
Type I error and Type II error...

I have always been a number guy, and I did quite well in my Statistics course back in university. I remember in one of the entry level Stats class, 2 types of errors were discussed.

A type I error occurs when one rejects the null hypothesis when it is true, and
A type II error occurs when one accepts the null hypothesis when it is false

If I put relationship into the discussion, it will look like this:

A type I error occurs when one rejects someone when he/she is the one, and
A type II error occurs when one accepts someone when he/she is NOT the one

I know a friend who makes type II errors all the time, jumping into relationships fast and furious, only to find out she is not the one. However, it is not to say he is wrong, 'cause if he never attempted, how would he know he has committed the type II error?

But most of my friends including myself most of the time, are committing type I error, we let things go by, let our feelings go away, even though we feel strongly towards someone, we will tell ourselves, he/she is not what I am looking for.

I think it is way easier to reject than to accept. You don't get hurt if you reject the possiblities and unkowns.

And my friend who used to commit type II errors? He found his true null hypothesis, fell in love, got married and started a family...

1 comment:

lambofsilence said...

You got a good point there, life is a risk itself, we should not be afraid of commiting type 2 error, however, we should learn from our mistakes after we have committed errors. Or else, we will never grow.