

Beatles were popular before I was born, it was in an era when hippies were around promoting peace, and wars are killing people outside of North America.

To the present time, it seems like nothing has really changed through the years.
Except the hippies back then started wars which are killing people again outside of North America.

The melody and lyrics of "Imagine" by John Lennon is quite simple, yet still quite memorable. I have a strong suspision that John was on something when he wrote this song to make it so lucid...

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

As a Taiwanese, I get 3 wishes on my birthdays, and I have to tell people the first two. The first wish has always been "world peace". yap, like what's in the movie "Miss Congeniality". Somehow, that wish never came true...









Dine out in 2007

Been to 8 dine outs this year... I think I have burnt a hole in my wallet.

Le Cracodile - second try, went for a friend's 19th bday, always like their service, couldn't remember what I had, but I was really full, which was rare for french dine out.

Nu - second try, had the lobster menu, appy was good, but the main course is on the salty side, great company though, some good mix of new friends, high school friends and college friends.

Cannery - first time there, the sexy girl I went with recommended mussels, which were great, chorizo and the sauce, so good. The dine out? It was okay at best, the main course sablefish and salmon were dry, and ling cod appy was better, actually, the dessert was probably the best out of the 3. Second thought, the company was better than the food in my opinion, had great conversation.

Provence - third time there, went there by accident with friends for brunch, always love their crepe, cheese and asparagus, good stuff!

O'doul's - my favourite restaurant in 2006, went many times for different occasions, went there for a friend's bday, great value, the tenderloin was in generous portion and the dessert was sooo good. and im usually not a dessert person. I suspect it will still be my favourite in 2007.

Lift Bar and Grill - first time, went with my banker friend, good ambience, food portions are tiny comparing to O'doul's, for the appy, we were guessing if it was sauce under the slice of duck or it was a duck soup... we drank it like soup anyways. The sea bass was good, although it wasn't as good as the bass at C a few years back, but i could be starving back at C.

Bluewater - first time, was impressed by the size of the restaurant, it also features a nice list of oysters and sushi bar... yes, a sushi bar. We ordered the dine out menu, the appy was interesting, the main course was forgettable, Char was good, but couscous was only okay, the dessert was not too exciting, lemon tart and chocolate mousse.

Aurora - first time, small place but very cozy, the martini is expensive and weird, it was a sour cloudy watery thingie, the appy is interesting, I had a plate of beets, main course was not bad, especially the veal cheek.

The best appy - mussels at Cannery, but it wasn't on Dine out, if Dine out, Salmon mousse at Bluewater.
The best main - tenderloin at O'doul, great sauce, great meat... hm...
The best dessert - sorbet at Cannery, nice portion, great flavours

Best 2007 dine out - O'doul's
Most dissapointed 2007 dine out - Cannery, just because I was so looking forward to it.
Total friends included in the dine out - 38

I was suppose to go to Cadero and West, but I want to prevent myself from a heart attack when I open my credit card statment next week.










My name is Sammy – a tragic truth story

When I came to Canada last century, I was given a new life, I was given a second chance, so I picked the most manly name I could imagine, James, after the famous MI6 agent of UK.

For those of you who knows my Chinese name, you know that it is gender-confused, one of the most traumatizing event happened when I was little and was taken to one of the biggest hospital in the city. There I was in the waiting area with my mom, some nurse announced, “楊永欣小妹妹,請到三號病房”. I thought, maybe, my name was just a little girly.

Fast forward a few years, when I was in one of those English tutoring centre in Taipei. The first class, the instructor asked us if we had English names, of course, being 10 and in Taiwan, I didn’t have an English name. The instructor then picked our names from the back of her English-Chinese Dictionary. My brother became John… and I became Sammy. I didn’t know that a few years later, there was a famous HK pop singer named Sammie… I never had a chance…

When I came to Canada, I became James, I didn’t know Justin, Jalen, Jamal… but I knew everyone knew that James is a guy.

Then, I went to high school, of course, back then, everyone writes his/her own note as follows:

To whom it may concern,

Please excuse James Yang for being absent on January 18, 2007, he had to see his family doctor.


Thinking that the ESL teacher would never understand my Chinese handwriting, I signed with my own Chinese name. My classmate from HK saw the note and asked “who is that, your sister?” I told him it was my Chinese name, he burst into laughter, because in Cantonese, 欣is used in a female name, never in a guy’s name. Then I made the mistake of telling him that my original English name was actually Sammy, he laughed so hard, there was tears in his eyes.

So, I have lived a double life, I was Sammy, but now I am James. Please just call me James.

Btw, if you want to know, my Chinese name 永欣 means “forever blossoming”, poor bastard, I never had a chance…


Morally confused...

