ago, I asked the nurse, since AB blood can only be accepted by AB and O blood can be accepted by everyone, does that mean my blood is less desirable? She said no, because the plasma from AB blood can only be donated to people with AB blood, while O blood people can take plasma from any blood type. Another thing, she added, AB is only about 4% of the population in the world, while O and A take about 75%. I guess that is where the sneaky thing come from, we are a rare breed!

So I have done further research, the blood type personality research was done in the early 20th century, when German Nazi used it to justified that they are a superior race. (more A and O, while more B in Jews and Asian) Then Japanese catched on, thought the finding will breed better soliders, then the craze faded in the 1930s as its unscientific basis became evident. However, in 1970s, some writer/journalist named Masahiko Nomi, who had no medical background, wrote books on blood type and personality. In the book, A is common in Japan, O is prime minister material (60% of Japanese prime ministers are Os), B makes good cooks while, AB is often considered the least desirable type. Nomi became famous, and so did the theory.

According to Nomi:

A - law-abiding, conservative, introverted, reserved, patient, punctual, perfectionist, good with plants, obsessive, stubborn, self conscious, and uptight.

O - outgoing, passionate, and individualistic, ambitious, athletic, robust and self-confident, natural leaders, arrogant, vain, insensitive and ruthless.

B - carefree and cheerful, creative and passionate, animal loving, optimistic, flexible, individualist, forgetful, irresponsible, and self-centered.

AB - serious, cool, controlled, rational, sociable, popular, empathic, aloof, critical, indecisive and unforgiving.

I know it is probably not right to divide people into four groups and determine their personalities that way. If there are only four types of people in the world, it would be a very boring place. Plus, I found myself with traits from other blood type as well. I wonder what if I combine horoscope, blood type, chinese horoscope all together, would that be an accurate description of my personality?

oh, and please, now you know where the theory came from, please stop discriminate people by blood types (esp. type AB), try discriminating them by the way they treat small animals. :)





忘了有多久 再沒聽到你
我想了很久 我開始慌了

你哭著對我說 童話裡都是騙人的
也許你不會懂 從你說愛我以後

我願變成童話裡 你愛的那個天使
張開雙手 變成翅膀守護你
你要相信 相信我們會像童話故事裡



Mr. Big

"Why the heck are you still talking to him?", I asked

"You know he is my Mr. Big...", my friend told me the other day, over the phone, I could imagine her shrugging at the same time.

Who is this Mr. Big? Like the Mr. Big in "Sex and City", he is handsome, mature, wealth, and romantic. The only problem is that he is in another relationship...

The thing is, as most girls who are seeking someone of Mr. Big quality, they idolize Mr. Big. Doesn't matter if Mr. Big is abusive, mentally unavaliable, or a complete moral faliure, he is the thing that make a girl's knees weak.

Why is that the case? I suspect that subconsciouslly these girls are sabotaging their own relationships by getting into relationships that have no tomorrows. Even though most of them say, "all I want is a stable and long term relationship with someone who cares about me...", but by being with Mr. Big, how the heck will they satisfy any of the above needs? I think they should just admit that, "I want fiery, passionate love, with rollercoaster rides and heartaches in between", not there is anything wrong with that, I think that is a more accurate statment of the girls who are looking for Mr. Big.

Of course, that is a little cynical, given that wanting to be with someone who is mature, wealthy, good looking and romantic is every girl's dream. However, they really don't have to pick the ones with all of the above quality plus being abusive, mentally unavaliable, or a complete moral faliure. I understand why girls would love Mr. Big, but please don't tell me that all you want is Adian, while you are still looking for Mr. Big. Maybe, you are not ready for Adian?

Girls, I think Mr. Big is Mr. Big only because you want him to be your Mr. Big, you have given the power to him to become a Mr. Big... Hopefully, I am not someone's Mr. Big.


Whatever Will Be, Will Be




Whatever Will Be, Will Be
Performed by Doris Day

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me

Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be

When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said

Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be

Now I have children of my own
They asked their mother what will I be
Will I be handsome, will I be rich
I tell them tenderly

Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be

一生的過程好像就是這樣,感情、婚姻、事業,有些事情超出我們控制範圍的,該放手,認天命... 但真的難,真的要放手做到 Que sera, sera?


What is that humming noise?

When I woke up this morning, I remember this moment I had last month, and I chuckled...

It was when a few of my friends and I went down to Seattle to attend a buddy's graduation. My buddy actually rented a very nice place for us to stay.

In the morning, when I found some of my friends missing, I decided to take a walk at the nearby lake, Green lake, pretty close to the Woodland park. It was a beautiful late spring/early summer morning, you see people jogging, young and old, you see family playing basketball, it felt like another world...

