First of all, I have to clarify; I have not read either book.
To follow my logic, you have to somehow believe in the following two statements:
1) Reincarnation: there is a next life, we will become someone or something in our next life.
2) If you have your ears pierced, you will become a woman in your next life. It is a traditional belief in Taiwanese cultural, I think.
Here is the theory, most women have their ears pierced, so according to 2), they should become women in their next life. There are many guys who also have pierced ears, so according to 2), they should also become women in their next life.
Here is the problem, if most women stay women in their next life, and many men become women in their next life…. where do men come from? According to 1), we all come from somewhere, so many men must be the reincarnation of bugs, frogs, animals, or even aliens from Mars!
Maybe, there is a merit to the book, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”? Again, I have not read that book before… :)
Before Sunset...
It was in 1994, when Jesse and Celine met each other and spent a night together in Vienna. They felt a connection and promised each other to meet again at the same spot in six months.
It is now 2004, Jesse and Celine met again in Paris, after Jesse had written a book about his encounter in Vienna and became a bestseller. However, this time they only had 80 minutes to decide if they want to be with each other. Jesse has to be on the plane to New Year...
This time around with renewed sense of closeness, they discussed Desire, Society, Death and of course, Love. This time around, they are older and more depressed. Jesse is married with kids, but not terribly happy, and Celine thinks she is "dying inside because she feels numb".
First question I had, was that did they actually meet like they promised? It turns out that Celine did not make it, but Jesse was alone at Vienna for a few days. They have crossed paths without even knowing they were living in the same city...
This is another great movie, both characters have grown and it feels like we can see that transformation too.
Again, there are a few great scenes. The walk and talk in back alleys, sitting on the bench asking each other tough questions.
There was a scene when Celine said to Jesse, "People just have an affair or even entire relationships, they break up and then they move on like they would have changed brand of cereals, I could not do that...", then, Jesse confessed to her, "You know why I wrote that book? So you might come to a reading in Paris, and I could walk up to you and ask 'where the fuck were you?'... I wrote it in way to find you"
When Jesse walked up to Celine's apartment, there was an awkward quietness, reminds me of the moment in the record listening booth in 1994. However, this time, they did not avert their eyes, they looked at each other and smiled. As if they knew each other, and there is nothing else they should be afraid of.
My favourite moment was when Celine sings to Jesse while playing a guitar,
Let me sing you a waltz
"Let me sing you a waltz
Out of nowhere, out of my thoughts
Let me sing you a waltz
About this one-night stand
You were, for me, that night
Everything I always dreamt of in life
But now you're gone
You are far-gone
All the way to your island of rain
It was, for you, just a one-night thing
But you were much more to me
Just so you know
I don't care what they say
I know what you meant for me that day
I just want another try
I just want another night
Even it it doesn't seem quite right
You meant, for me, much more
Than anyone I've met before
One single night with you, little Jesse
Is worth a thousand with anybody
I have no bitterness, my sweet
I'll never forget this one-night thing
Even tomorrow, in other arms,
My heart will stay yours until I die
Let me sing you a waltz
Out of nowhere, out of my blues
Let me sing you a waltz
About this lovely one-night stand"
I even feel my emotion flowing thru during that simple song...
Finally, Jesse put on a record, Nina Simons, Celine starts dancing solo while Jesse watched, then she said "baby you are going to miss that plane", he said, "I know"...
It is now 2004, Jesse and Celine met again in Paris, after Jesse had written a book about his encounter in Vienna and became a bestseller. However, this time they only had 80 minutes to decide if they want to be with each other. Jesse has to be on the plane to New Year...
This time around with renewed sense of closeness, they discussed Desire, Society, Death and of course, Love. This time around, they are older and more depressed. Jesse is married with kids, but not terribly happy, and Celine thinks she is "dying inside because she feels numb".
First question I had, was that did they actually meet like they promised? It turns out that Celine did not make it, but Jesse was alone at Vienna for a few days. They have crossed paths without even knowing they were living in the same city...
This is another great movie, both characters have grown and it feels like we can see that transformation too.
Again, there are a few great scenes. The walk and talk in back alleys, sitting on the bench asking each other tough questions.
There was a scene when Celine said to Jesse, "People just have an affair or even entire relationships, they break up and then they move on like they would have changed brand of cereals, I could not do that...", then, Jesse confessed to her, "You know why I wrote that book? So you might come to a reading in Paris, and I could walk up to you and ask 'where the fuck were you?'... I wrote it in way to find you"
When Jesse walked up to Celine's apartment, there was an awkward quietness, reminds me of the moment in the record listening booth in 1994. However, this time, they did not avert their eyes, they looked at each other and smiled. As if they knew each other, and there is nothing else they should be afraid of.
My favourite moment was when Celine sings to Jesse while playing a guitar,
Let me sing you a waltz
"Let me sing you a waltz
Out of nowhere, out of my thoughts
Let me sing you a waltz
About this one-night stand
You were, for me, that night
Everything I always dreamt of in life
But now you're gone
You are far-gone
All the way to your island of rain
It was, for you, just a one-night thing
But you were much more to me
Just so you know
I don't care what they say
I know what you meant for me that day
I just want another try
I just want another night
Even it it doesn't seem quite right
You meant, for me, much more
Than anyone I've met before
One single night with you, little Jesse
Is worth a thousand with anybody
I have no bitterness, my sweet
I'll never forget this one-night thing
Even tomorrow, in other arms,
My heart will stay yours until I die
Let me sing you a waltz
Out of nowhere, out of my blues
Let me sing you a waltz
About this lovely one-night stand"
I even feel my emotion flowing thru during that simple song...
Finally, Jesse put on a record, Nina Simons, Celine starts dancing solo while Jesse watched, then she said "baby you are going to miss that plane", he said, "I know"...
Before Sunrise...
I have just wached Before Sunrise. It is about two young twenty year olds drifted into each other in the middle of their own journeys. They spent a night at Vienna, they talked about love, parents, life... They had strong feelings towards each other, but they both knew, by sunrise, they have to go their separate ways.
I love the film, other than the fact that it is not a big budget film. It is shot beautifully, but not in an intimitating way. The conversations are smart and the characters are convincing and relatable.
Most importantly, the story, it feels like what I have just gone thru.
