
You are exaggerating!

MSS told me on the car, that UBC has the best hot dogs in the world, she said they were the best she had ever tried.

I said, could they have some sentimental value to it? Maybe they would taste better if there are some memory to go with them.

"NO~~~", MMS shut me down in her usually quick fashion, "all my friends said UBC hot dogs are the best, and they would go back to UBC just for the hot dogs." she made a circle with her index finger and thumb, "it is about this big!", "and all the dressings and garnishes you can get..."

"Really? Well, I had the best ice cream at SFU, it was called "champagn", and it has raisins in it, it was sooo good, the best ice cream in the world!"

Guess what MSS said?

"Now, you are exaggerating..."


Anonymous said...

Tell her the best hot dog in the world belongs to you -- James Yang!


Petite Sis said...

To Edward, SFU would have teh best breakfast sandwich in the world.

To Me, SFU used to have the best Cinnamon bun in the world but the bun doesn't taste as good since I quit Cinnamon in 3rd/4th year =p

lambofsilence said...

I guess Kevin would be the one to know I have the best hot dog in the world. ;)

Not sure about Cinnamon buns though, I quit those 30 years ago... (yes, before I was born)