
City of Sin

I have been missing for the whole week last week, some of you were wondering if Lamb has be adopted by aliens. To those, sorry to disappoint, I was in US.

It started out as fulfilling a promise I made in University. I promised my buddy that I will go vegas with him in my sophomore year, we never did. While he has not gone to Vegas since, I have actually gone there four times already.

So, MSS, my university buddy (MUB), my snowboard buddy (MSB) and I went on a short 3 nite 2 day Vegas trip.

When MSS, MSB and I touched down in Vegas, we were hit with a warm sensation to our skins... is that sunlight? We have heard much of it in Vancouver, but haven't really seen it...

It was hot, really really hot, around 30C hot. The whole Vegas Experience was pretty spontaneous. Within 4 hours of landing, we were sitting in Mirage's theatre watching "LOVE", the newest cirque du soleil show in Vegas, with Beattles music. The tix weren't cheap, but we had the good seats.

Then, it was a lot of walking, buffeting, hotel watching, ppl watching, picture taking...

Although it was the 5th trip for me to Vegas, there were still many first times on this trip. Saw the first "real" show, went on New York New York rollercoaster, ran into post st.patty's day crowd...

The time we spent in Vegas was short, but it was some of the best Vegas trip in years!


I'm Back... sorta...

I am back from the Spring break trip(s), gone to Las Vegas, Portland and Seattle, drove over 1200km in my car (which won't be mine in less than 2months). The pics are here*.

Will update on the trip a little more in the next few days.

*pics have been approved by MSS to be public viewable.






但想想,我已經不是第一次給人指控花心,有人說我是social poodle,social butterfly,師奶殺手,嘴花心不花…在背後說的應該還不止吧!


女性朋友多是無奈也是好事,無奈在單身的男性朋友不多,在B和C list上的朋友除了八卦之外,就是過兩人世界家居生活,偶爾有家庭派對,過去還不是給他們八卦。剩下一堆需要照顧的大多是單身的女性朋友,和她們出去幾次就給人說閒話,有朋友告誡我,”如果對她沒興趣,就不要隨便找人家出去…”,不是吧…所有的單身女性朋友我都非得用下半身去篩選嗎?


所以,少部份人把我當彎的用,大部分人把我當花花公子(我有那閒錢和一堆鬼時間就好了~ 可以做別的事;))。看來,我有MSS真的要好好珍惜…


Gone to...

It has been 12 days without any posts, some of you might wonder if I have disappear from the face of the earth. The truth is that I have been taking some time off from work. I have gone to Las Vegas and still am in Portland. Like always, I will tell you about the places I have been.

Don't miss me too much~


Happy Bday! Barbie!

According the almighty wikipedia, Barbie is 48 years old today!

Ever since Barbie was introduced in the America International Toy Show in 1959, it has been one of the best selling toy of all time. Almost every girl has at least one barbie sometime in their life.

There is quite a few problems with barbie though, let's talk about unrealistic Barbie may project as a female image. If she were a real person, she would be 7"2, 130 pounds, 48-23-36, I am pretty sure that is not possible for a human female.

Maybe, Barbie represents the Chauvinism in our society. I remember Lisa Simpson was trying to point out that her doll was derogatory to women. Also as pointed out in Aqua's top hit back in the 90's, Barbie likes to shop and hosts pizza parties.

Barbie, combine with yesterday's article on "24" which said women still make only about 70% salary to their male counterparts made me realize something. The media, the society still have certain expectations of women (and men). Many are just wrong, but until the commercials/tv shows with dumb/overweight men and slim/hot/multipurpose women change, the barbism is here to stay.

Btw, important info of the day, Barbie is taiwanese! That is right, Mattel had its first Barbie plant in Tai-Shan county in Taiwan. The Barbie plant has since relocated long time ago (maybe to a country with child labours?), but the Barbie culture is still in. Villagers still have "Barbie meets" every month to show off their designer clothes.

Happy Bday day, Barbie! Your plastic implants don't look a day old!


You'll be Fine

You'll be Fine



You'll be fine 你有愛 別再沉迷悲哀
把你的心房達打開 心不再風中搖擺

You'll be fine I'm with you 生命沒有失敗
將心鎖解開 我能讓你依賴

You'll be fine I'm with you 生命沒有失敗
將心鎖解開 讓我們一起為真愛等待

I guarantee you that you have never heard this song before. Because it was written by my friend, Frank, back in 1998, I wrote the lyrics, and it was performed by Betty. Frank was submitting the song to this chinese song writing contest, I don't think we won anything, but it was fun.