There are a few scenes I love, the best scene was in an old record store. When Jesse and Celine were trying a record in a small listening booth. They just met each other less than one hour ago, and they were checking each other out, but everytime when Jesse put his eyes on Celine everytime she looks away, he would have a smile on his face. Maybe thinking, "I could really fall for this woman". Celine would do the same, with the same smile, thinking, "I could really see myself with this man". However, they will avert their eyes just when the other person is turning around... very cute and very lovely...
There is also my favourite quote, Celine shared her thought in an anonymous back alley, she said,
"If there is any magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something... I know, it is almost impossible to succeed, but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt"
Finally, when they just had their first argument, they bumped into a poet, who will charged them a fee for writing a poem on any word they give him. Jesse and Celine decided on "Milkshakes"
"Daydream Delusion
Limousine Eyelash
Oh baby with your pretty face
Drop a tear in my wine glass
Look at those big eyes
See what you mean to me
Sweetcakes and milk shakes
I am a delusion angel
I am a fantasy parade
I want you to know what I think
Don't want you to guess anymore
You have no idea where I came from
We have no idea where we're going
Lodged in life
Like branches in the river
Flowing downstream
Caught in the current
I carry you
You'll carry me
That's how it could be
Don't you know me
Don't you know me by now?"
When they separated at the end of the film, they promised each other to meet again in six months at the same spot...
I love the film, other than the fact that it is not a big budget film. It is shot beautifully, but not in an intimitating way. The conversations are smart and the characters are convincing and relatable.
Most importantly, the story, it feels like what I have just gone thru.
There are a few scenes I love, the best scene was in an old record store. When Jesse and Celine were trying a record in a small listening booth. They just met each other less than one hour ago, and they were checking each other out, but everytime when Jesse put his eyes on Celine everytime she looks away, he would have a smile on his face. Maybe thinking, "I could really fall for this woman". Celine would do the same, with the same smile, thinking, "I could really see myself with this man". However, they will avert their eyes just when the other person is turning around... very cute and very lovely...
There is also my favourite quote, Celine shared her thought in an anonymous back alley, she said,
"If there is any magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something... I know, it is almost impossible to succeed, but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt"
Finally, when they just had their first argument, they bumped into a poet, who will charged them a fee for writing a poem on any word they give him. Jesse and Celine decided on "Milkshakes"
"Daydream Delusion
Limousine Eyelash
Oh baby with your pretty face
Drop a tear in my wine glass
Look at those big eyes
See what you mean to me
Sweetcakes and milk shakes
I am a delusion angel
I am a fantasy parade
I want you to know what I think
Don't want you to guess anymore
You have no idea where I came from
We have no idea where we're going
Lodged in life
Like branches in the river
Flowing downstream
Caught in the current
I carry you
You'll carry me
That's how it could be
Don't you know me
Don't you know me by now?"
When they separated at the end of the film, they promised each other to meet again in six months at the same spot...
暖氣替車內加了溫,也消去了字跡,但我的心還是有那字跡,還是冷的,我才真正的了解我是徹底的失戀了... 一瞬間,有種很想哭的感覺,是惋惜?還是解脫?
暖氣替車內加了溫,也消去了字跡,但我的心還是有那字跡,還是冷的,我才真正的了解我是徹底的失戀了... 一瞬間,有種很想哭的感覺,是惋惜?還是解脫?
“规则如下: 被点名的同学要在自己blog回答以下所有的问题,并在最后写下多出一个问题,然后把问题丢给其它5人回答,并且到这些人的版面留言“你被点名了” 。 注明是从哪一个blogger那里被点名的,游戏规则,还有“中奖”的5位朋友。”
恭喜沒事有在看我blog又有時間寫blog的人,記得在我的comment裡給我你blog的link。Darren,Sharon,Betty,Dolly和 Martin! (Annabel 如果有時間也玩玩吧!)
回答:我想那個字是'窘'吧! 第一次讚喜歡的女生漂亮,她居然說“很多人都這樣講...”,害我當場接不下去。
回答:夏威夷Diamond Head山下,蔚藍海邊的沙灘上,只有家人和最好的朋友。對象? 前天問我可能有答案,現在從缺。
回答:南歐的城市,像希臘愛情海畔的城市,夏威夷也不錯,和誰去? 前天問我可能有答案,現在也是從缺。原因? 跟自己喜歡的人去當然住浪漫的地方,不過溫哥華就很好了。
回答:我大概會裸奔吧! 要不然就準備投胎了 (自己一定是掛了)
回答:我選非常美,除了你最愛的人人人都愛你,然後去愛我第二愛的人,yes yes im very shallow。
回答:better timing
提问22:如果你流落到了荒島﹐上帝讓你選擇1件物品 + 1本書陪你渡過無聊的日子﹐你會選什麼物品和什麼書﹖Why?
回答:少了我 :) 前天問我可能有答案,現在也是從缺。
回答:33歲或五年後,開始結婚? 沒女朋友怎麼結?
回答:Breakfast at Tiffany
回答:女人,現在男人辛苦 :)
回答:好好先生一個 (軋過吼忍-廣東話)
回答:Love always wins! 什麼是愛情? 給我三個小時,我講給你聽
“规则如下: 被点名的同学要在自己blog回答以下所有的问题,并在最后写下多出一个问题,然后把问题丢给其它5人回答,并且到这些人的版面留言“你被点名了” 。 注明是从哪一个blogger那里被点名的,游戏规则,还有“中奖”的5位朋友。”
恭喜沒事有在看我blog又有時間寫blog的人,記得在我的comment裡給我你blog的link。Darren,Sharon,Betty,Dolly和 Martin! (Annabel 如果有時間也玩玩吧!)
回答:我想那個字是'窘'吧! 第一次讚喜歡的女生漂亮,她居然說“很多人都這樣講...”,害我當場接不下去。
回答:夏威夷Diamond Head山下,蔚藍海邊的沙灘上,只有家人和最好的朋友。對象? 前天問我可能有答案,現在從缺。
回答:南歐的城市,像希臘愛情海畔的城市,夏威夷也不錯,和誰去? 前天問我可能有答案,現在也是從缺。原因? 跟自己喜歡的人去當然住浪漫的地方,不過溫哥華就很好了。
回答:我大概會裸奔吧! 要不然就準備投胎了 (自己一定是掛了)
回答:我選非常美,除了你最愛的人人人都愛你,然後去愛我第二愛的人,yes yes im very shallow。
回答:better timing
提问22:如果你流落到了荒島﹐上帝讓你選擇1件物品 + 1本書陪你渡過無聊的日子﹐你會選什麼物品和什麼書﹖Why?
