
The brotherly love

Change is good, according to many people.  I, for one, is afraid of change, actually, I am more afraid of being alone.

When I moved out of my mom's place, I moved in with my friends.  Then, I moved back home.  Although I was always minding my own business, I have always been the opposite of alone.

Then I woke up this morning, the house was empty and quiet.  I went to my brother's room and checked.  Turned on the light and checked.  It has finally occurred to me that my brother has really grown up and moved on.

My brother who looked up to me when he was little, who is reserved but full of ideas.  He is a man now, starting his own life and family.

That boy who stole my candies and gave to his friends,
that boy who created cool stuff with legos,
that boy who sneaked downstairs and played video games with me,
that boy who bought a ps2 when he got his paycheque,
that boy who became a man, right in front of my eyes...

It was a strange feeling, sort of a feeling I had after going to my own elementary school graduation ceremony.  I was excited, feeling a little lost and lonely.

Maybe, it is a time for me to grown up as well.



我們台北的家, 並不是在一個很富裕的區, 連最近的便利商店都要走一段才會到, 家前的巷子兩旁停滿車, 成了單向道, 通常就算坐小黃, 我也只要求坐到最近的小學, 在走個五分鐘到家.

附近當然也沒有什麼餐廳, 從小記憶最深的, 就是街角的排骨便當店, 其實我一直到幾年前才知道它是一間有名字的便當店.

離我家三分鐘遠, 每次下課回家時, 會看到老闆娘或老闆, 坐在街邊, 用槌子打平肉, 當然, 長大才知道是爲了讓更大片, 更軟.

我小時候很常吃他們的排骨便當與牛肉便當, 其實並不特別, 一片排骨, 一個荷包蛋, 一點配菜...

幾年沒吃到, 今年特地去買了一個便當回家吃, 老闆與老闆娘樣子沒變, 到是頭髮斑白了許多, 不知道這幾年過得如何, 我另外加了個燙青菜, 帶回家吃, 還是一樣的味道, 小時候的味道...