





隔日,住在附近的烏龜姊姊(大家都三十幾,叫大姐姐會有些尷尬),參觀她華麗的公寓,又去吃飯了.這幾天,吃多少不提,光是大便的次數就很破我個人紀錄了.香港來個朋友也是差不多時間到,去接她的迷路上,不小心經過一間go kart的地方.接到朋友,先去吃飯(沒錯,又是吃),原來還傷腦筋不知去哪吃,香港來的朋友比我們三個還熟,找個路邊攤就解決了.回頭去開go kart,就在隔壁的batting cage,又是用餐的時間,烏龜問烏龜姐何處有活蝦,原來又在隔壁.所以我們第二日行程都在同一個地方.送走了朋友,我們匆匆去新竹找酒店,找了幾間決定了一間在聽說台灣最大的百貨公司隔壁的商業旅館住,一問才知道,那百貨已經倒一年多了,那商業旅館是乾淨,但內裝像圓山飯店,不是豪華程度,是年代久遠.之前看見幾間電動間,幾個人又往城隍廟口走,我喝了一碗控丸湯,那兩個人居然一個人又吃了一大堆,當其中一個問我還要不要吃豆花的時候,我的回答是,"豆花個你XX,還吃什麼鬼豆花,都十二點還吃"




回台的頭三天,像是打仗一般,一場又一場,今天才有時間結算,一共見了五位朋友,三位客戶,乘了兩次高鐵,六次小黃,跟很多次捷運,真正自己逛街的時間只有昨晚在漢神百貨的一個小時.btw, 穿西裝去逛高級服飾區真的很怪,很多專櫃小姐都投以懷疑的眼神,大概以為我是不知道哪一個西裝專櫃的服務員吧.



actually, it was small S, I saw her picture on "apple daily" the next day, the exact outfit.

The flight in with an annoying neighbour…

Taking long flight is never a fun thing unless it is your first time on a plane. It was my first in a very long time to take China Airline. Last time was back in 1992 when I took China Airline to Vancouver.

Stuck in a cramp seat for 13 hours may become less bearable when your neighbour is annoying. In my case, I had an extra annoying neighbour.

It was a middle age Asian guy (I have no idea where he is from, I was guessing somewhere in Southeast Asia), he had a balding head with oversized glasses. He had his son (presumed) with him, so he talked to him all the time. Yes, even when he had his earphone on.

I later found out that his wife (presumed) was on the same flight, but was at a different row. How did I find out? A woman walked pass in the middle of the night and started chatting with him loudly and woke me up. You see, I had the aisle seat, and he sat beside me, so they had to talk over me, and they did, loudly.

During the journey, he would occasionally elbow me when reaching for stuff, move the arm rest up and down, (the only thing that divided our seats, my only protection from him), and moved his bag every 15 mins.

Those things weren’t the worst.

The worst was when he inhale loudly through his nose, hold for a sec and let out a huge “ah~” afterwards. It was loud enough to wake me up after I fell sleep a few times during the in flight movie. At first, I thought maybe he was trying to remind me that I was missing the best parts, but he did that during meals as well. He did it frequently, he did it proudly, even when everyone was sleeping.

Thanks, strange-middle-age-southeast asian guy, you made my long journey that more memorable, for the wrong reasons.


Soulmate - Natasha Bedingfield

Many people think there are at least one soulmate they should be searching for in their lifes. The thing is, you never know when you are going to come across one, and what do you do when you think you have met your "soulmate"? What if that person does not think you are his/her soulmate?

Here is a song that hit me this cold cold morning. Natasha's voice is quite unqiue, the song very much pop.

Incompatible, it don't matter though
'cos someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do
You're not easy to find

Is it possible Mr. Loveable
Is already in my life?
Right in front of me
Or maybe you're in disguise

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Here we are again, circles never end
How do I find the perfect fit
There's enough for everyone
But I'm still waiting in line

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

If there's a soulmate for everyone

Most relationships seem so transitory
They're all good but not the permanent one

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Now, who knows how to love someone without being told?



這次是有兩年多沒回台灣,每次回去好像都要給自己一個很好的理由,就像小學生校外教學一樣,回來要寫出一套有頭有尾的心得. 不是反共大陸,就是要愛護花草.

是最好的朋友要結婚? 好像不結了
是奶奶身體不好? 好像已經好很多了
是陪女朋友回去? 好像自己又單身了





Definitely, Maybe

Love can be complicated, that is according to my favourite movie in 2008.

In "Definitely, Maybe", a divorcing dad is trying to tell his young daughter the story of how he met her mother.

It brought us back to a time when the young man had passion and ambition. While he was pursuing his dreams, relationship happened. There were three women, one blond college love, innocent, and loving, one brunette writer, smart and seductive, one redhead copier girl, spontaneous and sweet.

During the process of discovering what the young man really wants in life, we guess along with the daughter who would end up to be the mom, also the person the dad is divorcing.

It is a great movie, like my previous favourites, it contains lots of conversations, about dreams, ambitions, relationships, failed relationships...

All these emotions will definitely touch any of us who have hurt or been hurt in a relationship, however painful it may be, it will all pass, the life will move on, so the story continues...


Olive Theory

According to my new favourite tv show, "how i met your mother", there is a cute theory called "Olive Theory".

The theory says that if someone who loves olives meets someone who hates olives, they will make a great couple. (or using the show's term, "awesome couple") Because one will compliment the other well.

I understand that theory, however, what if someone who loves olives meets another person who also loves olives? Do they share? What if one of them loves olives more than the other? Do they compromise? Do they fight? Does one of them eat all of the olives and make the other to get more olives?

How about 2 people who hate olives get together? Does one of them force the other to pick all the olives?

I think it is harder to find someone to compliment you than to compromise for the things you dont like.