When I went back to the house, my buddy was preparing breakfast. We had a wonderful time chatting away, and then... we heard this humming noise... first it was very faint, then it became louder.

We thought it came from the wall, no, we checked the tv, kitchen, upstairs, washrooms. You could almost feel that the floor is humming as well. What the heck! We did a full house search, nothing...

Fine, we were just about to leave the house anyways. That is when I picked up my bag on the floor... and the bag is humming! I opened the bag, there it was, my braun electric shaver, humming away. I turned off the shaver, and the humming noise was gone. Everyone just looked at each other for a few seconds, then bursted into laughs... some good times!






爺爺從沒解釋過他做的研究是什麼,我只有在片片段段了解他年輕時差點被日軍送去東南亞做砲灰,曾在巴拿馬待過... 至於他的工作,我並不清楚,對我來說,爺爺是個長的很可愛,喜歡在公園唱卡拉OK,喜歡叫我唸書,受過日本教育的白髮老人...

「稻香」是我今年回台灣,爺爺送我的書,他說是他的著作,我看看封面寫著「稻作育種試驗研究推廣生涯之回顧」,說真的,沒有想要看的衝動,書被我當裝飾幾個月,終於被我拿起來催眠... 沒想到,一讀就是停不下來,原來爺爺研究稻米幾十年的經驗,就被縮成幾十頁,就好像一本自傳,原來爺爺曾被政府送去巴拿馬、芠萊、菲律賓做農產品的援助發展,又像是武功密籍,詳細的記載每種米的差異,堆肥的方式,甚至煮飯的方式... 一粒粒的米就是爺爺幾十年的苦心...

翻到最後一頁,爺爺把祖孫三代的照片,也是我去年回台灣照的照片,佔滿整頁,寫了大大的「全家福照」,我才赫然發現,原來不擅言詞的爺爺,花時間把他的經驗寫成書的原因就是要讓家裡的人了解他的過去,他的熱誠... 我應該打個電話給爺爺說,他真的好了不起...


It wasn't you...

It was me on the dance floor,
Did you see me?

No, it wasn't you,
it wasn't you in that corner,
looking at me.

Alone on the dance floor,
moving with the music,
my eyes wonder,
my mind wonders,

Is that you,
is that you in white?

No, it wasn't you,
it wasn't you in white,
looking at me.

Moving my body with the music,
I thought I saw your face,
in the crowd,

No, it wasn't you,
it wasn't you in the crowd,
smiling at me.

I know it wasn't you,
but I still saw your face,
everywhere I turned,

I still saw your smile,
everytime I closed my eyes,

I know it wasn't,
it wasn't you...


Be married, be merry…




我要求自己花時間去了解自己,害怕的原因到底在哪? 我積極參與朋友們的婚禮,和準新人們一起計畫流程,和新郎去買新表、拿禮服… 發現兩人的溝通有多麼重要,一個婚禮,一個婚姻並不只兩個人的結合,而是兩個家庭的結合。許多口角,許多爭執,可以不是有關兩人,但會延伸到兩人的家庭背景、兩個人的價值觀、兩個人教育子女的方式… 我深深相信,一個婚禮幹麼辦的那麼隆重,那麼多習俗,那麼多人,做麼多事,又吃飯,又迎娶,又鬧洞房… 為的只是有一天,可能是多年後,可能是幾個月後,兩口子鬧得不開心,還可以回想當年為了在一起,花了多少力氣,有什麼事不能溝通?



對我現在來說,be merry比be married還要重要多了,還是希望可以轟轟烈烈、認認真真的談戀愛,如果繼續走下去,那是最完美的,但我不奢求,畢竟我沒有太多可以給的,除了我自己…


SFO a few months later...

Here I am, 8 months later, 8 months older, travelling on the same highway from SFO to Santa Clara. An interesting day it has been, delayed flight, cramped seat, between meals, talked to you...

Only 8 months ago, I thought I was in love, only 1 month ago, I thought I was in love again. It hasn't been easy... seeing you being happy with someone else, but it has to be, as it has always been...

On the lonely road in the middle of nowhere, I thought about you, where the road could have led to, I thought about the things you said, the things I might have said, it hasn't been easy... wishing you happy with someone else, but it has to be, as it has always been...

I wish I can be the childish me, telling you to stay, but instead, I wish you well, in the city of Santa Clara, I wish you joy, under the starless cloudless sky, I wish you nothing more and nothing less than what you wish for, as always, only in SFO, only a few weeks later, only a few months later...


Please forgive me...

If you ask me, who is my favourite Canadian singer, there are quite a few choices, Michael Buble, Nelly Furtado, Diana Krall, Alanis Morissette, Celine Dion, Shania Twain... But, without a second thought, I would say "Bryan Adams".

