
Earn it

It was on that bridge, when Captain Miller told the young Private Ryan to "Earn it". When I saw "Saving Private Ryan" for the first few times, I had no idea what Tom Hanks was saying, then I heard what he said, I still had no idea what he was trying to say.

Then, one day, I got it.

Private Ryan's life was saved by the sacrifice of many, Captain Miller wants to make sure he spend his life well, make sure he earned their sacrifices.

To this day, I still feel that I have underachieved, but at the same time I feel I haven't "earn it", many things that have happened to me, I haven't "earn it".


Anonymous said...

before you can say you've "earned it", you have to have no regret. If you do everything as if it's your last time or last chance, you will have no regret.

From the look of your blog, much more is needed before you can say you "earn it" in life.


lambofsilence said...

i guess i didn't think it that way, but well put~