


風象星座的人喜歡說話,flirtatious,喜歡社交,看我的幾個外號: 小羊碎碎唸、social butterfly、社交貴賓狗... 好像還蠻準的...


Air Sign According to astrological theory, air signs are the talkers and communicators of the Zodiac. Typically they are supposed to be intellectual, analytical, articulate and versatile - able to discuss just about any topic. Air signs are also seen as the masters of social graces because they enjoy socialising and are very good at "small talk". They are often seen as so objective that they are unable to be practical and realistic.

At worst, air signs are supposed to be so changeable they will not stay anywhere for any length of time, and so restless they have trouble with serious concentration on any single job they might be required to carry out. Air signs' role is seen as providing the ideas that make the future different from the past, whereas fire signs carry out the actions necessary for this. In human relationships, air signs are said to be gregarious and extroverted, often attracting friends very willingly and easily with their charm and ability to communicate.

However, air signs are believed to be lacking in passion and unable to form strong, lasting relationships; astrologers believe few air sign people are able to have a single marriage, for they are said to be as apt to try out new people as new ideas. Air signs are also thought to be extremely lacking in emotional depth because they tend to intellectualise their feelings and generally want to avoid difficult obstacles that might be needed to hold a partnership together.

Air signs are seen as complementary to fire signs because they provide the ideas that allow the fire signs to carry out their action. However, it is often though that fire signs are too flagrant and impatient for the air signs to tolerate permanently. Air signs are supposed to more or less understand Earth signs because they share a basically rational nature. However, whilst air signs are supposed to admire earth signs' will to achieve, they supposedly find them too timid, pessimistic, undemonstrative and cautious, and the earth signs, though attracted by the air signs' unique thoughts, find them completely unrealistic. Water signs are believed to be much too passionate and emotionally deep for air signs' flighty, flirtatious nature: indeed, astrology believes air signs hate water signs as too subjective, secretive and illogical. For their part water signs supposedly deride air signs as emotionally shallow, excessively concerned with worldly pleasure, and uncaring.

With most planets in air signs, astrology belives the individual is likely to tend to try to do too many things at once and be impractical, restless, even scheming. At best, such a person could be extraordinarily bright and intelligent and able to provide new innovations. With few or no planets in air signs, astrology believes the person will be unable to articulate thoughts or ideas. they may lack social graces necessary to communicate and, at worst, are supposed to distance themselves from their own ideas ...

我看得有點毛骨悚然,因為還真準,只有講到感情和工作,我就不大茍同,照上面說的,我應該沒有辦法和一個人在一起太久,或在一個工作做太久。認識我的人都覺得我還蠻死心榻地的,不過很多剛認識我的人,都承認他們對我的第一印象是... 我應該是很不專情、很愛換工作的人... 還有我絕對絕對不會逃避感情中的困難!

看了半天,我最大的心得是.... 我應該要找一個火象女人把我燒一燒,要不找一個風象女人跟我自相殘殺、一起作夢...