Every since high school, I have been listening to Bryan, good old songs like "summer of '69", "All for one", newer songs like "cloud #9", "let's make a night to remember", every song brings back some memory, somehow, his songs were always there, playing in the background.

He always has this casual attutide towards his music, you would see him in old jeans in his concerts or even in his own music videos. To me, that is canadian music, that is canadian, non-pretentious and passionate, kinda like me...

One song I love the most, is "Please forgive me"...

Please Forgive Me

It still feels like our first night together
Feels like the first kiss and
It's gettin' better baby
No one can better this
I'm still hold on and you're still the one
The first time our eyes met it's the same feelin' I get
Only feels much stronger and I wanna love ya longer
You still turn the fire on

So If you're feelin' lonely.. don't
You're the only one I'd ever want
I only wanna make it good
So if I love ya a little more than I should

Please forgive me I know not what I do
Please forgive me I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me

This pain I'm going through
Please forgive me
If I need ya like I do
Please believe me
Every word I say is true
Please forgive me I can't stop loving you
Still feels like our best times are together
Feels like the first touch

We're still gettin' closer baby
Can't get close enough I'm still holdin' on
You're still number one I remember the smell of your skin
I remember everything
I remember all your moves
I remember you
I remember the nights ya know I still do

One thing I'm sure of
Is the way we make love
And the one thing I depend on
Is for us to stay strong
With every word and every breath I'm prayin'
That's why I'm sayin'...

With his rugged voice and mellow rock music. The somewhat sisi song begging for love actually worked. In the music video, there was no story, just a camera following a dog while it is wondering around in the stuido when Bryan and his band is performing the song. Very Bryan...

Towards the end of the song, it turns into this soft rambling... Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you...

This song was always there, everytime I fell in love...







後來 我總算學會了 如何去愛
可惜你 早已遠去 消失在人海
後來 終於在眼淚中明白
有些人 一旦錯過就不再

梔子花 白花瓣 落在我藍色百褶裙
「愛你」 你輕聲說
我低下頭 聞見一陣芬芳
那個永恆的夜晚 十七歲仲夏 你吻我的那個夜晚
讓我往後的時光 每當有感嘆
總想起 當天的星光

那時候的愛情 為什麼就能那樣簡單
而又是為什麼 人年少時
在這相似的深夜裡 你是否一樣 也在靜靜追懷感傷
如果當時我們能 不那麼倔強
現在也 不那麼遺憾

你都如何回憶我 帶著笑或是很沉默
這些年來 有沒有人能讓你不寂寞

有一個男孩 愛著那個女孩



最近久沒見的高中同學,都說我一點都沒變,聽了有些氣餒,以為經歷幾年至少有變成熟,變帥吧? 幾個月沒見的朋友卻說,我看起來很累,我想是裡裡外外都累了,但還有很多東西想做,是該放給合適的人做的時候了...




一九九六年的初夏,幾位在下課時間打了好多年撲克牌的高中朋友,打了最後一次大老二… 然後就好幾年沒再見了…




當然,我免不了又問過去十年大家快不快樂? 大家都是有一點快樂,我說非常快樂,因為有機會經歷了許多…


真的有好多年沒回去了,學校建了新的校舍,但停車場、操場、側門、餐廳… 都沒有變… 我們走在校園的角落,一切都很像作夢,夢境不是很清晰,但場景和人物都是似曾相識…


天豬說好像學校的樹都沒有長大,我也覺得我們好像也都沒有長大,停留在最青澀的那一刻,擔心考試,擔心明天,等著下課,等著打球… We have changed, but we are still the same…




When did you?

I had a chance to go down to the states for a buddy's MBA graduation, it was a great chance to get away...

During the prolonged ceremony and between speeches, I found myself wondering outside of the theatre. In the hall way, there were two kids running around at full speed, chasing each other. An attendent went over and asked them to walk instead of running. Of course, her request was promptly ignored.


When did you learn to walk instead of running?
When did you learn to cry instead of laughing?
When did you learn to lie instead of telling the truth?
When did you learn to walk away instead of fighting?
When did you learn to let go instead of holding on?
When did you start clapping instead of jumping for joy?
When did you start talking instead of listening?
When did you start to be dissatisfied instead of being contented?
When did you learn to hate instead of to love?

When did you start to walk instead of running?




我老實跟她說不怎麼好,但會過去的。倒是她讓我擔心,聊了一下感情事,我不禁要問,到底什麼愛情才是值得? 對妳最好? 最愛妳? 讓妳最開心? 讓妳最有安全感? 有共同的未來? 我想大部分的人因該會選以上其中一個答案…

但說真的,妳現在的選擇真的是以上的其中一個嗎? 是值得的愛情嗎?





