回台第三天﹐台北出奇的冷, 當然沒有溫哥華的冬天冷, 但至少不會穿外套就一直冒汗。
走到公館﹐細細的走在曾是熟悉的街道。台北外貌變了很多﹐比以前乾淨多了, 人也比以前禮貌多了, 但也相對的有距離多了, 每個人都專注自己的世界。小時愛吃的東西好像味道不大一樣, 街上的店面也不一樣了, 連母校也都不認得了。
現在的台北好像長得比我還快, 像我童年的玩伴﹐雖然曾經一起經歷童年, 一起哭一起笑, 長大後很少聯絡, 雖然幾乎每年都會見面﹐還是好朋友, 但兩個人的世少有交集
又像小時的初戀情人, 再碰面時, 她已亭亭玉立, 雖然出了社會, 但骨子裡還是那個曾喜歡過的那個人, 但有可能在敘緣嗎? 不大可能﹐兩人想法都不一樣
那就等著淪陷吧 如果愛情真偉大
我有什麼好掙扎 難道我比別人差
誰要週末待在家 對著電視爆米花
想起你說的情話 哭得眼淚嘩啦啦
10個男人 7個傻 8個呆 9個壞
還有一個人人愛 姐妹們跳出來
就算甜言蜜語 把他騙過來
好好愛 不再讓他離開
找個人來戀愛吧 才能把你忘了呀
像枯萎的玫瑰花 心裡的雨拚命下
從今以後別害怕 外面太陽那麼大
如果相愛要代價 那就勇敢接受它
那就等著淪陷吧 如果愛情真偉大
我有什麼好掙扎 難道我比別人差
誰要週末待在家 對著電視爆米花
想起你說的情話 哭得眼淚嘩啦啦
10個男人 7個傻 8個呆 9個壞
還有一個人人愛 姐妹們跳出來
就算甜言蜜語 把他騙過來
好好愛 不再讓他離開
找個人來戀愛吧 才能把你忘了呀
像枯萎的玫瑰花 心裡的雨拚命下
從今以後別害怕 外面太陽那麼大
如果相愛要代價 那就勇敢接受它
The coward
Before going to sleep last night, I thought about childhood friend all of sudden. He is a year older than me, and he lives right next door.
We used to play together along with my brother and his sister. Many stuff kids would do.
However, it changed when I was 10 maybe 12, my brother and I ran into him one afternoon at a local bookstore. Of course, at that age, we only go to book store to read comic books and gawk at toys they carry. He was putting books in his bag... I knew he was stealing, but I didn't stop him, I wasn't sure what to do, so I pretended not seeing that.
Then, he got caught by the store owner, I found an excuse and quickly left the store, letting him deal with the situation.
We stopped hanging out together after that, I felt ashamed every time I saw him, I felt that I let him down. Until years later, we got swamped by school.
I heard he is married with kids now, still living next door.
I thought about this last night and started to wonder, maybe this is how I handle situations I do not know how to handle. I just pretend it didn't happen and stop all communication. I pretend that annoying client doesn't exist, so I don't call him, I wouldn't call my gf after a huge fight 'cause i don't know how to handle the situation, I don't call my sick grandma, 'cause I don't know what to say to her...
I always thought I will not give up easily, but I guess if this is how I handle things, I am still running away from things. That still makes me a coward...
then... the insomnia came...
We used to play together along with my brother and his sister. Many stuff kids would do.
However, it changed when I was 10 maybe 12, my brother and I ran into him one afternoon at a local bookstore. Of course, at that age, we only go to book store to read comic books and gawk at toys they carry. He was putting books in his bag... I knew he was stealing, but I didn't stop him, I wasn't sure what to do, so I pretended not seeing that.
Then, he got caught by the store owner, I found an excuse and quickly left the store, letting him deal with the situation.
We stopped hanging out together after that, I felt ashamed every time I saw him, I felt that I let him down. Until years later, we got swamped by school.
I heard he is married with kids now, still living next door.
I thought about this last night and started to wonder, maybe this is how I handle situations I do not know how to handle. I just pretend it didn't happen and stop all communication. I pretend that annoying client doesn't exist, so I don't call him, I wouldn't call my gf after a huge fight 'cause i don't know how to handle the situation, I don't call my sick grandma, 'cause I don't know what to say to her...
I always thought I will not give up easily, but I guess if this is how I handle things, I am still running away from things. That still makes me a coward...
then... the insomnia came...
More than words
Still climbing that steep hill learning guitar, it is indeed hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but at least I am learning. one chord at a time. Still can't play this song fully, only the first 6 chords...
More than words - extreme
Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand
All you have to do is close your eyes
And just reach out your hands and touch me
Hold me close don't ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Seriously, girls always want the words and more than words...
More than words - extreme
Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand
All you have to do is close your eyes
And just reach out your hands and touch me
Hold me close don't ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Seriously, girls always want the words and more than words...
其實不大確定是去年的哪一天, 但距離上次分手有一年的時間 (當然, 有些人認為是十個月, 那又是另一個故事), 這還是我自懂得談戀愛開始最長的一個”假期”,當然, 很自由也很孤單…
上週, 與一位同是Alist的友人下午茶, 我們叫她單身半年女, 她說她現在才開始享受單身的好處, 就像跟我出來喝咖啡, 不喜歡就不喝, 不需要假裝喝一下, 現在買菜也是非常快, 買自己喜歡的就好, 也不用煩惱另一個人喜歡吃什麼…
身為單身一年男的我就說, 其實已經過了那段高興每到週末不用找樂子搏美人歡心的日子, 或者不用上網找新餐館的煩惱, 現在的情形反而是開心與不開心都沒有人可以分享, 或是, 找不到人分享.
單身半年女這時有點疑惑, 單身一年男說, 試想, 妳那麼愛喝莫卡, 今天要是喝到一杯TMD有夠好喝的莫卡, 如果身邊沒有一個伴, 妳要找誰分享這感覺, 誰會替妳開心?
如果自由與孤單不是好朋友, 那該多好?
上週, 與一位同是Alist的友人下午茶, 我們叫她單身半年女, 她說她現在才開始享受單身的好處, 就像跟我出來喝咖啡, 不喜歡就不喝, 不需要假裝喝一下, 現在買菜也是非常快, 買自己喜歡的就好, 也不用煩惱另一個人喜歡吃什麼…
身為單身一年男的我就說, 其實已經過了那段高興每到週末不用找樂子搏美人歡心的日子, 或者不用上網找新餐館的煩惱, 現在的情形反而是開心與不開心都沒有人可以分享, 或是, 找不到人分享.
單身半年女這時有點疑惑, 單身一年男說, 試想, 妳那麼愛喝莫卡, 今天要是喝到一杯TMD有夠好喝的莫卡, 如果身邊沒有一個伴, 妳要找誰分享這感覺, 誰會替妳開心?
如果自由與孤單不是好朋友, 那該多好?
The self-made billionare and his wife
There is the guy, you must know him too, his name is Tiger Woods, he is the highest paid athlete in history, he makes more money than Michael Schumacher and Michael Jordan, and he is only 33! He marries a supermodel and lives in a luxury mansion 99.9% of us won't ever see the inside...
You know what he did? He has affairs... Not even with pretty ones, it is almost like the Hugh Grant situation, I don't get it. Have you seen Liz Hurley? She is smoking hot!
Here is another thing that was interesting, the whole thing came out because Tiger got into a "car accident" a few metres from the front of his mansion at 245am in the morning. We later found out he was trying to get away from a raging wife who was swinging golf club at him.
Most people found that ironic and funny. Think about it, Tiger driving away in his sponsored suv to escape from his wife, swinging his sponsored golf clubs. However, it wouldn't be funny if it was Tiger who did the swinging.
Also, why did this man's personal affair become an international news? He gets paid to play golf, and he is pretty good at it, why do we want to know who he sleeps with?
I guess society is still twisted in many ways...
幾天前, 和朋友吃飯的時侯, 聊到所謂的幸福, 好像定義不一樣, 尤其是對物質上的要求. 記得小時候, 零用錢並不多, 所以有時候拿到一個五塊錢, 就開心的不得了, 想的可能是雜貨店的乖乖, 王子麵, 冬瓜茶, 還是學校的福利社買蘋果麵包, 買包子, 還是跑去電動間打一次電動, 還是去漫畫店租本漫畫... 無限的可能.
往往手上的五塊錢, 握得滾燙, 都還是不能決定要做什麼, 但是對未來非常的期待.
現在年長一些了, 會自己賺錢了, 對物質的要求就增加許多, 要吃就要好吃的, 要玩就要最好的, 但我們對未來並沒有小時候那麼期待, 反而, 變得比較貪婪, 要最求更多的物質, 但好像變得更空虛, 感覺上, 還不如小時那五塊錢來的幸福...
The Fashion Sense
I have to admit, I never have fashion sense, I see them, but I am very very slow to adapt. Conservative is what I am aiming for, it takes years for me to switch from flat nose dress shoes to pointy dress shoes, from the non-shiny ones to the shiny ones, from fat neckties to skinny ones...
There are, however, weird fashion accessories which shouldn't be allowed to become fashionable again. For example, in tw, the baggy MC hammer type pants are making a comeback, I think they are ugly, and like MC hammer, they should stop trying to make a comeback.
Another more frustrating accessory for the season, is the big black plastic frame non-prescription glasses, almost everyone who wears them are wearing them without prescription, they wear contact lens underneath. If it is an accessory, it doesn't make one better looking.
Then again, I am slow to adapt, I might wear them when they become a norm...
在朋友的婚禮上, 女孩流下了淚, 她不是為新人開心, 而是難過, 難過是因為她看不見她自己有一天會和他在同樣的地方接受祝福.
是什麼原因, 她也說不清楚, 男生對她很好, 在一起也好多年了, 與對方的家人渡過了許多節日, 男生家的那條狗, 更是溺愛的不得了. 自己家人也把他當成家人, 未來的女婿看待, 以他們現在的年紀, 再走下去, 應該就是結婚了吧, 男生對未來信心滿滿, 但她就是看不見那個未來.
仔細去想, 只有覺得他沒有安全感, 年紀比自己小了一點, 想法還有點稚氣, 吵起架來, 就像對小孩一樣, 對他要呵護點, 要照顧點. 走到對女性來說的年齡十字路口, 有工作的壓力, 有結婚的壓力, 她覺得她反而想要一個可以照顧她的人, 一個她可以欣賞的對象.
好像, 要放下手上的愛, 自己需要再出發, 都是因為看不見...
在台灣的時候, 不知道什麼時候, 父母開始自己分配我和弟弟的晚餐誰負責, 那時一三五好像是母親下廚, 二四六是父親負責. 父親不會煮飯, 加班也多, 大多是在外面買便當回來給我們吃. 我和弟弟小時候就比較期待二四六, 總覺得外頭的東西比較好吃.
在seven還沒有全民大飯盒的時代, 離家最近的便當有兩間, 不是街角的牛肉飯或排骨飯 (這間到現在還可以在google map上看得見), 就是在遠一點港式便當, 這間已不存在的店裡賣的炒面就是那種在九記才吃得到脆炒面. 有時沒買飯盒, 就一起去餃子館吃二十個餃子加酸辣湯...
這情況不知道維持了多久, 直到我們出國...
有時回台灣, 父親還是會幫我買早餐, 但我有時就會幫他買晚餐便當, 有seven的全民大飯盒, 有在板橋買的特色便當... 前一陣, 不好意思讓弟弟的女朋友餐餐煮, 也是去外面買菜, 買便當, 有天晚上再排隊的時候, 想起當年父親買便當的時候, 也是在排隊的他, 那時不知道是什麼心情?
Incredibly catchy tune, annoyingly simple moves, sorta like the male version of "sorry sorry" by that korean boy band. You have been warned, you will catch it too~
Rain - Modonna
A very good song from last century, enjoy this on a rainy late Autumn day.
I feel it, it's coming
Rain, feel it on my finger tips
Hear it on my window pane
Your love's coming down like
Rain, wash away my sorrow
Take away my pain
Your love's coming down like rain
When your lips are burning mine
And you take the time to tell me how you feel
When you listen to my words
And I know you've heard, I know it's real
Rain is what this thunder brings
For the first time I can hear my heart sing
Call me a fool but I know I'm not
I'm gonna stand out here on the mountain top
Till I feel your
When you looked into my eyes
And you said goodbye could you see my tears
When I turned the other way
Did you hear me say
I'd wait for all the dark clouds bursting in a perfect sky
You promised me when you said goodbye
That you'd return when the storm was done
And now I'll wait for the light, I'll wait for the sun
Till I feel your
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say, never go away
Waiting is the hardest thing
(It's strange I feel like I've known you before)
I tell myself that if I believe in you
(And I want to understand you)
In the dream of you
(More and more)
With all my heart and all my soul
(When I'm with you)
That by sheer force of will
(I feel like a magical child)
I will raise you from the ground
(Everything strange)
And without a sound you'll appear
(Everything wild)
And surrender to me, to love
Rain is what the thunder brings
For the first time I can hear my heart sing
Call me a fool but I know I'm not
I'm gonna stand out here on the mountain top
Till I feel your
Rain, I feel it, it's coming
Your love's coming down like
Recent conversations with my friends lead to the discussion about passion, passion in life, passion in relationships, passion in work.
Is it necessary find passion in life, or should passion be your work, what if you cannot find that passion anywhere?
I guess that is a question for people in their 20s and early 30s. All of the sudden, you are working, you are wondering what is happening next, you wonder if this is the path you chose, or the path that leads to nowhere.
You start to doubt yourself, especially when you see the younger generation moving closer, your friends moving further ahead. You wonder, why am I not happy?
The answer for many is passion, they thought they are not happy because they cannot feel the passion in the stuff they do.
That is why many people in this age group are learning new things all of sudden, salsa dancing, drawing, playing tennis, playing golf, swimming, playing piano, playing guitar, pottery, pole dancing...
I thought passion is something that is easy to find, do things you like to do, and do them often, you don't even have to do them well...
Battle of sex - What gender is your computer?
Got this from my friend, pretty funny stuff...
A SPANISH Teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine.
'House' for instance, is feminine: 'la casa.'
'Pencil,' however, is masculine: 'el lapiz.'
A student asked, 'What gender is 'computer'?'
Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether computer' should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.
The men's group decided that 'computer' should definitely be of the feminine gender ('la computadora'), because:
1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic;
2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else;
3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval; and
4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.
The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be Masculine ('el computador'), because:
1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;
2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;
3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and
4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.
btw, it is 'el computador'
'House' for instance, is feminine: 'la casa.'
'Pencil,' however, is masculine: 'el lapiz.'
A student asked, 'What gender is 'computer'?'
Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether computer' should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.
The men's group decided that 'computer' should definitely be of the feminine gender ('la computadora'), because:
1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic;
2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else;
3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval; and
4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.
The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be Masculine ('el computador'), because:
1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;
2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;
3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and
4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.
btw, it is 'el computador'
今天有個好朋友和我提起工作上的不開心, 我想起當年找工作的經驗...
2001年畢業的時候, 正逢高科技股崩盤, 2月的時候開始找, 那時還有2個月才會離開建教合作的工作, 還有4個月才畢業, 雖然時機壞壞, 但其實沒那麼緊張,畢竟有工作經驗. 哪知道那時的金融業真的難找, 在網上找了好幾個月都沒消息, 連黃頁投資公司的那幾頁都撕下打電話, 也是沒消息, 只有幾間公司的經理很禮貌的跟我聊幾句, 說是要更有經驗的人. 漸漸的, 信心從很多到完全沒有. 從做投資顧問找到暫時的門口接待, 還不請我...
那時渡過的時間的方式非常頹廢, 反正沒出門, 一件t-shirt, 前後穿,裡外穿, 可以穿四天, 白天就打電動, 那個夏天破的遊戲有十幾個吧, 晚上就找朋友來家裡組模型, 我一個夏天組了六台車, 一台戰車...
後來, 連futureshop都不請我的時候, 911事件之後, 2001年的11月, 終於有了轉機, 找到我第一份工作, 雖然在保險公司, 雖然做的是雜物翻譯的工作, 雖然只有不到$1300的月薪, 但起碼還是份金融有關的工作. 熬了許多年到今天, 剛好是八年, 終於找到自己當年想要的工作, 終於有點成績, 看有些朋友在自己工作上的不開心, 我覺得我真的很幸運! 祝我的朋友們工作順利...
最近在msn上遇到朋友最多的問候是, 你怎麼週末/晚上在家? 怎麼沒有出去, 詢問的次數為B list的朋友問最多, 因為A list的朋友都出門, C 或 D list的朋友不怎麼用電腦...
碰到朋友也是, 都會問, 阿你怎麼沒有約會... 阿你待會要去哪? 通常A list的不會問, 就算出去也大多是跟他們, B list的會用有點諷刺的口氣問, C list的會用有點忌妒的口氣問, D list的會用有點羨慕的口氣問...
其實, 我並沒有夜夜笙歌的日子, 下班之後, 只有一天運動, 一天學吉他 (大多是同一天), 其他的時間不是看台灣的綜藝節目, 就是練習吉他. 週末的時候比較常出去. 加上我屬於被動的social 型態, 所以有許多朋友以為我一直都很忙, 也不常找我, 生活單調的很...
You know Melinda?
Melinda Lou, youngest of 4, was like every 8 year old kid, curious and loved candies. Her dad, Dave had been in Korean War, worked as a mass sergeant feeding 2000 soldiers at a time. After his honorable discharge as a Staff Sergeant, Dave worked with Colonel Sanders at his restaurant famous for fried chicken, KFC.
At age of 37, Dave wanted a change in his career, and decided to start his own restaurant. One day, he looked at Melinda, and said "I am going to name the restaurant after you!" Melinda, 8 at the time, still cannot pronounce her own name properly, so everyone nicknamed her "Wanda".
You see, the restaurant is Wendy's, and her dad is Dave Thomas, the founder of the 3rd largest burger joint of the world. Now, you know the rest of the story...
Curious Case of Benjimen Button
Have you ever had the thought that maybe one day, you will wake up 10 years younger, you will go back to mend the problems that made you regret?
