
Steve and Chester

Chester grew up in a poor family in 1906, so he had to work at a very young age, sometimes, he would work before and after school. But it was at that young age, Chester became interested in printing and reproducing prints. While most 10 year olds want ponies and train sets, all he wanted was an office typewriter.

When he got out of Caltech with okay grades, he was in debt and the world was in great depression. He applied to 83 companies for job and finally Bell gave him a job as a researcher. But he never gave up his dream on reproducing prints.

While during his free time, he worked on just that. Unfortunately, his wife didn't share his passion and divorced him.

His work on reproducing print didn't go very far, even though he successfully reproduce something in 1938, it took the idea almost 10 years to become a viable product in the market. It was known as Xerox 914.

Since then everyone on this planet uses Chester's technology for about 500 pages a year, with 7 billion on this planet, we make 3.5 trillion copies every year.

15 years after Chester passed away, a young man walked into Xerox's office in California and borrowed the "mouse" idea from Xerox. That young man's name is Steve Jobs.

While Steve was a great promoter with millions of followers, Chester never forget his upbringing. It is said that Chester makes .16 cent for every copy we make. If he is still alive today, he will be making $5.6billion a year, about the net worth of Steve Jobs in 2010. When Chester Carlson passed away in 1968, he gave away most of his fortune. As Chester told his second wife, "my dream is to die a poor man"...


10 reasons why you are poor

Found this on the internet:

10) They Are Unable To Manage Their State
9) They Set Impotent Goals
8) They Subscribe To "The Secret"
7) They Have Limiting Beliefs About Life And Money
6) They Choose Bad Mentors
5) They Are Controlled By Fear
4) They Try To Reinvent The Wheel
3) They Are Lousy At Business
2) They Are Uncomfortable With Words Like "Sales," Marketing," And "Persuasion"
1) They Slave Away For A Paycheck


In a sea of friends naming their babies, I watched that movie with Kumar (of Harold and Kumar fame). It is a story about two generations of indian immigrants to US.

It is very typical of a immigrant story, the hardship of adapting, the loneliness, the trying to get acceptance, overprotective of the traditional mother...

More importantly, the movie talks about our names, they might mean much more. That is where we have to find out ourselves.

I think, maybe we can make sure our names have meanings...


Birthday goals

When I started this blog back in 2005, I set a 5 year goal. It is interesting to see how things have changed.

My own place (either 200k condo or 300k townhouse)
- Not done yet, but it has since been upgraded to a house (since condo and townhouse prices have doubled)
BMW 325i (Mystic Blue or Jet Black)
- I have driven that back in 2006 plus a few more cars in between
Laser eye surgery (might need mental support)
- Finally done it this year, with ms. cake
Fall in love (yes, I still believe in love)
- Fell and Failed in love a few times in between, but I found ms. cake!
25 million portfolio (my clients', not mine)
- Got it last year

I think I need a few 5 year plan, maybe a little more aggressive.

Letters from Steve Jobs

I like apple products, but I love their marketing more. Of course, everything has much to do with the man, Steve Jobs. He created Apple in a garage and made a fortune then at age 30, he got fired by its own company, then came back to create a bunch of iStuff. He has done it all, now, at his 50s, he is retiring.

Letter from Steve Jobs
To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:

I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.

I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.

As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.

I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.

I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.


Steve had changed over years, comparing to his comment to his employees back in 2005 on Michael Dell, a man who has about 6B more net worth than him.

Team, it turned out that Michael Dell wasn't perfect at predicting the future. Based on today's stock market close, Apple is worth more than Dell. Stocks go up and down, and things may be different tomorrow, but I thought it was worth a moment of reflection today. Steve.

Steve is becoming less arrogant, maybe people do get wiser when they get older. After the ups and downs of apple shares yesterday during the Jobs-less Apple conference, I kinda miss the guy.


Is timing everything?

My wedding seasons are over, baby seasons are coming. Many of my close friends are pumping out their first-borns. Every social gathering I go, there are babies or baby talks. I know I have lost many more friends to the D list, the friends' with kids list. Their lives will be dedicated by the schedule of their kids, and I will miss them

Among these good news, my company, place I spent my last 6 years, have been sold to another company. It is a huge change, as I thought I have finally found a place I want to be, and have finally settled down...