那她的姓呢? 為什麼沒有跟夫姓? 她說那是她前夫的姓,她跟她現在的丈夫結婚不到一年,就發現有輕微的老人癡呆症,然後慢慢的惡化,直到需要住療養院,她天天照三餐去療養院餵他吃飯,已經五年了…

她說著就露出了微笑,「他今天不錯哦,他今天記得我哦…」 我問她,那不好的時候呢? 「不好的時候,看我就好像看陌生人一樣…」綠色的瞳孔充滿了憂傷…

我聽的好感動,我之前的工作經驗告訴我,老人癡呆症平均壽命是十年,我想這老太太也知道這個數據。但他們才結婚一年,她為什麼可以為一個漸漸把她當陌生人的人,犧牲她自己沒剩幾年的人生? 尤其是一個她深愛的人,她怎麼忍心去天天面對他? 看他在自己面前慢慢消失?








翻翻桌上剛洗回來的照片,拖了半年,有兩百多張,但裡面的人真的是我嗎? 站在朋友婚禮、坐在火車上、和女友合照,每一張看起來都很開心,那真的是我嗎? 為什麼現在都感覺不到那時的快樂?

我總在夜深人靜時,觸摸一下回憶,感覺一下許許多多的喜怒哀樂,回憶不像照片,永遠是快樂的一霎那… 在指尖下流過那刻苦銘心的痛、那朦朧的月光、那狂喜的心跳、那茫然的焦急、那漠然的眼神、那逗留在胸口她的睙、那莫名的害怕、那幸福和痛苦交集的感覺、那完全不需妥協的快樂…



As matter of Exs...

Last night, I had a nice dinner with a few friends at home. When I was reading some fashion magazines from TW. I heard one of my friend said, “shhhh… he can hear us...”

Not trying to be paranoid, but I was the only person not involved in the conversation.

“Okay, what were you guys talking about?”
“Er… we were just talking about which of your Exs suits you the best…”

That was interesting, even though they were all history; I definitely wanted to know what everyone thinks!

”Well, I think Ms. A is the most suited as far as personality, you guys are both out going and sociable, you are very compatible.” said Mr. B, the graphic designer.
“Really? Other than the fact that she can’t determine what she wants to do?”
“I think Ms. N is the best for him, she was nice, quiet and very housewife type, probably balance out his life better.” said Ms. J, the marketing entrepreneur.
“Ya… and she is currently married with a kid…”
“I think Ms. C is the most suitable one, you two look good together.” said Mr. A, the usually quiet professional photographer.
“Right… because we took salon pictures together?”
“I think Ms. L (not herself) is pretty, why do you like her again?” asked Ms. L, the real estate agent.

Me: er… (trying to think…)
Ms. J: If you have to think, then you don’t really like her.
Me: hm… (trying to think… with a smile on my face)
Ms. L: That’s right! You don’t like her.
Me: Did you guys know we have the same birthday?
Mr. B: No way…
Ms. J: So you are saying you have similar personalities?
Me: Ya… but we use different parts of our brains, I am the rational one, she is the artistic one.
Mr. A: She uses right brain, you use left brain.
Me: And, without going into details, with her family situation, she is the person I really want to protect and share her burdens.
…. (everyone)
Ms. L: Hey, what about Ms. R I introduced you the other day? Isn’t she pretty?
Ms. J: I don’t think he is interested… (others echoed)
Me: Well, she is very pretty, but I don’t think I am ready to be in a relationship yet. Let me rest a little first.
………... (everyone)

I couldn’t remember how the conversation ended, but I think it was a discussion about how I spoil my girls, and how I will get a trophy wife at home, she doesn’t even have to work after I get married. And of course, about how I would eat McDee everyday when single, but nice meals with girlfriends.

I couldn’t sleep last night, I couldn’t help to think, to think about how each relationship started and ended. Some started romantic, some started passionate, some ended with understanding, and some ended with a lame phone call. They are all very different, but they are all very independent in their own ways…

The only person who was involved in all these was me. Have I changed over the years? I think I have. I understand more, I care more. Most importantly, I think I know what type of girl I really want.

Have I changed the way I love? Probably not, as a few friends pointed out, I jumped into a relationship too quickly; fell in love too quickly, without making sure if others can return the same feelings.

I agree with the above statement. Some people go into relationship with extreme cautions because they don’t want to get hurt, and they will run at the first sign of trouble. I have to admit that I am quite picky when choosing a girl, but once in a relationship, I would pour in my feelings without reservation, hoping to receive something back.

That is why I still get burnt, no matter how long a relationship lasts. But without hesitation, I would do the same again. Like what I have heard before, “Work like you don’t need the money, Love like you haven’t been hurt before, and Dance like no one is looking.”

Would I change the way I love? No dear, I won’t!



It was brought to my attention that this song has been on the airwave for the past 2 years. I have to admit that I have never seriously listened to the lyrics, until a week ago. It reminds me of another song, 明年今日. Similar story, different attitudes...

