我要求自己花時間去了解自己,害怕的原因到底在哪? 我積極參與朋友們的婚禮,和準新人們一起計畫流程,和新郎去買新表、拿禮服… 發現兩人的溝通有多麼重要,一個婚禮,一個婚姻並不只兩個人的結合,而是兩個家庭的結合。許多口角,許多爭執,可以不是有關兩人,但會延伸到兩人的家庭背景、兩個人的價值觀、兩個人教育子女的方式… 我深深相信,一個婚禮幹麼辦的那麼隆重,那麼多習俗,那麼多人,做麼多事,又吃飯,又迎娶,又鬧洞房… 為的只是有一天,可能是多年後,可能是幾個月後,兩口子鬧得不開心,還可以回想當年為了在一起,花了多少力氣,有什麼事不能溝通?
對我現在來說,be merry比be married還要重要多了,還是希望可以轟轟烈烈、認認真真的談戀愛,如果繼續走下去,那是最完美的,但我不奢求,畢竟我沒有太多可以給的,除了我自己…
SFO a few months later...
Here I am, 8 months later, 8 months older, travelling on the same highway from SFO to Santa Clara. An interesting day it has been, delayed flight, cramped seat, between meals, talked to you...
Only 8 months ago, I thought I was in love, only 1 month ago, I thought I was in love again. It hasn't been easy... seeing you being happy with someone else, but it has to be, as it has always been...
On the lonely road in the middle of nowhere, I thought about you, where the road could have led to, I thought about the things you said, the things I might have said, it hasn't been easy... wishing you happy with someone else, but it has to be, as it has always been...
I wish I can be the childish me, telling you to stay, but instead, I wish you well, in the city of Santa Clara, I wish you joy, under the starless cloudless sky, I wish you nothing more and nothing less than what you wish for, as always, only in SFO, only a few weeks later, only a few months later...
Only 8 months ago, I thought I was in love, only 1 month ago, I thought I was in love again. It hasn't been easy... seeing you being happy with someone else, but it has to be, as it has always been...
On the lonely road in the middle of nowhere, I thought about you, where the road could have led to, I thought about the things you said, the things I might have said, it hasn't been easy... wishing you happy with someone else, but it has to be, as it has always been...
I wish I can be the childish me, telling you to stay, but instead, I wish you well, in the city of Santa Clara, I wish you joy, under the starless cloudless sky, I wish you nothing more and nothing less than what you wish for, as always, only in SFO, only a few weeks later, only a few months later...
Please forgive me...
If you ask me, who is my favourite Canadian singer, there are quite a few choices, Michael Buble, Nelly Furtado, Diana Krall, Alanis Morissette, Celine Dion, Shania Twain... But, without a second thought, I would say "Bryan Adams".
Every since high school, I have been listening to Bryan, good old songs like "summer of '69", "All for one", newer songs like "cloud #9", "let's make a night to remember", every song brings back some memory, somehow, his songs were always there, playing in the background.
He always has this casual attutide towards his music, you would see him in old jeans in his concerts or even in his own music videos. To me, that is canadian music, that is canadian, non-pretentious and passionate, kinda like me...
One song I love the most, is "Please forgive me"...
Please Forgive Me
It still feels like our first night together
Feels like the first kiss and
It's gettin' better baby
No one can better this
I'm still hold on and you're still the one
The first time our eyes met it's the same feelin' I get
Only feels much stronger and I wanna love ya longer
You still turn the fire on
So If you're feelin' lonely.. don't
You're the only one I'd ever want
I only wanna make it good
So if I love ya a little more than I should
Please forgive me I know not what I do
Please forgive me I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me
This pain I'm going through
Please forgive me
If I need ya like I do
Please believe me
Every word I say is true
Please forgive me I can't stop loving you
Still feels like our best times are together
Feels like the first touch
We're still gettin' closer baby
Can't get close enough I'm still holdin' on
You're still number one I remember the smell of your skin
I remember everything
I remember all your moves
I remember you
I remember the nights ya know I still do
One thing I'm sure of
Is the way we make love
And the one thing I depend on
Is for us to stay strong
With every word and every breath I'm prayin'
That's why I'm sayin'...
With his rugged voice and mellow rock music. The somewhat sisi song begging for love actually worked. In the music video, there was no story, just a camera following a dog while it is wondering around in the stuido when Bryan and his band is performing the song. Very Bryan...