回答:少了我 :) 前天問我可能有答案,現在也是從缺。
回答:33歲或五年後,開始結婚? 沒女朋友怎麼結?
回答:Breakfast at Tiffany
回答:女人,現在男人辛苦 :)
回答:好好先生一個 (軋過吼忍-廣東話)
回答:Love always wins! 什麼是愛情? 給我三個小時,我講給你聽
Friendster Experiment...
Boys and Girls, dear viewers,
I am currently experimenting with Friendster, please add me to your list.
As of 3:50pm (17 hours), Nov 29, 2005, I have 15 friends. I thought I might have a few more. :)
6:00pm (19 hours), Nov 29, 19 friends.
9:00am (34 hours), Nov 30, 2005, 26 friends, all my other friends who are also on friendster but have not added me will now be on my B list now. :)
11:00pm (48 hours), Nov 30, 2005, 28 friends... keep them coming!
9:00am (58 hours), Dec 1, 2005, 33 friends... 17 boys and 16 girls!
12:00am (73 hours), Dec 2, 2005, 37 friends... 20 boys and 17 girls!
Dec 4, 2005, 6 days, 44 friends... 20 guys and 24 gals, go gals go!
Dec 13, 2005, 15 days, 56 friends... 26 guys, and 30 gals...
Dec 29, 2005, 1 month, 71 friends... 32 guys, and 39 gals!
Feb 14, 2006, 2 months and 2 weeks, 102 friends... 41 guys, and 61 gals, have to point out that with all these friends and no one to pass v day with is a little depressing... :(
I am currently experimenting with Friendster, please add me to your list.
As of 3:50pm (17 hours), Nov 29, 2005, I have 15 friends. I thought I might have a few more. :)
6:00pm (19 hours), Nov 29, 19 friends.
9:00am (34 hours), Nov 30, 2005, 26 friends, all my other friends who are also on friendster but have not added me will now be on my B list now. :)
11:00pm (48 hours), Nov 30, 2005, 28 friends... keep them coming!
9:00am (58 hours), Dec 1, 2005, 33 friends... 17 boys and 16 girls!
12:00am (73 hours), Dec 2, 2005, 37 friends... 20 boys and 17 girls!
Dec 4, 2005, 6 days, 44 friends... 20 guys and 24 gals, go gals go!
Dec 13, 2005, 15 days, 56 friends... 26 guys, and 30 gals...
Dec 29, 2005, 1 month, 71 friends... 32 guys, and 39 gals!
Feb 14, 2006, 2 months and 2 weeks, 102 friends... 41 guys, and 61 gals, have to point out that with all these friends and no one to pass v day with is a little depressing... :(
Why do I have to love a cat?....
Recently, I have been quite angry at myself, over a cat.
I love cats, they are independent and smart, kinda creepy sometimes, but i like them.
A week ago, i ran into this very cute siberian cat, about 2 years old. I was parking the car, and she followed me home. I had to hide it from my landlord, so I kept her in my room for 2 days, she was happily staying by my bedside, and sometimes on my bed.
Of course, after 2 days, the landlord found out about the cat, they weren't too pleased at the time, but later accepted her, because she is very good with their dog.
Anyhow, I am happy she can finally be out in the open. She roamed around the neighbourhood, having tons of fun.
However, we become more distanted, she wouldn't respond to my calls, a meow or two at the most. I know cats are like that, but I thought given what we had, she should at least show a little affection sometimes. Maybe, she has forgotten about me! She is still young after all.
I got a little frustrated, that stupid cat, I thought to myself. Then, I thought, maybe it is my own problem, why do I need/care for her attention? Then, I got angry at myself, why do I have to love a cat? Given their independent nature, call-me-and-leave-a-message attitude. Why do I still love this cat?
(no cat was harmed during the production of this blog, but I cannot say the same about myself though...)
I love cats, they are independent and smart, kinda creepy sometimes, but i like them.
A week ago, i ran into this very cute siberian cat, about 2 years old. I was parking the car, and she followed me home. I had to hide it from my landlord, so I kept her in my room for 2 days, she was happily staying by my bedside, and sometimes on my bed.
Of course, after 2 days, the landlord found out about the cat, they weren't too pleased at the time, but later accepted her, because she is very good with their dog.
Anyhow, I am happy she can finally be out in the open. She roamed around the neighbourhood, having tons of fun.
However, we become more distanted, she wouldn't respond to my calls, a meow or two at the most. I know cats are like that, but I thought given what we had, she should at least show a little affection sometimes. Maybe, she has forgotten about me! She is still young after all.
I got a little frustrated, that stupid cat, I thought to myself. Then, I thought, maybe it is my own problem, why do I need/care for her attention? Then, I got angry at myself, why do I have to love a cat? Given their independent nature, call-me-and-leave-a-message attitude. Why do I still love this cat?
(no cat was harmed during the production of this blog, but I cannot say the same about myself though...)
幾天前買了張信哲的精選,想想他也很久沒有出專輯了﹝還是我很有沒聽中文歌了?﹞看曲目上的第一首-愛如潮水,有十年了吧! 記得那時我是某個凌晨1點,在中文的電台上聽到的,覺得很好聽,很悲哀...
愛如潮水 - 張信哲
且讓我給妳安慰 不論結局是喜是悲
走過千山萬水 在我心裏妳永遠是那麼美
我的愛如潮水 愛如潮水將我向妳推
緊緊跟隨 愛如潮水它將你我包圍
我的愛如潮水 愛如潮水將我向妳推
緊緊跟隨 愛如潮水它將你我包圍
愛如潮水 - 張信哲
且讓我給妳安慰 不論結局是喜是悲
走過千山萬水 在我心裏妳永遠是那麼美
我的愛如潮水 愛如潮水將我向妳推
緊緊跟隨 愛如潮水它將你我包圍
我的愛如潮水 愛如潮水將我向妳推
緊緊跟隨 愛如潮水它將你我包圍
We are living in the slowest city in the world...
After working in the market for a few weeks, I sudden realize Vancouver is a very slow city. Why? We are always behind every market. We are 3 hours behind New York, 8 hours behind London, 17 hours behind Tokyo. It feels like the whole world is already tomorrow, and we are still today.
