
If I Were a Rich Man...

In the business of money and greed, I often wonder, what does rich mean? How rich is rich?

One of my most loved musical film when I was a child, Fiddler on the Roof (1971), has a catchy song called "If I were a rich man". The main character, Tevye, a Jewish Farmer living in Pre-revolution Russia. He is a simple character, happy but poor with a good heart, a little greedy, and with 3 daughters. The story revolves around his family and the fate of his daughters. I can see some similarities in this classic with Ang Lee's "Eat Drink Men Women".

In one scene, you see the poor farmer daydreaming, dancing in his barn, singing outloud...

If I Were a Rich Man

"Dear God, you made many, many poor people.
I realize, of course, that it's no shame to be poor.
But it's no great honor either!
So, what would have been so terrible if I had a small fortune?"

If I were a rich man,
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
If I were a wealthy man.
I wouldn't have to work hard.
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
If I were a biddy biddy rich,
Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man.

I'd build a big tall house with rooms by the dozen,
Right in the middle of the town.
A fine tin roof with real wooden floors below.
There would be one long staircase just going up,
And one even longer coming down,
And one more leading nowhere, just for show.

I'd fill my yard with chicks and turkeys and geese and ducks
For the town to see and hear.
And each loud "cheep" and "swaqwk" and "honk" and "quack"
Would land like a trumpet on the ear,
As if to say "Here lives a wealthy man."

If I were a rich man,
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
If I were a wealthy man.
I wouldn't have to work hard.
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
If I were a biddy biddy rich,
Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man.

I see my wife, my Golde, looking like a rich man's wife
With a proper double-chin.
Supervising meals to her heart's delight.
I see her putting on airs and strutting like a peacock.
Oy, what a happy mood she's in.
Screaming at the servants, day and night.

The most important men in town would come to fawn on me!
They would ask me to advise them,
Like a Solomon the Wise.
"If you please, Reb Tevye..."
"Pardon me, Reb Tevye..."
Posing problems that would cross a rabbi's eyes!
And it won't make one bit of difference if i answer right or wrong.
When you're rich, they think you really know!

If I were rich, I'd have the time that I lack
To sit in the synagogue and pray.
And maybe have a seat by the Eastern wall.
And I'd discuss the holy books with the learned men, several hours every day.
That would be the sweetest thing of all.

If I were a rich man,
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
If I were a wealthy man.
I wouldn't have to work hard.
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
If I were a biddy biddy rich,
Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man.

His view of being Rich is to have a big house, lots of animals, being fed well, being respected, and having lots of time to study. Many things haven't changed over the years, people still want to be richer than they are now. Wealth means big houses, properties, good food, respect... and maybe free time. What Tevye missed is the fact that wealth will probably not bring him happiness, although he thought it might.

Money is the necessary evil in life, it is something we have created to help us to value, to trade, but it also helped us to judge people. Not many people can see pass that...



Fear is the unpleasant feeling of risk, a force that freezes your thoughts and chokes your breath. The fear of height, the fear of water, the fear of getting old, the fear of death, the fear of giving, the fear of love, the fear of being loved...

My worst fears are 1)being ordinary 2)I will never find someone who understands me in this world.

I watched "Munich" last night, taking the political discussions aside, there was one scene where one of the character told the main character.

"...You do any terrifying thing you're asked to do, but you have to do it running. You think you can outrun your fears, your doubts. The only thing that really scares you guys is stillness."

Fear is what it is, Fear. Every individuals have their ways of dealing with their own fears. Most would run away, going to another country, changing names, making new friends, going into another relationship...

It reminds me of Pac-Man. The yellow pizza-looking creature has to move around to avoid the ghosts chasing him. You can never play Pac-Man having it stationary. However, eventually, your fears will catch up with you. Then, you have no choice but to face your fear.

Do you know what your fears are? And how do you deal with them?




"Je n'ai alors rien su comprendre! J'aurais dû la juger sur les actes et non sur les mots. Elle m'embaumait et m'éclairait. Je n'aurais jamais dû m'enfuir! J'aurais dû devinre sa tendresse derrière ses pauvres ruses. les fleurs sont si contradictoires! Mais j'étais trop jeune pour savoir l'aimer."

"事實上我以前什麼事情都不了解! 我應該以她的行為去做判斷,而不是只聽她所說的。她的光彩、她的香氣讓我魂牽夢繫。我當時不應該離開她的... 我應該試著去猜她影藏在花招背後的愛意。花是多麼的自相矛盾! 但我當時還太年輕,不知道如何去愛她..."