Benjamin Button doesn't have that problem, he grows younger...
I have received this movie on my bday (very fitting, may i add), I never had the courage to watch it by myself, 'cause I know it will be a sad story but a good story. So, I watched it tonight with my brother and his girlfriend.
It is almost like watching Forrest Gump. When times change, the characters blend in with the changing time as well, you will see historical moments in the movie. Unlike Forrest Gump, however, it is more about Benjamin and his experience, his fear.
Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett are good actors, storyline is pretty interesting, somehow, something feels amiss, at least, I don't feel as struck as the time I watched Forrest Gump. Maybe, I am getting older now, I can't be moved by movies easily now... I still remember the time I got so moved by simple Disney Movies, and it doesn't feel that long ago...
上星期招待同事去唱KTV, 幾個較年長的同事點了葉倩文的瀟灑走一回, 1991年的老歌, 好像還是我國三要出國時的歌, 那時學校還教所有的學生唱這首歌, 應該我最早學的K歌吧, 現在看歌詞, 十幾歲的小朋友哪了解字裡行間的意思?
天地悠悠 過客匆匆 潮起又潮落
恩恩怨怨 生死白頭 幾人能看透
紅塵啊滾滾 痴痴啊情深 聚散終有時
留一半清醒 留一半醉 至少夢裡有你追隨
我拿青春賭明天 你用真情換此生
歲月不知人間 多少的憂傷 何不瀟灑走一回
天地悠悠 過客匆匆 潮起又潮落
恩恩怨怨 生死白頭 幾人能看透
紅塵啊滾滾 痴痴啊情深 聚散終有時
留一半清醒 留一半醉 至少夢裡有你追隨
我拿青春賭明天 你用真情換此生
歲月不知人間 多少的憂傷 何不瀟灑走一回
7 deadly sins of breaking up
As a regular reader of 24 (it is free after all), I like to read Sarah Rowland's column, Dating Chronicles, she writes about relationships, especially from females' point of view.
This is what she wrote on Friday,
7 Deadly Sins of Breaking up
1) Causing a Scene
2) Denying Closure
3) Sh-t Talking the Ex
4) Avoiding the Exchange
5) Encouraging Goodbye sex
6) Holding onto a Grudge
7) Ego-stroking Rebound sex
It is always hard to be broken up, I still have lots to learn...
This is what she wrote on Friday,
7 Deadly Sins of Breaking up
1) Causing a Scene
2) Denying Closure
3) Sh-t Talking the Ex
4) Avoiding the Exchange
5) Encouraging Goodbye sex
6) Holding onto a Grudge
7) Ego-stroking Rebound sex
It is always hard to be broken up, I still have lots to learn...
The Perfect
Some of my oldest friends all the way from my university days were commenting the other day on the woman I am looking for. They say she has to be attractive, she has to have the ability to assist me at my career, and/or at home. Basically a woman I can take out and keep in. A perfect woman, in their words.
Although I was resisting to that idea, I remembered that my previous relationship did accuse me of "looking for that perfect woman".
So, I asked my oldest friends who are all by the way, either married or getting married, weren't your spouses looking for perfect women when they found you? My friends couldn't respond to that.
Then, I remember what my boss told me once, if you want to marry someone, you don't look for the best one, you look for the fittest one. I agree with that statement, I am far from perfect myself, and I shouldn't be looking for the perfect.
I think what bothers me is that I have never asked my better half to assist in my career, but I do need them to understand what I do. To have my oldest friends not knowing who my "perfect woman" should be is a little disappointing.
But I am still mixed up in that looking for the perfect or looking for the fittest.
Although I was resisting to that idea, I remembered that my previous relationship did accuse me of "looking for that perfect woman".
So, I asked my oldest friends who are all by the way, either married or getting married, weren't your spouses looking for perfect women when they found you? My friends couldn't respond to that.
Then, I remember what my boss told me once, if you want to marry someone, you don't look for the best one, you look for the fittest one. I agree with that statement, I am far from perfect myself, and I shouldn't be looking for the perfect.
I think what bothers me is that I have never asked my better half to assist in my career, but I do need them to understand what I do. To have my oldest friends not knowing who my "perfect woman" should be is a little disappointing.
But I am still mixed up in that looking for the perfect or looking for the fittest.
As fast as she can...
One friend asked me, why are you angry against couples, why the A, B, C list friends? I said I am not angry at you, I envy you guys, it is just that every time I hang out with you guys, it reminds me that I am by myself. I am not alone, but I do feel lonely.
When I see my non A list friends, the closeness, the interaction, that is something I want.
It doesn't mean I cannot be alone, in fact, I cherish the time I can do things my own way, by myself, without attachment.
There is a joke I heard on TV the other day,
A girl speeding down a country road, is stopped by a police, the cop says to the girl,
"I have been waiting for you the whole day."
The girl says to the police,
"I came here as fast as I can!"
I guess I just have to wait a little bit longer...
When I see my non A list friends, the closeness, the interaction, that is something I want.
It doesn't mean I cannot be alone, in fact, I cherish the time I can do things my own way, by myself, without attachment.
There is a joke I heard on TV the other day,
A girl speeding down a country road, is stopped by a police, the cop says to the girl,
"I have been waiting for you the whole day."
The girl says to the police,
"I came here as fast as I can!"
I guess I just have to wait a little bit longer...
Your home is...
According to my recent survey, 58% of you think North America is your home, 16% of you think Asia is your home, and one of you think your home is in North/South Pole!?! Hope all of you find peace and quiet at your home, wherever that is... even in North Pole.
Do you lie?
An Irish poet once said, "Ask me no questions, and I will tell you no lies."
Lying is something we do daily. We lie to our parents, to our clients, to our co-workers, to our kids (yes, that includes you daddy kevin), to our spouses, to our love ones.
I remember there was a study done on how many times a person lie each day, I couldn't recall the number, but it was pretty high. But, do you know who do we lie to the most? Ourselves!
Yes, we lie to ourselves all the time, when we say "this is my last smoke", "I will sleep for another 5 min", "I am not fat", the most common? "It is going to be alright", even though you have no assurance that things are going to be alright and you know it is NOT going to be alright.
We lie in order to get through our lives easily, we lie to make ourselves feel better, but there is got to be a point where you find yourself not be able to lie to yourself anymore, that is when you have to find a way to face yourself, and grow...
Lying is something we do daily. We lie to our parents, to our clients, to our co-workers, to our kids (yes, that includes you daddy kevin), to our spouses, to our love ones.
I remember there was a study done on how many times a person lie each day, I couldn't recall the number, but it was pretty high. But, do you know who do we lie to the most? Ourselves!
Yes, we lie to ourselves all the time, when we say "this is my last smoke", "I will sleep for another 5 min", "I am not fat", the most common? "It is going to be alright", even though you have no assurance that things are going to be alright and you know it is NOT going to be alright.
We lie in order to get through our lives easily, we lie to make ourselves feel better, but there is got to be a point where you find yourself not be able to lie to yourself anymore, that is when you have to find a way to face yourself, and grow...
One day at Wendy's
On my way to my last wedding of the year, I stopped by Wendy's for lunch. On my way in, I saw a mother and son talking in the parking lot, while the dad is sitting in the van talking loudly to them. I didn't pay much attention to them and I entered the restaurant.
After I ordered and set down. I saw a few young families around me, there were one elderly couple sitting near the door. The elderly man had respirtory tubes in his nose, taking every spoonful of chili required a few breath.
Two friends sitting near me started talking about the weather, one young man commented how it is always blue sky in Australia and it only rains 2 weeks a year in Austrilia. Judging by his accent, he was probably from Australia. Aussies love to brag about their country, I thought to myself.
In the corner, the young parents are complaining about how much it used to cost for an order of Wendy's fries in the old days. They complained about having to spend $30 on a family lunch at Wendy's. I thought, I will probably do that one day to people younger than me.
The elderly man waved at the kid in the young family, he smiled, and the whole family smiled.
I got up and left, the woman I saw in the parking lot was still there, but was doing weird stuff, she was jumping on and off the curb and was counting and making strange noise. From the look she did not look mentally stable.
Just another day at Wendy's...
After I ordered and set down. I saw a few young families around me, there were one elderly couple sitting near the door. The elderly man had respirtory tubes in his nose, taking every spoonful of chili required a few breath.
Two friends sitting near me started talking about the weather, one young man commented how it is always blue sky in Australia and it only rains 2 weeks a year in Austrilia. Judging by his accent, he was probably from Australia. Aussies love to brag about their country, I thought to myself.
In the corner, the young parents are complaining about how much it used to cost for an order of Wendy's fries in the old days. They complained about having to spend $30 on a family lunch at Wendy's. I thought, I will probably do that one day to people younger than me.
The elderly man waved at the kid in the young family, he smiled, and the whole family smiled.
I got up and left, the woman I saw in the parking lot was still there, but was doing weird stuff, she was jumping on and off the curb and was counting and making strange noise. From the look she did not look mentally stable.
Just another day at Wendy's...
One Week
What if your doctor tells you that you are at final stage of cancer, and you should start radiation treatment as soon as possible, even with that, your survival rate is about 10%, and probably won't last more than 1 year?
What would you do?
In the movie, "One week", the main character was hit with that situation. After he had a cup of coffee from Tim Hortons, he chose to travel across Canada from Toronto to Tofino. To search for a mythical creature his dad told him about when he was a kid.
This is a Canadian Travel Film, with tons of Canadian Scenery and Canadian References. Even if you don't like the dark undertone, you will like the film. It is very very Canadian. You should try it too, especially if you miss Canada!
What would you do?
In the movie, "One week", the main character was hit with that situation. After he had a cup of coffee from Tim Hortons, he chose to travel across Canada from Toronto to Tofino. To search for a mythical creature his dad told him about when he was a kid.
This is a Canadian Travel Film, with tons of Canadian Scenery and Canadian References. Even if you don't like the dark undertone, you will like the film. It is very very Canadian. You should try it too, especially if you miss Canada!
The Crazy Ivan
In one of the best submarine movie of all time, "The Hunt of Red October", when the captain of the Russian Submarine (Red October) was about to defect to USA, another US submarine found Red October and followed it in its blind spot so it cannot be detected. However, RO suddenly made a few extreme turns, making the USA submarine very nervous, thinking they were been discovered, Jack Ryan the main character told the captain of the USA ship not to panic, 'cause Russian submarines are known to make crazy turns to make sure there is no ship following them. They call this dangerous maneuver, "Crazy Ivan"
I told this story to my friend when he was commenting on how girls in seemly stable relationships will sometimes want to "think about" their relationships all of the sudden, or they want to have "breaks" all of the sudden. All of sudden, out of blue, no fights, no arguments...
They just want to check if guys are still following them, just want to make sure they are still in right places.
So, like a "Crazy Ivan", there are only 2 things you can do, keep going and ram into the leading submarine (the girl), or shutting down engine and sitting idle. In the movie, they shut down the engine and wait for Red October to stop the "Crazy Ivan" and continue the course, and I suggest my male friends to do the same...
I told this story to my friend when he was commenting on how girls in seemly stable relationships will sometimes want to "think about" their relationships all of the sudden, or they want to have "breaks" all of the sudden. All of sudden, out of blue, no fights, no arguments...
They just want to check if guys are still following them, just want to make sure they are still in right places.
So, like a "Crazy Ivan", there are only 2 things you can do, keep going and ram into the leading submarine (the girl), or shutting down engine and sitting idle. In the movie, they shut down the engine and wait for Red October to stop the "Crazy Ivan" and continue the course, and I suggest my male friends to do the same...
三十歲之前的生日, 我會給自己一些目標/夢想, 這是我29歲的清單
5 Year List: (只剩兩年)
My own place (either 300k condo or 400k townhouse, have to keep up with
Laser eye surgery (might need mental support, will do after the next wish)
Fall in love (yes, and make it last a little longer than 1 month)
30 million portfolio (my clients', not mine)
Travel to Greece (the Aegean Sea...)
The small list for this year:
Hit golf ball straight 80% of the time (at least with 7 ~ 9 irons)
Learn how to drive a stick (might need friends' cars)
Learn to play guitar (maybe self-learning?)
Get Insurance licensed (again...)
Make a new 5 year list (if the above doesn't work :) )
過了三年, 好像只有保險證照和學吉他有執行, 但那個五年計畫一點都不難達成, 明天要做就可以了.
今年生日前, 與好友吃飯的時候, 說到年輕時的夢想, 其中包括93年的CIVIC, 而且那時候一點都不覺得這輩子有機會開雙B的車, 現在看來, 夢想太小了, 不過這應該是環境的關係, 有點悲觀, 有點保守. 看我三年前的清單, 還是以實際/物質的東西多,都不難達成.
看來, 人真的有夢才偉大, 雖然不要偉大的夢, 但要夠大的夢才更有衝力.
今年目標簡單多了, 事業順利, 身體健康, 穩定愛情…
5 Year List: (只剩兩年)
My own place (either 300k condo or 400k townhouse, have to keep up with
Laser eye surgery (might need mental support, will do after the next wish)
Fall in love (yes, and make it last a little longer than 1 month)
30 million portfolio (my clients', not mine)
Travel to Greece (the Aegean Sea...)
The small list for this year:
Hit golf ball straight 80% of the time (at least with 7 ~ 9 irons)
Learn how to drive a stick (might need friends' cars)
Learn to play guitar (maybe self-learning?)
Get Insurance licensed (again...)
Make a new 5 year list (if the above doesn't work :) )
過了三年, 好像只有保險證照和學吉他有執行, 但那個五年計畫一點都不難達成, 明天要做就可以了.
今年生日前, 與好友吃飯的時候, 說到年輕時的夢想, 其中包括93年的CIVIC, 而且那時候一點都不覺得這輩子有機會開雙B的車, 現在看來, 夢想太小了, 不過這應該是環境的關係, 有點悲觀, 有點保守. 看我三年前的清單, 還是以實際/物質的東西多,都不難達成.
看來, 人真的有夢才偉大, 雖然不要偉大的夢, 但要夠大的夢才更有衝力.
今年目標簡單多了, 事業順利, 身體健康, 穩定愛情…
(Everything I Do) I Do It For You
Going to see Bryan Adams' concert tonight, have been telling friends for months, unfortunately, only people at certain age group show any interests in his concert. Even though I have been to a few concerts already this year, I am actually more excited about going to this one. Maybe the seating isn't that great, row 31 at orpheum theatre means the last row on ground level. Even for those who don't really know Bryan Adams, you must have heard this song.
(Everything I Do) I Do It For You
Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
Look into your heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it there's nothin' I want more
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - Ya I'd die for you
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
(Everything I Do) I Do It For You
Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
Look into your heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it there's nothin' I want more
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - Ya I'd die for you
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
Love requires build-up according to you
In my recent poll, 5 people out of 9 (not a stat significant poll in any means), believes in building up feels when it comes to love, 3 people still believe in love at first sight. While one person doesn't know anymore, that would be myself...
原以為我不會需要到去試這種活動, 在社團的壓力與誘惑下, 還是參加了.
一開始, 就遲到了近一個小時, 朋友先打電話來, 問我去了哪, 我趁機問我們有沒有對手, 朋友說沒有, 我才慢慢的過去, 還是自己意願不高, 對這活動的期望不高.
場地內, 人聲鼎沸, 有點像股票市場, 也有點像廟會, 我被安排到自己的座位上, 與認識的朋友交換了一個眼神, 他的眼神有點憂傷, 我的眼神大概是你居然騙我, 哪有漂亮的對象! 有三分一的女生不是台灣人, 但百分百的女生是要找對象的…
兩分半認識一個人很困難, 聊一模一樣的東西也很困難, 女生大多問我工作是什麼, 男生大多問女生年紀是多少, 很明顯看得出來男女要的東西的差異.
最後, 每個人要選自己喜歡的對象, 雖然自己沒有喜歡的對象, 但還是有不知哪來的花痴自信, 相信應該還是有幾個會喜歡我, 結果… 一個都沒有, 二十二個女生一個都沒選我, 對自信有很大的打擊.
和朋友吃飯, 被笑了一頓, 一是嫌我說話太油, 二是說我過胖, 感覺像二次打擊…
SPEED DATING, 如我好朋友說, 可能有令人驚喜的意外, 雖然是令人不開心的意外, 但可以確定, 我沒辦法從這方式找對象, 這種方式與在酒吧裡認識人有和差異? 大家還是你厄我詐, 離開的時候, 我禮貌的對對面的女生說FB上見, 她才坦承她用的是假名(我還藝名勒), 我都不知道說什麼好… 還是… 回家看蝴蝶姐姐好了…
一開始, 就遲到了近一個小時, 朋友先打電話來, 問我去了哪, 我趁機問我們有沒有對手, 朋友說沒有, 我才慢慢的過去, 還是自己意願不高, 對這活動的期望不高.
場地內, 人聲鼎沸, 有點像股票市場, 也有點像廟會, 我被安排到自己的座位上, 與認識的朋友交換了一個眼神, 他的眼神有點憂傷, 我的眼神大概是你居然騙我, 哪有漂亮的對象! 有三分一的女生不是台灣人, 但百分百的女生是要找對象的…
兩分半認識一個人很困難, 聊一模一樣的東西也很困難, 女生大多問我工作是什麼, 男生大多問女生年紀是多少, 很明顯看得出來男女要的東西的差異.
最後, 每個人要選自己喜歡的對象, 雖然自己沒有喜歡的對象, 但還是有不知哪來的花痴自信, 相信應該還是有幾個會喜歡我, 結果… 一個都沒有, 二十二個女生一個都沒選我, 對自信有很大的打擊.
和朋友吃飯, 被笑了一頓, 一是嫌我說話太油, 二是說我過胖, 感覺像二次打擊…
SPEED DATING, 如我好朋友說, 可能有令人驚喜的意外, 雖然是令人不開心的意外, 但可以確定, 我沒辦法從這方式找對象, 這種方式與在酒吧裡認識人有和差異? 大家還是你厄我詐, 離開的時候, 我禮貌的對對面的女生說FB上見, 她才坦承她用的是假名(我還藝名勒), 我都不知道說什麼好… 還是… 回家看蝴蝶姐姐好了…
昨天有位朋友, 在電話上說, 我很厲害, 做金融這行, 時機壞壞, 感情生活又是風風雨雨, 現在還可以這麼樂觀, 面帶微笑.