I have always wonder, is timing everything?

When is the best time to do what?

To buy a house, to go back to school, to go to the next vacation, or maybe to pop the question?

I think, in my life, I have been asking too many timing questions, and I have decided to pop that question, in this beautiful messy time. Perhaps, this is the best time to ask,

"Will You Marry Me?"



也許, 受了劉墉的影響, 也許, 年紀有點了, 也許, 沒有閒情逸致了. 有時看見朋友們在浪費自己已經沒有的青春, 談他們自己都知道沒有結果的戀愛, 我沒辦法阻止, 也不會阻止, 有時還送上祝福, 加上一句, 如果需要我收拾你破碎的身體, 再來找我.

這不是諷刺, 這是真心的祝福, 也許, 他們真的會有好的結果, 如果硬勸, 無論他們有沒有長長久久, 朋友都難做.

有時做朋友的, 也要忍耐朋友做傻事的能耐, 以及作處理善後的準備.



冠宏是我看他長大的, 就這麼看著看著我就長大. Brian是我們的另一位好朋友, 他也是今年結的婚, 所以我的以下致詞會是一模一樣.

我們都是在台灣製造, 但都是在溫哥華長大的, 快二十年前, 我們在同一間中學念書. KILLARNEY. 像所有的男生一樣, 我們會一起做一些傻事, 一起打電動, 看漫畫, 看愛情動作片, 一起泡澡和被女生追, 其實只有Brian而已.

但在高中的畢業舞會, 我們的友情才有了昇華, 我們同時在大廳外的走廊唉聲嘆氣, Brian的女伴不願意跳舞, 我的女伴不知道到哪去了, 而冠宏, 你們應該要看他那時的女伴, 一位韓國妹, 那時韓劇還沒開始流行啊, 她長得很像後來的李愛英, 我說的是如果李愛英整形失敗的樣子, 我記得她當時是穿者高貴的禮服, 把她身材展現得像黑色的粽子, 可憐的冠宏為了禮貌還一直不斷的和她跳舞.

那時候見到了冠宏的父母親, 他們真的是很恩愛, 每天都手牽手散步, 我相信以後的冠宏也是這樣的好老公.
有次, 我住在冠宏家, 隔天早上, 陳爸爸堅持要陪我走到公車站, 他握著我的手說, 冠宏在溫哥華沒有其他家人, 你們朋友要好好照顧冠宏, 我相信, 冠宏有天也會是這樣的好父親.

陳爸爸, 現在, 我們不需要照顧冠宏了, 因為他有emily了.

在emily 之前, 冠宏是孩子王, 他是大學社團的團長, 但他不是男人, 他是個有些焦躁, 有些沒自信的大男生. (當然他不會承認)

Emily給他了穩定, 讓他可以放心的去做, 就像陳爸爸與陳媽媽一樣.

在這裡, 身為冠宏的Best Man, 我必須要對emily說, 如果你欺負冠宏的話, 我一定會… 幫你加油, 因為距離的關係, 沒法幫你一起欺負他.

我這裡有一份禮物要送給冠宏, 好男人手冊, 我半年前買了兩本, 之前有送Brian一本, 聽說受益良多, 除了學到空手開啤酒, 怎麼把妹之外, 你還會學到如何做好老公.

Graham, 我的兄弟, 很榮幸認識你, and I love you brother! 給兩位, 你們有我與在座各位的祝福, 祝兩位永浴愛河, 百年好合, 早生貴子!


