回台第三天﹐台北出奇的冷, 當然沒有溫哥華的冬天冷, 但至少不會穿外套就一直冒汗。
走到公館﹐細細的走在曾是熟悉的街道。台北外貌變了很多﹐比以前乾淨多了, 人也比以前禮貌多了, 但也相對的有距離多了, 每個人都專注自己的世界。小時愛吃的東西好像味道不大一樣, 街上的店面也不一樣了, 連母校也都不認得了。
現在的台北好像長得比我還快, 像我童年的玩伴﹐雖然曾經一起經歷童年, 一起哭一起笑, 長大後很少聯絡, 雖然幾乎每年都會見面﹐還是好朋友, 但兩個人的世少有交集
又像小時的初戀情人, 再碰面時, 她已亭亭玉立, 雖然出了社會, 但骨子裡還是那個曾喜歡過的那個人, 但有可能在敘緣嗎? 不大可能﹐兩人想法都不一樣
那就等著淪陷吧 如果愛情真偉大
我有什麼好掙扎 難道我比別人差
誰要週末待在家 對著電視爆米花
想起你說的情話 哭得眼淚嘩啦啦
10個男人 7個傻 8個呆 9個壞
還有一個人人愛 姐妹們跳出來
就算甜言蜜語 把他騙過來
好好愛 不再讓他離開
找個人來戀愛吧 才能把你忘了呀
像枯萎的玫瑰花 心裡的雨拚命下
從今以後別害怕 外面太陽那麼大
如果相愛要代價 那就勇敢接受它
那就等著淪陷吧 如果愛情真偉大
我有什麼好掙扎 難道我比別人差
誰要週末待在家 對著電視爆米花
想起你說的情話 哭得眼淚嘩啦啦
10個男人 7個傻 8個呆 9個壞
還有一個人人愛 姐妹們跳出來
就算甜言蜜語 把他騙過來
好好愛 不再讓他離開
找個人來戀愛吧 才能把你忘了呀
像枯萎的玫瑰花 心裡的雨拚命下
從今以後別害怕 外面太陽那麼大
如果相愛要代價 那就勇敢接受它
The coward
Before going to sleep last night, I thought about childhood friend all of sudden. He is a year older than me, and he lives right next door.
We used to play together along with my brother and his sister. Many stuff kids would do.
However, it changed when I was 10 maybe 12, my brother and I ran into him one afternoon at a local bookstore. Of course, at that age, we only go to book store to read comic books and gawk at toys they carry. He was putting books in his bag... I knew he was stealing, but I didn't stop him, I wasn't sure what to do, so I pretended not seeing that.
Then, he got caught by the store owner, I found an excuse and quickly left the store, letting him deal with the situation.
We stopped hanging out together after that, I felt ashamed every time I saw him, I felt that I let him down. Until years later, we got swamped by school.
I heard he is married with kids now, still living next door.
I thought about this last night and started to wonder, maybe this is how I handle situations I do not know how to handle. I just pretend it didn't happen and stop all communication. I pretend that annoying client doesn't exist, so I don't call him, I wouldn't call my gf after a huge fight 'cause i don't know how to handle the situation, I don't call my sick grandma, 'cause I don't know what to say to her...
I always thought I will not give up easily, but I guess if this is how I handle things, I am still running away from things. That still makes me a coward...
then... the insomnia came...
We used to play together along with my brother and his sister. Many stuff kids would do.
However, it changed when I was 10 maybe 12, my brother and I ran into him one afternoon at a local bookstore. Of course, at that age, we only go to book store to read comic books and gawk at toys they carry. He was putting books in his bag... I knew he was stealing, but I didn't stop him, I wasn't sure what to do, so I pretended not seeing that.
Then, he got caught by the store owner, I found an excuse and quickly left the store, letting him deal with the situation.
We stopped hanging out together after that, I felt ashamed every time I saw him, I felt that I let him down. Until years later, we got swamped by school.
I heard he is married with kids now, still living next door.
I thought about this last night and started to wonder, maybe this is how I handle situations I do not know how to handle. I just pretend it didn't happen and stop all communication. I pretend that annoying client doesn't exist, so I don't call him, I wouldn't call my gf after a huge fight 'cause i don't know how to handle the situation, I don't call my sick grandma, 'cause I don't know what to say to her...
I always thought I will not give up easily, but I guess if this is how I handle things, I am still running away from things. That still makes me a coward...
then... the insomnia came...
