
The afternoon date with pianist...

It was a warm afternoon, the usual for mid June in Vancouver, unusual for this year, however. A few old classmates from Killarney secondary and SFU met up at Vancouver Art Gallery during their lunch hour.

Frank has been a piano instructor for as long as I have known him. He held a recital inside Vancouver Art Gallery and invited all of us to come. His music piano recitals have become a gathering of old friends for the past few years, of course, I wouldn't miss this one either.

When I got there, it was almost time for his recital, with the guidance of the gallery attendant, I managed through dark hallways and stairways, found myself in a room filled with people.

Frank started his performances with a bit of information on how the composers expressed their feelings in the music. As always, it was impressive, I could feel how passionate he is into the music he is playing.

Looking around the room, I saw familiar faces...

Graham who flew back from TW for a few days was with his gf, Angela. He is taking care of his family business now, even talking about what he does, starts a spark in his eyes.

Darren who took lunch off from his clinic just broke up with his long time girlfriend. Putting himself in 2 jobs, and a tattoo on his arm, he is definitely passionated about what he does.

Patrick, who also took a few hours off, the engineer at a publicly traded company, is happily married and recently moved into their own place.

Brian, whose office is very close by, working at a very well known international software company since university. His love is away, other than that, I think he is content, and happy.

Kevin, who also just came back for a short vacation, with his new-wed wife, looks happy and healthy as ever.

For the moment, we were been drawn into Frank's music. With him humming loudly with the music, we stopped for a moment. We did not think about what has gone passed us, and what will be ahead of us.

We were all there, paused for a Friday afternoon, enjoying and sharing that moment.





﹐逗點﹕嚴格上來說﹐並不是真正的分手﹐只是暫時分開﹐用FRIENDS的講法﹐就是“ON A BREAK”﹐著理說應該是雙方好好思考的時候﹐很不幸得﹐逗點分手往往被作為生氣時的處罰﹐或成為句點分手的橋樑。

... 點點點﹕這種分手方法是最傷神的﹐都說了是分手﹐還沒事就去騷擾對方﹐然後向朋友們哭訴﹐然後再去騷擾對方﹐一方面說分手﹐一方面有說愛﹐但又不願意再複合。基本上他們到底要什麼﹐自己都不知道。苦的是他們的朋友們﹐總要聽他們哀怨的聲音。點點點和逗點最大的不同是﹐逗點是為了未來而暫停(不是分手)﹐ 點點點是為了分手而後悔。

! 驚嘆號﹕這種分手方式通常是很戲劇話的﹐有可能是第三者﹐有可能有暴力事件﹐更有可能會出現公共場所鬧自殺的劇情。小朋友和看太多泡沫劇的人比較常參與。

? 問號﹕這種分手方式﹐總有一個人分得不明不白﹐昨天好好的﹐今天就提分手﹐明天就完全無音訊。旁邊的朋友通常也是在雲霧當中﹐不知道是該怎麼安慰。





要做到為他人著想,又不帶期望,說起來難,做起來更難,但想想初戀的時候,我們事實上都曾經做得到。什麼時候,我們變的更自私了,自己變得更小氣了? 但現在的自己,要如何回歸初戀的不計較,而且再加上對感情的豁達,我想,應該是這個年紀最大的難題了。


走過 辛曉琪

愛能留是福 愛難守該悟
這一路我走過 甜蜜比苦澀多
有情時知足 無情時莫哭
傷心若太多 記住相愛時候記住相愛時候

你的手 你的手曾那麼溫柔
輕拂過 輕拂過我每個輪廓


I wish... back in 1977

There were a few things that happened (other than my birth) in 1977 which are important to this world. Apple II was introduced, started the downfall of Apple, which has not recovered after they took back Steve Jobs (after firing him). Our head of state, QE 2 was on her first Jubilee (25 years as queen). British Airway started the concorde service between London and New York. NASA has sent 2 Voyager spacecrafts to space, both of them contained golden discs that contain a lot of information about earth, which probably won't be seen by other life forms in another 40k years. (closest planet) Also, star wars were on for the first time, which has introduced a franchise empire.

What is also important? It was the last time Canadian dollars hit 95 cent range of US dollars. For regular people like you and me, it is time to shop in US!

btw, back in 1977, Stevie Wonder's "I Wish" won the Grammy,

Looking back on when i
Was a little nappy headed boy
Then my only worry
Was for christmas what would be my toy
Even though we sometimes
Would not get a thing
We were happy with the
Joy the day would bring

Sneaking out the back door
To hang out with those hoodlum friends of mine
Greeted at the back door
With boy thought I told you not to go outside,
Tryin your best to bring the
Water to your eyes
Thinkin it might stop her
From woopin your behind

I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
Cause I love them so

Brother says hes tellin
bout you playin doctor with that girl
Just dont tell Ill give you
Anything you want in this whole wide world
Mama gives you money for sunday school
You trade yours for candy after church is through

Smokin cigarettes and writing something nasty on the wall (you nasty boy)
Teacher sends you to the principals office down the wall
You grow up and learn that kinda thing aint right
But while you were doinit-it sure felt outta sight

I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go

Still very fitting to many of us, ain't it?


I am the Ace of Diamonds...

You Are the Ace of Diamonds

You are a lucky person, and you always seem to find yourself surrounds by pretty, shiny things.
You have a knack for success and money - though your skills can't really be learned or taught.

You shine in a room, and you a have a truly sparkling personality.
A true extrovert, you always are able to share a witty joke or the latest scandalous gossip.

While you do have an eye for bling, you are also quite generous.
A lot of wealth and luck comes your way. And you're not afraid to pass it on.

A gamble you should take: Sports betting

Your friends would describe you as: Captivating

Your enemies would describe you as: Greedy

If you lived in Vegas, you would be: A trophy wife or husband

Trophy husband?!!! what the heck is that?