人是八卦的動物, 看水果日報, 數字日報賣那麼好就知道了.
但如果發生在自己身邊的人,就更有意思了, 不管是朋友還是朋友的朋友, 還是不認識的人, 他們發生的事, 從工作順不順利, 和哪個人吵架, 感情有沒有著落, 有沒有新歡, 還是分手, 是不是有試著生小孩, 婆媳關係如何... 都是其他人討論的焦點.
我們會美名關心, 問你的事是因為在意你. 其實, 那是屁, 就算不在意的人我們也照樣關心. 而且真關心為什麼不直接關心當事人, 而是在背後關心? 要真關心就問問他過得怎麼樣, 需不需 要幫忙,還是當當他的垃圾桶, 聽聽他的抱怨.
聊八卦是爽的, 是用負責任的, 但是也是完全沒有價值的, 多真關心你的朋友吧!
人是很有趣的動物, 不能完全離開團體. 身在國外, 當然也會參與許多故鄉的社團. 很不幸的, 國外的台灣社團就是台灣的縮影, 有小圈圈, 有政治立場, 有八卦.
當然, 熱血的義工很多, 但閒著沒事的人更多.
令人扼腕的是不團結. 常聽到, 他們都如何如何, 都是誰的錯. 都是從同一個地方來的, 但什麼都要分我們, 他們...
年初冬奧時, 看見紅色的加拿大國旗海, 每個人興奮的表情, 很難想像台灣會有同樣的景象出現, 光是自己的定位, 藍色還是綠色就吵不完. 很多一窩蜂的態度, 或只見眼前的利益, 都看得出來台灣人對未來多麼的不安, 不用說自己是不是台灣人, 或對台灣有何認同, 有錢賺, 或心情爽, 什麼都好說話. 無論是崇日還是韓毒, 台灣人好像喜歡的是外來的東西多, 自己卻很滿足的抱著隨時可被取代OEM的權利, 在工資低的地方幫大公司賺錢, 反正, 有錢賺就好.
我母親覺得台灣人本質是好的, 只是被50年代的移民帶壞了, 我反而覺得台灣人本來就如此, 勤勞, 樂天, 但近視...
我以我是台灣人為榮, 但也為台灣人難過.
The flower boy
On the most recent wedding, my best friend pointed at the flower I was wearing and asked, "how many flowers have you worn?".
For each wedding I have helped, I got to wear a flower, usually a rose on my chest. To be honest, I don't remember how many I have worn. On the list of things I have done in weddings, I have been the bestman, groomsman, videographer, emcee, setup, usher, sorta wedding planner, driver...
The only jobs I haven't done are probably pianist, photographer (will get to do that next month though), makeup artist, and bride's maid...
I kept some of the flowers, but after a few, I just couldn't remember whose weddings they belong to.
Weddings are fun, not just to attend, but to be part of it, the controlled chaos. Between wine and flowers, applauses and slides, there are the newly wed, holding hands, and that is the closest thing to total happiness, and that is why I wear the flower.
For each wedding I have helped, I got to wear a flower, usually a rose on my chest. To be honest, I don't remember how many I have worn. On the list of things I have done in weddings, I have been the bestman, groomsman, videographer, emcee, setup, usher, sorta wedding planner, driver...
The only jobs I haven't done are probably pianist, photographer (will get to do that next month though), makeup artist, and bride's maid...
I kept some of the flowers, but after a few, I just couldn't remember whose weddings they belong to.
Weddings are fun, not just to attend, but to be part of it, the controlled chaos. Between wine and flowers, applauses and slides, there are the newly wed, holding hands, and that is the closest thing to total happiness, and that is why I wear the flower.
我愛看戰爭片, 不是為了看像Saving Private Ryan血肉橫飛的畫面, 許多很冷牌的電影, 例如美國南北戰爭的Glory, Gettysburg, 不是阿湯哥的Last Samurai, 而是像黑澤明的影武士, 或天與地.
有許多動作片是很單次元的, 有好人, 有壞人, 最後好人贏了, 警察姍姍來收屍, 好人傷痕累累的抱著妹離開. 戰爭片不一樣, 尤其是有歷史背景的, 通常可以看見人性最好也是最糟的一面, 可以看見人類為了貪婪而用盡方式去殺對方, 同時, 也看見同袍之情, 為了生存, 願意為身旁的兄弟犧牲.
另外有武器, 有戰略, 有爆炸, 誰不愛看?
有許多動作片是很單次元的, 有好人, 有壞人, 最後好人贏了, 警察姍姍來收屍, 好人傷痕累累的抱著妹離開. 戰爭片不一樣, 尤其是有歷史背景的, 通常可以看見人性最好也是最糟的一面, 可以看見人類為了貪婪而用盡方式去殺對方, 同時, 也看見同袍之情, 為了生存, 願意為身旁的兄弟犧牲.
另外有武器, 有戰略, 有爆炸, 誰不愛看?
The Killarney Saga
A friend said the guys from Killarney are weird. He was right, a few years back, we were all unmarried, still playing video games.
Things have changed though, 4 guys from Killarney are getting married in September and October, all in Vancouver. Which means the weird guys from the east side are getting hitched in an amazing pace.
Good for us! I say!
Older and Wiser
Another year as come and gone, like my friend said, every time when I am having a birthday party, it signified another year gone.
I wish everyone I know to stay healthy, live active life.
I also wish everyone to make their personal targets, at work, at school, at life.
And I will keep the last wish to myself.
I wish everyone I know to stay healthy, live active life.
I also wish everyone to make their personal targets, at work, at school, at life.
And I will keep the last wish to myself.
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