男人對車子的愛 - 轉摘



因為家裡跟醫院的距離真的很近,當時的計程車的計價是每公里計價,有時計程車只跳5塊錢,我們就下車了,也就因為這樣我往往都偷偷塞給司機大哥200塊錢,有時省吃儉用的老父親看到我偷偷塞錢給司機大哥,就不高興地在計程車上說給那麼多幹什呢? 遇到好的司機大哥有時會退給我該找的錢,而有一次卻讓我印象深刻........。


當天下午帶著父親從醫院搭計程車回到社區門口之後,把舟車勞頓的父親安頓好讓他先睡午覺,輕輕幫父親蓋上毯子,坐在客廳心裡面回想著剛剛計程車司機對我們的種種,我心裡面暗自發誓我再也不願意讓我父親看別人的臉色,受這種委屈。當下拿起摩托車鑰匙,騎著摩托車到當初陳水扁選台北市長競選總部的那個福特九和門市,看了一台最便宜的福特Tierra Activa 1.6,車價辦到好約51萬,刷了1萬的訂金,挑了顏色,就這樣訂了這台夥計。









「我們有一個兒子曾經在哈佛讀過一年,他很喜歡哈佛、 他在哈佛的生活很快樂。但是去年,他出了意外而死亡。
「夫人我們不能為每一位曾讀過哈佛而死亡的人建立雕像的。 如果我們這樣做,我們的校園看起來會像墓園一樣。」


只見這位女士轉向她丈夫說︰「只要七百五十萬就可以建一座大樓?那我們為什麼不建一座大學 來紀念我們的兒子?」



乍看之下是一個警惕人心的小故事, 但我想, 史丹佛不是19世紀就成立了嗎, 幹嘛一棟建築要750萬? 在19世紀, 阿拉斯加才價值720萬耶...

上wiki查了一下, 史丹佛大學真的是爲了紀念一位15歲的史丹佛, 但史丹佛把拔是鐵路大亨, 前加州州長, 也是美國國會議員, 哈佛的校長在怎麼樣也該認識吧.

老史丹佛建校前有詢問過哈佛校長, 如果要在加州蓋一間哈佛規格的大學要多少錢, 哈佛校長說大概1500萬.

所以上面的小故事是虛構的, 網路上的垃圾很多...





You can bet on it

Gambling is always part of human natural, to bet on uncertainty, or else it wouldn't be a bet. We can bet on sports, events, and we can bet for beer, food, money, or love.

I was listening to radio the other day, there were bets on whether Prince William and his new bride will wear a cowboy hat in Calgary Stampede or not, or if he is going to hold a Quebec flag.

My extend of gambling is probably buying lottery, which is not a good investment, considering the winning percentage is extremely low. But the best part is actually the 10 min after I bought the ticket, I think about what to do with the money if I had won the lottery.

Unfortunately, the effect of that started to wear out when I age, another side effect of getting old.


Goodbye - Air Supply

Goodbye by Air Supply, to ms. cake

I can see the pain living in your eyes
And I know how hard you try
You deserve to have so much more
I can feel your heart and I sympathize
And I'll never criticize
All you've ever meant to my life

I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back
From where you might belong

You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to say but good-bye

You deserve the chance at the kind of love
I'm not sure I'm worthy of
[- From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/a/air-supply-lyrics/goodbye-lyrics.html -]
Losing you is painful to me

I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back
From where you might belong

You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to say but good-bye

You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to try
Though it's gonna hurt us both
There's no other way than to say good-bye



早在大學年代, 我就一直想要做眼睛雷射矯正的手術, 但遲遲不敢去做, 花了不少時間去研究, 錢也存好了, 就是沒有膽.

做手術就成了我年年的目標.  直到今年, 直到明天, 終於要做手術了.

記得一開始想要存手術錢的時候, 還在奶茶店打工, 那時沒有新聞媒體大肆渲染的毒奶, 但有那一直反覆放的CD, 就是長假電視劇的配樂, 聽了一年, 自己也跑去買了一張, 那音樂就成了我那時成長的配樂.

說也奇怪, 我到現在一次都沒看過長假, 裡頭的卡司可嚇人, 除了木村拓哉與三口智子, 還有 稻森泉、松隆子、竹野內豐和廣末涼子, 這麼大陣仗, 大慨也是日劇的全盛時期吧...



有位女性朋友這個月結婚, 所有事情都自己參與, 但反而在伴娘這關一個頭兩個大.  懷孕的不行, 要結婚的不行, 已結婚的不行, 離過婚的不行, 不想結婚的不行, 私生活太亂的不行, 太肥的不行, 不熟的不行, 太公主的不行, 搞了半天, 好像是她要找老婆一樣.