我說, 我真的不算什麼, 還有朋友也做金融, 還感今年買房, 娶妻, 壓力不知有多大, 那才利害.
其實, 自己也沉靜了一陣, 每天收看台灣那些沒營養的綜藝節目, 學學東西, 就熬過來了. 在外的, 還是好的留給別人.
我記得金融海嘯開始沒多久, 見過一對八十多歲的客戶, 問他們會不會緊張, 他們說他們大風大浪看多了, 從內戰, 北京逃到上海, 在從上海到越南, 遇到越戰, 在從越南到香港, 從香港到美國, 再到加國, 天災人禍, 戰爭, 多少次需要從頭開始, 比起來, 我們真的沒什麼.
再說, 最糟的也過了, 還有什麼好不樂觀?
我說, 我真的不算什麼, 還有朋友也做金融, 還感今年買房, 娶妻, 壓力不知有多大, 那才利害.
其實, 自己也沉靜了一陣, 每天收看台灣那些沒營養的綜藝節目, 學學東西, 就熬過來了. 在外的, 還是好的留給別人.
我記得金融海嘯開始沒多久, 見過一對八十多歲的客戶, 問他們會不會緊張, 他們說他們大風大浪看多了, 從內戰, 北京逃到上海, 在從上海到越南, 遇到越戰, 在從越南到香港, 從香港到美國, 再到加國, 天災人禍, 戰爭, 多少次需要從頭開始, 比起來, 我們真的沒什麼.
再說, 最糟的也過了, 還有什麼好不樂觀?
Summer of '09
It has been a very productive summer for me, things are getting better at work, reconnect with my high school buddies, worked/joined many weddings, 2nd gig as best man, picked up tennis again, got my first real six-string, went to Kelowna for the first time after almost 10 years, vegas for the sixth time... Although, there is still a void on the relationship side, I had the chance to meet many interesting girls. It was a good 92 days of summer! Autumn is going to be good too, first with first Canucks game in 17 years, ended in a shootout (even though it was just a pre-season game), I have 2 more concerts to go to! Including my favourite, Bryan Adams!
Summer of 69
I got my first real six-string
Bought it at the five-and-dime
Played 'til my fingers bled
It was summer of '69
Me and some guys from school
Had a Band and we tried real hard
Jimmy quit and Jody got married
I shualda known we'd never get far
Oh when I lock back now
That was seemes to last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya - I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life
Ain't no use in complainin'
When you got a job to do
Spent my evenin's down at the drive in
And that's when I met you
Standin on a mama's porch
You told me that you'd wait forever
Oh and when you held my hand
I knew that it was no or never
Those were the best days of my life
(Chorus) Back in Summer of '69
Man we were killin' time
We were young and restless
We needed to unwind
I guess nothin' can last forever, no
And now the times are changin'
Look at everything that's come and gone
Somethimes when I play that old six-string
I think about ya wonder what went wrong
Standin' on a mama's porch
You told me it would last forever
Oh the way you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never
Those were the best days of my life
(Chorus) Back in summer of '69
Summer of 69
I got my first real six-string
Bought it at the five-and-dime
Played 'til my fingers bled
It was summer of '69
Me and some guys from school
Had a Band and we tried real hard
Jimmy quit and Jody got married
I shualda known we'd never get far
Oh when I lock back now
That was seemes to last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya - I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life
Ain't no use in complainin'
When you got a job to do
Spent my evenin's down at the drive in
And that's when I met you
Standin on a mama's porch
You told me that you'd wait forever
Oh and when you held my hand
I knew that it was no or never
Those were the best days of my life
(Chorus) Back in Summer of '69
Man we were killin' time
We were young and restless
We needed to unwind
I guess nothin' can last forever, no
And now the times are changin'
Look at everything that's come and gone
Somethimes when I play that old six-string
I think about ya wonder what went wrong
Standin' on a mama's porch
You told me it would last forever
Oh the way you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never
Those were the best days of my life
(Chorus) Back in summer of '69
Even the ugly ones do...
Okay, this story might trigger flames from female readers, so just to make things clear, I didn't say this and it wasn't my experience, but I kinda agree with him though.
A friend return to Vancouver is still single, I asked him why that is. He said he is more interested in girls from Taiwan, fair enough, keep the Taiwanese blood line pure. But there must be enough "supply" of Taiwanese girls over there to keep his relationship life interesting.
He said the girls he met over there are those who have just come to North America, meaning that they didn't grow up here. What is wrong with that? I asked.
The expectations are very different, for those who left taiwan early, they still have mindset of early days, that is "low expectations". I remember I had a Hong Kong classmate from University, he only dated Taiwanese girls, not that he isn't good looking, but he told me Taiwanese girls have lower expectations. Little things you do for them, they will appreciate a lot more than girls from Hong Kong.
That is easy to explain, imagine someone who has the luxury to have lobsters/shark fins on a regular basis, it will be hard to impress that person with anything in that class.
Girls in Taiwan nowadays are different now, much more like the Hong Kong girls we know, they have expectations, guys are supposed to this, guys are supposed to do that. What my friend doesn't like is that they have expectations, but it is not like they have more to bring to the table.
For example, they would expect guys to pay for meals, even though they know the guys are not interested in them and it wasn't a date. KTV? guys will pick up the tab. But do they actually do more? No...
The worst part? My friend added, "Even the ugly ones do..."
A friend return to Vancouver is still single, I asked him why that is. He said he is more interested in girls from Taiwan, fair enough, keep the Taiwanese blood line pure. But there must be enough "supply" of Taiwanese girls over there to keep his relationship life interesting.
He said the girls he met over there are those who have just come to North America, meaning that they didn't grow up here. What is wrong with that? I asked.
The expectations are very different, for those who left taiwan early, they still have mindset of early days, that is "low expectations". I remember I had a Hong Kong classmate from University, he only dated Taiwanese girls, not that he isn't good looking, but he told me Taiwanese girls have lower expectations. Little things you do for them, they will appreciate a lot more than girls from Hong Kong.
That is easy to explain, imagine someone who has the luxury to have lobsters/shark fins on a regular basis, it will be hard to impress that person with anything in that class.
Girls in Taiwan nowadays are different now, much more like the Hong Kong girls we know, they have expectations, guys are supposed to this, guys are supposed to do that. What my friend doesn't like is that they have expectations, but it is not like they have more to bring to the table.
For example, they would expect guys to pay for meals, even though they know the guys are not interested in them and it wasn't a date. KTV? guys will pick up the tab. But do they actually do more? No...
The worst part? My friend added, "Even the ugly ones do..."
I been looking for someone
Between the fire and the flame
Were all looking for something
To ease the pain
Now who can you turn to
When its all black and white
And the winners are losers
You see it every night
I need somebody
Somebody like you
Everybody needs somebody
I need somebody
Hey what about you
Everybody needs somebody
When youre out on the front line
And youre watching them fall
It doesnt take long to realize
It aint worth fighting for
I thought I saw the madonna
When you walked in the room
Well your eyes were like diamonds
And they cut right through - oh they cut right through
I need somebody
Somebody like you
Everybody needs somebody
I need somebody
Hey what about you
We all need somebody
Another night another lesson learned
Its the distance keeps us sane
But when the silence leads to sorrow
We do it all again - all again
by Bryan Adams, getting ready for his concert!
Between the fire and the flame
Were all looking for something
To ease the pain
Now who can you turn to
When its all black and white
And the winners are losers
You see it every night
I need somebody
Somebody like you
Everybody needs somebody
I need somebody
Hey what about you
Everybody needs somebody
When youre out on the front line
And youre watching them fall
It doesnt take long to realize
It aint worth fighting for
I thought I saw the madonna
When you walked in the room
Well your eyes were like diamonds
And they cut right through - oh they cut right through
I need somebody
Somebody like you
Everybody needs somebody
I need somebody
Hey what about you
We all need somebody
Another night another lesson learned
Its the distance keeps us sane
But when the silence leads to sorrow
We do it all again - all again
by Bryan Adams, getting ready for his concert!
Say Yes
不知道怎麼網上碰到的, 我看過的第一部日劇, 101次求婚主題曲, 恰克與飛鳥
在和你一起渡過的日子裏 根本沒有所謂多餘的東西
但是 那些都是為了試煉我的情侶之間的愛情遊戲
為何不讓我倆就這樣 把夢都放在一起
自自然然的 開始一起生活
為了想感受到愛 就必須也以愛來回報
要我說多少次都可以 我要全部說出來
言語的力量 是無法超越內心的
雖然非常想要說給你聽 但終究無法完整的表達出心中的意思
身處在星空築起的屋頂下 我明瞭了甚麼叫情侶們的憂傷
為何不讓我倆就這樣地 一起來迎接每個早晨
永遠在一起 永遠在一起生活
為了想感受到愛 就必須也以愛來回報
別讓我們 忘掉了置身在戀愛中的感覺
要我說多少次都可以 我想你是真的在
不要猶豫 SAY YES 不要猶豫
為了想感受到愛 就必須也以愛來回報
別讓我們 忘掉了置身在戀愛中的感覺
要我說多少次都可以 我想你是真的在
但這mtv有點讓人覺得歲月不饒人, 比較一下SNL模仿90年代男孩團體, 這個更讚, 90末代男孩團體. 音樂還真不錯聽.
在和你一起渡過的日子裏 根本沒有所謂多餘的東西
但是 那些都是為了試煉我的情侶之間的愛情遊戲
為何不讓我倆就這樣 把夢都放在一起
自自然然的 開始一起生活
為了想感受到愛 就必須也以愛來回報
要我說多少次都可以 我要全部說出來
言語的力量 是無法超越內心的
雖然非常想要說給你聽 但終究無法完整的表達出心中的意思
身處在星空築起的屋頂下 我明瞭了甚麼叫情侶們的憂傷
為何不讓我倆就這樣地 一起來迎接每個早晨
永遠在一起 永遠在一起生活
為了想感受到愛 就必須也以愛來回報
別讓我們 忘掉了置身在戀愛中的感覺
要我說多少次都可以 我想你是真的在
不要猶豫 SAY YES 不要猶豫
為了想感受到愛 就必須也以愛來回報
別讓我們 忘掉了置身在戀愛中的感覺
要我說多少次都可以 我想你是真的在
但這mtv有點讓人覺得歲月不饒人, 比較一下SNL模仿90年代男孩團體, 這個更讚, 90末代男孩團體. 音樂還真不錯聽.
好像人越大,越多不喜歡的人, 最近討厭的人又加一種, 就是藏朋友的人.
不知道有沒有遇過這種朋友, 他會跟你說晚上要和他的朋友吃飯, 但他明知道他的朋友你也認識, 但就是故意不說, 不知道是扮神秘, 或是要扮朋友比較多.
另一種朋友就是從來不會介紹其他朋友給你認識, 你可能認識他很多年, 十幾年老交情, 去過大小活動, 每次他都是單槍匹馬出現, 某一天才發現, 原來很多朋友都認識他, 但他從來也沒提過, 還要感謝facebook一類的交友網頁, 才知道有重複的朋友.
以前好像從來不介意這種事情, 但最近開始覺得這種朋友不夠意思, 可能是年紀到了, 容易動怒...
不知道有沒有遇過這種朋友, 他會跟你說晚上要和他的朋友吃飯, 但他明知道他的朋友你也認識, 但就是故意不說, 不知道是扮神秘, 或是要扮朋友比較多.
另一種朋友就是從來不會介紹其他朋友給你認識, 你可能認識他很多年, 十幾年老交情, 去過大小活動, 每次他都是單槍匹馬出現, 某一天才發現, 原來很多朋友都認識他, 但他從來也沒提過, 還要感謝facebook一類的交友網頁, 才知道有重複的朋友.
以前好像從來不介意這種事情, 但最近開始覺得這種朋友不夠意思, 可能是年紀到了, 容易動怒...
The wedding diary
I have just gone to my 6th or 7th wedding this year. This year has been exceptionally difficult since i am at that age where at least someone you know at the wedding will ask when will be my time... hard to answer that one.
There were wedding indoor, wedding outdoor, wedding by the sea, wedding on a golf course, wedding in pink, wedding in white, reception in luxury hotel, reception in vintage house, drunk bride's maid, drunk relatives, nervous grooms, nervous emcees...
I ran into the same commissioner 3 times, same videographer twice, same photographer 3 times, same pianist 2 times, ran into high schoolmates i didn't know back then, ran into colleagues who i didn't know would be at the wedding, ran into groom's sister i thought i didn't know...
There were funny ones, there were touching ones, but every single wedding has the same scene, where they held their hands at the alter, looked into each other's eyes like nothing else matters, that is love, and that is why i attend every wedding i was invited to!
There were wedding indoor, wedding outdoor, wedding by the sea, wedding on a golf course, wedding in pink, wedding in white, reception in luxury hotel, reception in vintage house, drunk bride's maid, drunk relatives, nervous grooms, nervous emcees...
I ran into the same commissioner 3 times, same videographer twice, same photographer 3 times, same pianist 2 times, ran into high schoolmates i didn't know back then, ran into colleagues who i didn't know would be at the wedding, ran into groom's sister i thought i didn't know...
There were funny ones, there were touching ones, but every single wedding has the same scene, where they held their hands at the alter, looked into each other's eyes like nothing else matters, that is love, and that is why i attend every wedding i was invited to!
寂寞很OK 一個人OK 習慣就OK
今天晚上聽到張震嶽的ok, 聽的很出神, 他的歌很少有這麼不重複的歌詞...
生命之中 有多少經歷 還值得細細回憶
好多年 都不曾忘記 我們都在尋找真愛
花錢也不能買 但是你問我甚麼是愛 它沒有正確答案
只能憑感覺 在人海裡尋找所謂的愛
有人隨便玩玩 有人拼了老命在玩 有人一輩子沒有伴
過著東奔西跑的日子 來到不熟悉的城市特別容易孤寂
想著揮之不去的問題 尤其面對自己總是沒有頭緒
感情和個人的平衡點 常常失去重心
鋼索上風一吹就會掉下去 有時卻想放棄
搖搖欲墜 其實最自私是自己
我可不想裝的很可悲 好讓人家來給我安慰
這一段時間我很OK 頂多入夜時候早早睡
寂寞很OK 一個人OK 習慣就OK
寂寞很OK 一個人OK 習慣就OK
卻不想在一起 有時只想一夜情而已
放了真感情 卻害怕自由會失去
這世界上只有兩種人 男人和女人 每天上演同樣的劇情
誰又愛上誰 誰又背叛誰 誰又傷了誰
樂此不疲的表演好累 但是沒有人能夠 脫離 再翻離
誰可以跨越出去 結果因人而異
有的失守終生 有的繼續等
有的乾脆剃度 永遠不再過問
這紅塵滾滾心中是否沸騰 是否還有時間值得繼續等
曲終人散走在陌生的街上 剩我一個人唱
這一段時間我很OK 頂多入夜時候早早睡
寂寞很OK 一個人OK 習慣就OK
愛情面貌我試圖瞭解 卻把自己搞的很狼狽
有一段時間我不OK 把靈魂關在黑暗裡面
寂寞很OK 一個人OK 習慣就OK
寂寞很OK 一個人OK 習慣就OK
生命之中 有多少經歷 還值得細細回憶
好多年 都不曾忘記 我們都在尋找真愛
花錢也不能買 但是你問我甚麼是愛 它沒有正確答案
只能憑感覺 在人海裡尋找所謂的愛
有人隨便玩玩 有人拼了老命在玩 有人一輩子沒有伴
過著東奔西跑的日子 來到不熟悉的城市特別容易孤寂
想著揮之不去的問題 尤其面對自己總是沒有頭緒
感情和個人的平衡點 常常失去重心
鋼索上風一吹就會掉下去 有時卻想放棄
搖搖欲墜 其實最自私是自己
我可不想裝的很可悲 好讓人家來給我安慰
這一段時間我很OK 頂多入夜時候早早睡
寂寞很OK 一個人OK 習慣就OK
寂寞很OK 一個人OK 習慣就OK
卻不想在一起 有時只想一夜情而已
放了真感情 卻害怕自由會失去
這世界上只有兩種人 男人和女人 每天上演同樣的劇情
誰又愛上誰 誰又背叛誰 誰又傷了誰
樂此不疲的表演好累 但是沒有人能夠 脫離 再翻離
誰可以跨越出去 結果因人而異
有的失守終生 有的繼續等
有的乾脆剃度 永遠不再過問
這紅塵滾滾心中是否沸騰 是否還有時間值得繼續等
曲終人散走在陌生的街上 剩我一個人唱
這一段時間我很OK 頂多入夜時候早早睡
寂寞很OK 一個人OK 習慣就OK
愛情面貌我試圖瞭解 卻把自己搞的很狼狽
有一段時間我不OK 把靈魂關在黑暗裡面
寂寞很OK 一個人OK 習慣就OK
寂寞很OK 一個人OK 習慣就OK
在人群中, 她一眼就認出他了, 雖然他沒有看著她. 她站在美麗的新娘子旁, 百感交集. 他看起來老了許多, 耳鬢的短髮斑白, 不知道他過得好不好, 他太太穿的時髦得體, 一臉興奮的看著新娘.
他是她的初戀, 從高中開始交往了六年, 最後分手的原因是他想結婚,但她不想, 她覺得她還想多認識自己. 最後一次電話, 他跟她說他又開始交往了, 也很順利, 說不定會結婚, 他還開玩笑的說, 如果他結婚, 她欠他一個大紅包, 也許是玩笑, 她想也沒想的就答應了.
幾個月後, 從共同的朋友聽說他結婚了, 所有的高中朋友都會去, 唯獨她沒被邀請, 這應該不算意外, 但其實她很想去, 很想看他幸福的樣子. 令人難過的是, 他對朋友說, 他不希望她把他的婚禮搞砸.
她托朋友送了一個999美金的紅包, 雖然那時候她的月薪並不多, 但畢竟有答應, 而且認識了十年, 又曾經是最好的朋友, 不為過吧?