To say the least, west coast style living is more relaxing, less stressful (supposingly). Maybe that is why we are at least 3 hours behind all the major markets, because we are more lay back.
Except in the case of Alaska (1 hour behind us) and Hawaii (2 hours behind us). They are way slower than us... or maybe Victoria should get half an hour behind us, they are pretty slow too. :)
To say the least, west coast style living is more relaxing, less stressful (supposingly). Maybe that is why we are at least 3 hours behind all the major markets, because we are more lay back.
Except in the case of Alaska (1 hour behind us) and Hawaii (2 hours behind us). They are way slower than us... or maybe Victoria should get half an hour behind us, they are pretty slow too. :)
Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei...
After talking to many friends, I have come to the conclusion that I have been too blue, to adjust to my new life, I need something uplifting. Something like the Romanian group Ozone's Dragostea Din Tei (the love under the lime-tree) also known as the Numa Numa song.
Be warn though, this song will guarantee to stay in your mind for a long long time. But it is a happy song!
btw, "Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei" means " You want to go but you don't take me with you". Somehow, it is very fitting of my current situation. :)
Be warn though, this song will guarantee to stay in your mind for a long long time. But it is a happy song!
btw, "Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei" means " You want to go but you don't take me with you". Somehow, it is very fitting of my current situation. :)
Bon Voyage to Creme Brulee...
She is going to Paris...
Nous réunirons à Avenue des Champs-Elysees... un jour...
Nous réunirons à Avenue des Champs-Elysees... un jour...
My friends, my past...
Digging thru some old photos, I have revisited that old me, only 21, so naive...
向前走吧 踏上沒有你的這條路...
向前走吧 踏上沒有你的這條路...
偶然又聽到Mr.Children在2003年的歌Kurumi,我在看過MTV之後非常的感動,而且年紀越大時,感受越多。MTV 可以在這看得見
Ne~ Kurumi
向前走吧 踏上沒有你的這條路
偶然又聽到Mr.Children在2003年的歌Kurumi,我在看過MTV之後非常的感動,而且年紀越大時,感受越多。MTV 可以在這看得見
Ne~ Kurumi
向前走吧 踏上沒有你的這條路
President: Graham,他的無為又有點霸道的風格造就了我們那屆的特色,現在人在台灣,高科技業。
Exteranl VP: Linda,TA辣妹之一,最早嫁掉的,現在在溫哥華的某大3C商店總公司上班。
Internal VP: Karen,把當時UBC兩個社團社長都迷的東倒西歪,年底將在溫哥華嫁給大學時代的夢中情人,未來的精算師。
Treasurer: Nancy,以前TA幹部有兩對,Vicky和Ken,另外就是Nancy和我,幾年前嫁去美國,一個小孩的媽。
External Secretary: Brian,他和Graham都是我高中就認識的死黨,少數還留在溫哥華的男生,軟體公司上班。
Internal Secretary: Patrick,在TA時和他很要好,之後失去聯繫,在Kevin的婚禮又見到,覺得鈍了好多,台灣工作真可怕。
Public Relation: Betty,月前才在台灣嫁人,祝她幸福!
Public Relation: Kent,另外一個還在溫哥華的男生,TA時代並不熟,工作後一直同行,同時作Kevin的伴郎,在某大銀行任理財顧問一職。
Communication: Ken,與V小姐演泡沫劇,演到TA的下一屆,追求真愛到中國,節了婚,聽說在銀行上班。
Activity Director: Vicky,TA作一半就不見了,聽說去學旅館管理,有誰還有連絡?
Activity Director: Kevin,他創造了TA的'拉風'系列,拉風烤一烤,拉風滑一滑,人在台灣,幾個月前結婚,現在在等當爸爸。
剩下一個Activity Director就是我,當時的感覺真的一點都接不起來,除了有照片為證,我還不記得我們有做過什麼,但我記得我們都很真,都很開心...
President: Graham,他的無為又有點霸道的風格造就了我們那屆的特色,現在人在台灣,高科技業。
Exteranl VP: Linda,TA辣妹之一,最早嫁掉的,現在在溫哥華的某大3C商店總公司上班。
Internal VP: Karen,把當時UBC兩個社團社長都迷的東倒西歪,年底將在溫哥華嫁給大學時代的夢中情人,未來的精算師。
Treasurer: Nancy,以前TA幹部有兩對,Vicky和Ken,另外就是Nancy和我,幾年前嫁去美國,一個小孩的媽。
External Secretary: Brian,他和Graham都是我高中就認識的死黨,少數還留在溫哥華的男生,軟體公司上班。
Internal Secretary: Patrick,在TA時和他很要好,之後失去聯繫,在Kevin的婚禮又見到,覺得鈍了好多,台灣工作真可怕。
Public Relation: Betty,月前才在台灣嫁人,祝她幸福!
Public Relation: Kent,另外一個還在溫哥華的男生,TA時代並不熟,工作後一直同行,同時作Kevin的伴郎,在某大銀行任理財顧問一職。
Communication: Ken,與V小姐演泡沫劇,演到TA的下一屆,追求真愛到中國,節了婚,聽說在銀行上班。
Activity Director: Vicky,TA作一半就不見了,聽說去學旅館管理,有誰還有連絡?
Activity Director: Kevin,他創造了TA的'拉風'系列,拉風烤一烤,拉風滑一滑,人在台灣,幾個月前結婚,現在在等當爸爸。
剩下一個Activity Director就是我,當時的感覺真的一點都接不起來,除了有照片為證,我還不記得我們有做過什麼,但我記得我們都很真,都很開心...
Say you will miss me tomorrow...
We knew there are rough terrains before us, we knew there are doubts in our minds, we knew there are still shadow hanging over us.
But for tonight, dear, let there be no worries and no blues, no more whatifs in our minds,
I don't want to hear "I love you",
I don't want to think about tomorrow,
I don't care if we will still be months down the road,
I don't mind if there is going to be heartaches,
I don't even want to know if you miss me now...
Just say the sweestest thing,
Just tell me that you will miss me tomorrow...
But for tonight, dear, let there be no worries and no blues, no more whatifs in our minds,
I don't want to hear "I love you",
I don't want to think about tomorrow,
I don't care if we will still be months down the road,
I don't mind if there is going to be heartaches,
I don't even want to know if you miss me now...