我與其中一位幸運入選的伴娘開會, 也聊到她的感情生活, 她也有自己的麻煩, 談的來的不見得適合, 適合的又不來電, 適合又談的來的又有一堆情感包袱.

我開始覺得, 是不是感情世界也要有所謂的良民證, 這跟好人卡不同, 感情良民證是給想要穩定感情生活的男女們使用.  無不良紀錄, 像是破壞其他人家庭, 劈腿, 打人, 罵街, 恐嚇... 或是有案底, 但已服過刑, 並有改過自新.

看來, 有良民證的人並不多...


The dream

One sure sign of getting old is when you feel sleepy on a saturday afternoon, especially right after lunch, and it continues before and after dinner.  Back in the days, Saturday nights were charged with energy.  No, I didn't go out and party much, but standing in line in front of some crappy club trying to get in, for hours, did happen a few times.

So I went to bed early.

Then I dreamt of the semester before I was about to graduate from SFU.  It was the time when I couldn't wait to get out of school, but was also very scared of the unknown lying ahead, the world outside, seems to be a lot bigger and scarier back then.

After I woke up, sat in the same room I slept in when I was still in SFU.  I thought about the school, I thought about how much I have changed since, but the world doesn't seem to be as big nor scary anymore.

Maybe that is another sure sign of getting old.



有時不得不覺得, 台灣近幾年的亂象完全要歸功於媒體, 那豐富的水果日報,數字日報, 還有好幾台的二十四小時新聞, 弄得好像每一天的台灣都很熱鬧, 當然, 台灣人本來就很愛湊熱鬧.

台灣人也很迷信, 政客當然也知道, 一到選舉, 一個個無論是藍是綠, 乖乖去廟裡拜拜上香, 選上了, 還可以題個字, 作個匾額留名千古...

最近有個王老師, 說什麼台灣在五月十一日會有十四級地震, 先是有一堆人網上傳來傳去, 後是有民眾尾隨王老師, 再來媒體去訪問, 談話性節目請專家, 最後連內政部長都要發言.

你說是誰比較白癡? 王老師? 信他的人群? 媒體? 政府官員? 還是不信但也要跟在旁邊起鬨的人?


Confession of a gamer

You may not know Sean Plott, and you will probably never know this dude.  He is a professional gamer living in LA, he won some international gaming contest back in 2005-2007, and started his own edutainment video on youtube under the name Day[9] Daily.

It is a little hobby of mine, to watch his youtube video from time to time, even though his videos are about Starcraft 2, a game that I don't own nor play.  His videos are entertaining nevertheless.

I just thought of him as a nerd who plays too much video games living in some basement in LA while trying to get his Master degree.

Then I saw a video of him talking about his experience of the game he is playing.

Born and rasied in a small town in Kansas, he and his older brother started playing Starcraft in their early teens.  When their single mom told them not to play video game before 3pm, they would obey and went to the mall and looked at the box of the game, discussed strategies under an escalator.

They would play together, as they only had one computer, one of them would be a backseat gamer.  Then when things got more serious, they would drive hours to join a regional tournament.  It was pretty amazing that their mother was very supportive of what they do, she would even buy tickets for them to fly to another part of the country to compete, and asked the school for a week off to compete.

During the time of his pro gaming, he got to meet people from Russia, Canada, Korea, Germany... and became really good friends with them.  Through out these tournaments, his brother and mother would be right beside him, either over the phone or in person, supporting him.

Over the years, he learnt to be less serious about the win and loss, but more on what he can learn from them.

You can just see the passion in his eyes, if he is talking about another hobby, you might feel more proud for him and even moved by him.  But, he plays video games as hobby.

But he made friends all over the world and have actually met them in person, he learnt valuable lessons in life and he loved his family... That is a better hobby than someone who collects expensive watches but has no friends.

It reminds me of the time when I played computer games with my brother, one of us would be playing, the other would be watching.  We played hours of Romance of Three Kingdoms, Starcraft, and other games.  For us, it was the pass time during the time when we were worring about school and being in a different country.  Of course, we were never as passionate about the games we played, but my brother and I still developed something we shared together as siblings.  And that was irreplaceable...