Towards the end of the song, it turns into this soft rambling... Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you...
This song was always there, everytime I fell in love...
Every since high school, I have been listening to Bryan, good old songs like "summer of '69", "All for one", newer songs like "cloud #9", "let's make a night to remember", every song brings back some memory, somehow, his songs were always there, playing in the background.
He always has this casual attutide towards his music, you would see him in old jeans in his concerts or even in his own music videos. To me, that is canadian music, that is canadian, non-pretentious and passionate, kinda like me...
One song I love the most, is "Please forgive me"...
Please Forgive Me
It still feels like our first night together
Feels like the first kiss and
It's gettin' better baby
No one can better this
I'm still hold on and you're still the one
The first time our eyes met it's the same feelin' I get
Only feels much stronger and I wanna love ya longer
You still turn the fire on
So If you're feelin' lonely.. don't
You're the only one I'd ever want
I only wanna make it good
So if I love ya a little more than I should
Please forgive me I know not what I do
Please forgive me I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me
This pain I'm going through
Please forgive me
If I need ya like I do
Please believe me
Every word I say is true
Please forgive me I can't stop loving you
Still feels like our best times are together
Feels like the first touch
We're still gettin' closer baby
Can't get close enough I'm still holdin' on
You're still number one I remember the smell of your skin
I remember everything
I remember all your moves
I remember you
I remember the nights ya know I still do
One thing I'm sure of
Is the way we make love
And the one thing I depend on
Is for us to stay strong
With every word and every breath I'm prayin'
That's why I'm sayin'...
With his rugged voice and mellow rock music. The somewhat sisi song begging for love actually worked. In the music video, there was no story, just a camera following a dog while it is wondering around in the stuido when Bryan and his band is performing the song. Very Bryan...
Towards the end of the song, it turns into this soft rambling... Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you...
This song was always there, everytime I fell in love...
後來 我總算學會了 如何去愛
可惜你 早已遠去 消失在人海
後來 終於在眼淚中明白
有些人 一旦錯過就不再
梔子花 白花瓣 落在我藍色百褶裙
「愛你」 你輕聲說
我低下頭 聞見一陣芬芳
那個永恆的夜晚 十七歲仲夏 你吻我的那個夜晚
讓我往後的時光 每當有感嘆
總想起 當天的星光
那時候的愛情 為什麼就能那樣簡單
而又是為什麼 人年少時
在這相似的深夜裡 你是否一樣 也在靜靜追懷感傷
如果當時我們能 不那麼倔強
現在也 不那麼遺憾
你都如何回憶我 帶著笑或是很沉默
這些年來 有沒有人能讓你不寂寞
有一個男孩 愛著那個女孩
最近久沒見的高中同學,都說我一點都沒變,聽了有些氣餒,以為經歷幾年至少有變成熟,變帥吧? 幾個月沒見的朋友卻說,我看起來很累,我想是裡裡外外都累了,但還有很多東西想做,是該放給合適的人做的時候了...
後來 我總算學會了 如何去愛
可惜你 早已遠去 消失在人海
後來 終於在眼淚中明白
有些人 一旦錯過就不再
梔子花 白花瓣 落在我藍色百褶裙
「愛你」 你輕聲說
我低下頭 聞見一陣芬芳
那個永恆的夜晚 十七歲仲夏 你吻我的那個夜晚
讓我往後的時光 每當有感嘆
總想起 當天的星光
那時候的愛情 為什麼就能那樣簡單
而又是為什麼 人年少時
在這相似的深夜裡 你是否一樣 也在靜靜追懷感傷
如果當時我們能 不那麼倔強
現在也 不那麼遺憾
你都如何回憶我 帶著笑或是很沉默
這些年來 有沒有人能讓你不寂寞
有一個男孩 愛著那個女孩
最近久沒見的高中同學,都說我一點都沒變,聽了有些氣餒,以為經歷幾年至少有變成熟,變帥吧? 幾個月沒見的朋友卻說,我看起來很累,我想是裡裡外外都累了,但還有很多東西想做,是該放給合適的人做的時候了...
