
bye bye 2010

Another great year is coming to an end.  2010 has been very good to me, I have been to more weddings, some of my best friends since high school.  It was a great year career wise.  I have prayed at the temple, I have gone to the hospital with my grandma, I have been the best man 4th time.

oh, and I have finally met Ms. Cake.  Of course, we first met 5 years ago, but not really knowing her until this year.

2011 will be a great year, my brother will be wedded, and I will be one year older.  One thing I did learn from 2010 is that I am getting old now, my parents are getting old now, and I am not physically fit or attractive comparing to my young days, or maybe I have never been either when I was younger anyways.  But I have to work harder on that.

Goodbye 2010, you have been good to me!



這個月初的某一個早上, 我弟問我,

"有很多, 你要我帶什麼回來?"
"喔, 誰的?"
"什麼? 你要結婚?"

就這樣, 我弟很迂迴的告訴我他要今年底要結婚.

當然, 很替他高興, 不過我沒幫家人結婚, 所以也不知道該做什麼.  帶著弟弟去買新的西裝, 新的領帶, 與其他行頭, 好像也只是我會做的東西.

這幾天睡得不好, 想來想去想到我過去這三十幾年到底有沒有做一個好哥哥? 好像很少有關心他的生活, 小時後雖然有玩在一起, 但有了同學之後, 好像又沒有那麼的親. 來加拿大的頭一年, 新的環境算是有一起渡過, 一起熬過, 但畢竟有自己的朋友, 自己的同學...

一直到去年搬回家住, 才有機會的關心他找工作的情況, 過得如何.  他和父親一樣是個沉默寡言的人, 但小時候很有創造力, 工作也很努力, 雖然會擔心他婚後的經濟狀況, 但非常替他開心.

我弟, 應該就是認識我最久的好朋友, 現在他要結婚了, 誰當我的BEST MAN阿!


The Xmas Anxiety

It is almost the end of the year, after two years of never-ending emceeing, bestman-being and wedding attending.  It does not look like the wedding bandwagon is going to be empty anytime soon.  Even my own brother is getting married soon.

Luckily, so far, there are only 3 weddings I am attending next year, four more in Taiwan I won't be able to attend.

To all my friends who are getting married, already married, or married with kids, have a great holiday!



就這樣糊塗的回了台灣陪娶, 兩個從小長大的兩個好朋友, 今年先後定了終身. 時差沒時間調, 工作沒有停, 在台灣的時間像作夢.

看了幾遍兩人相遇,成長的影片, 還是感動, 因為知道他們走過的路.

見識到百桌大場面的婚禮, 歸寧時的禮節, 尤其是找路雞的使用方式.

那幾個高中的大男生, 南台灣亂晃, 好像回到十幾年前做一樣的傻事.

那個早結婚的大學好朋友, 和我分享創業的甘苦, 看他小孩的成長... 泡在溫泉裡, 說著說著, 十年, 二十年, 就這麼走過.

弟弟突然說要結婚, 好像有些措手不及, 看著這些朋友, 過十年, 二十年後, 又不知如何.

腦袋滿滿的記憶, 一下子也整理不出來, 也許有天, 也是泡在湯裡, 一點一點的隨水氣飄出來.


Perfect 8

When I was single, group C married couples will always try to hook me up with single girls.  "Try" is the operative word, they will only probe you with questions like, "you like long hair?", "you like teachers?", "you like girl with no car?"... then, I would wait and wait for them to set a blind date... and nothing happens.

Of course, married couples have other priorities.  So, when they ask again, I would just politely tell them that I am not ready.  When I am ready, I would tell them that I need more time just to stop them from asking those silly questions.

There was this one time however, a married dude asked me, hey I have a cute single friend I can introduce to you.  I asked him to tell me more, he did a pretty crappy job at describing the girl (she is nice, is a good girl...), then he concluded that she is a 8, as in 8 out of 10.

Then I said, "get me a 10!"  He never tried to hook me up again.

I thought about this conversation a few days ago, and I thought, who am I to pick a 10 out of 10?  I am not a 10!