It has been probably one of my biggest regret, that I have lost my best friend, someone who knew me dearly, when we broke up...


It's hard to remember how it felt before
Now I found the love of my life
Passes things, get more comfortable
Everything is going right

And after all the obstacles
It's good to see you now with someone else
And it's such a miracle that you and me are still good friends
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
I know we're cool

We used to think it was impossible
Now you call me by my new last name
Memories seem like so long ago
Time always kills the pain

Remember Harbor Boulevard
The dreaming days where the mess was made
Look how all the kids have grown, oh
We have changed but we're still the same
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
I know we're cool

Yeah, I know we're cool

And I'll be happy for you
If you can be happy for me
Circles and triangles
And now we're hanging out with your new girlfriend
So far from where we've been
I know we're cool
I know we're cool

C-cool, I know we're cool
I know we're cool

"We have changed but we're still the same"... I am happy for you, you are happy for me too, right?



「那我們呢? 」

「你陪我幾十年,會不會寂寞,會不會? 」




You are beautiful...

My friend said,
Come by my house after work, I still have some whiskey,
Let it go, it is better this way,
You are too good for her,
Please be strong and continue to have faith in love,

I say thank you, but I was thinking...

Maybe I should have held you longer,
kiss you longer,
listen to you more,
talk to you more,
hear you sing...

Maybe, it was not suppose to be...
Maybe, if I had met you earlier, or later...
Maybe, I will never be with you... or never should have...

"You're Beautiful"

My life is brilliant.

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

or never should have...



過去幾個月, 工作、社團讓我喘不過氣,從台灣回來後,生了場大病,突然覺得好累好累,如果有人可以分享我的快樂悲傷,寂寞不會是有人陪的唯一理由,等待也絕對不是愛情空檔的原因...


真的去愛了,還會怕傷害嗎? 當然不怕,我怕的是沒有痛的感覺,如果都麻木了,愛還是愛嗎? 我想妳也認同,不是嗎?

妳是一個跟我同月同日生的可愛女生,非常勇敢,非常獨立,但也非常寂寞,我常跟朋友們開玩笑,我喜歡的對象一定不是單身又快樂的,單身又不快樂的或非單身又快樂也不 行,好像一定要非單身又不快樂的,才會激起我的雄性細胞。而妳,也不例外,每次聊到感情,都會說到妳以前的事,不是第一段感情,就是最近的一段,我才發現妳還真的很可愛,說自己的事,敘述得像別人的故事一般,有聲有色。每次每次,都是聊到深夜...



通常,太過美好的事情都不是真的,一個念頭可以改變所有的事,一時的固執,妳選擇妳的過去,我可以了解妳的困難,自己經歷過,再加上天平的個性,我不贊同,但我可以了解,因為,我也說過: 不知道是不是對的選擇,但不試,我將來一定後悔...的話。







事實上,現在社會的開放,你可以跟知心朋友談感情、談政治、談宗教、甚至談性,但談起錢,好像就很傷感情,例如問你的朋友,啊你都賺多少錢? 啊你每個月存多少錢? 而且年紀越大越不可說...


祖母: 啊你每個月賺多少錢?
我: (努力換算成台幣,再除以十二) 哦~大概是xxxxx...
祖母: ....(不知道是覺得少還多) 那你有沒有在存錢?
我: (努力回想每月的預算報表) 大概是10%到15%吧...
祖母: (搖頭...) 怎麼存那麼少...
祖父: 要多唸書...
我: 阿公啊~我都畢業那麼久了,還唸哦~
祖父: 反正去考一些牌照,還有不要跟女朋友太近
我: 阿公~我都快半年沒女朋友了...
祖父: 不要太早結婚...
我: (啊我不是都說沒女朋友,要跟誰結?)

我: 阿媽啊~幹嘛存這麼多錢? 阿公都說不要早結婚了
祖母: 存錢才會有錢啊~
我: 怎樣才算有錢?
祖母: 就有很多地,很多房子
我: 哪一種房子? 透天宅? 公寓? 還是皇宮?
祖母: …. (被我問到昏頭) 啊就是要有很多錢就對了

不過最近,我媽也開始類似的對話,以前她是真的不管的,她現在會面帶神秘又八卦的表情,好像是問我的感情事一般,啊 你每個月會存多少錢? 問她為什麼想知道,她就會理直氣壯的說,關心啊,不行嗎? 說真的,我要問她,她以前每個月都存多少,或她現在有多少存款,她大概會翻臉吧…

之前的工作,每天應對的客人是銀行所篩選出來的有錢人,所以我見了不少上流人士,但他們就像平常人一樣,擔心小孩的教育,擔心自己的婚姻,擔心錢不夠用,擔心借不到錢... 有沒有比較快樂,不用我說也知道當然沒有...



