

有位女性朋友這個月結婚, 所有事情都自己參與, 但反而在伴娘這關一個頭兩個大.  懷孕的不行, 要結婚的不行, 已結婚的不行, 離過婚的不行, 不想結婚的不行, 私生活太亂的不行, 太肥的不行, 不熟的不行, 太公主的不行, 搞了半天, 好像是她要找老婆一樣.

我與其中一位幸運入選的伴娘開會, 也聊到她的感情生活, 她也有自己的麻煩, 談的來的不見得適合, 適合的又不來電, 適合又談的來的又有一堆情感包袱.

我開始覺得, 是不是感情世界也要有所謂的良民證, 這跟好人卡不同, 感情良民證是給想要穩定感情生活的男女們使用.  無不良紀錄, 像是破壞其他人家庭, 劈腿, 打人, 罵街, 恐嚇... 或是有案底, 但已服過刑, 並有改過自新.

看來, 有良民證的人並不多...


The dream

One sure sign of getting old is when you feel sleepy on a saturday afternoon, especially right after lunch, and it continues before and after dinner.  Back in the days, Saturday nights were charged with energy.  No, I didn't go out and party much, but standing in line in front of some crappy club trying to get in, for hours, did happen a few times.

So I went to bed early.

Then I dreamt of the semester before I was about to graduate from SFU.  It was the time when I couldn't wait to get out of school, but was also very scared of the unknown lying ahead, the world outside, seems to be a lot bigger and scarier back then.

After I woke up, sat in the same room I slept in when I was still in SFU.  I thought about the school, I thought about how much I have changed since, but the world doesn't seem to be as big nor scary anymore.

Maybe that is another sure sign of getting old.



有時不得不覺得, 台灣近幾年的亂象完全要歸功於媒體, 那豐富的水果日報,數字日報, 還有好幾台的二十四小時新聞, 弄得好像每一天的台灣都很熱鬧, 當然, 台灣人本來就很愛湊熱鬧.

台灣人也很迷信, 政客當然也知道, 一到選舉, 一個個無論是藍是綠, 乖乖去廟裡拜拜上香, 選上了, 還可以題個字, 作個匾額留名千古...

最近有個王老師, 說什麼台灣在五月十一日會有十四級地震, 先是有一堆人網上傳來傳去, 後是有民眾尾隨王老師, 再來媒體去訪問, 談話性節目請專家, 最後連內政部長都要發言.

你說是誰比較白癡? 王老師? 信他的人群? 媒體? 政府官員? 還是不信但也要跟在旁邊起鬨的人?