其實,我生長的環境是沒有車的, 父母不開車, 小時侯只有聽說長大要考車牌, 那時想到就皮皮喘, 家裡給我的教育是, 開車是可怕的, 車子是危險的。
到了加拿大, 母親還是遵守開車可怕的教條, 但我已經很迫不及待的想要考牌, 在國外, 有車牌就就有腳了, 就是成人了。
有很多人, 尤其女性看男性對車的注意很不以為然, 常聽到的就是, 可以開就好, 其實不然, 許多人看車就像看象徵自己的物品, 就像女人會注意名牌服飾一般。 雖然女人不會看車, 她們還是會認牌子, 一A二B認識, 更貴的跑車牌子也認識, 就像男人還是認識外雙C, LV一類的服飾名牌。 更不用說會用名牌來界定一個人的身分地位了, 車子, 也是一樣。
所以, 我見到的輕熟男, 有錢就換車, 其實跟輕熟女, 有錢就會買名包, 一樣的道理。
有個朋友高中的時候, 在停車場, 看見同年紀男生開名車,載美眉, 語帶羨慕與忌妒的說, 為什麼好車載的都是正的, 我反問他, 你開好車會載恐龍嗎? 他說也對。
這是一個很不成熟, 也很不正確的價值觀。 但這還是存在, 你一定也試過, 當你認識好幾個同名的朋友, 要怎麼跟其他人講這個人? 通常, 會說職業, 要不就說開什麼車…
車與名錶對人, 就是財力的象徵, 當然, 有人熱衷於其中的機械, 但大部分的人不是。
以上是提外話, 我自己第一台車的經驗, 就是我媽的豐田可樂那, 為什麼是這台車, 因為我媽學車的教練車就是這台。 中規中矩, 沒什麼好玩。
到了上大學, 家裡幫我買了一台菱木側踢 (sidekick), 這車算是SUV的前輩, 因為SFU在山上, 覺得好像比較安全。 這是一台濫車, 過了保固期, 引擎先爛掉, $4000多去回收場換了顆引擎, Suzuki那時的廣告詞是 Driving is believing… 最好是,believing it is a POS!
出社會後, 第一件事就是換車, 那時馬士達廣告的兇, zoomzoomzoom直打我心, 五門掀背又很實際, 愛得不了了, 差不多是每個月洗車, 再加上那時剛搬出家, 這小黃就是我最值錢的東西, 也是我最驕傲的負擔, 想想一個幾百元的貸款, 保險, 油錢… 我那時的老闆, 很不喜歡小黃, 總覺得那是年輕人的車, 不夠穩重。
我換工作時, 開始租車, 正式的成為德國車家族, BMW的3系列, 我都叫它Anna, 因為聽起來就想很high maintenance的女人。 但總覺得租來的車不是自己的, 就沒有那麼的細心照顧… 之後的日產阿踢馬(小黑), 也是一樣, 但有小小的插曲, 有人就跟我說, 怎麼差那麼多, 從德國車變日本車… 其實回想還好, 因為那幾年真的難熬, 好險有中規中矩的它陪我。
現在小黑也要回娘家了… 又是換車的時候…
great song from my time... damn i missed those times!
青春若有張不老的臉 但願它永都不被改變
許多夢想總編織太美 跟著迎接幻滅
我怎樣都學不會 ha...
Oh 眼淚 眼淚都是我的體會
Oh 眼淚 忍住眼淚不讓你看見
我在改變 孤單的感覺
你從不曾發現 我笑中還有淚
Oh 眼淚 眼淚流過無言的夜 心痛的滋味
Oh 眼淚 擦乾眼淚忘不掉一切 曾有的眷戀
眼淚是苦 眼淚是傷悲 眼淚都是你
眼淚是甜 眼淚是昨天 眼淚不流淚
青春若有張不老的臉 但願它永都不被改變
許多夢想總編織太美 跟著迎接幻滅
我怎樣都學不會 ha...
Oh 眼淚 眼淚都是我的體會
Oh 眼淚 忍住眼淚不讓你看見
我在改變 孤單的感覺
你從不曾發現 我笑中還有淚
Oh 眼淚 眼淚流過無言的夜 心痛的滋味
Oh 眼淚 擦乾眼淚忘不掉一切 曾有的眷戀
眼淚是苦 眼淚是傷悲 眼淚都是你
眼淚是甜 眼淚是昨天 眼淚不流淚
Battle of Left over cake
This is an interesting story, I recently heard a couple broke up over a slice of cake.
What happened was that this couple were at a friend's bday party, the dessert cake was delicious. The guy was stuffing himself even though he was really full, 'cause he didn't want to waste the cake. When he realized that he couldn't finish the cake, he asked for a takeout box for the remaining 3 bites.
The girl was really annoyed and embarrassed, 'cause no one at the party was packing their leftover cake, nevermind for only 3 bites.
