

原以為我不會需要到去試這種活動, 在社團的壓力與誘惑下, 還是參加了.

一開始, 就遲到了近一個小時, 朋友先打電話來, 問我去了哪, 我趁機問我們有沒有對手, 朋友說沒有, 我才慢慢的過去, 還是自己意願不高, 對這活動的期望不高.

場地內, 人聲鼎沸, 有點像股票市場, 也有點像廟會, 我被安排到自己的座位上, 與認識的朋友交換了一個眼神, 他的眼神有點憂傷, 我的眼神大概是你居然騙我, 哪有漂亮的對象! 有三分一的女生不是台灣人, 但百分百的女生是要找對象的…

兩分半認識一個人很困難, 聊一模一樣的東西也很困難, 女生大多問我工作是什麼, 男生大多問女生年紀是多少, 很明顯看得出來男女要的東西的差異.

最後, 每個人要選自己喜歡的對象, 雖然自己沒有喜歡的對象, 但還是有不知哪來的花痴自信, 相信應該還是有幾個會喜歡我, 結果… 一個都沒有, 二十二個女生一個都沒選我, 對自信有很大的打擊.

和朋友吃飯, 被笑了一頓, 一是嫌我說話太油, 二是說我過胖, 感覺像二次打擊…

SPEED DATING, 如我好朋友說, 可能有令人驚喜的意外, 雖然是令人不開心的意外, 但可以確定, 我沒辦法從這方式找對象, 這種方式與在酒吧裡認識人有和差異? 大家還是你厄我詐, 離開的時候, 我禮貌的對對面的女生說FB上見, 她才坦承她用的是假名(我還藝名勒), 我都不知道說什麼好… 還是… 回家看蝴蝶姐姐好了…



昨天有位朋友, 在電話上說, 我很厲害, 做金融這行, 時機壞壞, 感情生活又是風風雨雨, 現在還可以這麼樂觀, 面帶微笑.

我說, 我真的不算什麼, 還有朋友也做金融, 還感今年買房, 娶妻, 壓力不知有多大, 那才利害.

其實, 自己也沉靜了一陣, 每天收看台灣那些沒營養的綜藝節目, 學學東西, 就熬過來了. 在外的, 還是好的留給別人.

我記得金融海嘯開始沒多久, 見過一對八十多歲的客戶, 問他們會不會緊張, 他們說他們大風大浪看多了, 從內戰, 北京逃到上海, 在從上海到越南, 遇到越戰, 在從越南到香港, 從香港到美國, 再到加國, 天災人禍, 戰爭, 多少次需要從頭開始, 比起來, 我們真的沒什麼.

再說, 最糟的也過了, 還有什麼好不樂觀?


Summer of '09

It has been a very productive summer for me, things are getting better at work, reconnect with my high school buddies, worked/joined many weddings, 2nd gig as best man, picked up tennis again, got my first real six-string, went to Kelowna for the first time after almost 10 years, vegas for the sixth time... Although, there is still a void on the relationship side, I had the chance to meet many interesting girls. It was a good 92 days of summer! Autumn is going to be good too, first with first Canucks game in 17 years, ended in a shootout (even though it was just a pre-season game), I have 2 more concerts to go to! Including my favourite, Bryan Adams!

Summer of 69

I got my first real six-string
Bought it at the five-and-dime
Played 'til my fingers bled
It was summer of '69

Me and some guys from school
Had a Band and we tried real hard
Jimmy quit and Jody got married
I shualda known we'd never get far

Oh when I lock back now
That was seemes to last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya - I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life


Ain't no use in complainin'
When you got a job to do
Spent my evenin's down at the drive in
And that's when I met you

Standin on a mama's porch
You told me that you'd wait forever
Oh and when you held my hand
I knew that it was no or never
Those were the best days of my life

(Chorus) Back in Summer of '69

Man we were killin' time
We were young and restless
We needed to unwind
I guess nothin' can last forever, no

And now the times are changin'
Look at everything that's come and gone
Somethimes when I play that old six-string
I think about ya wonder what went wrong

Standin' on a mama's porch
You told me it would last forever
Oh the way you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never
Those were the best days of my life

(Chorus) Back in summer of '69






Even the ugly ones do...

Okay, this story might trigger flames from female readers, so just to make things clear, I didn't say this and it wasn't my experience, but I kinda agree with him though.

A friend return to Vancouver is still single, I asked him why that is. He said he is more interested in girls from Taiwan, fair enough, keep the Taiwanese blood line pure. But there must be enough "supply" of Taiwanese girls over there to keep his relationship life interesting.

He said the girls he met over there are those who have just come to North America, meaning that they didn't grow up here. What is wrong with that? I asked.

