
Mr. Big or Aidan?

During my spare time, I am hooked with watching episodes and episodes of "sex and the city". After a few seasons, a question came to me, if you are a woman, do you like "Mr. Big" or "Aidan"? If you are a man, do you want to be "Mr. Big" or "Aidan"?

For those who haven't watched "sex and the city", Mr. Big is the guy the main character, Carrie, met in the first episode, his best line is probably, "abso-fucking-lutely". He can be descirbed as older, charming, wealthy, romantic, and very much a player. Aidan is the other guy who had relationship with Carrie, he can be described as talented, loyal, caring, layback, and outdoor. Basically, Mr. Big is what every woman want as a boyfriend, and every man's idol, while Aidan is what every woman want as a husband, and every man's best friends.

As what I have expected, you can easily ask anyone the same question "Mr. Big or Aidan", and find out where they are in their life. For my friends who are settling down, Aidan is the one they want. For most of my friends, especially girls, like Mr. Big.

It bothers me though, 'cause if both men and women like Mr. Big, where do Aidans go?

For myself, I want to be Mr. Big, but I feel like Aidan most of the time. You can call me Mr.Big Wannabe, or Mr. Medium.

1 comment:

Ringo948 said...

其實我覺得每位女人一生當中都應該要碰到"Mr.Big" and "Aidan"
沒有"Mr.Big" 你不會發現戀愛的酸甜苦辣
也許有人會覺得這樣太痛苦了 但人生中如果少了"Mr.Big" 會太平凡了點
也許這個人讓你恨了一輩子 想了一輩子
沒有 "Aidan" 你不會發現追求以久的幸福是這麼美好.....