The 2 week hockey fans...
I have to admit, I am not really a hardcore hockey fan, but I drive a lot, so I keep an ear on Canucks' Hockey games whenever I am on the road, since 2000.
Getting familiar with terms and players is one thing, getting into the game is another.
Most girls are not into Hockey because they think it is too violent. The winter Olympics has changed that however. I have ran into a few girls who are telling me the results of hockey games, how they did, how disappointed they felt when we lost a game.
"The goalie Bordor didn't do a good job" according to one girl "fan", Bordor? That sounds like lord of rings, you meant Martin Brodeur?
Some girls will comment, "Crosby is hot", or "Ovechkin is hot", but the Ovechkin fan doesn't know he plays for Russia, she thought he is a Canadian.
Granted, people from Taiwan do not pay much attention to Hockey, nor winter sports in general, we are more aware of the political situation or the celebrity gossips in taiwan. Most of us do not know who Wayne Gretzy is (my own mom called hm, "that wayne guy"), why he was carrying the Olympic flame...
That is all fine, this is the only time we can get them to be excited about Hockey, maybe sitting through a game or two, I will take that anyday, the Canadian experience...
Getting familiar with terms and players is one thing, getting into the game is another.
Most girls are not into Hockey because they think it is too violent. The winter Olympics has changed that however. I have ran into a few girls who are telling me the results of hockey games, how they did, how disappointed they felt when we lost a game.
"The goalie Bordor didn't do a good job" according to one girl "fan", Bordor? That sounds like lord of rings, you meant Martin Brodeur?
Some girls will comment, "Crosby is hot", or "Ovechkin is hot", but the Ovechkin fan doesn't know he plays for Russia, she thought he is a Canadian.
Granted, people from Taiwan do not pay much attention to Hockey, nor winter sports in general, we are more aware of the political situation or the celebrity gossips in taiwan. Most of us do not know who Wayne Gretzy is (my own mom called hm, "that wayne guy"), why he was carrying the Olympic flame...
That is all fine, this is the only time we can get them to be excited about Hockey, maybe sitting through a game or two, I will take that anyday, the Canadian experience...
Happy for my friends
As another high school friend, my guitar instructor and workout buddy is getting ready to tie the knot. Another best friend is planning his wedding in September. Maybe the last unmarried best friend will get married this December. I am happy for you guys, you have all found the perfect match, but darn it! why do you have to do it in the same year?!!
向前走 - 林強
火車漸漸在起走 再會我的故鄉和親戚
親愛的父母再會吧 到陣的朋友告辭啦
阮欲來去台北打拼 聽人講啥物好康的攏在那
朋友笑我是愛做暝夢的憨子 不管如何路是自己走
OH!再會吧! OH!啥咪攏不驚 OH!再會吧! OH!向前行
車站一站一站過去啦 風景一幕一幕親像電影
把自己當作是男主角來扮 雲遊四海可比是小飛俠
不管是幼稚也是樂觀 後果若按怎自己就來擔
原諒不孝的子兒吧 趁我還少年趕緊來打拼
OH!再會吧! OH!啥物攏不驚 OH!再會吧! OH!向前走
台北台北台北車站到啦 欲下車的旅客請趕緊下車
頭前是現在的台北車頭 我的理想和希望攏在這
一棟一棟的高樓大廈 不知住有多少像我這款的憨子
親愛的父母再會吧 到陣的朋友告辭啦
阮欲來去台北打拼 聽人講啥物好康的攏在那
朋友笑我是愛做暝夢的憨子 不管如何路是自己走
OH!再會吧! OH!啥咪攏不驚 OH!再會吧! OH!向前行
車站一站一站過去啦 風景一幕一幕親像電影
把自己當作是男主角來扮 雲遊四海可比是小飛俠
不管是幼稚也是樂觀 後果若按怎自己就來擔
原諒不孝的子兒吧 趁我還少年趕緊來打拼
OH!再會吧! OH!啥物攏不驚 OH!再會吧! OH!向前走
台北台北台北車站到啦 欲下車的旅客請趕緊下車
頭前是現在的台北車頭 我的理想和希望攏在這
一棟一棟的高樓大廈 不知住有多少像我這款的憨子
Olympic Fever
I cant say I was totally excited about the game. I am a supporter of the game, don't like the monopoly that IOC plays and how commercialized it has become, don't like the construction sites around my office...
But, when the time comes, time for Vancouver to shine, it is hard not to be excited by all the activities around town.
When I was at a local pub last night, saw Wayne Gretzky carrying the torch, saw the familiar street lights of Downtown Vancouver, saw how excited ppl are, I think I have finally caught the fever...
But, when the time comes, time for Vancouver to shine, it is hard not to be excited by all the activities around town.
When I was at a local pub last night, saw Wayne Gretzky carrying the torch, saw the familiar street lights of Downtown Vancouver, saw how excited ppl are, I think I have finally caught the fever...
The girl at 11:53am
To the girl who comes out to walk her Golden Retriever everyday at 11:53am, I think you are hot, but I am more envious to the fact that you don't need to work during weekdays, maybe you don't need to work at all? How did you get your financial freedom? More importantly, how do i get mine?
◎白色情人節(White Day):3月14日
◎黑色情人節(Black Day):4月14日
◎黃色與玫瑰情人節(Yellow and Rose Day):5月14日
如果已經到了5月,你的情事還是沒有任何進展,在這一天穿著黃色襯衫或黃色套裝,吃黃色咖哩飯,就是告訴大家「I am still available」的最好暗示。春日融融,將黃色穿在身上,也相當符合季節氣氛。
◎親吻情人節(Kiss Day):6月14日
◎銀色情人節(Silver Day):7月14日
◎綠色情人節(Green Day):8月14日
◎音樂情人節與相片情人節(Music Day & Photo Day):9月14日
音樂情人節這一天是舉辦大型社交活動、輕歌漫舞的日子,也是將你的心上人介紹給朋友、同事認識的好機會。而單身一族,更可以藉此機會看看活動現場有沒有自己中意的對象。許多情侶喜歡在這天就著蔚藍晴朗的天空合影,所以9月14日又稱為「相片情人節」 。
◎葡萄酒情人節(Wine Day):10月14日
◎橙色情人節與電影情人節(Orange Day Movie day):11月14日
◎擁抱情人節(Hug Day):12月14日
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