沒想, 被他的母親退回了, 說太多了. 她想想也是, 搞不好旁人會覺得她別有居心, 她參考了朋友的金額, 又送了一個紅包, 還是被退回, 這次連理由都不給, 就說實在不方便.
後來, 聽到朋友說到他的風風雨雨, 也不知道他開不開心…
忽然間, 掌聲響起, 新娘和新郎接受眾人的祝福. 他們的眼神終於碰上, 他禮貌的點一點頭, 她也點頭回理, 她想, 時間也過了那麼久, 也許這不是一個屬於自己的愛情故事…
他是她的初戀, 從高中開始交往了六年, 最後分手的原因是他想結婚,但她不想, 她覺得她還想多認識自己. 最後一次電話, 他跟她說他又開始交往了, 也很順利, 說不定會結婚, 他還開玩笑的說, 如果他結婚, 她欠他一個大紅包, 也許是玩笑, 她想也沒想的就答應了.
幾個月後, 從共同的朋友聽說他結婚了, 所有的高中朋友都會去, 唯獨她沒被邀請, 這應該不算意外, 但其實她很想去, 很想看他幸福的樣子. 令人難過的是, 他對朋友說, 他不希望她把他的婚禮搞砸.
她托朋友送了一個999美金的紅包, 雖然那時候她的月薪並不多, 但畢竟有答應, 而且認識了十年, 又曾經是最好的朋友, 不為過吧?
沒想, 被他的母親退回了, 說太多了. 她想想也是, 搞不好旁人會覺得她別有居心, 她參考了朋友的金額, 又送了一個紅包, 還是被退回, 這次連理由都不給, 就說實在不方便.
後來, 聽到朋友說到他的風風雨雨, 也不知道他開不開心…
忽然間, 掌聲響起, 新娘和新郎接受眾人的祝福. 他們的眼神終於碰上, 他禮貌的點一點頭, 她也點頭回理, 她想, 時間也過了那麼久, 也許這不是一個屬於自己的愛情故事…
上星期日, 是一位好朋友的婚禮, 很榮幸可以做伴郎, 雖然主持很多次, 伴郎還只是第二次. 上次陪嫁是多年前, 因為是在台灣, 能做的事情就少了點, 這次不一樣, 從伴遊到單身派對, 從佈置到照相, 全部都來一些.
主持, 食物, 親友, 遊戲… 每樣東西都很完美的演出.
酒過三巡, 一個白目的朋友過來問,
“這麼會? 她很好阿, 她很漂亮阿, 我以為你們會結婚耶…”
“她很好阿, 可是我們常吵架…”
“這麼會? 她很好阿..”
“妳有沒有試過魚, 超讚的”
這次婚禮最不一樣的是, 參與的多, 到後來有一點酸酸的, 不是忌妒的酸, 是心酸酸,看一桌桌朋友都已經修成正果, 不知道哪天才有自己的? 還真敗犬…
主持, 食物, 親友, 遊戲… 每樣東西都很完美的演出.
酒過三巡, 一個白目的朋友過來問,
“這麼會? 她很好阿, 她很漂亮阿, 我以為你們會結婚耶…”
“她很好阿, 可是我們常吵架…”
“這麼會? 她很好阿..”
“妳有沒有試過魚, 超讚的”
這次婚禮最不一樣的是, 參與的多, 到後來有一點酸酸的, 不是忌妒的酸, 是心酸酸,看一桌桌朋友都已經修成正果, 不知道哪天才有自己的? 還真敗犬…
Being Flexible or being Yourself?
Any relationship involves some type of power struggle, you want this, the other person wants that. How you treat each other sometimes becomes a problem. Do you want to be the true-self, and be honest with what you like and dislike, or do you want to be flexible, and try to make the other person happy. It is much easier just being yourself, it is a lot harder to be flexible, 'cause you will be doing a lot of things you do not like in the bottom of your heart, you might lose yourself, you might even dislike yourself.
The other day, my dear married friend with 2 kids told me, they are not mutually exclusive, you can be yourself and be flexible, you have to do it via compromises.
The example, if the wife wants to go out with her gal friends during weekend, he could argue with her, and tell her that kids will need her too. The wife might fight back with, "I have spent so much time with kids already, it is your time to do the fatherly part", it could very easily escalate to a big fight. But what he did instead was telling her it was great that she can hang out with her gal friends, and he will drive her to the places she wants to go, and taking kids along for the ride. So, instead of fights, she will be more understanding when he wants to go out with guy friends sometimes.
Love and Compromises, secret to sustainbility of any relationship!
The other day, my dear married friend with 2 kids told me, they are not mutually exclusive, you can be yourself and be flexible, you have to do it via compromises.
The example, if the wife wants to go out with her gal friends during weekend, he could argue with her, and tell her that kids will need her too. The wife might fight back with, "I have spent so much time with kids already, it is your time to do the fatherly part", it could very easily escalate to a big fight. But what he did instead was telling her it was great that she can hang out with her gal friends, and he will drive her to the places she wants to go, and taking kids along for the ride. So, instead of fights, she will be more understanding when he wants to go out with guy friends sometimes.
Love and Compromises, secret to sustainbility of any relationship!
參加婚禮是開心的事,直到認識的長輩開始關心,什麼時候要換你,我的回答是,還沒有對象,接下來就一定是... 你為什麼沒有女朋友?
有個朋友建議,如果我不喜歡同事或客人介紹,可以試試JUST FOR LUNCH或EHARMONY一類的徵婚方式,我是忍住沒把她踹下車,她說我又不從身邊的找,每次出去又嫌妹不是已經認識,就已經結婚了,不如試試有科學根據,沒有COMMITMENT的交友方式...我還真的不知道怎麼回她 (OLIVER,你趕快把你的交友網建起來吧...)
有個朋友建議,如果我不喜歡同事或客人介紹,可以試試JUST FOR LUNCH或EHARMONY一類的徵婚方式,我是忍住沒把她踹下車,她說我又不從身邊的找,每次出去又嫌妹不是已經認識,就已經結婚了,不如試試有科學根據,沒有COMMITMENT的交友方式...我還真的不知道怎麼回她 (OLIVER,你趕快把你的交友網建起來吧...)
You know you are old when...
You know you are old when you hang out at lounges/night clubs/pubs and complained about the loud music, smelly washrooms, rude young people, expensive drinks, feet hurts, don't know the music, stuffy air... and needs three days to recover... actually, make that one week to recover...
FIR 你很愛他
當你決定 你要離開我 我沒有說什麼 就當作你自由
&有好幾次 我都想挽留 苦求也沒有用 就當作是寂寞
因為我能明白 他的溫柔 對你是種解脫
就坦白告訴我 誰是你的最愛
其實你很愛他 對我的懲罰 說你沒有想他 是可憐我吧
我已沒有藉口 只能放手 不敢奢求 你說愛我
其實你很愛他 他很溫柔吧 其實你很想他 就說出口吧
我已不想多說 摀住耳朵 不想再次聽到你說 你很愛他
其實你很愛他 他很溫柔嗎 其實你很想他 就說出口吧
我已不想多說 摀住耳朵 不想再次聽到你說 你很愛他 你很愛他
FIR 你很愛他
當你決定 你要離開我 我沒有說什麼 就當作你自由
&有好幾次 我都想挽留 苦求也沒有用 就當作是寂寞
因為我能明白 他的溫柔 對你是種解脫
就坦白告訴我 誰是你的最愛
其實你很愛他 對我的懲罰 說你沒有想他 是可憐我吧
我已沒有藉口 只能放手 不敢奢求 你說愛我
其實你很愛他 他很溫柔吧 其實你很想他 就說出口吧
我已不想多說 摀住耳朵 不想再次聽到你說 你很愛他
其實你很愛他 他很溫柔嗎 其實你很想他 就說出口吧
我已不想多說 摀住耳朵 不想再次聽到你說 你很愛他 你很愛他
After hearing the love story you have, the things you have to go through, and yet you still consider yourself lucky? Because you are with your best friend now...
Girl friend, this song is for you!
Lucky by Jason Mraz and
Do you hear me?
Talking to you
Across the water
Across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky
Oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets harder
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you, I promise you I will
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through the trees
Move so pretty, you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Girl friend, this song is for you!
Lucky by Jason Mraz and
Do you hear me?
Talking to you
Across the water
Across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky
Oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets harder
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you, I promise you I will
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through the trees
Move so pretty, you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
其他忙的是朋友們的婚禮,把他們一個個送進c list裡,是很開心的,現在累積的經驗,與婚禮有關的人脈,也差不多可以開一間質詢公司了.不過這種忙是有點寂寞的忙.
另外忙的,就是幫忙照顧剛從b list出來的朋友,有曠男有怨女,個個狀況不佳,聽他們抱怨感情,有很多收穫,許多東西是自己會做的,也記下來做參考,有些東西自己不會做的,就做警惕,也感謝他們把我當可靠的朋友.不過這種忙是徬徨的忙.
五月天 擁抱
脫下長日的假面 奔向夢幻的疆界
南瓜馬車的午夜 換上童話的玻璃鞋
讓我享受這感覺 我是孤傲的薔薇
讓我品嚐這滋味 紛亂世界的不了解
昨天太近 明天太遠 默默聆聽那黑夜
晚風吻盡 荷花葉 任我醉倒在池邊
等你清楚看見我的美 月光曬乾眼淚
哪一個人 愛我 將我的手 緊握
抱緊我 吻我 喔 愛 別走
隱藏自己的疲倦 表達自己的狼狽
放縱自己的狂野 找尋自己的明天
向你要求的誓言 就算是你的謊言
我需要愛的慰藉 就算那愛已如潮水
昨天太近 明天太遠 默默聆聽那黑夜
晚風吻盡 荷花葉 任我醉倒在池邊
等你清楚看見我的美 月光曬乾眼淚
哪一個人 愛我 將我的手 緊握
抱緊我 吻我 喔 愛 別走
其他忙的是朋友們的婚禮,把他們一個個送進c list裡,是很開心的,現在累積的經驗,與婚禮有關的人脈,也差不多可以開一間質詢公司了.不過這種忙是有點寂寞的忙.
另外忙的,就是幫忙照顧剛從b list出來的朋友,有曠男有怨女,個個狀況不佳,聽他們抱怨感情,有很多收穫,許多東西是自己會做的,也記下來做參考,有些東西自己不會做的,就做警惕,也感謝他們把我當可靠的朋友.不過這種忙是徬徨的忙.
五月天 擁抱
脫下長日的假面 奔向夢幻的疆界
南瓜馬車的午夜 換上童話的玻璃鞋
讓我享受這感覺 我是孤傲的薔薇
讓我品嚐這滋味 紛亂世界的不了解
昨天太近 明天太遠 默默聆聽那黑夜
晚風吻盡 荷花葉 任我醉倒在池邊
等你清楚看見我的美 月光曬乾眼淚
哪一個人 愛我 將我的手 緊握
抱緊我 吻我 喔 愛 別走
隱藏自己的疲倦 表達自己的狼狽
放縱自己的狂野 找尋自己的明天
向你要求的誓言 就算是你的謊言
我需要愛的慰藉 就算那愛已如潮水
昨天太近 明天太遠 默默聆聽那黑夜
晚風吻盡 荷花葉 任我醉倒在池邊
等你清楚看見我的美 月光曬乾眼淚
哪一個人 愛我 將我的手 緊握
抱緊我 吻我 喔 愛 別走
為什麼嫁不出去? 為什麼娶不進來?
妹妹一號, 23歲, 模特兒
- 月入十萬
- 有車子,不需要有房子
- 存款100萬
- 年齡30-40
妹妹二號, 37歲, 模特兒
- 多金 (月入15萬只是中康)
- 有房有車
- 外面大男人, 家中小男人
- 最好父母雙亡
- 40歲以上
為什麼要挑這兩位,因為從她們可以看到一位女性擇偶的改變,先要提一下,模特兒不是正常人,有月入十萬的台灣的單身男性也不會多到在街上晃來晃去. (身在加國的好男兒,不要把自己的月薪乘以30,然後很高興的回台灣娶模特兒,請考慮兩地的稅務,以及生活水平)
1) 找的對象越大
2) 要求項目越多
3) 要求越苛求
其實,有許多是社會的要求,男性要強勢,很強的女人,還是要找更強的男人,但更強的男人是不是要很強的女人? 有一位來賓就質疑妹妹二號的要求,會不會太高,妹妹的回答是,因為我自己有車有房,加上以前有過的對象都有符合以上條件.說的有理,但來賓就問了一個我心中的問題."你能提供什麼?如果你希望男人有錢,男人可以要求妳永遠不老嗎?"
1)不要一開始就當別人的太太,什麼太太做的事情你都做了,他幹麼要結婚? 可以開始找小老婆了吧?
妹妹一號, 23歲, 模特兒
- 月入十萬
- 有車子,不需要有房子
- 存款100萬
- 年齡30-40
妹妹二號, 37歲, 模特兒
- 多金 (月入15萬只是中康)
- 有房有車
- 外面大男人, 家中小男人
- 最好父母雙亡
- 40歲以上
為什麼要挑這兩位,因為從她們可以看到一位女性擇偶的改變,先要提一下,模特兒不是正常人,有月入十萬的台灣的單身男性也不會多到在街上晃來晃去. (身在加國的好男兒,不要把自己的月薪乘以30,然後很高興的回台灣娶模特兒,請考慮兩地的稅務,以及生活水平)
1) 找的對象越大
2) 要求項目越多
3) 要求越苛求
其實,有許多是社會的要求,男性要強勢,很強的女人,還是要找更強的男人,但更強的男人是不是要很強的女人? 有一位來賓就質疑妹妹二號的要求,會不會太高,妹妹的回答是,因為我自己有車有房,加上以前有過的對象都有符合以上條件.說的有理,但來賓就問了一個我心中的問題."你能提供什麼?如果你希望男人有錢,男人可以要求妳永遠不老嗎?"
1)不要一開始就當別人的太太,什麼太太做的事情你都做了,他幹麼要結婚? 可以開始找小老婆了吧?
omg! 我見到了女王
(500) days of summer
I am a big sucker for independent film or romantic stories with tons of conversation. This is a film like that.
It is a story about a young man meeting a girl (who he thought was the ONE), dating the girl, fighting with the girl, and breaking up with the girl. All in 500 days. The way the story was told was very interesting, in a non-chronological order, jumping back and forth between days.
Although it wasn't really a comedy, it does have a lot of light moments, for most men, you will find yourself thinking like the guy, and for most women, you must have done what the girl did.
In the end, things didn't work out, but they moved on. I had my 830 days of summer, where is my autumn?
It is a story about a young man meeting a girl (who he thought was the ONE), dating the girl, fighting with the girl, and breaking up with the girl. All in 500 days. The way the story was told was very interesting, in a non-chronological order, jumping back and forth between days.
Although it wasn't really a comedy, it does have a lot of light moments, for most men, you will find yourself thinking like the guy, and for most women, you must have done what the girl did.
In the end, things didn't work out, but they moved on. I had my 830 days of summer, where is my autumn?
Bang Bang by K'naan
The summer is really here, and this song can be heard every where, love it!
Bang Bang by K'naan
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang
Bang Bang by K'naan
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang
Earn it
It was on that bridge, when Captain Miller told the young Private Ryan to "Earn it". When I saw "Saving Private Ryan" for the first few times, I had no idea what Tom Hanks was saying, then I heard what he said, I still had no idea what he was trying to say.
Then, one day, I got it.
Private Ryan's life was saved by the sacrifice of many, Captain Miller wants to make sure he spend his life well, make sure he earned their sacrifices.
To this day, I still feel that I have underachieved, but at the same time I feel I haven't "earn it", many things that have happened to me, I haven't "earn it".
Then, one day, I got it.
Private Ryan's life was saved by the sacrifice of many, Captain Miller wants to make sure he spend his life well, make sure he earned their sacrifices.
To this day, I still feel that I have underachieved, but at the same time I feel I haven't "earn it", many things that have happened to me, I haven't "earn it".
頭期款 80,000
家具 10,000
戒指(訂婚加結婚) 15,000
婚禮 15,000
婚紗 4,000
總計 124,000
我的男性朋友就說啦,幹嘛想那麼多,找個家庭想法不那麼傳統的就好啦,我反問他,你家那天的派對,看到的女生,有百分之多少是傳統的? 八十以上吧? 就算我聽他的,那又代表選擇上又多個條件,別人挑都來不及了,我還那麼多條件,我看我有牌等了...
頭期款 80,000
家具 10,000
戒指(訂婚加結婚) 15,000
婚禮 15,000
婚紗 4,000
總計 124,000
我的男性朋友就說啦,幹嘛想那麼多,找個家庭想法不那麼傳統的就好啦,我反問他,你家那天的派對,看到的女生,有百分之多少是傳統的? 八十以上吧? 就算我聽他的,那又代表選擇上又多個條件,別人挑都來不及了,我還那麼多條件,我看我有牌等了...
I have nothing
One friend asked me what is a good wedding song, this took me a while, but I think this is a perfect song...
I have nothing by Whitney Huston
Share my life, take me for what I am
Coz I'll never change all my colors for you
Take my love, I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are and everything that you do
I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Well,don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me...
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you, you, you, you, you, you...
You see through, right to the heart of me
You break down my walls with the strength of your love mmmmm...
I never knew love like I've known it with you
Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to
I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
I Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Your love I'll remember, forever
Don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me...
I have nothing, nothing, nothing...
if i don't have you,oohh... Thank you, thank you very much!
I have nothing by Whitney Huston
Share my life, take me for what I am
Coz I'll never change all my colors for you
Take my love, I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are and everything that you do
I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Well,don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me...
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you, you, you, you, you, you...
You see through, right to the heart of me
You break down my walls with the strength of your love mmmmm...
I never knew love like I've known it with you
Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to
I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
I Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Your love I'll remember, forever
Don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me...
I have nothing, nothing, nothing...
if i don't have you,oohh... Thank you, thank you very much!
Being happy is easy, being lonely isn't...
Years ago, there was a good TV show called "Ally McBeal", yes, it is a program for chicks, but I enjoy watching them, like sex and the city and friends.