很多男人都不喜歡看泡沫劇或連續劇, 我也不例外, 除了有段時間看看日劇, 看看有爆破的劇, 那種會有哭哭啼啼, 沒完沒了, 灑滿地狗血, 或手擠爆橘子的連續劇一概不看.

最近台灣很流行的一部終於要結束了, 我想國內外人夫與男朋友們終於可以鬆一口氣了, 除了要處理女人們一些對劇情裡男人的看法的疑問, 還要接受你們男人都很賤的訓話, 更糟的還要接受女人們加倍的神經質, 跟女性吃飯要報告, 電話不接要懷疑, 我想大概只有戴貞操帶女人們才能接受.

當然, 我有對蛋糕姐姐強烈懷疑這種連續劇的內容, 她是覺得劇情很真實阿, 隋棠很漂亮啊... 我很懷疑他的真實度, 正常情況正宮應該是像蔡閨演的, 然後小三像年輕的隋棠才對吧, 不過連續劇還不是為了女性, 他們如果要有共鳴, 還是用正一點的才"真"...



我有時候午餐時間會看看報紙, 並不是為了看新聞, 大多是爲了看哪間皇帝蟹比較便宜, 現在投資者都看得到什麼資訊...

記得以前我常開玩笑, 說世界日報的亞洲新聞很有意思, 台灣新聞很多是很血腥, 不是抗議就是打架, 要不就是砍人, 香港新聞通常很芝麻小事, 有人在公廁被偷窺, 手指被貓咬斷... 而中國新聞則是很奇譚, 什麼千年古墓, 長毛綠龜...

今天也買了報紙, 看到以下新聞, 真的覺得台灣的鄉土片真的很寫實. 故事是一位馬姓商人, 六年前劈腿離婚, 再婚後還一直找女朋友, 連自己的繼女和她的朋友也不放過, 繼女懷恨在心, 又因為馬姓商人與前妻生的小孩畢業, 送給小孩價值400萬的房子, 90萬的跑車, 比起繼女30萬轎車, 她覺得繼父偏心, 起了殺機, 就連同丈夫, 與繼父的朋友(同時也是情夫), 設計在馬姓商人的車上裝炸藥, 把馬姓商人炸成了重傷.  你以為這繼女應該會被槍斃, 但沒有, 只有被判十二年. 你以為故事已經結束, 但沒有, 其實從頭到尾, 這繼母, 也就是馬姓商人再婚的對象, 都知情, 也就是默許自己的女兒謀殺自己的丈夫...

其實, 寫劇本好像不是那麼難, 看報紙就好...


The brotherly love

Change is good, according to many people.  I, for one, is afraid of change, actually, I am more afraid of being alone.

When I moved out of my mom's place, I moved in with my friends.  Then, I moved back home.  Although I was always minding my own business, I have always been the opposite of alone.

Then I woke up this morning, the house was empty and quiet.  I went to my brother's room and checked.  Turned on the light and checked.  It has finally occurred to me that my brother has really grown up and moved on.

My brother who looked up to me when he was little, who is reserved but full of ideas.  He is a man now, starting his own life and family.

That boy who stole my candies and gave to his friends,
that boy who created cool stuff with legos,
that boy who sneaked downstairs and played video games with me,
that boy who bought a ps2 when he got his paycheque,
that boy who became a man, right in front of my eyes...

It was a strange feeling, sort of a feeling I had after going to my own elementary school graduation ceremony.  I was excited, feeling a little lost and lonely.

Maybe, it is a time for me to grown up as well.



我們台北的家, 並不是在一個很富裕的區, 連最近的便利商店都要走一段才會到, 家前的巷子兩旁停滿車, 成了單向道, 通常就算坐小黃, 我也只要求坐到最近的小學, 在走個五分鐘到家.

附近當然也沒有什麼餐廳, 從小記憶最深的, 就是街角的排骨便當店, 其實我一直到幾年前才知道它是一間有名字的便當店.

離我家三分鐘遠, 每次下課回家時, 會看到老闆娘或老闆, 坐在街邊, 用槌子打平肉, 當然, 長大才知道是爲了讓更大片, 更軟.

