
Bye bye dear old friend

Toby was my roommate for 7 years, I have seen her been good, been bad, and got old.  Cannot believe she is that old now.

I remember the time she hangs out with me in the living room, watching tv with me, bugging me by pushing my shoulder with her paws.  I didn't know back then she needed to go out of the house to pee.

Then, there was the howling before meals.  She was chubby, so she was not allowed to eat alot, but she ate fast, licked her bowl clean.

There was the time when we found a nest of young birds dropped from our roof.  We syringe fed each of them until they were big enough to fly out.  None of them came back to visit us, except the youngest one. 

One day we saw the young bird sitting in the lawn waiting for us to see it.  And then Toby went after the bird.

Maybe Toby was trying to play with the bird, maybe it was her hunting natural.  Either way, the young bird was a dead bird after a few hours of suffering after we rescued it from Toby's paws.

I remember how Toby ungracefully dragged her ass on carpet, I remember how every time I tried to take her out for a walk she would aimlessly walk in front behind besides me, sniffing everything around her like it was the first time she went for a walk.  She was a tough dog to walk.

I think I am going to miss her.