There were many famous quotes in that show, for example, the messed up main character Ally said once "I don't want what I want, and I want what I don't want, and to complicate it even more, I don't even know what I want or don't want!", come to think of it, I think this quote accurately describes all women, well, at least most women I know.
The one I remember the most was by one of the supporting character, she has a perky personality, always joyful, when Ally asked her why she is happy all the time, she said to Ally, "Being happy is easy, being lonely isn't..."
I guess we all feel lonely from time to time, and it is often hard to describe, especially when everything is going well. But, there is something important I should add after that quote, "being alone doesn't mean lonely, and you might still feel lonely even when you are with someone."
There were many famous quotes in that show, for example, the messed up main character Ally said once "I don't want what I want, and I want what I don't want, and to complicate it even more, I don't even know what I want or don't want!", come to think of it, I think this quote accurately describes all women, well, at least most women I know.
The one I remember the most was by one of the supporting character, she has a perky personality, always joyful, when Ally asked her why she is happy all the time, she said to Ally, "Being happy is easy, being lonely isn't..."
I guess we all feel lonely from time to time, and it is often hard to describe, especially when everything is going well. But, there is something important I should add after that quote, "being alone doesn't mean lonely, and you might still feel lonely even when you are with someone."
我問她,離開她的初戀之後,有沒有後悔過? 她說沒有,我相信她,人都是會長大的,因為如果問我,我的答案也是一樣....
我問她,離開她的初戀之後,有沒有後悔過? 她說沒有,我相信她,人都是會長大的,因為如果問我,我的答案也是一樣....
至於割地賠償會多久,看情況吧. 未來還是朋友的時候,一定會覺得今天這樣做有點小家子器,但如果不這樣做,可能連作朋友的機會都沒有...
至於割地賠償會多久,看情況吧. 未來還是朋友的時候,一定會覺得今天這樣做有點小家子器,但如果不這樣做,可能連作朋友的機會都沒有...
Girl from West Virginia...
With loud music in the background, she sat on top of me, started her slow dance of seduction. It was really dark in the room, I had hard time seeing her face. She has the face of a doll, with perfectly tanned skin. Then she took off her top, and brush her chest against my face, her skin feels cold to touch. And when she smiled at me, her eyes are cold to watch. I asked her where she is from, she said West Virginia. I had no idea where that is, but I knew it was a place far away. Dear Girl from West Virginia, I forgot to ask your name, I hope it isn't Jenny, and I wish you well...
7月7日晴 忽然下起了大雪
不敢睁開眼 希望是我的幻覺
我站在地球邊 眼睁睁看著雪
7月7日晴 黑夜忽然變白天
我失去知覺 看見相愛的極限
我望著地平線 天空無際無邊
7月7日晴 忽然下起了大雪
不敢睁開眼 希望是我的幻覺
我站在地球邊 眼睁睁看著雪
7月7日晴 黑夜忽然變白天
我失去知覺 看見相愛的極限
我望著地平線 天空無際無邊
Life on the dance floor...
So here I am, at Sin City once again. This time is different, I come here as a single guy venturing into night life, first time in Vegas.
We were at the hottest club in town, Tryst. Even before we went in, my friends and I saw Dawyne Howard, my friends saw another NBA player Paul Peirce as well. I did see lots of hot girls, from Blondes to Asians, you name it, they have it.
The club is big, packed with people, you can't really dance in it, 'cause it was really crowded, you can't really order any drinks either, 'cause there were 6 rows of people surrounding the bar.
So, we tried to reach the far end of the club, an outdoor waterfall, when squeezing our way there, I am pretty sure somebody touch my waist and butt, but I am pretty sure they were guys. Also, somebody pour some of his/her drinks on the back of my shirt, sticky and cold... nice...
It was more and more like a big crowded place of life, we see beautiful faces, everyone wants something out of this, and everyone is stuck in this place. I just wanted to get out, 'cause you weren't there....
We were at the hottest club in town, Tryst. Even before we went in, my friends and I saw Dawyne Howard, my friends saw another NBA player Paul Peirce as well. I did see lots of hot girls, from Blondes to Asians, you name it, they have it.
The club is big, packed with people, you can't really dance in it, 'cause it was really crowded, you can't really order any drinks either, 'cause there were 6 rows of people surrounding the bar.
So, we tried to reach the far end of the club, an outdoor waterfall, when squeezing our way there, I am pretty sure somebody touch my waist and butt, but I am pretty sure they were guys. Also, somebody pour some of his/her drinks on the back of my shirt, sticky and cold... nice...
It was more and more like a big crowded place of life, we see beautiful faces, everyone wants something out of this, and everyone is stuck in this place. I just wanted to get out, 'cause you weren't there....
Come with me
come with me to the island of loneliness
share with me something you want to confess
sing with me like there is no one listening
dance with me like there is no one watching
come with me to a place call cloud nine
you don't have to spend the night
share with me something you want to confess
sing with me like there is no one listening
dance with me like there is no one watching
come with me to a place call cloud nine
you don't have to spend the night
祝妳 終生美麗
終生美麗 鄭秀文
塔尖仍舊記得 這擁抱極美好
愛有千斤重 重過無涯的鐵路
你那手指再笨拙再粗 肌膚也被你修補
從前那一位 永未能做到
是你去喚醒我 努力才能被愛慕
但回頭目睹你 為我好自己不好
我這幸運兒合著眼睛 只得你沉重身影
如果這記意非愛情 連天都不會太高興
莫非可終生美麗 才值得勾勾手指發誓
對你不止感激敬禮 當你知己才是虛偽
莫非多一分秀麗 才值得分享我的一切
給我自信 給我地位 這叫幸福 不怕流逝
任他們多漂亮 未及你矜貴
記憶無論再輕 輕不過脈搏聲
靠你的手臂 抱我人潮中暢泳
為我打氣 如果可抱起這愛情
莫非可終生美麗 才值得勾勾手指發誓
對你不止感激敬禮 當你知記才是虛偽
莫非多一分秀麗 才值得分享我的一切
給我自信 給我地位 這叫幸福 不怕流逝
任他們多漂亮 未及你矜貴
因有自信 所以美麗
使我自卑都放低 在半空之中親你
終生美麗 鄭秀文
塔尖仍舊記得 這擁抱極美好
愛有千斤重 重過無涯的鐵路
你那手指再笨拙再粗 肌膚也被你修補
從前那一位 永未能做到
是你去喚醒我 努力才能被愛慕
但回頭目睹你 為我好自己不好
我這幸運兒合著眼睛 只得你沉重身影
如果這記意非愛情 連天都不會太高興
莫非可終生美麗 才值得勾勾手指發誓
對你不止感激敬禮 當你知己才是虛偽
莫非多一分秀麗 才值得分享我的一切
給我自信 給我地位 這叫幸福 不怕流逝
任他們多漂亮 未及你矜貴
記憶無論再輕 輕不過脈搏聲
靠你的手臂 抱我人潮中暢泳
為我打氣 如果可抱起這愛情
莫非可終生美麗 才值得勾勾手指發誓
對你不止感激敬禮 當你知記才是虛偽
莫非多一分秀麗 才值得分享我的一切
給我自信 給我地位 這叫幸福 不怕流逝
任他們多漂亮 未及你矜貴
因有自信 所以美麗
使我自卑都放低 在半空之中親你
我工作的領域是一個高壓的環境,有時可能業績不理想,有時可能收入不穩定,但我有信心,我會成功.但在這條路上,還需妳多多包涵,我會儘量把工作情緒留在公司. 我有時就會去幫忙主持一類,或是參加社團,相信我不是為了名或利,我是真的想要為社會出些力,尤其是台灣人的圈子. 妳如果沒興趣,不需要和我一起,但希望妳能支持我參與的原因.
生活的細節我可能表現得很隨性,有可能自己住慣了,有時還需要妳的提醒. 我要是懶得運動,如果妳能和我一起去,我會很開心的.
有人說,愛上一個人是因為喜歡他的優點,會嫁給一個人是因為可以忍受她的缺點. 希望,未來的妳可以愛上我也可以忍受我的缺點...
我工作的領域是一個高壓的環境,有時可能業績不理想,有時可能收入不穩定,但我有信心,我會成功.但在這條路上,還需妳多多包涵,我會儘量把工作情緒留在公司. 我有時就會去幫忙主持一類,或是參加社團,相信我不是為了名或利,我是真的想要為社會出些力,尤其是台灣人的圈子. 妳如果沒興趣,不需要和我一起,但希望妳能支持我參與的原因.
生活的細節我可能表現得很隨性,有可能自己住慣了,有時還需要妳的提醒. 我要是懶得運動,如果妳能和我一起去,我會很開心的.
有人說,愛上一個人是因為喜歡他的優點,會嫁給一個人是因為可以忍受她的缺點. 希望,未來的妳可以愛上我也可以忍受我的缺點...
The Michael I know
The news of Michael Jackson passing away was a shock to people around the world. Internet traffic was so intense for people trying to find out if it was a hoax, some websites have actually crashed.
I remember the first time I heard his songs were just before I came to Canada, at a 7-eleven, it was "remember the time". It was pretty good, then, I came to Canada, I could listen to his song for hours. From "Black or White" to "Heal the world".
MJ was many things, he was the king of pop, he was an accused child molester, he was the most well known american in the early 90s, he was a weirdo, he was black, then he was white....
He tried really hard to convince us that it didn't matter if he was black or white (it did matter), tried to convince us that he can get married and have kids too (although both done in the weirdest way), he even tried to convince us that instead of sleeping with kids, he could take care of his own kid (by dangling the kid outside of a hotel balcony)
However, the time has proven that Michael is just another human-being with many flaws, but his legacy will live on... At least for our generation, we can tell our kids, Michael was that connection to our teen years, like Elvis was to our parents...
I remember the first time I heard his songs were just before I came to Canada, at a 7-eleven, it was "remember the time". It was pretty good, then, I came to Canada, I could listen to his song for hours. From "Black or White" to "Heal the world".
MJ was many things, he was the king of pop, he was an accused child molester, he was the most well known american in the early 90s, he was a weirdo, he was black, then he was white....
He tried really hard to convince us that it didn't matter if he was black or white (it did matter), tried to convince us that he can get married and have kids too (although both done in the weirdest way), he even tried to convince us that instead of sleeping with kids, he could take care of his own kid (by dangling the kid outside of a hotel balcony)
However, the time has proven that Michael is just another human-being with many flaws, but his legacy will live on... At least for our generation, we can tell our kids, Michael was that connection to our teen years, like Elvis was to our parents...
Why do people get married?
Years ago, when a friend was getting married, she asked me, "why do people get married?", "for love?", I answered.
Then she said, Jacquelin, JFK's wife once said, "first time you marry for love, then for money, finally, for companionship". Jacquelin shocked the world by marrying a Greek tycoon a few years after JFK was assassinated, it was obvious that it was for a sense of security. Think Princess Diana for a second, she was involved with a rich man when she died, she too, was looking for that sense of security. Money is just the tool to provide that security.
It was weird for my friend to mention that.
This morning, I saw that Farrah Fawcett has passed away. Although she was a 70s and 80s sex icon, I have no recollection of who she was. The interesting story is that she has been romantically involved with Ryan O'Neal since 1980s, with him, they had a son. However, they were never married.
Mr. O'Neal went on the air to tell the world that Ms. Fawcett had agreed to marry him a few days before her death. If it did happen, can you imagine what the wedding would be like? Beautifully sad...
Then she said, Jacquelin, JFK's wife once said, "first time you marry for love, then for money, finally, for companionship". Jacquelin shocked the world by marrying a Greek tycoon a few years after JFK was assassinated, it was obvious that it was for a sense of security. Think Princess Diana for a second, she was involved with a rich man when she died, she too, was looking for that sense of security. Money is just the tool to provide that security.
It was weird for my friend to mention that.
This morning, I saw that Farrah Fawcett has passed away. Although she was a 70s and 80s sex icon, I have no recollection of who she was. The interesting story is that she has been romantically involved with Ryan O'Neal since 1980s, with him, they had a son. However, they were never married.
Mr. O'Neal went on the air to tell the world that Ms. Fawcett had agreed to marry him a few days before her death. If it did happen, can you imagine what the wedding would be like? Beautifully sad...
There's a hero if you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid of what you are.
There's an answer if you reach into your soul
and the sorrow that you know will melt away
And then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive.
So, when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you.
It's a long road when you face the world alone,
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold.
You can find love if you search within yourself
and the emptiness you felt will disappear.
And then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive.
So, when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you.
oh....Lord knows dreams are hard to follow,
But don't let anyone tear them away.
Hold on, there will be tomorrow,
In time you'll find the way
And then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive.
So, when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you
that a hero lies in ... you
mmmm that a hero lies in.....you.
When i heard this song long time ago, i always thought Mariah was singing about a guy saving her from some kind of depression. In fact, it is an empowering song for everyone out there who has been hurt and down, look inside for that hero to save the day!
You don't have to be afraid of what you are.
There's an answer if you reach into your soul
and the sorrow that you know will melt away
And then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive.
So, when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you.
It's a long road when you face the world alone,
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold.
You can find love if you search within yourself
and the emptiness you felt will disappear.
And then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive.
So, when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you.
oh....Lord knows dreams are hard to follow,
But don't let anyone tear them away.
Hold on, there will be tomorrow,
In time you'll find the way
And then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive.
So, when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you
that a hero lies in ... you
mmmm that a hero lies in.....you.
When i heard this song long time ago, i always thought Mariah was singing about a guy saving her from some kind of depression. In fact, it is an empowering song for everyone out there who has been hurt and down, look inside for that hero to save the day!
有點閃爍 有點迷戀 但又抓不到
有點浮躁 有點溫暖 但又有點冷
有點透明 有點脆弱 但又有點硬
懷念的是過去的自己 而不是想妳
有點閃爍 有點迷戀 但又抓不到
有點浮躁 有點溫暖 但又有點冷
有點透明 有點脆弱 但又有點硬
懷念的是過去的自己 而不是想妳
你說你愛了不該愛的人 你的心中滿是傷痕
你說你犯了不該犯的錯 心中滿是悔恨
你說你嚐盡了生活的苦 找不到可以相信的人
你說你感到萬分沮喪 甚至開始懷疑人生
早知道傷心總是難免的 你又何苦一往情深
因為愛情總是難捨難分 何必在意那一點點溫存
要知道傷心總是難免的 在每一個夢醒時分
有些事情你現在不必問 有些人你永遠不必等
你說你犯了不該犯的錯 心中滿是悔恨
你說你嚐盡了生活的苦 找不到可以相信的人
你說你感到萬分沮喪 甚至開始懷疑人生
早知道傷心總是難免的 你又何苦一往情深
因為愛情總是難捨難分 何必在意那一點點溫存
要知道傷心總是難免的 在每一個夢醒時分
有些事情你現在不必問 有些人你永遠不必等
4 stages of breaking up
Recently, more friends are breaking up for various reasons, more often than not, character conflicts. However, no matter what makes them split, the process involved afterwards are very similar:
First Stage - It is all her/his fault (都是她/他的錯), the other person has caused the break up, may it be bad habit, character conflict, dirty underwear, leaving the toilet seat up, it is her/his fault!
Second Stage - It is all my fault (都是我的錯), after cool down for a while, you start to think, maybe, I am the one who cause all his/her outbursts, dirty underwear... Maybe I should have been more understanding, maybe I should have listened, maybe I should have cherished him/her more...
Third Stage - It is our fault (都是我們的錯), maybe it wasn't just you or him/her, maybe you didn't try hard enough, find a way to get communicate, maybe you didn't spend enough time to cuddle, to listen to each other...
Fourth Stage - It is no-one's fault (也許不是誰的錯), after a longer period of time, you realize, that was who you are, and who she/he is, none of you can change, it was not any one's fault that it didn't work out, it was just not the right people at the time...
Sometimes, first stage and second stage are interchangeable, usually depends on who initiated the breakup. And sometimes, people can go back and forth between First and Second stage. However, eventually, everyone moves on to fourth stage, then, you may really start to move on...
First Stage - It is all her/his fault (都是她/他的錯), the other person has caused the break up, may it be bad habit, character conflict, dirty underwear, leaving the toilet seat up, it is her/his fault!
Second Stage - It is all my fault (都是我的錯), after cool down for a while, you start to think, maybe, I am the one who cause all his/her outbursts, dirty underwear... Maybe I should have been more understanding, maybe I should have listened, maybe I should have cherished him/her more...
Third Stage - It is our fault (都是我們的錯), maybe it wasn't just you or him/her, maybe you didn't try hard enough, find a way to get communicate, maybe you didn't spend enough time to cuddle, to listen to each other...
Fourth Stage - It is no-one's fault (也許不是誰的錯), after a longer period of time, you realize, that was who you are, and who she/he is, none of you can change, it was not any one's fault that it didn't work out, it was just not the right people at the time...
Sometimes, first stage and second stage are interchangeable, usually depends on who initiated the breakup. And sometimes, people can go back and forth between First and Second stage. However, eventually, everyone moves on to fourth stage, then, you may really start to move on...
記得年輕的時候,我還說過要把他接過來退休,他也只有一笑.我現在卡在這裡,說什麼接他過來? 記得年輕的時候,說要買敞篷車載奶奶兜風...
記得年輕的時候,我還說過要把他接過來退休,他也只有一笑.我現在卡在這裡,說什麼接他過來? 記得年輕的時候,說要買敞篷車載奶奶兜風...
Let's make a night to remember
I have been blessed to be surrounded by friends in my past birthdays, with my love ones. This year, i might do it a little differently, as there is no one special to hold hands with...
When I hear the news that Bryan Adams is going to be in town the day before my bday, I have decided to celebrate this year by going to his concert.
Younger friends might not know this Canadian Singer, he was very popular in the mid 90s, about the time I came to Vancouver, about the time I tried to grow up.
Now, I have grown up, wouldn't it be perfect to celebrate that with the music i grew up with?
I have always said, if there is one concert i am going, it would be Bryan Adams, but sadly, i used up my first concert experience to "il divo". yes, the dude singer group for old ladies. But this will be different, this will be a night to remember!