小王子說的不只是他的玫瑰,他說的是每位男性所經歷的... 愛過的那個女人...





「為什麼?! 」

經過幾次沒頭沒腦的對話,我還是不知道客家人哪裡有問題受歧視,倒是對我未來的婚姻有小小的擔憂… 嫁給我會很可憐?!





另外,客家的女性在以前是需要下田工作的,所以很多人都說客家女人非常刻苦耐勞,反之,客家男性就顯得很大男人,現代的客家女人不只要工作,家務也要照顧,因為客家男人是不管的。(這是真的,我從來沒有看過我爺爺伯伯下廚煮飯給任何人吃,我想幫奶奶姑姑還都會被罵) 怪不得有人說嫁給客家人很可憐…







風象星座的人喜歡說話,flirtatious,喜歡社交,看我的幾個外號: 小羊碎碎唸、social butterfly、社交貴賓狗... 好像還蠻準的...


Air Sign According to astrological theory, air signs are the talkers and communicators of the Zodiac. Typically they are supposed to be intellectual, analytical, articulate and versatile - able to discuss just about any topic. Air signs are also seen as the masters of social graces because they enjoy socialising and are very good at "small talk". They are often seen as so objective that they are unable to be practical and realistic.

At worst, air signs are supposed to be so changeable they will not stay anywhere for any length of time, and so restless they have trouble with serious concentration on any single job they might be required to carry out. Air signs' role is seen as providing the ideas that make the future different from the past, whereas fire signs carry out the actions necessary for this. In human relationships, air signs are said to be gregarious and extroverted, often attracting friends very willingly and easily with their charm and ability to communicate.

However, air signs are believed to be lacking in passion and unable to form strong, lasting relationships; astrologers believe few air sign people are able to have a single marriage, for they are said to be as apt to try out new people as new ideas. Air signs are also thought to be extremely lacking in emotional depth because they tend to intellectualise their feelings and generally want to avoid difficult obstacles that might be needed to hold a partnership together.

Air signs are seen as complementary to fire signs because they provide the ideas that allow the fire signs to carry out their action. However, it is often though that fire signs are too flagrant and impatient for the air signs to tolerate permanently. Air signs are supposed to more or less understand Earth signs because they share a basically rational nature. However, whilst air signs are supposed to admire earth signs' will to achieve, they supposedly find them too timid, pessimistic, undemonstrative and cautious, and the earth signs, though attracted by the air signs' unique thoughts, find them completely unrealistic. Water signs are believed to be much too passionate and emotionally deep for air signs' flighty, flirtatious nature: indeed, astrology believes air signs hate water signs as too subjective, secretive and illogical. For their part water signs supposedly deride air signs as emotionally shallow, excessively concerned with worldly pleasure, and uncaring.

With most planets in air signs, astrology belives the individual is likely to tend to try to do too many things at once and be impractical, restless, even scheming. At best, such a person could be extraordinarily bright and intelligent and able to provide new innovations. With few or no planets in air signs, astrology believes the person will be unable to articulate thoughts or ideas. they may lack social graces necessary to communicate and, at worst, are supposed to distance themselves from their own ideas ...

我看得有點毛骨悚然,因為還真準,只有講到感情和工作,我就不大茍同,照上面說的,我應該沒有辦法和一個人在一起太久,或在一個工作做太久。認識我的人都覺得我還蠻死心榻地的,不過很多剛認識我的人,都承認他們對我的第一印象是... 我應該是很不專情、很愛換工作的人... 還有我絕對絕對不會逃避感情中的困難!

看了半天,我最大的心得是.... 我應該要找一個火象女人把我燒一燒,要不找一個風象女人跟我自相殘殺、一起作夢...


so I am a snake

I was born as a fire snake, according to the chinese zodiac. I also know that snakes are creepy, cold blood creatures.

According to Wikipedia,

The person born in the year of snake is perhaps the wisest and most enigmatic of all. He/she can become a philosopher, a theologian, a political lizard or a wily financier. Such a person is a thinker who also likes to live well. The snake-person loves books, music, clothes, and fine food; but with all his fondness for the good things in life, his innate elegance gives him a dislike for frivolities and foolish talk. Snake-persons like communicating and like interesting conversations; if the conversation becomes repetitive their attention may soon wander. It is almost impossible to fix their attention for long talking about the weather. They prefer to focus on new, interesting, unusual ideas and on intelligent discussion in general. These people have a special talent that enables them to judge situations correctly. They are alert to new possibilities: when they have an idea of what to do and how to do it, they will pursue it persistently and energetically. They are self-confident and usually don't bother to listen to someone else's opinion. But this can also have a negative effect. Refusing to listen to constructive advice, they may get into needless trouble. Although it is difficult for such people to take advice, they are patient with others when it comes to giving a helping hand, and their ability to look at a problem from a variety of angles is extremely appreciated. When faced with a dilemma, snake people, as a rule, act with speed and conviction, since they believe intensely in what they are doing and rarely waste time or energy on projects lacking in good potential.