A recent conversation with my friend, she told me a tale of betrayal, not once but twice. Usually, when this type of thing happened, telling her to leave the man is my suggestion, because we are dealing with a habitual action instead of "accidents".

However, she told me, maybe, maybe it was her fault to ignore him, maybe it was her fault that the man cheated on her, again...

It is strange to see that a few months back, same woman was angry and sad about his first betrayal. Now, she is just sad and accepting the man. The advice she had received from her family? "you have to trust the man, because he is a man"

Honestly, I don't understand what her family meant by "because he is a man", since when it is okay for a man to cheat, but not okay for a woman to cheat? Perhaps, it is one of the thing that society generally accept as a regular male behaviour, or worse, taboo for females.

Another conversation with another friend, she was commenting on how both men and women will have the same view on certain behaviour. For example, a flirtatious woman is a "slut", but a flirtatious man is "horny" at the worst. Also, how society would scrutinize a female "homewrecker" more than a male "homewrecker"...

When we were brought up, we were been taught what actions are "moral", and what actions are "immoral". But as we age, black and white start to blend, more things are becoming grey, or somewhat acceptable.

When a close friend describe what working environment is like in Taipei, he said, "if you were to work over here, there will be girls lining up for you, without any consequences, without and burdens, because girls are okay with casual sexual encounters here"

I guess we are back to the 70s again...



前幾天和朋友三更半夜跑去看BODYWORKS 3﹐看了幾十具屍體的感想是﹐有點像肉乾﹐人生來來去去﹐最後還不是像肉乾﹐不過我的朋友倒是說有點像牛排和蒜泥白肉﹐真的是餓鬼一個。

裡頭有個展示是一男一女做出一個高難度的YOGA動作﹐我的餓鬼朋友指出底下一個 心形的台。好像又會到某個充滿粉紅色的節日了。連看個展覽都會有壓力... X!@#$%

想想每段愛情只有兩種結局﹐一是結婚﹐一是分開﹐很自然的分開的機會大多了。分開可能是了解﹐可能是錯誤﹐但每段愛情都是回憶﹐如果知道退後的天空比較美﹐ 不知道會不會比較值得﹖


離開你以後 並沒有 更自由
酸酸的空氣 嗅出我們的距離
一幕錐心的結局 像呼吸般無法停息

抽屜泛黃的日記 榨乾了回憶
你我的過去 被順時針的忘記
缺氧過後的愛情 粗心的眼淚是多餘

我知道你我都沒有錯 只是忘了怎麼退後
信誓旦旦給了承諾 卻被時間撲了空

我知道我們都沒有錯 只是放手會比較好過


最愛的一句是"離開你以後 並沒有 更自由"﹐雖然自由應該是自己給的...


Cancer sux...

It seems like cancer is taking one of my best friend's mother, my thoughts are with the family, please take care of yourself and your family.

For all my friends, please take good care of yourself, quit smoking and stay health. Seeing what cancer can do to one of my client, it is not the best way to leave this planet...

Cancer sux!






無趣的人並不是話不投機,相反的,我覺得有不同意見的朋友是很有趣的事。所謂無趣是講他(或她),對任何事情都不表興趣。對任何的提議都沒有意見、不見神色。有沒有喜歡的運動,沒有,工作如何?Okay la,最近有沒有看電影,有,覺得如何?還好…







Where is that little boy… in you?

I had some visitors from Taiwan and US over the weekend. We had done everything Taiwanese you can imagine, including having TW food at President Plaza, buying bubble tea at Tea Castle (3 times in 3 days), hanging out at T&T supermarket…

However, we also went to watch a Disney Musical over the weekend. It was the “Beauty and the Beast”. It was okay, the sound could be improved (or our seats could be improved), but it was very much the original Disney cartoon I used to watch and loved.

Used to. I realized in the thearte that although everything seemed very familiar, it lacked the elements that used to draw me in and moved me. As I have also realized when sitting in other live performances and movies. I am becoming harder and harder to be mentally involved in the stories.

It is a strange revelation, as I age, maybe I lose that little boy in me. I used to be scared by ghost stories, laughed at slapstick cartoons, excited when the good guys kick the bad guys’ ass, and laughed more when the bad guys vowed for revenge…

Until one day, I stopped asking who the good/bad guy is and wondered if there is a good/bad guy anyways. The more I grow, the more I learn, and the less innocent I have become.

I also watched “Lord of War” with Nicholas Cage, and found that is the type of things I am drawn to now. The hypocritical, political, environmental, witty, violent, type of films. Maybe the little boy has grown up…


Something for you to remember...