I love the way ya look tonight
With your hair hangin down on your shoulders
N I love the way ya dance your slow sweet tango
The way ya wanna do everything but talk
And how ya stare at me with those undress me eyes
Your breath on my body makes me warm inside
Lets make out - lets do something amazing
Lets do something thats all the way
Cuz Ive never touched somebody like the way I touch
Your body
Now I never want to let your body go...
Lets make a night - to remember
From january - to december
Lets make love - to excite us
A memory - to ignite us
Lets make honey baby - soft and tender
Lets make sugar darlin - sweet surrender
Lets make a night - to remember - all life long
I love the way ya move tonight
Beads of sweat drippin down your skin
Me lying here - n you lyin there
Our shadows on the wall and our hands everywhere
Lets make out - lets do something amazing
Lets do something thats all the way
Cuz Ive never touched somebody like the way I touch
Your body
Now I never want to let your body go...
Lets make a night - to remember
From january - to december
Lets make love - to excite us
A memory - to ignite us
Lets make honey baby - soft and tender
Lets make sugar darlin - sweet surrender
Lets make a night - to remember - all life long
I think about ya all the time
Cant you see you drive me outta my mind
Well Im never holdin back again
Ya I never want this night to end
Cuz Ive never touched somebody like the way I touch
Your body
Now I never want to let your body go...
I will be able to sing to most of his songs from 90s, and i won't be going alone, but with a dude!
When I hear the news that Bryan Adams is going to be in town the day before my bday, I have decided to celebrate this year by going to his concert.
Younger friends might not know this Canadian Singer, he was very popular in the mid 90s, about the time I came to Vancouver, about the time I tried to grow up.
Now, I have grown up, wouldn't it be perfect to celebrate that with the music i grew up with?
I have always said, if there is one concert i am going, it would be Bryan Adams, but sadly, i used up my first concert experience to "il divo". yes, the dude singer group for old ladies. But this will be different, this will be a night to remember!
I love the way ya look tonight
With your hair hangin down on your shoulders
N I love the way ya dance your slow sweet tango
The way ya wanna do everything but talk
And how ya stare at me with those undress me eyes
Your breath on my body makes me warm inside
Lets make out - lets do something amazing
Lets do something thats all the way
Cuz Ive never touched somebody like the way I touch
Your body
Now I never want to let your body go...
Lets make a night - to remember
From january - to december
Lets make love - to excite us
A memory - to ignite us
Lets make honey baby - soft and tender
Lets make sugar darlin - sweet surrender
Lets make a night - to remember - all life long
I love the way ya move tonight
Beads of sweat drippin down your skin
Me lying here - n you lyin there
Our shadows on the wall and our hands everywhere
Lets make out - lets do something amazing
Lets do something thats all the way
Cuz Ive never touched somebody like the way I touch
Your body
Now I never want to let your body go...
Lets make a night - to remember
From january - to december
Lets make love - to excite us
A memory - to ignite us
Lets make honey baby - soft and tender
Lets make sugar darlin - sweet surrender
Lets make a night - to remember - all life long
I think about ya all the time
Cant you see you drive me outta my mind
Well Im never holdin back again
Ya I never want this night to end
Cuz Ive never touched somebody like the way I touch
Your body
Now I never want to let your body go...
I will be able to sing to most of his songs from 90s, and i won't be going alone, but with a dude!
I was fortunate to have a chance to drive to Surrey yesterday, left Richmond around 345pm. Google map told me it would have taken 34 min to get there. My tomtom gps told me 36 min.
They were overly optimistic, as rush hour in lower mainland starts 330pm, and doesn't end until 7pm. I got stuck before New West, got stuck at New West, got stuck before Surrey, and got stuck at Surrey.
I didn't know why my stupid Tomtom took me through New West, but it did. It was a record breaking-unusually-warm day, and it was hard for me to be patient when I know my client is waiting.
It does feel that everyone already you was crazy too, cutting in and out, not signalling, honking, alhtough not to the extend of Asia, I still have to say, it was a lot better back then, when I got my driver's license last century. People were friendlier, more patient, and almost more cheerful even in rush hour traffic.
I suppose it is the growing pain you cannot avoid, every cities in Lower mainland is getting bigger, and crowdier. My office has been surrounded with construction sites for the past 2 years. no kidding, skytrain station in the back, apartments in front and on the left.
And I got to client's house, 515pm, a freaking 1 hour and 30 min for a 30km drive!
They were overly optimistic, as rush hour in lower mainland starts 330pm, and doesn't end until 7pm. I got stuck before New West, got stuck at New West, got stuck before Surrey, and got stuck at Surrey.
I didn't know why my stupid Tomtom took me through New West, but it did. It was a record breaking-unusually-warm day, and it was hard for me to be patient when I know my client is waiting.
It does feel that everyone already you was crazy too, cutting in and out, not signalling, honking, alhtough not to the extend of Asia, I still have to say, it was a lot better back then, when I got my driver's license last century. People were friendlier, more patient, and almost more cheerful even in rush hour traffic.
I suppose it is the growing pain you cannot avoid, every cities in Lower mainland is getting bigger, and crowdier. My office has been surrounded with construction sites for the past 2 years. no kidding, skytrain station in the back, apartments in front and on the left.
And I got to client's house, 515pm, a freaking 1 hour and 30 min for a 30km drive!
“你不要後悔…” , 女孩在電話的那一頭恨恨的說
“後悔是一定會…”, 男孩在電話的這一頭說,他其實也不知道為什麼這樣說
“你是不是為了面子?”, 男孩沒有回答
為了面子? 男孩想到五分鐘前的落荒而逃,這輩子從沒提過分手,趁女孩轉身的時候,眼含著不知道是不是難過的淚跑回車上,開車就走…
“你真的是因為哭才這樣離開?”, 男孩沒有回答
“一年多的感情換來一個大爛人…”, 男孩喃喃對那頭沒人的電話說
最長的電影 - 周杰倫
我們的開始 是很長的電影
放映了三年 我票都還留著
冰上的芭蕾 腦海中還在旋轉
望著妳 慢慢忘記妳
朦朧的時間 我們溜了多遠
冰刀劃的圈 圈起了誰改變
如果再重來 會不會稍嫌狼狽
再給我兩分鐘 讓我把記憶結成冰
別融化了眼淚 妳妝都花了要我怎麼記得
記得妳叫我忘了吧 記得妳叫我忘了吧
妳說妳會哭 不是因為在乎
不後悔愛過, 但後悔愛錯
不後悔結束, 但後悔錯愛
“後悔是一定會…”, 男孩在電話的這一頭說,他其實也不知道為什麼這樣說
“你是不是為了面子?”, 男孩沒有回答
為了面子? 男孩想到五分鐘前的落荒而逃,這輩子從沒提過分手,趁女孩轉身的時候,眼含著不知道是不是難過的淚跑回車上,開車就走…
“你真的是因為哭才這樣離開?”, 男孩沒有回答
“一年多的感情換來一個大爛人…”, 男孩喃喃對那頭沒人的電話說
最長的電影 - 周杰倫
我們的開始 是很長的電影
放映了三年 我票都還留著
冰上的芭蕾 腦海中還在旋轉
望著妳 慢慢忘記妳
朦朧的時間 我們溜了多遠
冰刀劃的圈 圈起了誰改變
如果再重來 會不會稍嫌狼狽
再給我兩分鐘 讓我把記憶結成冰
別融化了眼淚 妳妝都花了要我怎麼記得
記得妳叫我忘了吧 記得妳叫我忘了吧
妳說妳會哭 不是因為在乎
不後悔愛過, 但後悔愛錯
不後悔結束, 但後悔錯愛
陽光宅男 - 周杰倫
鑰匙掛腰帶 皮夾插後面口袋 黑框的眼鏡有 幾千度 來海邊穿西裝褲
他不在乎 我卻想哭 有點無助他的樣子 像剛出土的文物
他烤肉竟然會 自帶水壺 寫信時用漿糊 走起路 一不注意就撞樹
我不想輸 就算辛苦 我也要等我也不能 讓你再走尋常路
我決定插手你的人生 當你的時尚顧問 別說你不能
讓我們乘著陽光 海上衝浪 吸引她目光 不要怕露出胸膛 流一點汗 你成了型男
讓我們乘著陽光 看著遠方 別當路人甲 讓美女缺氧 靠在你肩膀 我微笑在你旁邊撐傘
喔對了對女生用心疼 約會要等 講笑話不能悶 別太冷 像我一樣就剛好
對愛的人 接吻要深 擁抱要真 來電顯示 給個甜蜜的暱稱
穿著要個性 這只是剛入門 接下來你還要 會彈琴會寫歌 會雙截棍
頭腦清楚 不能迷糊 我要將你徹底改造 基因重組大變身
我決定插手你的人生 當你的時尚顧問 別說你不能
讓我們乘著陽光 海上衝浪 吸引她目光 不要怕露出胸膛 流一點汗 你成了型男
讓我們乘著陽光 看著遠方 別當路人甲 讓美女缺氧 靠在你肩膀 我微笑在你旁邊撐傘
鑰匙掛腰帶 皮夾插後面口袋 黑框的眼鏡有 幾千度 來海邊穿西裝褲
他不在乎 我卻想哭 有點無助他的樣子 像剛出土的文物
他烤肉竟然會 自帶水壺 寫信時用漿糊 走起路 一不注意就撞樹
我不想輸 就算辛苦 我也要等我也不能 讓你再走尋常路
我決定插手你的人生 當你的時尚顧問 別說你不能
讓我們乘著陽光 海上衝浪 吸引她目光 不要怕露出胸膛 流一點汗 你成了型男
讓我們乘著陽光 看著遠方 別當路人甲 讓美女缺氧 靠在你肩膀 我微笑在你旁邊撐傘
喔對了對女生用心疼 約會要等 講笑話不能悶 別太冷 像我一樣就剛好
對愛的人 接吻要深 擁抱要真 來電顯示 給個甜蜜的暱稱
穿著要個性 這只是剛入門 接下來你還要 會彈琴會寫歌 會雙截棍
頭腦清楚 不能迷糊 我要將你徹底改造 基因重組大變身
我決定插手你的人生 當你的時尚顧問 別說你不能
讓我們乘著陽光 海上衝浪 吸引她目光 不要怕露出胸膛 流一點汗 你成了型男
讓我們乘著陽光 看著遠方 別當路人甲 讓美女缺氧 靠在你肩膀 我微笑在你旁邊撐傘
不過生在他那個年代不容易,剛好歷經二戰和內戰,他有一段時間在四川租房子住,他在報紙上專欄"雅舍小品"就是那段時間的作品,國中課本中的"鳥",就是來自於"雅舍小品".梁公在雅舍中的散文特色是幽默,諷刺,但見調理,雖然背景是幾十年前,但思想非常現代,每篇幾乎都是以名詞為名,像"女人","小孩"... 內容多以身邊的故事做見證,讀起來全身舒暢.
不過生在他那個年代不容易,剛好歷經二戰和內戰,他有一段時間在四川租房子住,他在報紙上專欄"雅舍小品"就是那段時間的作品,國中課本中的"鳥",就是來自於"雅舍小品".梁公在雅舍中的散文特色是幽默,諷刺,但見調理,雖然背景是幾十年前,但思想非常現代,每篇幾乎都是以名詞為名,像"女人","小孩"... 內容多以身邊的故事做見證,讀起來全身舒暢.
Would you quit for 2 million dollars?
When economy is bad, or when work is tough, I buy lottery. Of course I buy to win, but it is more like buying $2 worth of dream.
The most recent case, we saw a supermarket clerk winning $2 million dollars, he actually thought he had won only $2000.
First thing he does, he quits the job of 19 years.
Working in the financial industry for the past 9 years, seeing so many people at a certain level of richness. It makes me wonder, how much is enough to make a person quit his/her job. I don't have a number, 46 million sounds like a good number. (649's current prize)
The most recent case, we saw a supermarket clerk winning $2 million dollars, he actually thought he had won only $2000.
First thing he does, he quits the job of 19 years.
Working in the financial industry for the past 9 years, seeing so many people at a certain level of richness. It makes me wonder, how much is enough to make a person quit his/her job. I don't have a number, 46 million sounds like a good number. (649's current prize)
其中對敗犬的定義是,年過三十的男女,未結婚,也沒有小孩.女性朋友請注意,是”男女”,而不是只有女性.為什麼要遠吠? 因為喪家之犬只敢遠遠的叫,自己知道總缺了什麼.
我問過幾個女性朋友對敗犬這詞的看法,大部分都是不開心兼無奈,因為他們都是合條件的. 這個詞應該是上個世紀就被拋棄的形容詞,不知為何現在還有人用,還熱烈討論.
現在對敗犬的討論,例如對工作,對感情的態度有許多的敘述,就不再傷口灑鹽,但我覺得敗犬最大的支持者,就是現代女性,一方面是社會的要求,一方面是女性對自己的要求.在摩登女性的眼光要男女平等,不要作男人奴隸,一方面又擋不了舊思想的女大當嫁,追求家庭, 對象一方面要對自己平等,一方面自己又要向上看. 一方面說終身一個人沒關係,一方面又偷偷的非常嚮往愛情.
敗犬一詞就成了現代女性的代言, 其實,敗犬應該是有包括男性,為什麼男性就沒有那麼受傷呢?
其中對敗犬的定義是,年過三十的男女,未結婚,也沒有小孩.女性朋友請注意,是”男女”,而不是只有女性.為什麼要遠吠? 因為喪家之犬只敢遠遠的叫,自己知道總缺了什麼.
我問過幾個女性朋友對敗犬這詞的看法,大部分都是不開心兼無奈,因為他們都是合條件的. 這個詞應該是上個世紀就被拋棄的形容詞,不知為何現在還有人用,還熱烈討論.
現在對敗犬的討論,例如對工作,對感情的態度有許多的敘述,就不再傷口灑鹽,但我覺得敗犬最大的支持者,就是現代女性,一方面是社會的要求,一方面是女性對自己的要求.在摩登女性的眼光要男女平等,不要作男人奴隸,一方面又擋不了舊思想的女大當嫁,追求家庭, 對象一方面要對自己平等,一方面自己又要向上看. 一方面說終身一個人沒關係,一方面又偷偷的非常嚮往愛情.
敗犬一詞就成了現代女性的代言, 其實,敗犬應該是有包括男性,為什麼男性就沒有那麼受傷呢?
Congrats! Sharon and Darren
"I, Darren
Take you, Sharon
To be my wife;
To have and to hold,
From this day forward,
For better, for worse,
For richer, for poorer,
In sickness and in health,
To love and to cherish,
'Till death do us part."
Take you, Sharon
To be my wife;
To have and to hold,
From this day forward,
For better, for worse,
For richer, for poorer,
In sickness and in health,
To love and to cherish,
'Till death do us part."
以前不大喜歡看綜藝節目,除了張小燕時期的超級星期天,有看一點Sunday Girls的選拔,對綜藝節目式的幽默不喜歡.
但最近因為患了害怕人群症(ANTI-SOCIAL),一有機會就把自己宅在家中,基本上,晚餐過後,到睡覺前,就是用上網看台灣的綜藝節目.為什麼會淪落至此? 其實之前與前女友交往的時候,已被養成星期天陪著看我猜的習慣.年紀大的人習慣就很難改.
1. 特別來賓 - 不論你是談論還是遊戲,台灣都習慣找熟悉面孔,不是要出片的歌星,就是通告藝人.節目有錢可以贏,都還是那些平常生活就不差的藝人在拿. 有時還真的很脫節,看他們在討論喝酒的荒謬,天天上夜店的威風,或是開哪些名車,不知道看的觀眾是什麼心態,會有共鳴嗎?
2. 通告藝人 - 所謂通告藝人,為平常不見得有片,專門等上綜藝節目的藝人,他們上節目的頻率還真嚇人,有時連看幾個節目,他都在,但他最近也沒有在宣傳自己的作品,也大約有兩萬年沒有作品了.
3. 抄襲 - 這還蠻嚴重的,有許多很受歡迎的節目其實是國外來的,像之前很流行的百萬小學堂,就是抄襲國外的"So you are smarter than a fifth grader".要不要猜猜看台灣版的都是誰在上節目?沒錯,就是藝人,連節目的小學生都有固定班底.
4. 台灣特有的價值觀 - 或者該說亞洲人特有的價值觀,例如,胖的人,在國外,大概是胖子多,如果私底下說人胖,連帶取笑,可是會吃官司的.在節目上,就更是忌諱,如果敢在節目上做人身攻擊,真的會沒完沒了.但在台灣,胖或醜都是可以被攻擊的,例如小甜甜這種角色,一定會被任何主持人修理幾次,不過他們也都笑笑的接受,這價值觀還真有問題.再想廣一點,像美國最具影響力的女性,歐普拉,光是那身材,在台灣有可能讓他主持節目嗎? 男的,還沒關係,女的,不可以.
5. 長 - 真的長,像我猜這種節目居然每一次都是兩個小時,幾乎每一個節目都是一個小時起跳,你如果看我猜,康熙,又看了國光,看完三個節目就快四個小時了,看來宅在家的人還真多.如果再加王牌,但是又何奈,大學生了沒,七個小時耶~ (沒錯,我都有在看...)
當然,還有很多很奇怪的現象.不過,我後來有一點了解.台灣的電視要營造一個美好的世界,人要美美的(所以都是明星),國外喜歡寫實的東西,所以REALTY TV那麼充斥.
但最近因為患了害怕人群症(ANTI-SOCIAL),一有機會就把自己宅在家中,基本上,晚餐過後,到睡覺前,就是用上網看台灣的綜藝節目.為什麼會淪落至此? 其實之前與前女友交往的時候,已被養成星期天陪著看我猜的習慣.年紀大的人習慣就很難改.
1. 特別來賓 - 不論你是談論還是遊戲,台灣都習慣找熟悉面孔,不是要出片的歌星,就是通告藝人.節目有錢可以贏,都還是那些平常生活就不差的藝人在拿. 有時還真的很脫節,看他們在討論喝酒的荒謬,天天上夜店的威風,或是開哪些名車,不知道看的觀眾是什麼心態,會有共鳴嗎?