Just say the sweestest thing,
Just tell me that you will miss me tomorrow...
自從我的Creme Brulee離開溫哥華後,有時不知不覺都會想起她‧‧‧
她最喜歡點“園香”的飲料,她不在的時候,我還無意間去了兩三次。她每一次去不管點什麼,都會在後面加一句,“對不起,半糖,少冰‧‧‧” 連那邊的服務員都記得我們了,不知道是我們太常去,還是她點得太龜毛。
她最喜歡點“園香”的飲料,她不在的時候,我還無意間去了兩三次。她每一次去不管點什麼,都會在後面加一句,“對不起,半糖,少冰‧‧‧” 連那邊的服務員都記得我們了,不知道是我們太常去,還是她點得太龜毛。
Being Ambitious or being ordinary...
One of my biggest fear in life is being ordinary, being normal.
When I was growing up, unfortunately, I was pretty normal and medicore. In Taiwan, a kid's success was judged by how well you do at school, from grade 1 to 10, I was always the 10-15th out of the 40 ppl class. When I came to Canada, I was doing Bs in high school. And in University, when I graduated, I pulled a 3.12 GPA, so a B student.
There was a joke I learnt in school, A students will become professors, C students will become CEOs, and B students will work for C students. I don't want to be that B student forever!
Today, I was reading the latest Time magazine, it talks about how ambitious and success people were brought up. Basically, they were brought up in an environment that encourages competitiveness.
Time mentioned something interesting regarding the wolfs, "... Even before wolf pups are weaned, they begin sorting themselves out into alphas and all the others. The alphas are quicker, more curious, greedier for space, milk, Mom- and they stay that way for life. Alpha wolves wander widely, breed annually and may live to a geriatric 10 or 11 years old. Lower-ranking wolves enjoy none of these benefits-staying close to home, breediing rarely and usually dying before they're 4..."
So, if humans are known to show their ambitious when they were young, I think I have missed the train... Or is it?
Still, I think I have been pushing myself to do more things. Every year, especially before my birthdays, I always get the feeling that I am still ordinary, I still haven't achieved enough to be barely unordinary. I think in a way, I am still maturing, maybe finding a way to be that alpha male...
When I was growing up, unfortunately, I was pretty normal and medicore. In Taiwan, a kid's success was judged by how well you do at school, from grade 1 to 10, I was always the 10-15th out of the 40 ppl class. When I came to Canada, I was doing Bs in high school. And in University, when I graduated, I pulled a 3.12 GPA, so a B student.
There was a joke I learnt in school, A students will become professors, C students will become CEOs, and B students will work for C students. I don't want to be that B student forever!
Today, I was reading the latest Time magazine, it talks about how ambitious and success people were brought up. Basically, they were brought up in an environment that encourages competitiveness.
Time mentioned something interesting regarding the wolfs, "... Even before wolf pups are weaned, they begin sorting themselves out into alphas and all the others. The alphas are quicker, more curious, greedier for space, milk, Mom- and they stay that way for life. Alpha wolves wander widely, breed annually and may live to a geriatric 10 or 11 years old. Lower-ranking wolves enjoy none of these benefits-staying close to home, breediing rarely and usually dying before they're 4..."
So, if humans are known to show their ambitious when they were young, I think I have missed the train... Or is it?
Still, I think I have been pushing myself to do more things. Every year, especially before my birthdays, I always get the feeling that I am still ordinary, I still haven't achieved enough to be barely unordinary. I think in a way, I am still maturing, maybe finding a way to be that alpha male...
Love was here...
After 5 weeks of wonderful time, Creme Brulee and I are heading to our seperate paths.
Creme Brulee and I met 4 years ago. There were no sparks, but some mutual respect for one another. 4 years later, we met again, when she was back to Vancouver, away from old job, previous relationship and preparing for a 10 months paris trip and 2 year MBA after that. According to her, she was tired.
It all started when I was at the low point of my life, ended a long term relationship, getting into a new job, and turning 28 does not help exactly. I was hoping to get thru my birthday alone, which I haven't done in years. She insisted on throwing a party for me. She even tried to get a date for me. :) It was very sweet of her.
It turns out, the attraction between us was much stronger. We fell in pretty quickly, at the same time, we were extremely cautious. We told ourselves to slow down, because we both knew that she has to go. We avoided the "L" word, and we avoided thinking the "F" word.
But it couldn't be helped. We said the "L" word, we discussed the "F" word...
Every moment we spent with each other feels so damn good, I started to feel more alive as days go on. In some strange way, I think this relationship has saved both of us...
Today is the day that things have to move on. I don't think this is the end of our story, it is a new chapter for both of us. Still I couldn't help to feel a little sad, this was the best October anyone could ask for...
I think Love was here... I don't think it has left...
Creme Brulee and I met 4 years ago. There were no sparks, but some mutual respect for one another. 4 years later, we met again, when she was back to Vancouver, away from old job, previous relationship and preparing for a 10 months paris trip and 2 year MBA after that. According to her, she was tired.
It all started when I was at the low point of my life, ended a long term relationship, getting into a new job, and turning 28 does not help exactly. I was hoping to get thru my birthday alone, which I haven't done in years. She insisted on throwing a party for me. She even tried to get a date for me. :) It was very sweet of her.
It turns out, the attraction between us was much stronger. We fell in pretty quickly, at the same time, we were extremely cautious. We told ourselves to slow down, because we both knew that she has to go. We avoided the "L" word, and we avoided thinking the "F" word.
But it couldn't be helped. We said the "L" word, we discussed the "F" word...
Every moment we spent with each other feels so damn good, I started to feel more alive as days go on. In some strange way, I think this relationship has saved both of us...
Today is the day that things have to move on. I don't think this is the end of our story, it is a new chapter for both of us. Still I couldn't help to feel a little sad, this was the best October anyone could ask for...
I think Love was here... I don't think it has left...
"Moon River" in Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
music by Henry Mancini, lyrics by Johnny Mercer
Moon River, wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
wherever you're going I'm going your way.
Two drifters off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
waiting 'round the bend,
my huckleberry friend,
Moon River and me.
Moon River, wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
wherever you're going I'm going your way.
Two drifters off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
waiting 'round the bend,
my huckleberry friend,
Moon River and me.
Deleted photos...