Don't wait around for your life to happen to you.
Find something that makes you happy, and do it.
Because everything else is just background noise



年關將至,一些八卦兼關心的朋友們,除了給我打氣,希望我快點找到新歡,也面帶疑惑的問我,“你到底喜歡怎樣的女生?”,當然對A list上的朋友,此問題是關心多過八卦, B list 上的朋友是八卦多過關心, C list的朋友是想當月下老人多過八卦…









數日前﹐某朋友網頁列出各生肖流年運勢。小弟屬蛇﹐據網頁指出﹐小弟今年逢歲破星,即正沖太歲。不但時運不濟﹐心情也易自怨自艾、消極悲觀。我看這下不好﹐ 求救其他網頁。巧遇另一朋友網頁登出性格分析﹐在萬念俱灰之時﹐有如明燈於抬頭三尺處﹐試想﹐“知己知彼百戰百勝“﹐知己為先﹐另外﹐如網頁性格分析不準﹐不勞精神擔心網頁流年之事。

Psytopic分析:您的性格類型是 ENFJ(外向+直覺+情感+判斷)


ENFJ型的人熱愛人類,他們認為人的感情是最重要的。而且他們很自然地關心別人,以熱情的態度對待生命,感受与個人相關的所有事物。由于他們很理想化,按照自己的价值觀生活,因此ENFJ型的人對于他們所尊重和敬 佩的人、事業和机构非常忠誠。

他們精力充沛、滿腔熱情、富有責任感、勤勤勤懇懇、鍥而不舍。 ENFJ型的人具有自我批評的自然傾向。然而,他們對他人的情感具有責任心,所以ENFJ型的人很少在公共場合批評人。他們 敏銳地意識到什么是(或不是)合适的行為。他們彬彬有禮、富有魅力、討人喜歡、深諳社會。

ENFJ型的人具有平和的性格与忍耐力,他們長于外交,擅長在自己的周圍激發幽默感。他們是天的領導者,受人歡迎而有而有魅力。他們常常得利于自己口頭表達的天份,愿意成為出色的傳播工作者。 ENFJ型的人在自已對情況感受的基礎上做決定,而不是基于事實本身。他們對顯而易見的事物之外的可能性,以及這些可能性以怎樣的方式影響他人 感興趣。

ENFJ型的人天生具有條理性,他們喜歡一种有安排的世界,并且希望別人也是如此。即使其他人正在做決定,他們還是喜歡把問題解決了。 ENFJ型的人富有同情心和理解力,愿意培養和支持他人。他們能很好地 理解別人,有責任感和關心他人。由于他們是理想主義者,因此他們通常能看到別人身上的优點。






也許該加上﹐沒事不要逛網頁﹐逛了也不要花時間去想﹐想了也不要花時間去寫BLOG... whoops...

Who wants to marry a millionare - Chinese version

I am not a big fan of reality TV, because we are living in a real world, I don't understand why we have to look at a syndicated show that calls itself a reality show. Anyhow, it hit its lowest point when some genius decided to air a show called "Who wants to marry a millionare" a few years ago. Alright, it was not really a reality show, but more of a tv contest, like "Who wants to be a millionare".

I didn't watch the show, but I saw part of the commercial on tv. Basically, you have a self-proclaimed millionare who has to pick a wife out of a group of young women, all of them in wedding dresses. (talk about being desperate...)

The concept was so bad that I was surprised that the producer didn't get shot by some women activists. It was almost like picking grocery, hm... this one looks fresh, that one looks juicy... The point? It shows what are the desirable characters in men and women when it comes to marriage.

Another piece of news I read recently. In China, they have just hosted a cruise down huangpu river, with single men and women looking for romance and marriage posibilities. It was a very special group of people, according to its organizers, the men have to have at least 2 million RMB in asset (about 300k CAD), and the women? no restriction...

One of the male attendee in his fifties who got interviewed said that he was too busy with his business and no time for romance, was looking for a woman in her thirties, and beautiful.

My biggest problem with the above two stories is how we measure success for men and women. For men, how rich they are. As long as they have accumulated enough assets, age, height, weight, baldness does not matter. For women, how young they can keep theirself, they do not have to prove that they can think or make money, as long as they keep their age, weight, figures in check.

In the 21st century, it is sad to know that some of this stereotype still exists.

Finally, another piece of story (junk) I read last century. According to a study done by a TW newspaper.

The most desirable bachelors are:
1. Engineers (Software, I think)
2. Lawyers
3. Doctors
4. Accountants
5. Pilots

The most desriable bachelorettes are:
1. Teachers (Elementry school, I think)
2. Nurses
3. Flight Attendants
4. ... (can't remember)
5. ... (can't remember)

I have to point out that these bachelors are usually quite boring people, but are usually quite rich. And these bachelorettes can usually be catergorized as patient, caring, mothery types... oh, and they are the usual porn characters.

So I guess the stereotype countinues...