
Is timing everything?

My wedding seasons are over, baby seasons are coming. Many of my close friends are pumping out their first-borns. Every social gathering I go, there are babies or baby talks. I know I have lost many more friends to the D list, the friends' with kids list. Their lives will be dedicated by the schedule of their kids, and I will miss them

Among these good news, my company, place I spent my last 6 years, have been sold to another company. It is a huge change, as I thought I have finally found a place I want to be, and have finally settled down...

I have always wonder, is timing everything?

When is the best time to do what?

To buy a house, to go back to school, to go to the next vacation, or maybe to pop the question?

I think, in my life, I have been asking too many timing questions, and I have decided to pop that question, in this beautiful messy time. Perhaps, this is the best time to ask,

"Will You Marry Me?"