My Creme Brulee and I have travelled recently. It has been a long time since the last time I travelled with just the person I am *involved* with.
We have gone to many places and have taken hundreds of photos.
When I reviewed them, I realized that some of the photos have been convinently deleted. I think I took those photos and the quality wasn't up to my sweet's standard and they have been cut.
I wonder... Can you delete someone from your life just like you delete your digital photo?
We have gone to many places and have taken hundreds of photos.
When I reviewed them, I realized that some of the photos have been convinently deleted. I think I took those photos and the quality wasn't up to my sweet's standard and they have been cut.
I wonder... Can you delete someone from your life just like you delete your digital photo?
Your Ex and my ex...
Most relationships end up in a ditch. Everyone of us will have someone to be cherished, to be remembered and to be forgotten...
And there is a time when you meet an amazing person and you wonder how the heck can this person be this perfect?
The answer? His/her ex.
Every relationships good, bad or ugly have shaped who we are today. Whether we like it or not, that person you want to forget may always be inside of you.
Of course, in every relationship, some will prefer to share their past, some will prefer to keep some to themselves. But, if you are in a great relationship, remember to thank the group of people who are behind the one who you are dating, they have helped created the magnificant creature you are with today.
And there is a time when you meet an amazing person and you wonder how the heck can this person be this perfect?
The answer? His/her ex.
Every relationships good, bad or ugly have shaped who we are today. Whether we like it or not, that person you want to forget may always be inside of you.
Of course, in every relationship, some will prefer to share their past, some will prefer to keep some to themselves. But, if you are in a great relationship, remember to thank the group of people who are behind the one who you are dating, they have helped created the magnificant creature you are with today.
想哭就到我懷裡哭 -- 庾澄慶
到底該不該奔向你 懷裡的溫柔
擔心從今後你心痛 會不知所措
* 想哭就到我懷裡哭
喔 就像一切都不會結束
* 喔 別把未來想得太清楚
詞: 何啟弘 曲: 庾澄慶
到底該不該奔向你 懷裡的溫柔
擔心從今後你心痛 會不知所措
* 想哭就到我懷裡哭
喔 就像一切都不會結束
* 喔 別把未來想得太清楚
詞: 何啟弘 曲: 庾澄慶
Type I error and Type II error...
I have always been a number guy, and I did quite well in my Statistics course back in university. I remember in one of the entry level Stats class, 2 types of errors were discussed.
A type I error occurs when one rejects the null hypothesis when it is true, and
A type II error occurs when one accepts the null hypothesis when it is false
If I put relationship into the discussion, it will look like this:
A type I error occurs when one rejects someone when he/she is the one, and
A type II error occurs when one accepts someone when he/she is NOT the one
I know a friend who makes type II errors all the time, jumping into relationships fast and furious, only to find out she is not the one. However, it is not to say he is wrong, 'cause if he never attempted, how would he know he has committed the type II error?
But most of my friends including myself most of the time, are committing type I error, we let things go by, let our feelings go away, even though we feel strongly towards someone, we will tell ourselves, he/she is not what I am looking for.
I think it is way easier to reject than to accept. You don't get hurt if you reject the possiblities and unkowns.
And my friend who used to commit type II errors? He found his true null hypothesis, fell in love, got married and started a family...
A type I error occurs when one rejects the null hypothesis when it is true, and
A type II error occurs when one accepts the null hypothesis when it is false
If I put relationship into the discussion, it will look like this:
A type I error occurs when one rejects someone when he/she is the one, and
A type II error occurs when one accepts someone when he/she is NOT the one
I know a friend who makes type II errors all the time, jumping into relationships fast and furious, only to find out she is not the one. However, it is not to say he is wrong, 'cause if he never attempted, how would he know he has committed the type II error?
But most of my friends including myself most of the time, are committing type I error, we let things go by, let our feelings go away, even though we feel strongly towards someone, we will tell ourselves, he/she is not what I am looking for.
I think it is way easier to reject than to accept. You don't get hurt if you reject the possiblities and unkowns.
And my friend who used to commit type II errors? He found his true null hypothesis, fell in love, got married and started a family...
Where is my red coat?
I have been talking to many female friends recently, regarding relationship and men in their lives. And as we were discussing the qualification for my friend's next love over lunch, I realized that even though her conditions are pretty reasonably and long, it became apparent that it is a diffcult task. She is looking for:
age 27-35
with steady job
not terribly religious
taller than her (170+)
has similar background to her (tw, stayed in countries outside of tw for a prolong period of time)
doesn't want to get married in the next 6 months
does want to get married in the next 2 years
I told her, it is like you are trying to look for a perfect red coat for your fall wardrobe. You can clearly see that in your head, certain length, certain cutting... But when you limit yourself to that red coat, you have to look really hard for it.
There might only be a few stores that carry red coats, and fewer that carries the same length, and yet fewer that carries the same cutting. When you walk into the store, you might find fabric and buttons not to your liking, or even worse, the coat is perfect, but your size is not avaliable, ever...
So, I told her, try to relax, lay back a little, let FATE come to you, if you go out shopping without knowing exactly what you want to get, you might still get something really nice at the end of the day while your mental health is still intact.
I shared this anology to my creme brulee, she totally agreed with it, she said she had been searching for a white coat for 2 years, and finally found it in Japan. And in between those time, she had to settle with white coats she didn't really like. When I asked her, did you cherish it more than other coats, she said "of course, because I know how much I have tried to look for that coat, I take it with me everywhere I move..."
So, here is the verdict, you either relax and wait, or you go and look really hard, eventually, we all get what we want... hopefully...
age 27-35
with steady job
not terribly religious
taller than her (170+)
has similar background to her (tw, stayed in countries outside of tw for a prolong period of time)
doesn't want to get married in the next 6 months
does want to get married in the next 2 years
I told her, it is like you are trying to look for a perfect red coat for your fall wardrobe. You can clearly see that in your head, certain length, certain cutting... But when you limit yourself to that red coat, you have to look really hard for it.
There might only be a few stores that carry red coats, and fewer that carries the same length, and yet fewer that carries the same cutting. When you walk into the store, you might find fabric and buttons not to your liking, or even worse, the coat is perfect, but your size is not avaliable, ever...
So, I told her, try to relax, lay back a little, let FATE come to you, if you go out shopping without knowing exactly what you want to get, you might still get something really nice at the end of the day while your mental health is still intact.