2. 通告藝人 - 所謂通告藝人,為平常不見得有片,專門等上綜藝節目的藝人,他們上節目的頻率還真嚇人,有時連看幾個節目,他都在,但他最近也沒有在宣傳自己的作品,也大約有兩萬年沒有作品了.
3. 抄襲 - 這還蠻嚴重的,有許多很受歡迎的節目其實是國外來的,像之前很流行的百萬小學堂,就是抄襲國外的"So you are smarter than a fifth grader".要不要猜猜看台灣版的都是誰在上節目?沒錯,就是藝人,連節目的小學生都有固定班底.
4. 台灣特有的價值觀 - 或者該說亞洲人特有的價值觀,例如,胖的人,在國外,大概是胖子多,如果私底下說人胖,連帶取笑,可是會吃官司的.在節目上,就更是忌諱,如果敢在節目上做人身攻擊,真的會沒完沒了.但在台灣,胖或醜都是可以被攻擊的,例如小甜甜這種角色,一定會被任何主持人修理幾次,不過他們也都笑笑的接受,這價值觀還真有問題.再想廣一點,像美國最具影響力的女性,歐普拉,光是那身材,在台灣有可能讓他主持節目嗎? 男的,還沒關係,女的,不可以.
5. 長 - 真的長,像我猜這種節目居然每一次都是兩個小時,幾乎每一個節目都是一個小時起跳,你如果看我猜,康熙,又看了國光,看完三個節目就快四個小時了,看來宅在家的人還真多.如果再加王牌,但是又何奈,大學生了沒,七個小時耶~ (沒錯,我都有在看...)
當然,還有很多很奇怪的現象.不過,我後來有一點了解.台灣的電視要營造一個美好的世界,人要美美的(所以都是明星),國外喜歡寫實的東西,所以REALTY TV那麼充斥.
設想,有多少老公會希望自己的老婆對自己這樣講? "老公工作好辛苦,沒關係,就不要做了,我來養妳". 這是一個不公平的世界,雖然我們受的教育是男女要平等,但一點都不平等,小的事情像誰付錢,搬東西不在話下.大一點的東西,像工作或婚姻,就很明顯.
例如,有多少女性在小的時候父母會告誡,妳以後要做醫生,機長,總統一類有出息的工作? 這種期望都是留給男性.男性要不開心,不可以哭,哭了就不是男人,就是娘砲了.在婚姻的時候,女性也不得不向上看,身高,年紀,學歷,收入(而且越後面越重要)都不可以比自己差.所以為什麼老舊的思想-女性無能即是德,還存在的很厲害,因為有能力,自己很難找到合適對象(三挑四挑),別人也不大敢碰(覺得配不上).
設想,有多少老公會希望自己的老婆對自己這樣講? "老公工作好辛苦,沒關係,就不要做了,我來養妳". 這是一個不公平的世界,雖然我們受的教育是男女要平等,但一點都不平等,小的事情像誰付錢,搬東西不在話下.大一點的東西,像工作或婚姻,就很明顯.
例如,有多少女性在小的時候父母會告誡,妳以後要做醫生,機長,總統一類有出息的工作? 這種期望都是留給男性.男性要不開心,不可以哭,哭了就不是男人,就是娘砲了.在婚姻的時候,女性也不得不向上看,身高,年紀,學歷,收入(而且越後面越重要)都不可以比自己差.所以為什麼老舊的思想-女性無能即是德,還存在的很厲害,因為有能力,自己很難找到合適對象(三挑四挑),別人也不大敢碰(覺得配不上).
回想,好像真的有這麼回事. 有的朋友覺得我好像很厲害,好像很容易就有新對象,其實也沒有,但只要對方對我有一點點好感,好像進行的就很快,我覺得這應該是"受人滴水之恩,必當湧泉回報". 我相信善有善報(不是每一次),感情的加溫就快.我也試過一追就追三年,苦苦的單戀,現在想,真是傻,但傻的可愛.
還是我的信心不足? 怕沒人愛? 只要有喜歡我的都不放過?
回想,好像真的有這麼回事. 有的朋友覺得我好像很厲害,好像很容易就有新對象,其實也沒有,但只要對方對我有一點點好感,好像進行的就很快,我覺得這應該是"受人滴水之恩,必當湧泉回報". 我相信善有善報(不是每一次),感情的加溫就快.我也試過一追就追三年,苦苦的單戀,現在想,真是傻,但傻的可愛.
還是我的信心不足? 怕沒人愛? 只要有喜歡我的都不放過?
親愛的 別嚇到閉上了眼睛 小丑把戲 不是大家都可以
誇張眼影 藍色憂傷的淚滴 丟丟刀 噴噴火 踩高蹺吹笛
跌倒失手燒到眉毛我故意 哈哈你笑的開心我可是在玩命
撲克牌裡 我的肖像才一兩張 你看你看我的重要性
彩色的 大捲髮 紅鼻子 最滑稽 的步法 這樣的快樂你學會了嗎
用笨拙 又驚險 的雜耍 繼續對 你裝傻 所有的悲傷通通忘了吧
聽我說 拿出你的鈔票 笑平常買不到 先生小姐們趕快來 趕快來
再慢就看不到 座位沒剩多少 還能跟喬克叔叔拍 一張照
我只是 卑微的小丑 翻幾個跟斗 就等你拍一拍手
人群散了後 夜色多朦朧 月光也會跟著我
我不是 孤獨的小丑 你笑了之後 不需要記得我
燈熄的時候 滿天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞
下著雨 我躲在 面具裡 偷偷地 在哭泣 因為看了不能說的祕密
魔術師 我恨你 搶走我 的生意 別忘記 蝙蝠俠靠我才票房冠軍
聽我說 拿出你的鈔票 笑平常買不到 先生小姐們趕快來 趕快來
再慢就看不到 座位沒剩多少 還能跟喬克叔叔拍 一張照
我只是 卑微的小丑 翻幾個跟斗 就等你拍一拍手
人群散了後 夜色多朦朧 月光也會跟著我
我不是 孤獨的小丑 你笑了之後 不需要記得我
燈熄的時候 滿天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞
親愛的 別嚇到閉上了眼睛 小丑把戲 不是大家都可以
誇張眼影 藍色憂傷的淚滴 丟丟刀 噴噴火 踩高蹺吹笛
跌倒失手燒到眉毛我故意 哈哈你笑的開心我可是在玩命
撲克牌裡 我的肖像才一兩張 你看你看我的重要性
彩色的 大捲髮 紅鼻子 最滑稽 的步法 這樣的快樂你學會了嗎
用笨拙 又驚險 的雜耍 繼續對 你裝傻 所有的悲傷通通忘了吧
聽我說 拿出你的鈔票 笑平常買不到 先生小姐們趕快來 趕快來
再慢就看不到 座位沒剩多少 還能跟喬克叔叔拍 一張照
我只是 卑微的小丑 翻幾個跟斗 就等你拍一拍手
人群散了後 夜色多朦朧 月光也會跟著我
我不是 孤獨的小丑 你笑了之後 不需要記得我
燈熄的時候 滿天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞
下著雨 我躲在 面具裡 偷偷地 在哭泣 因為看了不能說的祕密
魔術師 我恨你 搶走我 的生意 別忘記 蝙蝠俠靠我才票房冠軍
聽我說 拿出你的鈔票 笑平常買不到 先生小姐們趕快來 趕快來
再慢就看不到 座位沒剩多少 還能跟喬克叔叔拍 一張照
我只是 卑微的小丑 翻幾個跟斗 就等你拍一拍手
人群散了後 夜色多朦朧 月光也會跟著我
我不是 孤獨的小丑 你笑了之後 不需要記得我
燈熄的時候 滿天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞
If Today Was Your Last Day
Heard this song on the radio yesterday, Nickleback is not the type of band i listen to, but the lyrics in tis song requires some thinking. I think it is song with a lot of old sayings, but a good song.
my best friend gave me the best advice
he said each day's a gift & not a given right
leave no stone unturned
leave your fears behind
& try to take the path less travelled by
that first step you take is the longest stride
if today was your last day
& tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
would you live each moment like your last?
leave old pictures in the past?
donate every dime you had?
if today was your last day
against the grain should be a way of life
what's worth the price is always worth the fight
every second counts 'cause
there's no second try
so live like you're never livin twice
don't take the free ride in your own life
if today was your last day
& tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
would you live each moment like your last?
leave old pictures in the past?
donate every dime you had?
would you call those friends you've never seen?
reminisce old memories?
would you forgive your enemies?
would you find that one your dreaming of?
swear up & down to God above
that you'll finally fall in love?
if today was your last day
if today was your last day
would you make it up by mending a broken heart
you know it's never too late
to shoot for the stars
regardless of who you are
so do whatever it takes
'cause you can't rewind
a moment in this life
let nothing stand in your way
cause the hands of time are never on your side
if today was your last day
& tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
would you live each moment like your last?
leave old pictures in the past?
donate every dime you had?
would you call those friends you've never seen?
reminisce old memories?
would you forgive your enemies?
would you find that one your dreaming of?
swear up & down to God above
that you'll finally fall in love?
if today was your last day
would you?
my best friend gave me the best advice
he said each day's a gift & not a given right
leave no stone unturned
leave your fears behind
& try to take the path less travelled by
that first step you take is the longest stride
if today was your last day
& tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
would you live each moment like your last?
leave old pictures in the past?
donate every dime you had?
if today was your last day
against the grain should be a way of life
what's worth the price is always worth the fight
every second counts 'cause
there's no second try
so live like you're never livin twice
don't take the free ride in your own life
if today was your last day
& tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
would you live each moment like your last?
leave old pictures in the past?
donate every dime you had?
would you call those friends you've never seen?
reminisce old memories?
would you forgive your enemies?
would you find that one your dreaming of?
swear up & down to God above
that you'll finally fall in love?
if today was your last day
if today was your last day
would you make it up by mending a broken heart
you know it's never too late
to shoot for the stars
regardless of who you are
so do whatever it takes
'cause you can't rewind
a moment in this life
let nothing stand in your way
cause the hands of time are never on your side
if today was your last day
& tomorrow was too late
could you say goodbye to yesterday?
would you live each moment like your last?
leave old pictures in the past?
donate every dime you had?
would you call those friends you've never seen?
reminisce old memories?
would you forgive your enemies?
would you find that one your dreaming of?
swear up & down to God above
that you'll finally fall in love?
if today was your last day
would you?
其實,只要調適心理就可以了,人言"新人入洞房,媒人扔過牆",主持還不用等到入洞房就被扔到太平洋裡.婚禮結束後,可能有幾個認識的人過來稱讚幾句,不知多少是場面話,好話收下就好,不要回味太多. 如果有伴,大概已經被掛在一邊整個晚上要處理,如果沒伴,婚禮後主持心理的落差,再加上突然對自己一個人很敏感,那孤零零的感覺更加難受.
其實,只要調適心理就可以了,人言"新人入洞房,媒人扔過牆",主持還不用等到入洞房就被扔到太平洋裡.婚禮結束後,可能有幾個認識的人過來稱讚幾句,不知多少是場面話,好話收下就好,不要回味太多. 如果有伴,大概已經被掛在一邊整個晚上要處理,如果沒伴,婚禮後主持心理的落差,再加上突然對自己一個人很敏感,那孤零零的感覺更加難受.
Breakfast at Tiffany's
If you ask me what are my favourite romantic movies of all time, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" will be near the top of the list. For those of you who haven't had the chance to watch this great film, please do watch it. Please be warned, however, it is very old, made in 1961 old.
The story is about this struggling young writer attracted to his neighbour upstairs, an eccentric young woman who cares about no one except her brother (not even her cat, which she named "cat").
Neither of them is perfect, actually, they were far from perfect. The man has a sugar mommy who pays him for sex, and the woman sleeps around (presumed) trying to marry a rich man.
Even from today's point of view, the story is very interesting, and the song "moonriver" defintiely pushes the movie to another level.
It is hard not to fall in love with Audrey Hepburn after you watch this film, even harder after you have also watched "Roman Vacation".
Back in 1996, there was a song by Deep Blue Something called "Breakfast At Tiffany's". The song was about a young guy trying to convince a girl that they have something in common to save their relationship. The only thing he can think of is actually, "Breakfast At Tiffany's".
You'll say that we've got nothing in common
No common ground to start from
And we're falling apart
You'll say the world has come between us
Our lives have come between us
Still I know you just don't care
And I said, "What about 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'?"
She said, "I think I remember the film,
And as I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it."
And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got."
I see you - the only one who knew me
And now your eyes see through me
I guess I was wrong
So what now? It's plain to see we're over,
And I hate when things are over -
When so much is left undone
And I said, "What about 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'?"
She said, "I think I remember the film,
And as I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it."
And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got."
btw, this post means that i now have more posts about songs than posts about relationships. yikes!
The story is about this struggling young writer attracted to his neighbour upstairs, an eccentric young woman who cares about no one except her brother (not even her cat, which she named "cat").
Neither of them is perfect, actually, they were far from perfect. The man has a sugar mommy who pays him for sex, and the woman sleeps around (presumed) trying to marry a rich man.
Even from today's point of view, the story is very interesting, and the song "moonriver" defintiely pushes the movie to another level.
It is hard not to fall in love with Audrey Hepburn after you watch this film, even harder after you have also watched "Roman Vacation".
Back in 1996, there was a song by Deep Blue Something called "Breakfast At Tiffany's". The song was about a young guy trying to convince a girl that they have something in common to save their relationship. The only thing he can think of is actually, "Breakfast At Tiffany's".
You'll say that we've got nothing in common
No common ground to start from
And we're falling apart
You'll say the world has come between us
Our lives have come between us
Still I know you just don't care
And I said, "What about 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'?"
She said, "I think I remember the film,
And as I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it."
And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got."
I see you - the only one who knew me
And now your eyes see through me
I guess I was wrong
So what now? It's plain to see we're over,
And I hate when things are over -
When so much is left undone
And I said, "What about 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'?"
She said, "I think I remember the film,
And as I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it."
And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got."
btw, this post means that i now have more posts about songs than posts about relationships. yikes!
And now you know... the rest of the story
I have been pretty lucky to have a few friends who like my writing style. Although most like my writing in Chinese, some like my English writing as well. Very few know where the inspiration come from.
It is a radio host. The first time I heard him was when I was still in university, working my co-op program, it was a boring job with time slot from 5pm to 11pm. We couldn't really chat at our desks, so I started to listen to radio while working, back then, i didn't have an ipod.
There was one segment I really enjoy, it was called "the rest of the story", it was only about 5-10 min, an old dude would read a story, starting quite innocently, then it always ends with a twist that makes you say, "huh...", or "wow..."
I have spent about 4 months every weeknight waiting for his segment without actually knowing his name, until a few weeks ago. I googled "the rest of story", and found this person, born before WW1. The segment "rest of the story" was actually on air since WW2, and the old dude has just passed away this Feb.
This guy's name is Paul Harvey, inspiration for my English writing. Now you know... the rest of story...
It is a radio host. The first time I heard him was when I was still in university, working my co-op program, it was a boring job with time slot from 5pm to 11pm. We couldn't really chat at our desks, so I started to listen to radio while working, back then, i didn't have an ipod.
There was one segment I really enjoy, it was called "the rest of the story", it was only about 5-10 min, an old dude would read a story, starting quite innocently, then it always ends with a twist that makes you say, "huh...", or "wow..."
I have spent about 4 months every weeknight waiting for his segment without actually knowing his name, until a few weeks ago. I googled "the rest of story", and found this person, born before WW1. The segment "rest of the story" was actually on air since WW2, and the old dude has just passed away this Feb.
This guy's name is Paul Harvey, inspiration for my English writing. Now you know... the rest of story...
葉子 是不會飛翔的翅膀
翅膀 是落在天上的葉子
天堂 原來應該不是妄想
只是我早已經遺忘 當初怎麼開始飛翔
*孤單 是一個人的狂歡
狂歡 是一群人的孤單
愛情 原來的開始是陪伴
但我也漸漸地遺忘 當時是怎樣有人陪伴
#我一個人吃飯 旅行 到處走走停停
也一個人看書 寫信 自己對話談心
只是心又飄到了哪裡 就連自己看也看不清 我想我不僅僅是失去你
Repeat # *,#,#
葉子 是不會飛翔的翅膀
翅膀 是落在天上的葉子
rest in peace 阿桑
翅膀 是落在天上的葉子
天堂 原來應該不是妄想
只是我早已經遺忘 當初怎麼開始飛翔
*孤單 是一個人的狂歡
狂歡 是一群人的孤單
愛情 原來的開始是陪伴
但我也漸漸地遺忘 當時是怎樣有人陪伴
#我一個人吃飯 旅行 到處走走停停
也一個人看書 寫信 自己對話談心
只是心又飄到了哪裡 就連自己看也看不清 我想我不僅僅是失去你
Repeat # *,#,#
葉子 是不會飛翔的翅膀
翅膀 是落在天上的葉子
rest in peace 阿桑
今天有機會到大統華樓上的food court上廁所,以前那裡有小歇亭的珍奶,財神爺的牛肉麵,忘掉名字的排骨飯,後來有永和豆漿...現在全部不見了,剩下角落的幾台本世紀初的遊戲機,和幾間一看就知道不會開久的中國地方小吃檔,樓下本來有以前中大學會光顧的金石堂,去年倒了...
那個food court是代表我中學大學的年代,現已面目全非,只能從回憶裡品嘗了.
那個food court是代表我中學大學的年代,現已面目全非,只能從回憶裡品嘗了.
You are My Sunshine
This Spring has been more like an extension of neverending winter. We need sunshine, I need sunshine!
This song is actually 70 years old country song, official state song of louisiana. Most ppl including me only know the first part of the song. Now, you know the rest of the song...
You Are My Sunshine
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
The other night dear, as I lay sleeping,
I dreamt I held you in my arms.
When I awoke dear, I was mistaken,
So I hung my head down and cried.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
This song is actually 70 years old country song, official state song of louisiana. Most ppl including me only know the first part of the song. Now, you know the rest of the song...
You Are My Sunshine
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
The other night dear, as I lay sleeping,
I dreamt I held you in my arms.
