
reamt of getting hit by lightening 9 times...

When the Lottery money is high and I am feeling the pinch from work. I would spend that two dollars to dream about not needing to work for a while.

Last night's winning was 35 million, just imagine how all the material things you can get with that kind of money... Unfortunately, the odds of winning is about 1 in 63 million, that is 1/63,000,000, to put it another way, it is more like getting hit by lightening 9 times.

Although we can all agree that money is not the important thing in the world, it is pretty up there on the list, wouldn't it be nice that you don't have to worry about it?

I think there is another way, if your luck proves not to be 1 in the millions, how about arranging your own finances? Starting from today, find a good investment advisor (like me), and make your hard earned money working harder than you!

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