I shared this anology to my creme brulee, she totally agreed with it, she said she had been searching for a white coat for 2 years, and finally found it in Japan. And in between those time, she had to settle with white coats she didn't really like. When I asked her, did you cherish it more than other coats, she said "of course, because I know how much I have tried to look for that coat, I take it with me everywhere I move..."
So, here is the verdict, you either relax and wait, or you go and look really hard, eventually, we all get what we want... hopefully...
80% sure and 100% sure...
After working at this great job for 15 months and 10 days, I am leaving it today.
The the experience has been extraordinary, I have learnt lending, investment, and how to put deals together. The staff around me were nice and helpful, which really helped my transition into this job 15 months ago. But the best part is to deal with successful individuals, listening to their stories has been a priceless adventure.
I have told my colleague that even at this point, I am only 80% sure that I want to leave this job, but I am 100% sure if I don't try this opportunity, I will regret it later.
The new job is a commission based position, but it has high potential, I am looking forward in making a bang in that area! It will be hard in the first couple of years, but I believe I am still young enough to make a few mistakes but old enough to know what I am doing...
Watch out World! A new Investment Advisor is coming to town!
The the experience has been extraordinary, I have learnt lending, investment, and how to put deals together. The staff around me were nice and helpful, which really helped my transition into this job 15 months ago. But the best part is to deal with successful individuals, listening to their stories has been a priceless adventure.
I have told my colleague that even at this point, I am only 80% sure that I want to leave this job, but I am 100% sure if I don't try this opportunity, I will regret it later.
The new job is a commission based position, but it has high potential, I am looking forward in making a bang in that area! It will be hard in the first couple of years, but I believe I am still young enough to make a few mistakes but old enough to know what I am doing...
Watch out World! A new Investment Advisor is coming to town!
More than Likely, less than Lovely....
Personally, I always find it very difficult to define where you are in a relationship. Do you like the person or do you love the person? It is important to know where you are in a relationship.
You know it might look romantic in a movie, when a man says to a woman, "I think you are the one and I Love you", on their first date. In real life, you will probably see that woman screaming and running away.
There are certain things that are appropriate to do at certain stage of relationship. Such as the "L" word (love), and the "F" word (future). But how do we define where we are and what are appropriate?
A relationship is like a hike on the mountain, hopefully towards someplace beautiful. While trying your best to avoid the cliffs and ditches (most relationships end up in one of those two places). The hike becomes more difficult when you both are in a dense fog. You are not sure the one you are with is ahead of you, beside you or behind you. If you cannot see that person around you and you receive no replies when you call out his/her name, you will feel lost and lonely.
The best practice to solve this problem? Reach your hand out and hold the other peron's hand, make sure both of you are comfortable where you are right now. Heck, it is better having two in the ditch then just you in the ditch. Communication is the key, so you can adjust your pace.
The worst type of loneliness is feeling lonely when you are in a relationship...
You know it might look romantic in a movie, when a man says to a woman, "I think you are the one and I Love you", on their first date. In real life, you will probably see that woman screaming and running away.
There are certain things that are appropriate to do at certain stage of relationship. Such as the "L" word (love), and the "F" word (future). But how do we define where we are and what are appropriate?
A relationship is like a hike on the mountain, hopefully towards someplace beautiful. While trying your best to avoid the cliffs and ditches (most relationships end up in one of those two places). The hike becomes more difficult when you both are in a dense fog. You are not sure the one you are with is ahead of you, beside you or behind you. If you cannot see that person around you and you receive no replies when you call out his/her name, you will feel lost and lonely.
The best practice to solve this problem? Reach your hand out and hold the other peron's hand, make sure both of you are comfortable where you are right now. Heck, it is better having two in the ditch then just you in the ditch. Communication is the key, so you can adjust your pace.
The worst type of loneliness is feeling lonely when you are in a relationship...
I am the icing on your creme brulee...
I have been dating this amazing girl for about a week. She is smart, caring, outgoing... We were talking about our worst fears, family background, and names of kids on our first date. Everything seemed so right and comfortable, everything felt so meant to be...
Except one thing, the timing, we were both in the stage of trying something entirely different, and relationship should not be on the top of our to do list.
We are trying to make sure each day counts before we head for different directions.
And she said the sweetest thing this morning... "although there are so many things on my plate right now, you are the icing on my creme brulee!"
That is so sweet...
Then, I thought, since when do we put icing on creme brulee?
Except one thing, the timing, we were both in the stage of trying something entirely different, and relationship should not be on the top of our to do list.
We are trying to make sure each day counts before we head for different directions.
And she said the sweetest thing this morning... "although there are so many things on my plate right now, you are the icing on my creme brulee!"
That is so sweet...
Then, I thought, since when do we put icing on creme brulee?
If Love has expiry date...
This might not be a new concept to some, but I am not talking about 4 months expiry, so a guy can dump a girl because she is not "fresh" any more. (or vice versa)
If you believe in FATE and its mysterious way of doing things. You might agree with me that every couple have a "destined hours" together.
Here is the math, if A and B are meant to be together for 1000 hours. Depending on how they waste their hours, they can breakup in 3 months if they spend more than 10 hours each day together, or 3 years if they spend 1 hour each day.
Some will say "what are you saying? what about couples who are married for 50 years?" Sure, they get MORE hours than people who are just daing. Try to follow my math here, if a couple spend 50 years together, average 4 hours spent together, that is only 73000 hours! What happens next? Well, one of them will always die before the other, and the destined hours is spent.
I know it might sound depressing, but you have to remember a few things:
1)No one knows how many hours a couple have together, it is decided by Fate, not you,
2)Giving each other more space and time might help the relationship to last long, because you are burning off your hours slower. (not in hour term, but in duration term) Refer to my previous example, same 1000 hours, one couple breakup in 3 months, the other in 3 years!
In conclusion, if you don't know how many hours you were meant to have together. Why not try to enjoy every moment you have like the last hour you spend together, while at the same time, if you really like the person, why not strategically distribute the hours well by giving each other more spaces, so the relationship might last longer?
If you believe in FATE and its mysterious way of doing things. You might agree with me that every couple have a "destined hours" together.
Here is the math, if A and B are meant to be together for 1000 hours. Depending on how they waste their hours, they can breakup in 3 months if they spend more than 10 hours each day together, or 3 years if they spend 1 hour each day.
