

有時不得不覺得, 台灣近幾年的亂象完全要歸功於媒體, 那豐富的水果日報,數字日報, 還有好幾台的二十四小時新聞, 弄得好像每一天的台灣都很熱鬧, 當然, 台灣人本來就很愛湊熱鬧.

台灣人也很迷信, 政客當然也知道, 一到選舉, 一個個無論是藍是綠, 乖乖去廟裡拜拜上香, 選上了, 還可以題個字, 作個匾額留名千古...

最近有個王老師, 說什麼台灣在五月十一日會有十四級地震, 先是有一堆人網上傳來傳去, 後是有民眾尾隨王老師, 再來媒體去訪問, 談話性節目請專家, 最後連內政部長都要發言.

你說是誰比較白癡? 王老師? 信他的人群? 媒體? 政府官員? 還是不信但也要跟在旁邊起鬨的人?


Anonymous said...

He is just trying to make a name for himself, piggybacking on the Rome earth quack prediction. The media jumps on the bandwagon becuase it boosts the ratings. The sad thing is that people actually buy into this BS and religiously follow these ridiculous stories.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Rome quake, thousands fled the city. Which neighborhood reacted most severely to the rumor? You guessed it, Chinatown.

lambofsilence said...

those superstitious asians... maybe i should start my own religion as a new career path.

lambofsilence said...

what happened to previous comments?