You may not know Sean Plott, and you will probably never know this dude. He is a professional gamer living in LA, he won some international gaming contest back in 2005-2007, and started his own edutainment video on youtube under the name Day[9] Daily.
It is a little hobby of mine, to watch his youtube video from time to time, even though his videos are about Starcraft 2, a game that I don't own nor play. His videos are entertaining nevertheless.
I just thought of him as a nerd who plays too much video games living in some basement in LA while trying to get his Master degree.
Then I saw a video of him talking about his experience of the game he is playing.
Born and rasied in a small town in Kansas, he and his older brother started playing Starcraft in their early teens. When their single mom told them not to play video game before 3pm, they would obey and went to the mall and looked at the box of the game, discussed strategies under an escalator.
They would play together, as they only had one computer, one of them would be a backseat gamer. Then when things got more serious, they would drive hours to join a regional tournament. It was pretty amazing that their mother was very supportive of what they do, she would even buy tickets for them to fly to another part of the country to compete, and asked the school for a week off to compete.
During the time of his pro gaming, he got to meet people from Russia, Canada, Korea, Germany... and became really good friends with them. Through out these tournaments, his brother and mother would be right beside him, either over the phone or in person, supporting him.
Over the years, he learnt to be less serious about the win and loss, but more on what he can learn from them.
You can just see the passion in his eyes, if he is talking about another hobby, you might feel more proud for him and even moved by him. But, he plays video games as hobby.
But he made friends all over the world and have actually met them in person, he learnt valuable lessons in life and he loved his family... That is a better hobby than someone who collects expensive watches but has no friends.
It reminds me of the time when I played computer games with my brother, one of us would be playing, the other would be watching. We played hours of Romance of Three Kingdoms, Starcraft, and other games. For us, it was the pass time during the time when we were worring about school and being in a different country. Of course, we were never as passionate about the games we played, but my brother and I still developed something we shared together as siblings. And that was irreplaceable...
很多男人都不喜歡看泡沫劇或連續劇, 我也不例外, 除了有段時間看看日劇, 看看有爆破的劇, 那種會有哭哭啼啼, 沒完沒了, 灑滿地狗血, 或手擠爆橘子的連續劇一概不看.
最近台灣很流行的一部終於要結束了, 我想國內外人夫與男朋友們終於可以鬆一口氣了, 除了要處理女人們一些對劇情裡男人的看法的疑問, 還要接受你們男人都很賤的訓話, 更糟的還要接受女人們加倍的神經質, 跟女性吃飯要報告, 電話不接要懷疑, 我想大概只有戴貞操帶女人們才能接受.
當然, 我有對蛋糕姐姐強烈懷疑這種連續劇的內容, 她是覺得劇情很真實阿, 隋棠很漂亮啊... 我很懷疑他的真實度, 正常情況正宮應該是像蔡閨演的, 然後小三像年輕的隋棠才對吧, 不過連續劇還不是為了女性, 他們如果要有共鳴, 還是用正一點的才"真"...
最近台灣很流行的一部終於要結束了, 我想國內外人夫與男朋友們終於可以鬆一口氣了, 除了要處理女人們一些對劇情裡男人的看法的疑問, 還要接受你們男人都很賤的訓話, 更糟的還要接受女人們加倍的神經質, 跟女性吃飯要報告, 電話不接要懷疑, 我想大概只有戴貞操帶女人們才能接受.
當然, 我有對蛋糕姐姐強烈懷疑這種連續劇的內容, 她是覺得劇情很真實阿, 隋棠很漂亮啊... 我很懷疑他的真實度, 正常情況正宮應該是像蔡閨演的, 然後小三像年輕的隋棠才對吧, 不過連續劇還不是為了女性, 他們如果要有共鳴, 還是用正一點的才"真"...
我有時候午餐時間會看看報紙, 並不是為了看新聞, 大多是爲了看哪間皇帝蟹比較便宜, 現在投資者都看得到什麼資訊...
記得以前我常開玩笑, 說世界日報的亞洲新聞很有意思, 台灣新聞很多是很血腥, 不是抗議就是打架, 要不就是砍人, 香港新聞通常很芝麻小事, 有人在公廁被偷窺, 手指被貓咬斷... 而中國新聞則是很奇譚, 什麼千年古墓, 長毛綠龜...
今天也買了報紙, 看到以下新聞, 真的覺得台灣的鄉土片真的很寫實. 故事是一位馬姓商人, 六年前劈腿離婚, 再婚後還一直找女朋友, 連自己的繼女和她的朋友也不放過, 繼女懷恨在心, 又因為馬姓商人與前妻生的小孩畢業, 送給小孩價值400萬的房子, 90萬的跑車, 比起繼女30萬轎車, 她覺得繼父偏心, 起了殺機, 就連同丈夫, 與繼父的朋友(同時也是情夫), 設計在馬姓商人的車上裝炸藥, 把馬姓商人炸成了重傷. 你以為這繼女應該會被槍斃, 但沒有, 只有被判十二年. 你以為故事已經結束, 但沒有, 其實從頭到尾, 這繼母, 也就是馬姓商人再婚的對象, 都知情, 也就是默許自己的女兒謀殺自己的丈夫...
其實, 寫劇本好像不是那麼難, 看報紙就好...
記得以前我常開玩笑, 說世界日報的亞洲新聞很有意思, 台灣新聞很多是很血腥, 不是抗議就是打架, 要不就是砍人, 香港新聞通常很芝麻小事, 有人在公廁被偷窺, 手指被貓咬斷... 而中國新聞則是很奇譚, 什麼千年古墓, 長毛綠龜...
今天也買了報紙, 看到以下新聞, 真的覺得台灣的鄉土片真的很寫實. 故事是一位馬姓商人, 六年前劈腿離婚, 再婚後還一直找女朋友, 連自己的繼女和她的朋友也不放過, 繼女懷恨在心, 又因為馬姓商人與前妻生的小孩畢業, 送給小孩價值400萬的房子, 90萬的跑車, 比起繼女30萬轎車, 她覺得繼父偏心, 起了殺機, 就連同丈夫, 與繼父的朋友(同時也是情夫), 設計在馬姓商人的車上裝炸藥, 把馬姓商人炸成了重傷. 你以為這繼女應該會被槍斃, 但沒有, 只有被判十二年. 你以為故事已經結束, 但沒有, 其實從頭到尾, 這繼母, 也就是馬姓商人再婚的對象, 都知情, 也就是默許自己的女兒謀殺自己的丈夫...
其實, 寫劇本好像不是那麼難, 看報紙就好...
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