我小時候很常吃他們的排骨便當與牛肉便當, 其實並不特別, 一片排骨, 一個荷包蛋, 一點配菜...

幾年沒吃到, 今年特地去買了一個便當回家吃, 老闆與老闆娘樣子沒變, 到是頭髮斑白了許多, 不知道這幾年過得如何, 我另外加了個燙青菜, 帶回家吃, 還是一樣的味道, 小時候的味道...



每次回台灣都有不同的感覺, 不同的目的, 每次的台北都變了很多.

這兩次回台北, 相隔不到兩個月, 感覺最多的就是那不安分的環境, 待久了好像人都很浮躁, 靜不下來, 無論是開車, 吃飯, 看電視, 走路, 廣告, 都給我感覺要快快快, 要快車, 要快買, 要快走...

昨天在與朋友討論, 在台北, 我有時覺得自己很有錢, 有時覺得自己很窮, 有時一餐加幣三元就可以兩個人吃飽, 但隔壁的百貨公司裡頭的賣的高級商品, 有的在溫哥華只有一間, 在台北卻是每間百貨公司都有, 賣的價錢也往往高於國外, 也不知道裡頭幾百名員工是多少有錢人養的, 同時, 看得見台北的房地產, 動不動就上億, 一間30幾坪的公寓, 也要兩千多萬...

台北, 她很方便, 三分鐘一間便利商店, 便利商店裡有吃的, 有傳真, 有快遞, 還可以叫計程車, 每一區都有夜市, 熱鬧的很...

台北, 讓人習慣, 但讓人浮躁


空姐 六師

在台灣, 有些對女性的價值觀是在國外不能接受的, 就像綜藝節目裡看事業線, 虧老妹...

在工作的時候  我電視看得多, 常看見網路婚姻介紹公司的廣告, 看得出來是偏女性觀眾, 通常是一對看起來很幸福的男女接受訪問, 講她們認識或求婚的經過.

這次在台灣也看了不少電視, 也看到網路婚姻公司, 叫月老銀行, 我一開始還以為是金融界的廣告, 看了兩次才看出來.  廣告很簡單, 黃字黑底, 幾個大字, "空姐 六師", 什麼是六師? 又看了兩次, 原來是老師, 會計師, 精算師... 一類的專業, 看來也是針對女性的廣告, 下一個畫面, 還是黃字黑底, 保證六個月找到對象, 要不然六個月免費...

這讓我想起以前某個台灣報導, 最好嫁的職業, 不外乎是老師, 護士, 空姐, 那些愛情動作片裡的女主角職業. 看來, 台灣某些層面, 還真的非常現實.



記得小學六年級的時候, 老師有天為了強調牙齒保健的重要性, 要沒有蛀牙的學生站起來, 全班四五十個學生, 只有我和另一位同學還站著. 從那時開始, 我就以自己健全為傲...

好景不到兩年, 被抓去矯正牙齒, 本來就不是很注意刷牙, 漱口, 用牙線, 上了牙套更不注意, 結果就開始蛀牙, 補牙... 但都還好, 比起一些要做假牙, 牙套的, 我還算可以, 每次給牙醫洗牙, 都會被稱讚一番...

最近, 不知為什麼, 有顆牙在吃飯的時候總是有點痛, 痛幾天還是去看牙醫. 牙醫一看不得了, 牙齒從中間裂開, 要馬上拔牙, 在還沒完全有心理準備的情況下, 被打了幾針麻藥, 兩個小時後, 就莫名其妙的少了一顆牙, 想想小時候對自己那口牙的自豪都沒了, 真的是小時了了, 大未必佳...



很多人都有大學打工的經驗, 我也是.

我大二的時候, 在一間奶茶店打工, 那時的課業算是忙, 因為念的學校是二年級末才可以申請科系, 完全是看頭兩年的成績決定, 那時還有參加社團, 雖然是玩樂性質多一些, 但確實也用了不少時間.

開始的時候, 是做外場的工作, 外場工作除了招待客人, 還要打掃, 還要洗碗. 第一天, 就把杯子打破, 更慘的是, 把手也挖一塊肉下來.  還以為我的第一天會是最後一天...

