
Good Luck James - part 2

連續兩餐都是和最近結婚的好朋友吃飯, 不知怎麼想起自己幾年前寫的good-luck-james, 算算自己又老了幾歲, 又多了幾位結了婚的前女友, 現在只剩一位...


有時會想, 這些與我分手不到一年就結婚的前女友們, 到底是生理時鐘到了, 還是, 已經體驗過最差的男人, 見到好一點的男人就趕快訂終生, 好像股票止跌回升就馬上出售.  這是比較賤的朋友說的. 會安慰的朋友就說, 是因為她們錯過了最好的, 見了還不錯的男人就趕快訂終生.  好像股票過了高峰開始下跌, 就趕快賣出一樣.  

無論如何, 她們都過得幸福, 才重要, 至少, 我有些安慰...


The German Restauranteer

Last month, I was enjoying lunch at a Japanese restaurant, when an elderly gentleman turned around and asked him what the characters mean on his tea cup.

I told him I do not know because they are written in Japanese, and I can't read Japanese.

After the meal, I asked the gentleman if he enjoyed his meal.  He said it was great except it was a little greasy, but he added, he has been spoiled with good food in his life.  This gentleman in his 80s, has been running restaurants since the 60s.

He spoke with an accent, and I asked him where he is from, he said Germany.  Then, he told me that he came to Canada in 1948 to work at a mill on Vancouver island.  Later, found himself owning a restaurant in downtown Vancouver, back in the 70s.

What is more interesting is that he told me the name of his first investment advisor, Peter Brown.  You see, Mr. Brown is the founder of Canaccord Capital, a TSX listed investment firm.

Talk to your neighbours during meals, you might find some really awesome stories.


The gathering of BCD

A very good friend of mine a 2 day stay in Vancouver before flying back to Taiwan.  He is a married man with two kids now.  That would be a D friend.  My other friend is also married but without kids.  He would be a C friend.

Meeting up with these very good friends in different life stage is a very interesting thing.  We can talk about the politics in Taiwan, cars, watches, women, work...  But beyond that, it is hard to talk about their relationships with in-laws and raising kids.  I could just listen.

They all have different priorities in life, I won't be seeing them often.  I used to live with the D friend, we used to play video games together, I used to work out with the C friend, we used to have lunch often.  Not so much now.

With my best friends from high school getting married all in this year.  The A group friends will be getting very very small...