More than words
Still climbing that steep hill learning guitar, it is indeed hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but at least I am learning. one chord at a time. Still can't play this song fully, only the first 6 chords...
More than words - extreme
Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand
All you have to do is close your eyes
And just reach out your hands and touch me
Hold me close don't ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Seriously, girls always want the words and more than words...
More than words - extreme
Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand
All you have to do is close your eyes
And just reach out your hands and touch me
Hold me close don't ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Seriously, girls always want the words and more than words...
其實不大確定是去年的哪一天, 但距離上次分手有一年的時間 (當然, 有些人認為是十個月, 那又是另一個故事), 這還是我自懂得談戀愛開始最長的一個”假期”,當然, 很自由也很孤單…
上週, 與一位同是Alist的友人下午茶, 我們叫她單身半年女, 她說她現在才開始享受單身的好處, 就像跟我出來喝咖啡, 不喜歡就不喝, 不需要假裝喝一下, 現在買菜也是非常快, 買自己喜歡的就好, 也不用煩惱另一個人喜歡吃什麼…
身為單身一年男的我就說, 其實已經過了那段高興每到週末不用找樂子搏美人歡心的日子, 或者不用上網找新餐館的煩惱, 現在的情形反而是開心與不開心都沒有人可以分享, 或是, 找不到人分享.
單身半年女這時有點疑惑, 單身一年男說, 試想, 妳那麼愛喝莫卡, 今天要是喝到一杯TMD有夠好喝的莫卡, 如果身邊沒有一個伴, 妳要找誰分享這感覺, 誰會替妳開心?
如果自由與孤單不是好朋友, 那該多好?
上週, 與一位同是Alist的友人下午茶, 我們叫她單身半年女, 她說她現在才開始享受單身的好處, 就像跟我出來喝咖啡, 不喜歡就不喝, 不需要假裝喝一下, 現在買菜也是非常快, 買自己喜歡的就好, 也不用煩惱另一個人喜歡吃什麼…
身為單身一年男的我就說, 其實已經過了那段高興每到週末不用找樂子搏美人歡心的日子, 或者不用上網找新餐館的煩惱, 現在的情形反而是開心與不開心都沒有人可以分享, 或是, 找不到人分享.
單身半年女這時有點疑惑, 單身一年男說, 試想, 妳那麼愛喝莫卡, 今天要是喝到一杯TMD有夠好喝的莫卡, 如果身邊沒有一個伴, 妳要找誰分享這感覺, 誰會替妳開心?
如果自由與孤單不是好朋友, 那該多好?
The self-made billionare and his wife
There is the guy, you must know him too, his name is Tiger Woods, he is the highest paid athlete in history, he makes more money than Michael Schumacher and Michael Jordan, and he is only 33! He marries a supermodel and lives in a luxury mansion 99.9% of us won't ever see the inside...
You know what he did? He has affairs... Not even with pretty ones, it is almost like the Hugh Grant situation, I don't get it. Have you seen Liz Hurley? She is smoking hot!
Here is another thing that was interesting, the whole thing came out because Tiger got into a "car accident" a few metres from the front of his mansion at 245am in the morning. We later found out he was trying to get away from a raging wife who was swinging golf club at him.
Most people found that ironic and funny. Think about it, Tiger driving away in his sponsored suv to escape from his wife, swinging his sponsored golf clubs. However, it wouldn't be funny if it was Tiger who did the swinging.
Also, why did this man's personal affair become an international news? He gets paid to play golf, and he is pretty good at it, why do we want to know who he sleeps with?
I guess society is still twisted in many ways...
幾天前, 和朋友吃飯的時侯, 聊到所謂的幸福, 好像定義不一樣, 尤其是對物質上的要求. 記得小時候, 零用錢並不多, 所以有時候拿到一個五塊錢, 就開心的不得了, 想的可能是雜貨店的乖乖, 王子麵, 冬瓜茶, 還是學校的福利社買蘋果麵包, 買包子, 還是跑去電動間打一次電動, 還是去漫畫店租本漫畫... 無限的可能.
往往手上的五塊錢, 握得滾燙, 都還是不能決定要做什麼, 但是對未來非常的期待.
現在年長一些了, 會自己賺錢了, 對物質的要求就增加許多, 要吃就要好吃的, 要玩就要最好的, 但我們對未來並沒有小時候那麼期待, 反而, 變得比較貪婪, 要最求更多的物質, 但好像變得更空虛, 感覺上, 還不如小時那五塊錢來的幸福...
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