Found the original lyrics this morning. I thought, maybe, I should just stick to writing blogs.



上個週末,很幸運的跟MSS(My Special someone)出遊夜店,聽說是誰誰誰的生日,還是誰誰誰辦的活動,不予追究。 共度浪漫晚餐之後(茶井外帶炒飯,很快,紅槽肉飯好吃,牛肉don不好吃),攜手同去酒吧。

地點在煤氣鎮某個十年前去過,印像中蠻破爛的酒吧。 和MMS的朋友們在寒風小雨中欣賞許多明顯小我一輪的勇敢辣妹們,穿著迷你裙在同樣的寒風小雨中發抖。好不容易進了酒吧,才發現寄放外套的排隊比外面還長,排了三十分鐘,我們的外套還是暖暖的在手中,雖然我們已經不冷一陣子了。





1. 喝酒的人-醉翁之意不在舞,是酒。有些人怕跳舞給人笑,就三五幾人躲在角落或酒吧附近虐待自己的肝,通常被保安人員抬出去,沒什麼生命跡象的就是這種人。 大多是男性。

2. 跳舞的人-通常有兩種,一個人或一群人,一群人的會在舞池中圍一圈,大概是求生本能吧,有點像野牛在保護幼兒一般,遇強敵時會搞小圈圈。一個人跳舞的人通常很有體力,不用休息,臉上表情不是傻笑(有加過酒精),就是一副便秘狀。不論是不是自己願意一個人跳,他們很有可能是下一種人。

3. 登徒的人-大多是男性,不是一個人,就是一對,很少有超過三個一組。他們喜歡站在圍一圈的女生外圍,看能不能楷到什麼油,模模女生的背、屁股,他們晚上就可以笑著睡著,通常他們膽子不大,出聲制止,他們就會夾尾而逃。但觀賞野牛圈和狼群的戰爭是很好玩的事。

4. 思考的人-又是男生居多,站在舞池最外圍,看著舞池裡的男男女女,皺者眉,抱著手,好像在觀察有無突發事件,又像感嘆人生為何如此糜爛。

5. 尋人的人-以女生居多,通常會一手拿著手機,從舞池東門殺入,西門殺出,再從南門殺入,北門殺出,一個晚上十來次,樂此不疲,有時還一邊講電話一邊找人,為什麼在酒吧裡最多人的地方找人,就不知道了。

6. 聊天的人-通常是女生,不論在舞池裡還外,就是要講話,但噪音繁多,講得不清不楚,回的雞同鴨講,有點像msn的對話,”你剛下班阿!!!!”,”對阿!!!我也很久沒來啦!!!”,”謝謝!!!我也很喜歡你的上衣,好辣哦!!!”,”他今天要上班loh,不能來…”

7. 夕陽的人-老男人居多,西裝筆挺,但舞池裡的男女,他應該都生的出來,不是在舞池外和悶酒,就是在最顯眼的地方跳70年代流行過的舞步。

8. 抽煙的人-男女都有,在酒吧外面,排滿人的地方抽煙,讓寒風中的人群,更加的痛不欲生,他們會在那已很嚴肅的表情談論一些生意,八卦,國家大事,鄰居的小狗…通常在室內的時間比在室外的時間短。

眾生去酒吧的動機都不一樣,但不外乎是為了1)開心 2)有人注意。但跳舞跳到在看人,外加回想以前辦過的舞會,好像一切離自己有點遠了…


Truly, madly, deeply

There was a young man in high school, there was a groom in the church, there was a man in love. That song by Savage Garden, perhaps one of the most annoying song and overused song in weddings sounds better in my head today.

I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love be everything that you need
I love you more with every breath truly madly deeply do

I will be strong I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on

A new beginning.
A reason for living.
A deeper meaning.

I want to stand with you on a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
until the sky falls down on me

And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky,
I'll make a wish send it to heaven then make you want to cry
The tears of joy for all the pleasure in the certainty
That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of
The highest powers. In lonely hours. The tears devour you

Oh can't you see it baby?
You don't have to close your eyes
'Cause it's standing right here before you
All that you need will surely come


I think I am in love and I think it is all your fault...