It got worsen when the bill came, when the table decided to split the bill evenly, the guy told the girl that "you should pay less, 'cause you didn't order a drink". The girl was again embarrassed in front of her friends...
The fight started after the dinner, and they have decided to break up.
The friend who told me the story concluded that "they were thinking about getting married, but they didn't love each other enough to compromise!"
I think there is more to that, they are both adults, they have been molded in their own ways, to accept and to compromise requires at least some form of understanding of the background each person is been brought up. Sometimes, a different set of believe systems will come in conflict. I am sure some people see the guy as been thrifty, some see the guy being cheap...
It reminds me of a time when I had a fight with one of my ex, when she went shopping for fruit, she would buy anything she wants to eat, no matter the season. For example, strawberries in winter. My point was that the fruit is not in season, it wouldn't taste great and it would be too expensive. Her point was that she wanted strawberries, and she should get strawberries.
Luckily, it wasn't something that would extended into a breakup, but it is just a small thing that shows that it takes more than just love to bring two together...
What happened was that this couple were at a friend's bday party, the dessert cake was delicious. The guy was stuffing himself even though he was really full, 'cause he didn't want to waste the cake. When he realized that he couldn't finish the cake, he asked for a takeout box for the remaining 3 bites.
The girl was really annoyed and embarrassed, 'cause no one at the party was packing their leftover cake, nevermind for only 3 bites.
It got worsen when the bill came, when the table decided to split the bill evenly, the guy told the girl that "you should pay less, 'cause you didn't order a drink". The girl was again embarrassed in front of her friends...
The fight started after the dinner, and they have decided to break up.
The friend who told me the story concluded that "they were thinking about getting married, but they didn't love each other enough to compromise!"
I think there is more to that, they are both adults, they have been molded in their own ways, to accept and to compromise requires at least some form of understanding of the background each person is been brought up. Sometimes, a different set of believe systems will come in conflict. I am sure some people see the guy as been thrifty, some see the guy being cheap...
It reminds me of a time when I had a fight with one of my ex, when she went shopping for fruit, she would buy anything she wants to eat, no matter the season. For example, strawberries in winter. My point was that the fruit is not in season, it wouldn't taste great and it would be too expensive. Her point was that she wanted strawberries, and she should get strawberries.
Luckily, it wasn't something that would extended into a breakup, but it is just a small thing that shows that it takes more than just love to bring two together...
You can't be mad at someone
I had a discussion with Ms. Cake the other day. She said have you ever imagine, of the people you meet everyday, there is a chance that you will never run into them again. If that is the case, we can't be mad at anyone you meet. I like the idea. And I am sure I will see you again, Ms. Cake!
Penny for a Diamond Ring - A love story
Here is a true story about a little girl, who dreamt to meet someone special. There will be this day that she will walk down the aisle with someone in hand. So she dreamt.
When she grew older, had a boyfriend or two, some were dumb and some were abusive, but none worked out. She was still hoping that one day, the dream will come true.
On the new year eve, mom took the girl to a temple, the fortune teller said she will meet someone. Someone from oversea. So she travelled oversea, thinking she will meet him there.
She went to Europe, in Rome, at Spanish Steps, just like in the movie "Roman Holidays", she threw a penny into the Fountain of the Old Boat just like Audrey Hepburn did. She preyed and wished that her man will show up, maybe in Rome?
When she came home, she ran into this young Physio-therapist who used to live in the same neighborhood. But you see, he was studying oversea!
They fell in love. It wasn't easy, but they have overcame challenges and stayed together. One day, the young man kneed on one knee and proposed with a diamond ring. The man indeed, is the man of her dreams. Her dream has finally come true! A penny for a diamond ring, and a great man along with it!
When she grew older, had a boyfriend or two, some were dumb and some were abusive, but none worked out. She was still hoping that one day, the dream will come true.
On the new year eve, mom took the girl to a temple, the fortune teller said she will meet someone. Someone from oversea. So she travelled oversea, thinking she will meet him there.
She went to Europe, in Rome, at Spanish Steps, just like in the movie "Roman Holidays", she threw a penny into the Fountain of the Old Boat just like Audrey Hepburn did. She preyed and wished that her man will show up, maybe in Rome?
When she came home, she ran into this young Physio-therapist who used to live in the same neighborhood. But you see, he was studying oversea!
They fell in love. It wasn't easy, but they have overcame challenges and stayed together. One day, the young man kneed on one knee and proposed with a diamond ring. The man indeed, is the man of her dreams. Her dream has finally come true! A penny for a diamond ring, and a great man along with it!
The wedding diary - Part 2
I thought I could get away with attending a handful of weddings this year... Guess not... With January and March weddings done, I have 2 more in Jul, 2 more in Sept, 2 more in Oct, maybe one more in Dec. Luckily, I am only working in a few of them. Unfortunately (or fortunately), some of these will be my best friends, and last of the good ones...
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