又幾個月後,他走了... 這個經驗我大概一輩子都忘不了,錢怎麼多,都換不了他自己的健康,這個每個人都知道,但為什麼每個人都瘋狂的跳同一個舞步呢?


Where is lamb?

Yesterday afternoon I had a chance to volunteer at the International Children's Festival, to help setting up a tent.

The festival is held at Vanier Park. It was a gorgeous day yesterday. Green grass with white tents, blue sky, blue ocean, with kids playing kites, and birds flying by. With the warm breeze gentlely touching my face...

Turning around, you would have seen the Burrard bridge standing in the middle of the city, at a distant, you can almost hear the cars zipping over the bridge. It is quiet, maybe children's laughters far far away...

After exposing myself under the sun, I had a great dinner with 2 best friends and one really really special friend. It makes me wonder, why does anyone want to leave this city to go somewhere else?



我的台灣行收穫最多的,居然是CD。去了那麼久,才買兩件T-shirt,CD卻買了5-6張,其中一張披頭四的CD,聽得非常感動,一些熟悉的歌,像 imagine,hey jude, let it be, help, yesterday... 其中的Michelle 還是第一次聽到,Paul有點懶懶的聲音,加上那句法文 Michelle Ma Belle Sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble (Michelle my beautiful, these words go so well together),很小品,很甜蜜,就好像我嚮往的愛情,不是轟轟烈烈,死去活來的...

Michelle (1965)

Michelle, ma belle
These are words that go together well
My Michelle

Michelle, ma belle
Sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble
tres bien ensemble

I love you, I love you, I love you
that's all I want to say
Until I find a way
I will say the only words
I know you'll understand

Michelle, ma belle
Sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble
tres bien ensemble

I need to, I need to, I need to
I need to make you see
Oh, what you mean to me

Until I do I'm hoping you will know what I mean
I love you I want you, I want you,
I want you I think you know by now
I'll get to you some how
Until I do I'm telling you so you'll understand

Michelle, ma belle
Sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble
tres bien ensemble

And I will say the only words
I know that you'll understand
My Michelle




I had 3 songs that have brainwashed me all through the Taiwan trip, this is number 3. I hate to admit that, since this is performed by someone who is probably in the early 20s, and the original is from a korean group consist of kids 4-10. Nevertheless, it is a very invasive song...


女生天生的單純 不會氧化


reamt of getting hit by lightening 9 times...

When the Lottery money is high and I am feeling the pinch from work. I would spend that two dollars to dream about not needing to work for a while.

Last night's winning was 35 million, just imagine how all the material things you can get with that kind of money... Unfortunately, the odds of winning is about 1 in 63 million, that is 1/63,000,000, to put it another way, it is more like getting hit by lightening 9 times.

Although we can all agree that money is not the important thing in the world, it is pretty up there on the list, wouldn't it be nice that you don't have to worry about it?

I think there is another way, if your luck proves not to be 1 in the millions, how about arranging your own finances? Starting from today, find a good investment advisor (like me), and make your hard earned money working harder than you!



前幾天,少有的機會和朋友半夜長談,聊的是感情,我問她,妳現在快樂嗎? 她說,好像不怎麼快樂,一點都不快樂...

回到家,居然失眠了,反反覆覆想的是,什麼才是真正的愛? 過一天算一天,天若有情的愛,還是平平淡淡,沒有味道才算愛? 是不是快樂開心都只是片刻,傷心流淚才是永久,才是真?



又被愛傷了一遍 無所謂 當作成長
剛剛走開的人 煙還點著 味道卻淡了
我並不是天生愛寂寞 卻比任何人都多
就算把世界給我 我還是一無所有

我要快樂 我要能睡的安穩
有些人 不抱了才溫暖
離開了才不恨 我早應該割捨

我要快樂 哪怕笑的再大聲
心不是熱的 全都是假的

把從前想了一遍 謝謝了 傷我的人
想做樂觀的人 每種雨聲 聽了都不冷
我並不是天生愛寂寞 卻比任何人都多
就算把世界給我 我還是一無所有

我要快樂 我要能睡的安穩
有些人 不抱了才溫暖
離開了才不恨 我早應該割捨

我要快樂 哪怕笑的再大聲
心不是熱的 全都是假的


I'm too nice?...

Here is a piece of my horoscope today...

"You're nice. That's not to say that you're too nice, or that you're a pushover, or that you're saccharine sweet. No, you're just nice, and you're nice to your fellow humans and people appreciate it. They like to work with you and they like to play with you. They like to talk to you and they like to walk with you. You care and they share and things work out nicely. Terrific. Just make sure that people are nice to you back. You've earned it!"