I think many of the points are very similar to my horoscope, for example, likes finer things in life (sun sign libra), looks at a problem from a variety of angles (sun sign libra), likes interesting ppl and conversations (rising sign aquarius), hard to take advice (rising sign aquarius), short attention span (moon sign gemini)...

However, the biggest difference is on situations when I may face a dilemma, Libra cannot decide while a snake act with speed and conviction.

On the other hand, my blood type AB doesn't not share any traits with snake, which is kinda interesting, considering AB does share some characteristics with my horoscope, rational (aquarius), sociable (libra), cool (aquarius), indecisive (libra)...

Again, you shouldn't divide ppl up into 12 groups, but including all the other stuff in, this might become interesting... :)


so I am type AB

I never knew what my blood type was until I was 14, checking my blood was part of the physical check-up. I am type AB positive, which didn't come to a surprise since my mom is a B, my dad is an A.

However, I did receive some weird looks when I disclosed that I am type AB. My friends told me that type ABs are selfish, sneaky and weird, I suppose being weird can be subjective, but I didn't think that I was that selfish nor sneaky.

When I was in biology class, I learnt that people with AB blood can receive blood from any type in tranfusion, but AB blood can only be accepted by people with AB blood. So, to put it another way, AB takes blood from everyone, but only gives blood to AB. I suppose this is where the selfish thingie come from.

When I was donating blood a few years ago, I asked the nurse, since AB blood can only be accepted by AB and O blood can be accepted by everyone, does that mean my blood is less desirable? She said no, because the plasma from AB blood can only be donated to people with AB blood, while O blood people can take plasma from any blood type. Another thing, she added, AB is only about 4% of the population in the world, while O and A take about 75%. I guess that is where the sneaky thing come from, we are a rare breed!

So I have done further research, the blood type personality research was done in the early 20th century, when German Nazi used it to justified that they are a superior race. (more A and O, while more B in Jews and Asian) Then Japanese catched on, thought the finding will breed better soliders, then the craze faded in the 1930s as its unscientific basis became evident. However, in 1970s, some writer/journalist named Masahiko Nomi, who had no medical background, wrote books on blood type and personality. In the book, A is common in Japan, O is prime minister material (60% of Japanese prime ministers are Os), B makes good cooks while, AB is often considered the least desirable type. Nomi became famous, and so did the theory.

According to Nomi:

A - law-abiding, conservative, introverted, reserved, patient, punctual, perfectionist, good with plants, obsessive, stubborn, self conscious, and uptight.

O - outgoing, passionate, and individualistic, ambitious, athletic, robust and self-confident, natural leaders, arrogant, vain, insensitive and ruthless.

B - carefree and cheerful, creative and passionate, animal loving, optimistic, flexible, individualist, forgetful, irresponsible, and self-centered.

AB - serious, cool, controlled, rational, sociable, popular, empathic, aloof, critical, indecisive and unforgiving.

I know it is probably not right to divide people into four groups and determine their personalities that way. If there are only four types of people in the world, it would be a very boring place. Plus, I found myself with traits from other blood type as well. I wonder what if I combine horoscope, blood type, chinese horoscope all together, would that be an accurate description of my personality?

oh, and please, now you know where the theory came from, please stop discriminate people by blood types (esp. type AB), try discriminating them by the way they treat small animals. :)





忘了有多久 再沒聽到你
我想了很久 我開始慌了

你哭著對我說 童話裡都是騙人的
也許你不會懂 從你說愛我以後

我願變成童話裡 你愛的那個天使
張開雙手 變成翅膀守護你
你要相信 相信我們會像童話故事裡



Mr. Big

"Why the heck are you still talking to him?", I asked

"You know he is my Mr. Big...", my friend told me the other day, over the phone, I could imagine her shrugging at the same time.

Who is this Mr. Big? Like the Mr. Big in "Sex and City", he is handsome, mature, wealth, and romantic. The only problem is that he is in another relationship...

The thing is, as most girls who are seeking someone of Mr. Big quality, they idolize Mr. Big. Doesn't matter if Mr. Big is abusive, mentally unavaliable, or a complete moral faliure, he is the thing that make a girl's knees weak.