The expectations are very different, for those who left taiwan early, they still have mindset of early days, that is "low expectations". I remember I had a Hong Kong classmate from University, he only dated Taiwanese girls, not that he isn't good looking, but he told me Taiwanese girls have lower expectations. Little things you do for them, they will appreciate a lot more than girls from Hong Kong.

That is easy to explain, imagine someone who has the luxury to have lobsters/shark fins on a regular basis, it will be hard to impress that person with anything in that class.

Girls in Taiwan nowadays are different now, much more like the Hong Kong girls we know, they have expectations, guys are supposed to this, guys are supposed to do that. What my friend doesn't like is that they have expectations, but it is not like they have more to bring to the table.

For example, they would expect guys to pay for meals, even though they know the guys are not interested in them and it wasn't a date. KTV? guys will pick up the tab. But do they actually do more? No...

The worst part? My friend added, "Even the ugly ones do..."



I been looking for someone
Between the fire and the flame
Were all looking for something
To ease the pain
Now who can you turn to
When its all black and white
And the winners are losers
You see it every night

I need somebody
Somebody like you
Everybody needs somebody

I need somebody
Hey what about you
Everybody needs somebody
When youre out on the front line
And youre watching them fall
It doesnt take long to realize
It aint worth fighting for

I thought I saw the madonna
When you walked in the room
Well your eyes were like diamonds
And they cut right through - oh they cut right through

I need somebody
Somebody like you
Everybody needs somebody
I need somebody
Hey what about you
We all need somebody

Another night another lesson learned
Its the distance keeps us sane
But when the silence leads to sorrow
We do it all again - all again


by Bryan Adams, getting ready for his concert!


Say Yes

不知道怎麼網上碰到的, 我看過的第一部日劇, 101次求婚主題曲, 恰克與飛鳥


在和你一起渡過的日子裏 根本沒有所謂多餘的東西

但是 那些都是為了試煉我的情侶之間的愛情遊戲

為何不讓我倆就這樣 把夢都放在一起
自自然然的 開始一起生活

為了想感受到愛 就必須也以愛來回報

要我說多少次都可以 我要全部說出來

言語的力量 是無法超越內心的
雖然非常想要說給你聽 但終究無法完整的表達出心中的意思

身處在星空築起的屋頂下 我明瞭了甚麼叫情侶們的憂傷

為何不讓我倆就這樣地 一起來迎接每個早晨
永遠在一起 永遠在一起生活

為了想感受到愛 就必須也以愛來回報
別讓我們 忘掉了置身在戀愛中的感覺

要我說多少次都可以 我想你是真的在
不要猶豫  SAY YES 不要猶豫

為了想感受到愛 就必須也以愛來回報
別讓我們 忘掉了置身在戀愛中的感覺

要我說多少次都可以 我想你是真的在

但這mtv有點讓人覺得歲月不饒人, 比較一下SNL模仿90年代男孩團體, 這個更讚, 90末代男孩團體. 音樂還真不錯聽.



好像人越大,越多不喜歡的人, 最近討厭的人又加一種, 就是藏朋友的人.

不知道有沒有遇過這種朋友, 他會跟你說晚上要和他的朋友吃飯, 但他明知道他的朋友你也認識, 但就是故意不說, 不知道是扮神秘, 或是要扮朋友比較多.

另一種朋友就是從來不會介紹其他朋友給你認識, 你可能認識他很多年, 十幾年老交情, 去過大小活動, 每次他都是單槍匹馬出現, 某一天才發現, 原來很多朋友都認識他, 但他從來也沒提過, 還要感謝facebook一類的交友網頁, 才知道有重複的朋友.

以前好像從來不介意這種事情, 但最近開始覺得這種朋友不夠意思, 可能是年紀到了, 容易動怒...


The wedding diary

I have just gone to my 6th or 7th wedding this year. This year has been exceptionally difficult since i am at that age where at least someone you know at the wedding will ask when will be my time... hard to answer that one.

There were wedding indoor, wedding outdoor, wedding by the sea, wedding on a golf course, wedding in pink, wedding in white, reception in luxury hotel, reception in vintage house, drunk bride's maid, drunk relatives, nervous grooms, nervous emcees...

I ran into the same commissioner 3 times, same videographer twice, same photographer 3 times, same pianist 2 times, ran into high schoolmates i didn't know back then, ran into colleagues who i didn't know would be at the wedding, ran into groom's sister i thought i didn't know...

There were funny ones, there were touching ones, but every single wedding has the same scene, where they held their hands at the alter, looked into each other's eyes like nothing else matters, that is love, and that is why i attend every wedding i was invited to!