I always thought "nice" is a very boring word. To call someone "nice", is almost like you can't find any other word to describe that person, or you don't really know that person very well, so you settle for nice.

I have to admit, "nice" is probably the word most of my friends would describe me. Hopefully, they can find other words to describe me...



First time I really listened to Yesterday was actually by Boyz to Men, back in the 90s. They did it in A capalle style, very cool. Of course, when I get older, I realized it was actually a Beatles' song. I have to admit, even though I know the lyrics, I still don't understand what it means...


Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Suddenly, I’m not half the man I used to be,
There’s a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she had to go I don’t know she wouldn’t say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

I do know that I also believe in yesterday...


Dear friends, you have been B-listed...

Maybe spring is in the air, when I took a vacation back to Taiwan, many of my friends are dating, some after being single for a long time, some for the first time in twenty something years. I was amazed, but I thought at least I won't be around when they are in their little sweet world...

When I come back, I was again amazed to find out some of my friends are dating again, all of them happy!!

I guess being single long enough will turn a person into a couple-phobic, sometimes it becomes a little intolerable having people around you too happily in love. My solution? I have created different lists for different categories of friends.

A. Single friends: Doesn't have to be the positive sex, just friends I know I can usually count on when I need someone to dine out/watch a movie with.

B. Couple friends: They will sometimes occasionally call you, if their love ones are out of town/busy, and they feel bored. These friends are still okay to hang out with, because you never know when they will come back to A-list. Of course, picking up their calls are optional, and you can avoid their "double dates", especially there is just you and both of them.

C. Married friends: They are probably the worst for singles. They usually contact you once in a long time to host a home party at their house, trying to set up dates (so you can join their group), or trying to gossip about the people they know (maybe they are too bored?).

So, for those of you who just got B-listed, no worries, I know some of you will come back to A-list...




在台灣有三首歌我在起床後就一直在收音機、便利商店、計程車、服飾店、餐廳、百貨公司、任何有人的地方... 聽見,記得以前好像也不怎麼喜歡他,但這首歌越聽越喜歡...

Kiss Goodbye

作詞王力宏 作曲王力宏

Baby 不要再哭泣
每一次想開口 但不如保持安靜

幸福搭配悲傷 同時在我心交叉
付出的愛收不回 還欠妳的我不能給

每一次放棄妳的溫柔 痛苦難以釋懷
每一次Kiss You Goodbye

幸福搭配悲傷 同時在我心交叉
付出的愛收不回 還欠妳的我不能給


我這次台灣香港行去了一個婚禮、一個葬禮、一個生日、三次錢櫃、兩次溫泉、見了朋友的第一個小孩、見了才認識五個月的網友、第一次醉倒、第一次抽煙... 真的非常精采


去葬禮的時候,會感覺人生一場鬧劇,當家祭舉行一半,葬者兒女跪一排的時候,居然還有其他親戚遲到進來,遲到就算了,一坐下來居然先把禮品包好,好像是看電影遲到一樣自然,想跟父親抱怨,一轉頭,我老爸居然在看自己帶來的小說,還做出不要出聲的動作,而司儀反覆一模一樣的台詞一點幫助都沒有,不到三十分鐘,真的有人睡著了,司儀還不厭其煩的問,還有沒有人沒有拜過,說也奇怪,他問的時候,就一定沒人理他,好像是問誰要自願去洗他家廁所一樣,但就會有已經拜過的親戚會和司儀耳語一番,司儀就會問'三叔公'在不在,三叔公就如釋重負得出來拜,這景象連續發生好多次,一定要人叫才會出來,我就覺得奇怪,人都來了,幹嘛不拜? 拜完就是吃飯,吃的人也不管家裡人準備的是素菜,吵餐廳給他們做葷菜,同桌的親戚(我都不認識)一個個輪流問,結婚沒? 什麼時候結? (很想問他們我要跟誰結?) 還有一個不知道是什麼姑姑輩的,每一道菜都會用她的筷子翻來翻去,一直問,這是什麼? 好不容易送入口中,又直喊飽,下一道菜又重複一樣動作...



見到才認識五個月的網友時,認識緣分的奇妙,我們開始是在Friendster上聯絡,我們並沒有共同的朋友,只是我東晃西晃的時候看過她的profile,她寄一個smile給我,我加入她在Friendster,然後是msn,webcam,skype,電話... 我們聊了許多,但誰也沒想到五個月後,我們居然會在香港島蘭桂舫附近小巷裡的埃及小店中一起抽水煙、談心...




繼台北羅董熱情招待豪華烏來斷背之旅 ,南部陳董也熱情款待高雄半日吃透透...