Some will say "what are you saying? what about couples who are married for 50 years?" Sure, they get MORE hours than people who are just daing. Try to follow my math here, if a couple spend 50 years together, average 4 hours spent together, that is only 73000 hours! What happens next? Well, one of them will always die before the other, and the destined hours is spent.
I know it might sound depressing, but you have to remember a few things:
1)No one knows how many hours a couple have together, it is decided by Fate, not you,
2)Giving each other more space and time might help the relationship to last long, because you are burning off your hours slower. (not in hour term, but in duration term) Refer to my previous example, same 1000 hours, one couple breakup in 3 months, the other in 3 years!
In conclusion, if you don't know how many hours you were meant to have together. Why not try to enjoy every moment you have like the last hour you spend together, while at the same time, if you really like the person, why not strategically distribute the hours well by giving each other more spaces, so the relationship might last longer?
Mr. Big or Aidan?
During my spare time, I am hooked with watching episodes and episodes of "sex and the city". After a few seasons, a question came to me, if you are a woman, do you like "Mr. Big" or "Aidan"? If you are a man, do you want to be "Mr. Big" or "Aidan"?
For those who haven't watched "sex and the city", Mr. Big is the guy the main character, Carrie, met in the first episode, his best line is probably, "abso-fucking-lutely". He can be descirbed as older, charming, wealthy, romantic, and very much a player. Aidan is the other guy who had relationship with Carrie, he can be described as talented, loyal, caring, layback, and outdoor. Basically, Mr. Big is what every woman want as a boyfriend, and every man's idol, while Aidan is what every woman want as a husband, and every man's best friends.
As what I have expected, you can easily ask anyone the same question "Mr. Big or Aidan", and find out where they are in their life. For my friends who are settling down, Aidan is the one they want. For most of my friends, especially girls, like Mr. Big.
It bothers me though, 'cause if both men and women like Mr. Big, where do Aidans go?
For myself, I want to be Mr. Big, but I feel like Aidan most of the time. You can call me Mr.Big Wannabe, or Mr. Medium.
For those who haven't watched "sex and the city", Mr. Big is the guy the main character, Carrie, met in the first episode, his best line is probably, "abso-fucking-lutely". He can be descirbed as older, charming, wealthy, romantic, and very much a player. Aidan is the other guy who had relationship with Carrie, he can be described as talented, loyal, caring, layback, and outdoor. Basically, Mr. Big is what every woman want as a boyfriend, and every man's idol, while Aidan is what every woman want as a husband, and every man's best friends.
As what I have expected, you can easily ask anyone the same question "Mr. Big or Aidan", and find out where they are in their life. For my friends who are settling down, Aidan is the one they want. For most of my friends, especially girls, like Mr. Big.
It bothers me though, 'cause if both men and women like Mr. Big, where do Aidans go?
For myself, I want to be Mr. Big, but I feel like Aidan most of the time. You can call me Mr.Big Wannabe, or Mr. Medium.
Happy Birthday to me!
That is right, I have survived 28 years on this planet.
Here is my to do list for the next 5 years (or wishlist if you are buying b day present for me):
My own place (either 200k condo or 300k townhouse)
BMW 325i (Mystic Blue or Jet Black)
Laser eye surgery (might need mental support)
Fall in love (yes, I still believe in love)
25 million portfolio (my clients', not mine)
The small list for this year:
Hit golf ball straight 80% of the time (at least with 7 ~ 9 irons)
Learn how to drive a stick (might need friends' cars)
Learn to play guitar (maybe self-learning?)
Make a new 5 year list (if the above doesn't work :) )
Here is my to do list for the next 5 years (or wishlist if you are buying b day present for me):
My own place (either 200k condo or 300k townhouse)
BMW 325i (Mystic Blue or Jet Black)
Laser eye surgery (might need mental support)
Fall in love (yes, I still believe in love)
25 million portfolio (my clients', not mine)
The small list for this year:
Hit golf ball straight 80% of the time (at least with 7 ~ 9 irons)
Learn how to drive a stick (might need friends' cars)
Learn to play guitar (maybe self-learning?)
Make a new 5 year list (if the above doesn't work :) )
You can't kiss alone...
To answer my own question, "what can't you do alone?", I found the answer, about 1:30am in the morning. You cannot kiss alone.
You may be able to eat alone, watch a movie alone, play golf alone, even have sex alone... but you cannot kiss alone. Yes, you can make a hickey on your arm, and if you are really flexible, you can even make a hickey on your shoulder... but you cannot kiss alone.
The intimacy involved, the hot breath, the touching, the passion behind a kiss cannot be imitate if you do it by yourself. And that I find, my friend, is the thing I miss the most when I am alone...
You may be able to eat alone, watch a movie alone, play golf alone, even have sex alone... but you cannot kiss alone. Yes, you can make a hickey on your arm, and if you are really flexible, you can even make a hickey on your shoulder... but you cannot kiss alone.
The intimacy involved, the hot breath, the touching, the passion behind a kiss cannot be imitate if you do it by yourself. And that I find, my friend, is the thing I miss the most when I am alone...
What kind of things you cannot do alone? After a quick survey with friends, some can't eat in restaurant alone, some can't watch movie alone, some can't shop alone, and I cannot do any of the above alone.
What is it with me and not being able to perform alone? I remember hearing it from Ally McBeal, "Being happy is easy and being lonely isn't". I see myself as a person who can be cheerful in front of the others, but I enjoy my alone times. And when I am alone, I don't do much, no restaurant, no movie (maybe DVD rentals), and no shopping...
What do I do alone? Writing blog? :)
What is it with me and not being able to perform alone? I remember hearing it from Ally McBeal, "Being happy is easy and being lonely isn't". I see myself as a person who can be cheerful in front of the others, but I enjoy my alone times. And when I am alone, I don't do much, no restaurant, no movie (maybe DVD rentals), and no shopping...
What do I do alone? Writing blog? :)
1998 年的夏天,我在SFU台灣同學會的月刊開始"小羊碎碎唸"的專欄,分享一些我平常在生活中的體驗。我不知道有多少人讀過,但我記得那時候我寫得很開心。 所以最近開始有靈感,想開始寫東西的時候,我想過"Lamb's Prague" 小羊的布拉格(Blog),但是想到"小羊碎碎唸"的年代,碎碎唸的同時有許多回憶...
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