When I awoke dear, I was mistaken,
So I hung my head down and cried.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
愛說政治, 愛台灣...
台灣人犯政治,眾所皆知,而且已經完完全全的進入人民生活.黨有顏色,媒體有顏色,節目有顏色,明星有顏色,廣告有顏色... 所以如果你是綠色,你可以讀綠色的報紙,交綠色的朋友,聽綠色的電台,吃綠色的餐廳,看綠色的電視,喜歡綠色的明星,坐綠色的小黃,娶嫁綠色的對象... 可以完全的保持不染.
荺荺,我不知道你對我有多了解,但我的個性應該也曉得.當年對我的不信任感,不安全感,不知道會不會其他人也感受得到? 我真的很想知道,因為,妳之後的感情路越來越難走,也許你有答案?
荺荺,我不知道你對我有多了解,但我的個性應該也曉得.當年對我的不信任感,不安全感,不知道會不會其他人也感受得到? 我真的很想知道,因為,妳之後的感情路越來越難走,也許你有答案?
曲: 范逸臣 詞:嚴云農
想蒐集夏天的熱 穿越叫 幸福的河
不自量力 說真的 又有何不可
當 天是空的 地是乾的
我要為妳 倒進狂熱
讓妳瘋狂 讓妳渴
讓全世界 知道 妳是我的
天氣瘋了 海水滾了
所以我要 無樂不作
不要浪費 每一刻 快樂
當夢的 天行者
像妳這樣的天使 該有翅膀和名字
該美麗中帶著刺 該很認真的屬於 我一次
當 天是空的 地是乾的
我要為妳 倒進狂熱
讓妳瘋狂 讓妳渴 讓全世界 知道 妳是我的
世界末日 就儘管來吧
我會繼續 無樂不作
不會浪費 愛妳的 快樂當夢的 天行者
要快樂 OH~
曲: 范逸臣 詞:嚴云農
想蒐集夏天的熱 穿越叫 幸福的河
不自量力 說真的 又有何不可
當 天是空的 地是乾的
我要為妳 倒進狂熱
讓妳瘋狂 讓妳渴
讓全世界 知道 妳是我的
天氣瘋了 海水滾了
所以我要 無樂不作
不要浪費 每一刻 快樂
當夢的 天行者
像妳這樣的天使 該有翅膀和名字
該美麗中帶著刺 該很認真的屬於 我一次
當 天是空的 地是乾的
我要為妳 倒進狂熱
讓妳瘋狂 讓妳渴 讓全世界 知道 妳是我的
世界末日 就儘管來吧
我會繼續 無樂不作
不會浪費 愛妳的 快樂當夢的 天行者
要快樂 OH~
Country roads, take me home...
Living in cities all my life, I am not a big fan of country music, or should I say, I am not used to country music. First time I heard this song was in a company Koraoke, some co-worker in his 50s was singing this song. It was a good song. For people who dont listen to country music, you must have heard the chorus. This song is actually almost 40 years old, the singer and writer, John Denver, a country music legend died a while ago. But, boy these words is very suiting right now. In less than 20 hours, I will be on country roads... home...
Almost heaven, west virginia
Blue ridge mountains
Shenandoah river -
Life is old there
Older than the trees
Younger than the mountains
Growin like a breeze
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
All my memories gathered round her
Miners lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine
Teardrops in my eye
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
I hear her voice
In the mornin hour she calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
And drivin down the road I get a feelin
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
Take me home, now country roads
Take me home, now country roads
Almost heaven, west virginia
Blue ridge mountains
Shenandoah river -
Life is old there
Older than the trees
Younger than the mountains
Growin like a breeze
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
All my memories gathered round her
Miners lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine
Teardrops in my eye
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
I hear her voice
In the mornin hour she calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
And drivin down the road I get a feelin
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
Take me home, now country roads
Take me home, now country roads
Finding Northern Light...
One thing about going to NWT that makes other people excited is the prospect of seeing northern light, aka Aurora Borealis. There are a few myths about them, 1) it moves, it is true 2) it makes a sound when it moves, it is also true 3) if a child is born under Aurora, the child will be king, that i don't know.
The first question I asked before I came up here was, "can i see the northern light?", the answer was no, because the first time I came up here was in the summer, and summer in NWT means sun setting around 12am, and rising around 2am. No time for northern light.
Plus, it has to be cold enough. Best time to see is actually from Jan to March. It is March now...
Yesterday, someone told me that there should be northern light last night/this morning around 12am to 2am. So, I woke up around that time.
Fully geared up, except my tuque and gloves. Brought my camera and flash light. I had no idea how cold it was out there, given it was -51c earlier yesterday. Forgetting tuque was a big mistake, i had my jacket hat up, it was no use, it was so hard to breath. I only managed to walk 50 metres, and had to turn back. It was windy, but wasn't that windy. It was just really really cold. When I came back from the 10 min walk. I was still shivering from the walk for the rest of the night. I had ski jacket, jacket, sweater, thermal underwear and t-shirt...
The walk, however, was magnificant. It was bright outside with an almost full moon, look at the mountains around the campsite, you can see the top of the mountain perfectly from the moonlight. The world is just frozen in place. Only the smoke coming out from buildings can remind you that you are on earth.
The northern light? Nowhere to be found, just the big almost round moon out there...
The first question I asked before I came up here was, "can i see the northern light?", the answer was no, because the first time I came up here was in the summer, and summer in NWT means sun setting around 12am, and rising around 2am. No time for northern light.
Plus, it has to be cold enough. Best time to see is actually from Jan to March. It is March now...
Yesterday, someone told me that there should be northern light last night/this morning around 12am to 2am. So, I woke up around that time.
Fully geared up, except my tuque and gloves. Brought my camera and flash light. I had no idea how cold it was out there, given it was -51c earlier yesterday. Forgetting tuque was a big mistake, i had my jacket hat up, it was no use, it was so hard to breath. I only managed to walk 50 metres, and had to turn back. It was windy, but wasn't that windy. It was just really really cold. When I came back from the 10 min walk. I was still shivering from the walk for the rest of the night. I had ski jacket, jacket, sweater, thermal underwear and t-shirt...
The walk, however, was magnificant. It was bright outside with an almost full moon, look at the mountains around the campsite, you can see the top of the mountain perfectly from the moonlight. The world is just frozen in place. Only the smoke coming out from buildings can remind you that you are on earth.
The northern light? Nowhere to be found, just the big almost round moon out there...
兩天前從列治文出發,感覺像是要出國,整個飛機上,沒有一個說中文的.本以為,晚上十點往白馬市的人應該不多,結果是滿座.前後左右都是回家的育空人,有幾個還從哈立菲克斯,芝加哥,洛杉磯,再回白馬的.他們居然還說,再兩個小時多就可以到家,真好...我在旁邊聽了沒昏倒,有人會迫不及待的去零下三十幾的地方? 大概只有家,才會給人有這種期待.
兩天前從列治文出發,感覺像是要出國,整個飛機上,沒有一個說中文的.本以為,晚上十點往白馬市的人應該不多,結果是滿座.前後左右都是回家的育空人,有幾個還從哈立菲克斯,芝加哥,洛杉磯,再回白馬的.他們居然還說,再兩個小時多就可以到家,真好...我在旁邊聽了沒昏倒,有人會迫不及待的去零下三十幾的地方? 大概只有家,才會給人有這種期待.
我在2002年一月一日搬離家,開始了租客的獨立生活,一住就是七年多. 我剛搬進的時候,我的好友兼房東問我,我為什麼要搬出來住,住家裡有什麼不好.我說是為了自由.他不是很了解,因為他從小到大,很少有機會和父母同住.
我在搬回家的前夕,我的房東問,你當初到底為什麼要搬家? 我還是回答,為了自由.
但我仔細想,如果沒有離開家,我會做這些決定嗎? 我會經歷這些事嗎? 我也不知道
自由的代價是什麼? 一台高級轎車的錢,十公斤的肥肉,髮線退後,銀行多了些存款.
我在搬回家的前夕,我的房東問,你當初到底為什麼要搬家? 我還是回答,為了自由.
但我仔細想,如果沒有離開家,我會做這些決定嗎? 我會經歷這些事嗎? 我也不知道
自由的代價是什麼? 一台高級轎車的錢,十公斤的肥肉,髮線退後,銀行多了些存款.
If I had a million dollars - Barenaked Girls
Okay, when times are tough, peoople think about alcohol, smoke and lottery. Right now, both alocohol and smoke are not affordable, people would go for lottery. It is true that the chance of winning lottery is about 1 in 14 million. (about the population of Shanghai) The best part about buying the lottery is the first 15 min after you bought the ticket, you think about what you can do with that money. Going on a trip, quitting your job, buying a fancy car/house/diamond...
There is a great song by a Canadian Band, Barenaked Girls. (no... they are all dudes), "If I had a million dollars", of course, a million dollar won't get you very far, you probably won't be able to buy a house (in Whitehorse maybe), and of course it won't be able to buy love. It is still a very cute song.
My favourite part is "If I had a 1,000,000 We wouldnt have to eat Kraft dinner...", in one version of the song, they added "But we would eat Kraft Dinner. Of course we would, we'd just eat more. And buy really expensive ketchups with it. That's right, all the fanciest Dijon ketchups! Mmm. Mmm-hmm."
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you a house ( I would buy you a house)
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you furniture for your house ( maybe a nice chesterfield or an ottoman)
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you a K-car ( a nice reliant automobile)
If I had a 1,000,000, I'd buy you love
If I had a 1,000,000
I'd build a treefort in our yard
If I had a 1,000,000
You could help it wouldn't be that hard
If I had a 1,000,000
Maybe we could put a refrigerator in there
Wouldn't that be fabulous!
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I buy you a fur coat( but not a real fur coat that's cruel)
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you an exotic pet(like a llama or an emu)
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you John Merick's remains (All them crazy elephant bones)
If I had a 1,000,000 I'd buy your love
If I had a 1,000,000
We wouldn't have to walk to the store
If I had a 1,000,000
We'd take a limousine cause it costs more
If I had a 1,000,000 We wouldnt have to eat Kraft dinner
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
i'd buy you a green dress ( but not a real green dress that's cruel)
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you some art ( A Picasso or a Garfunkel)
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you a monkey (haven't you always wanted a monkey?)
If I had a 1,000,000 If I had a 1,000,000 If I had a 1,000,000
If I had a 1,000,000 I'd be RICH!
There is a great song by a Canadian Band, Barenaked Girls. (no... they are all dudes), "If I had a million dollars", of course, a million dollar won't get you very far, you probably won't be able to buy a house (in Whitehorse maybe), and of course it won't be able to buy love. It is still a very cute song.
My favourite part is "If I had a 1,000,000 We wouldnt have to eat Kraft dinner...", in one version of the song, they added "But we would eat Kraft Dinner. Of course we would, we'd just eat more. And buy really expensive ketchups with it. That's right, all the fanciest Dijon ketchups! Mmm. Mmm-hmm."
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you a house ( I would buy you a house)
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you furniture for your house ( maybe a nice chesterfield or an ottoman)
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you a K-car ( a nice reliant automobile)
If I had a 1,000,000, I'd buy you love
If I had a 1,000,000
I'd build a treefort in our yard
If I had a 1,000,000
You could help it wouldn't be that hard
If I had a 1,000,000
Maybe we could put a refrigerator in there
Wouldn't that be fabulous!
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I buy you a fur coat( but not a real fur coat that's cruel)
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you an exotic pet(like a llama or an emu)
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you John Merick's remains (All them crazy elephant bones)
If I had a 1,000,000 I'd buy your love
If I had a 1,000,000
We wouldn't have to walk to the store
If I had a 1,000,000
We'd take a limousine cause it costs more
If I had a 1,000,000 We wouldnt have to eat Kraft dinner
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
i'd buy you a green dress ( but not a real green dress that's cruel)
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you some art ( A Picasso or a Garfunkel)
If I had a 1,000,000 (If I had a 1,000,000)
I'd buy you a monkey (haven't you always wanted a monkey?)
If I had a 1,000,000 If I had a 1,000,000 If I had a 1,000,000
If I had a 1,000,000 I'd be RICH!
所以為什麼,人越多的演講,東西要準備的越簡單,每個人接受的速度不同,再加上大腦缺氧,更多分心的東西,你說能不簡單嗎? 人少,觀眾覺得演講者注意得到,就比較不敢造次。
所以為什麼,人越多的演講,東西要準備的越簡單,每個人接受的速度不同,再加上大腦缺氧,更多分心的東西,你說能不簡單嗎? 人少,觀眾覺得演講者注意得到,就比較不敢造次。
(蔡 琴)輕輕敲醒沉睡的心靈 慢慢張開你的眼睛
(余 天)看那忙碌的世界是否依然孤獨地轉個不停
(蘇 芮)春風不解風情 吹動少年的心
(潘越雲)讓昨日臉上的淚痕 隨記憶風乾了
(甄 妮)抬頭尋找天空的翅膀 候鳥出現牠的影跡
(林慧萍)玉山白雪飄零 燃燒少年的心
(王芷蕾)使真情溶化成音符 傾訴遙遠的祝福
(黃鶯鶯)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
(洪榮宏)讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
(陳淑樺)誰能不顧自己的家園 拋開記憶中的童年
(金智娟)誰能忍心看他昨日的憂愁 帶走我們的笑容
(王夢麟)青春不解紅塵 胭脂沾染了灰
(李佩菁)讓久違不見的淚水 滋潤了你的面容
(費玉清)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
(齊 豫)輕輕敲醒沉睡的心靈 慢慢張開你的眼睛
(鄭 怡)看那忙碌的世界是否依然孤獨地轉個不停
(江 蕙)日出喚醒清晨 大地光彩重生
(楊 林)讓和風拂出的音響 譜成生命的樂章
(合 唱)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
(蘇 芮)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
(余 天)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
(合 唱)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
(蔡 琴)輕輕敲醒沉睡的心靈 慢慢張開你的眼睛
(余 天)看那忙碌的世界是否依然孤獨地轉個不停
(蘇 芮)春風不解風情 吹動少年的心
(潘越雲)讓昨日臉上的淚痕 隨記憶風乾了
(甄 妮)抬頭尋找天空的翅膀 候鳥出現牠的影跡
(林慧萍)玉山白雪飄零 燃燒少年的心
(王芷蕾)使真情溶化成音符 傾訴遙遠的祝福
(黃鶯鶯)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
(洪榮宏)讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
(陳淑樺)誰能不顧自己的家園 拋開記憶中的童年
(金智娟)誰能忍心看他昨日的憂愁 帶走我們的笑容
(王夢麟)青春不解紅塵 胭脂沾染了灰
(李佩菁)讓久違不見的淚水 滋潤了你的面容
(費玉清)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
(齊 豫)輕輕敲醒沉睡的心靈 慢慢張開你的眼睛
(鄭 怡)看那忙碌的世界是否依然孤獨地轉個不停
(江 蕙)日出喚醒清晨 大地光彩重生
(楊 林)讓和風拂出的音響 譜成生命的樂章
(合 唱)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
(蘇 芮)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
(余 天)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
(合 唱)唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
昨天到聽說已久的Q Landing Outlet, 某間店前,看見一個小女孩在玩手把,一個年輕的爸爸站在她身後,溫柔的用英文和她交談,他一抬頭,居然是M同學,他沒認出我,我跟他進了店裡,他居然已經有兩個小孩了,偷偷的打量他,一點都沒有變,和昨天那個M同學一模一樣,但已經為人之父了.我不敢認他,也不想認他.走出店,好像與昨日擦肩而過...
昨天到聽說已久的Q Landing Outlet, 某間店前,看見一個小女孩在玩手把,一個年輕的爸爸站在她身後,溫柔的用英文和她交談,他一抬頭,居然是M同學,他沒認出我,我跟他進了店裡,他居然已經有兩個小孩了,偷偷的打量他,一點都沒有變,和昨天那個M同學一模一樣,但已經為人之父了.我不敢認他,也不想認他.走出店,好像與昨日擦肩而過...
How I knew Joanna Wang - Times of Your Life
One day I was browsing youtube, and I came across this girl, not particularly pretty, singing in her bedroom with a guitar. She had a very intriging voice, and she was taiwanese! That girl was Joanna Wang. Then I bought her first CDs for a friend's bday. Then I waited eagerly for her second album. I realized that she is not really the Lisa Ono singer as we know in the first album, she is something else. Something that takes some used to. Wonderful still, I saw part of the MTV for "Times of Your Life" on TV, and it worked! Although I don't remember the original version by Paul Anka, I definitely like Joanna's version. That unyielding, uncomprimising voice, very much like a Leo.
Good morning, yesterday
You wake up and time has slipped away
And suddenly it's hard to find
The memories you left behind
Remember, do you remember
The laughter and the tears
The shadows of misty yesteryears
The good times and the bad you've seen
And all the others in between
Remember, do you remember
The times of your life (do you remember)
Reach back for the joy and the sorrow
Put them away in your mind
The mem'ries are time that you borrow
To spend when you get to tomorrow
Here comes the saddest part (comes the saddest part)
The seasons are passing one by one
So gather moments while you may
Collect the dreams you dream today
Remember, will you remember
The times of your life
Gather moments while you may
Collect the dreams you dream today
Remember, will you remember
The times of your life
Of your life
Of your life
Do you remember, baby
Do you remember the times of your life
Do you remember, baby
Do you remember the times of your life
Good morning, yesterday
You wake up and time has slipped away
And suddenly it's hard to find
The memories you left behind
Remember, do you remember
The laughter and the tears
The shadows of misty yesteryears
The good times and the bad you've seen
And all the others in between
Remember, do you remember
The times of your life (do you remember)
Reach back for the joy and the sorrow
Put them away in your mind
The mem'ries are time that you borrow
To spend when you get to tomorrow
Here comes the saddest part (comes the saddest part)
The seasons are passing one by one
So gather moments while you may
Collect the dreams you dream today
Remember, will you remember
The times of your life
Gather moments while you may
Collect the dreams you dream today
Remember, will you remember
The times of your life
Of your life
Of your life
Do you remember, baby
Do you remember the times of your life
Do you remember, baby
Do you remember the times of your life
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