一大早從台北搭車南下,一路上期待的鐵路便當都沒有出現,一直餓肚子到高雄,一出車站,就被送去吃牛肉麵加小菜,剛吃得飽飽的,還沒去酒店,先去買了一些Mister Donut,到達下榻的酒店,才發現居然是高雄101的金典酒店,六十二樓加無敵高雄港海景,真得住得很不好意思,休息片刻,先去西子灣看打狗英國領事館,水果茶加兩種甜點,再去旗津走走,晚餐海鮮很棒不提,還擺了滿滿一小桌,我們才兩個人,抱著飽飽的肚子,經過一攤賣番茄的,原來是旗津有名的古早吃法,又來兩盤,再來,又被帶去吃水果刨冰,一直報怨肚子脹的時候,陳董說去愛河畔走走,我想也好,幫助消化,一到愛河,又被拉去喝有超濃奶油的奶茶...



烏來斷背 今日自己

昨天早上起來十分宿醉,十一點就被朋友拉到烏來泡湯,台北異常的下了大雨,在朦朧的溪邊,我和好友坦承相見,春秋烏來真的是蠻高級的地方,很有SPA的味道,加上週一沒什人,空曠的幾個湯就給我們兩個享用,我們從新婚生活聊到工作,又聊到女人... 多年來罕有的男性bonding時間...


今天早上起床,把接下來三四天的行程都排好,和父親用過中餐,赫然發現我下午三點居然都沒事做了? 再看看昨天做了些什麼... 好像跟在溫哥華的週末沒什麼兩樣?



iving in a cashbox...

I went to Cashbox KTV again last night, this time, I got pissed drunk...

I have been to cashbox before, but I never knew ppl in taiwan actually went to cashbox for food and alchohol and much less singing. Very rightly so, my friends were fighting over which KTV has the best food?!?! I told them, if there is wireless internet connection, you can practically live in a cashbox KTV lounge, some rooms have their own private washrooms too!

So, went with a few friends, a friend I just knew for a month, a high school friend I didn't really know back in High school and haven't seen since high school, and 4 other newly made friends, started drinking whisky from 7pm, and I pretty much passed out around 10pm, woke up around 10.30pm to throw up in the washroom, attempted to clean the washroom, then passed out somemore in on the couch...

My head hurts like hell...


一個演唱會 三小時KTV...


和父親用過早餐,聊過天,就去公館走走,週六十一點的公館,還沒起床,晃了公館,吃過飯,就去看朋友的小孩,四個月大的娃娃,已經不錯好玩,和朋友座公車到內湖提他的愛車,去和另一對朋友在環亞碰面,在去年曾吃過的同一間餐廳,晚餐磨牙,就到對面的台北小巨蛋看平生第一場正式的演場會,近距離看到渝澄慶 李玟 南拳媽媽 4F裡的兩個F 楊承琳 小黒的兒子 黃義達 蜜雪薇琪其中一枝 游鴻明 吳宗憲 康康 ... 站了三個小時,又回環亞的錢櫃,唱了三個小時,回到家中已經三點,想起來,還真的豐富的一天。



The real reasons why I came back...

Many friends had asked me, why now, why April, why come back to Taiwan? Especially I was only back here 10 months ago.

The reasons? That question has bothered me all thru the flights, I haven't really been thinking about that question, I thought that question was easy enough, I needed a vacation...

Was it really? At first, I thought I needed the trip to confront with my Zahir, my obessession, my obessession with relationship, or my obessession trying to understand a relationship. When that opportunity did not arrive, I got a little lost, but I knew back in March, I need to get away, for just a little while.

I was pretty tired, haven't had decent sleep for months, stressed from work, from the organizations I am participating in, from relationships (or lack of), from social engagements... things I was so fond of have ganged up on me. But I had to hold on, as I need to maintain my calm, as it is my character to be completely zen...

However, why do I have to justisfy myself? Isn't needing a break something shameful to admit?

Then, I realized, yesterday, I was ready again to embrace new experiences in my life, when I landed HK, for the first time, a place where I have always wanted to visited, although it was only a transfer, I knew I wanted to experience more of "the first time"s in my life, like the first time I will be visiting my grandparents at their new place, the first I will be staying in HK, meeting that friend in HK for the first time, seeing my best buddy's son for the first...

I know, for a fact, when I go back to the place I belong, back to the things I love to do, I will embrace them much more, because of these new experiences, I will...


Embarking a not so new journey...

I have told my closest friends last time I visited TW, that it felt like I would visit it either in the near future, or not for a long time...

I guess the first is true, it has been actually 10 months since I last visited TW. A place I lost many friends to.

As usual, I will be writing a journal on my trip, so, if you care, join me with my adventure, yet again..


Depressing song on a sat morning...
Heard this song a few months back, thought it was a great song, very freaking depressing though... by James Blunt, with his whiny voice, the song sounds surprisingly like many oriental love songs...

Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.