

兩個年過三十五的老男人, 座在漁港旁的咖啡廳, 聊政治, 談經濟, 小孩, 房子, 車子, 工作, 聊著聊著, 時間又過了大半天, 我們都還有多少過去的回憶, 有多少未來的夢想?



小時候總會問為什麼, 為什麼天是藍的, 為什麼要睡覺, 為什麼念書, 為什麼要聯考, 長大了還是問為什麼, 為什麼要考駕照, 為什麼要喝酒, 為什麼要結婚.  可以想像問為什麼的同時, 腦中有不同的想法, 眼裡有被啟發的渴望.

直到有一天, 發現自己已經不再問為什麼, 接受社會就是這樣, 人就是這樣, 天空就是藍的...


Birthday goals 36

When I started this blog back in 2005, one of the first things I have done was the 5 year goals and 1 year goals.  I think I need to set another set of goals before I hit 40...


There was a time

There was a time when one was young and restless, believing everything is possible.  Then he grows up with people telling him what is not possible, and showing him the limitations.

Then he transforms, from a bouncy bird just learnt how to fly, exploring the world.  One day, he is an old rooster.  


Where were you at 25?

I went out with Ms cake's UBC friends last weekend.  They were all Ms cakes's age all in their late 20s.  One girl complained about her boyfriend in his 25, she said he doesn't know what he wants to do in life yet.

Then, one girl turned to me and asked me, "what were you doing when you were 25?"

25, that was 10 years ago, I was still working in Manulife, my first job, maybe promoted to be a marketing specialist.  Have I had my 30k annual income yet?  Cant remember.

25, where was I in life?  I was involved in a lot of community works, TYPEABC, emceeing at Taiwanese Cultural Fesival.  I might be in my second relationship.

25, I was stuck in a career mud, the job didn't pay well, I wasn't learning much.  But I had fun going to clubs, owning my first car, living with roommates.

I was a man not ready to be a man when I was 25, like my friend said back then, I was too young to know everything, but not too old to learn.

25, it was a good age.