Why is that the case? I suspect that subconsciouslly these girls are sabotaging their own relationships by getting into relationships that have no tomorrows. Even though most of them say, "all I want is a stable and long term relationship with someone who cares about me...", but by being with Mr. Big, how the heck will they satisfy any of the above needs? I think they should just admit that, "I want fiery, passionate love, with rollercoaster rides and heartaches in between", not there is anything wrong with that, I think that is a more accurate statment of the girls who are looking for Mr. Big.

Of course, that is a little cynical, given that wanting to be with someone who is mature, wealthy, good looking and romantic is every girl's dream. However, they really don't have to pick the ones with all of the above quality plus being abusive, mentally unavaliable, or a complete moral faliure. I understand why girls would love Mr. Big, but please don't tell me that all you want is Adian, while you are still looking for Mr. Big. Maybe, you are not ready for Adian?

Girls, I think Mr. Big is Mr. Big only because you want him to be your Mr. Big, you have given the power to him to become a Mr. Big... Hopefully, I am not someone's Mr. Big.


Whatever Will Be, Will Be




Whatever Will Be, Will Be
Performed by Doris Day

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me

Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be

When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said

Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be

Now I have children of my own
They asked their mother what will I be
Will I be handsome, will I be rich
I tell them tenderly

Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be

一生的過程好像就是這樣,感情、婚姻、事業,有些事情超出我們控制範圍的,該放手,認天命... 但真的難,真的要放手做到 Que sera, sera?


What is that humming noise?

When I woke up this morning, I remember this moment I had last month, and I chuckled...

It was when a few of my friends and I went down to Seattle to attend a buddy's graduation. My buddy actually rented a very nice place for us to stay.

In the morning, when I found some of my friends missing, I decided to take a walk at the nearby lake, Green lake, pretty close to the Woodland park. It was a beautiful late spring/early summer morning, you see people jogging, young and old, you see family playing basketball, it felt like another world...

When I went back to the house, my buddy was preparing breakfast. We had a wonderful time chatting away, and then... we heard this humming noise... first it was very faint, then it became louder.

We thought it came from the wall, no, we checked the tv, kitchen, upstairs, washrooms. You could almost feel that the floor is humming as well. What the heck! We did a full house search, nothing...

Fine, we were just about to leave the house anyways. That is when I picked up my bag on the floor... and the bag is humming! I opened the bag, there it was, my braun electric shaver, humming away. I turned off the shaver, and the humming noise was gone. Everyone just looked at each other for a few seconds, then bursted into laughs... some good times!






爺爺從沒解釋過他做的研究是什麼,我只有在片片段段了解他年輕時差點被日軍送去東南亞做砲灰,曾在巴拿馬待過... 至於他的工作,我並不清楚,對我來說,爺爺是個長的很可愛,喜歡在公園唱卡拉OK,喜歡叫我唸書,受過日本教育的白髮老人...

「稻香」是我今年回台灣,爺爺送我的書,他說是他的著作,我看看封面寫著「稻作育種試驗研究推廣生涯之回顧」,說真的,沒有想要看的衝動,書被我當裝飾幾個月,終於被我拿起來催眠... 沒想到,一讀就是停不下來,原來爺爺研究稻米幾十年的經驗,就被縮成幾十頁,就好像一本自傳,原來爺爺曾被政府送去巴拿馬、芠萊、菲律賓做農產品的援助發展,又像是武功密籍,詳細的記載每種米的差異,堆肥的方式,甚至煮飯的方式... 一粒粒的米就是爺爺幾十年的苦心...

翻到最後一頁,爺爺把祖孫三代的照片,也是我去年回台灣照的照片,佔滿整頁,寫了大大的「全家福照」,我才赫然發現,原來不擅言詞的爺爺,花時間把他的經驗寫成書的原因就是要讓家裡的人了解他的過去,他的熱誠... 我應該打個電話給爺爺說,他真的好了不起...


It wasn't you...

It was me on the dance floor,
Did you see me?

No, it wasn't you,
it wasn't you in that corner,
looking at me.

Alone on the dance floor,
moving with the music,
my eyes wonder,
my mind wonders,

Is that you,
is that you in white?

No, it wasn't you,
it wasn't you in white,
looking at me.

Moving my body with the music,
I thought I saw your face,
in the crowd,

No, it wasn't you,
it wasn't you in the crowd,
smiling at me.

I know it wasn't you,
but I still saw your face,
everywhere I turned,

I still saw your smile,
everytime I closed my eyes,

I know it wasn't,
it wasn't you...