Here is a piece of my horoscope today...
"You're nice. That's not to say that you're too nice, or that you're a pushover, or that you're saccharine sweet. No, you're just nice, and you're nice to your fellow humans and people appreciate it. They like to work with you and they like to play with you. They like to talk to you and they like to walk with you. You care and they share and things work out nicely. Terrific. Just make sure that people are nice to you back. You've earned it!"
I always thought "nice" is a very boring word. To call someone "nice", is almost like you can't find any other word to describe that person, or you don't really know that person very well, so you settle for nice.
I have to admit, "nice" is probably the word most of my friends would describe me. Hopefully, they can find other words to describe me...
besides nice, lamb=碎碎唸
"nice" 對剛認識的人是一個很好的形容詞
但對你 你不是只有"nice"
我發現你很細心 會關懷朋友 只要別人有需要是你能做到的
但你有點多愁善感 一點小事會讓你有很多想法
不知道是不是你前陣子失戀的緣故 還是你本性如此
我覺得你應該是有一個很單純 簡單的靈魂
well... 你是真的很nice! 記得我之前在找工作的時候 三不五時都會問你一些有的沒有的怪問題 你都很有耐心的幫我分析... yes... u r VERY NICE!!! Thank you James!!! :)
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