
Do you lie?

An Irish poet once said, "Ask me no questions, and I will tell you no lies."

Lying is something we do daily. We lie to our parents, to our clients, to our co-workers, to our kids (yes, that includes you daddy kevin), to our spouses, to our love ones.

I remember there was a study done on how many times a person lie each day, I couldn't recall the number, but it was pretty high. But, do you know who do we lie to the most? Ourselves!

Yes, we lie to ourselves all the time, when we say "this is my last smoke", "I will sleep for another 5 min", "I am not fat", the most common? "It is going to be alright", even though you have no assurance that things are going to be alright and you know it is NOT going to be alright.

We lie in order to get through our lives easily, we lie to make ourselves feel better, but there is got to be a point where you find yourself not be able to lie to yourself anymore, that is when you have to find a way to face yourself, and grow...


LL said...

I remembered there was this questionare asking "do you lie"

I lied.

lambofsilence said...

So you lied about lying? Or you lied about not lying? @_*