還好, 那時的老闆並沒有這麼做, 我就繼續從外做到內. 那時候, 奶茶店是可以抽菸的, 每天都是忙到一兩點, 帶著滿滿煙味的衣服回家, 還無法一下睡著.

雖然那時的老闆給我機會, 但我必須說他不是很好的老闆, 一開始, 會覺得他很厲害, 三十出頭, 就可以自己開店, 後來才知道, 他還住在家裡, 店的股東是他父母, 而他忙著把妹.  慢慢的, 店裡的生意就不是那麼好了.

做了一年多, 某天晚上, 我拖著店裡沉重的垃圾去店後丟, 看著滿天的星星, 我問自己幹麼在這浪費時間? 抽了一年的二手菸... 家裡也沒什麼支持, 雖然我常帶飲料給他們, 我媽只有一次說你是不是該換更有挑戰性的工作, 我當下非常生氣, 她不懂, 她沒有做過服務業, 她沒端過盤子, 她沒被客人罵過.

後來離開了奶茶店, 但那時的經驗, 讓我成長了很多, 那時的戰友, 雖然沒幾還有連絡, 但有聯絡的, 都是一輩子的朋友.

現在有時忙亂之餘, 還會想起那純真與社會交叉的年代, 那永遠做不完的茶, 和最好吃的珍珠...



最新的洗腦歌, 是一個混帥哥唱的, 聽說他是名製作人王偉忠力捧的新人, 看來會混得不錯!

從妳的眼角 慢慢地明瞭
原來妳藏著傷 但不想和我聊

妳選的電影 像某種預告
最後流著眼淚 堅持獨自走掉

散場的擁抱 我還在燃燒
但妳心裡的浪潮 拒絕讓我看到
妳煎熬 不肯定什麼是最想要

散場的擁抱 混亂的心跳
多寧願只是爭吵 還能道歉和好
我知道 妳留著和他所有合照
明明面前是答案 卻撕掉 不要

呵護地祈禱 溫柔地討好
苦笑冒充微笑 浪漫得不肯逃

散場的擁抱 我還在燃燒
但妳心裡的浪潮 拒絕讓我看到
妳煎熬 不肯定什麼是最想要

散場的擁抱 混亂的心跳
多寧願只是爭吵 還能道歉和好
我知道 我們和你們不能比較
但我的愛多強悍 出乎妳預料

散場的擁抱 我還在燃燒
但妳心裡的浪潮 拒絕讓我看到
妳煎熬 不肯定什麼是最想要

散場的擁抱 混亂的心跳
多寧願只是爭吵 還能道歉和好
我知道 太美的回憶像副手銬
越是掙脫越纏繞 我比妳明瞭



前幾天才與蛋糕姐姐去唱KTV, 點了首橄欖樹, 幾個七年級的小朋友用疑惑的眼神看我, 尤其上首才唱楊丞琳很熱鬧的歌.  看網路的新聞才知道昨天是三毛過世二十周年.  有關三毛, 大概只有看過她寫有關非洲那個沙漠的那本, 你如果認識的女生也想去埃及, 沙漠流浪, 大多是中三毛的毒.  不記得她寫了什麼, 但我記得三毛的人如筆, 都是很70年代的感覺, 要自由, 要找人生的目標...

其實她的一生, 跟那個被拍成人間四月天的小摩差不多, 小時候家裡很好, 被送去名校上課, 但就愛搞浪漫, 愛的死去活來, 後來就真的自殺了.  有錢, 有浪漫, 有文藝, 有才華, 有愛情, 有時間, 不必擔心生活, 這就是可以拍成連續劇的文人.

但話說回來, 她的橄欖樹歌詞簡單, 但很有味道, 越年長越了解其意思, 比起幫楊丞琳寫詞寫的上半句不接下半句, 強很多了...

不要問我從那裡來 我的故鄉在遠方
為什甚流浪 流浪遠方 流浪
為了山間輕流的小溪 為了寬闊的草原
流浪遠方 流浪
還有還有 為了夢中的橄欖樹橄欖樹
不要問我從那裡來 我的故鄉在遠方
為什麼流浪 為什麼流浪遠方