一九九六年的初夏,幾位在下課時間打了好多年撲克牌的高中朋友,打了最後一次大老二… 然後就好幾年沒再見了…
當然,我免不了又問過去十年大家快不快樂? 大家都是有一點快樂,我說非常快樂,因為有機會經歷了許多…
真的有好多年沒回去了,學校建了新的校舍,但停車場、操場、側門、餐廳… 都沒有變… 我們走在校園的角落,一切都很像作夢,夢境不是很清晰,但場景和人物都是似曾相識…
天豬說好像學校的樹都沒有長大,我也覺得我們好像也都沒有長大,停留在最青澀的那一刻,擔心考試,擔心明天,等著下課,等著打球… We have changed, but we are still the same…
當然,我免不了又問過去十年大家快不快樂? 大家都是有一點快樂,我說非常快樂,因為有機會經歷了許多…
真的有好多年沒回去了,學校建了新的校舍,但停車場、操場、側門、餐廳… 都沒有變… 我們走在校園的角落,一切都很像作夢,夢境不是很清晰,但場景和人物都是似曾相識…
天豬說好像學校的樹都沒有長大,我也覺得我們好像也都沒有長大,停留在最青澀的那一刻,擔心考試,擔心明天,等著下課,等著打球… We have changed, but we are still the same…
When did you?
I had a chance to go down to the states for a buddy's MBA graduation, it was a great chance to get away...
During the prolonged ceremony and between speeches, I found myself wondering outside of the theatre. In the hall way, there were two kids running around at full speed, chasing each other. An attendent went over and asked them to walk instead of running. Of course, her request was promptly ignored.
When did you learn to walk instead of running?
When did you learn to cry instead of laughing?
When did you learn to lie instead of telling the truth?
When did you learn to walk away instead of fighting?
When did you learn to let go instead of holding on?
When did you start clapping instead of jumping for joy?
When did you start talking instead of listening?
When did you start to be dissatisfied instead of being contented?
When did you learn to hate instead of to love?
When did you start to walk instead of running?
During the prolonged ceremony and between speeches, I found myself wondering outside of the theatre. In the hall way, there were two kids running around at full speed, chasing each other. An attendent went over and asked them to walk instead of running. Of course, her request was promptly ignored.
When did you learn to walk instead of running?
When did you learn to cry instead of laughing?
When did you learn to lie instead of telling the truth?
When did you learn to walk away instead of fighting?
When did you learn to let go instead of holding on?
When did you start clapping instead of jumping for joy?
When did you start talking instead of listening?
When did you start to be dissatisfied instead of being contented?
When did you learn to hate instead of to love?
When did you start to walk instead of running?
我老實跟她說不怎麼好,但會過去的。倒是她讓我擔心,聊了一下感情事,我不禁要問,到底什麼愛情才是值得? 對妳最好? 最愛妳? 讓妳最開心? 讓妳最有安全感? 有共同的未來? 我想大部分的人因該會選以上其中一個答案…
但說真的,妳現在的選擇真的是以上的其中一個嗎? 是值得的愛情嗎?
那她的姓呢? 為什麼沒有跟夫姓? 她說那是她前夫的姓,她跟她現在的丈夫結婚不到一年,就發現有輕微的老人癡呆症,然後慢慢的惡化,直到需要住療養院,她天天照三餐去療養院餵他吃飯,已經五年了…
她說著就露出了微笑,「他今天不錯哦,他今天記得我哦…」 我問她,那不好的時候呢? 「不好的時候,看我就好像看陌生人一樣…」綠色的瞳孔充滿了憂傷…
我聽的好感動,我之前的工作經驗告訴我,老人癡呆症平均壽命是十年,我想這老太太也知道這個數據。但他們才結婚一年,她為什麼可以為一個漸漸把她當陌生人的人,犧牲她自己沒剩幾年的人生? 尤其是一個她深愛的人,她怎麼忍心去天天面對他? 看他在自己面前慢慢消失?
我老實跟她說不怎麼好,但會過去的。倒是她讓我擔心,聊了一下感情事,我不禁要問,到底什麼愛情才是值得? 對妳最好? 最愛妳? 讓妳最開心? 讓妳最有安全感? 有共同的未來? 我想大部分的人因該會選以上其中一個答案…
但說真的,妳現在的選擇真的是以上的其中一個嗎? 是值得的愛情嗎?
那她的姓呢? 為什麼沒有跟夫姓? 她說那是她前夫的姓,她跟她現在的丈夫結婚不到一年,就發現有輕微的老人癡呆症,然後慢慢的惡化,直到需要住療養院,她天天照三餐去療養院餵他吃飯,已經五年了…
她說著就露出了微笑,「他今天不錯哦,他今天記得我哦…」 我問她,那不好的時候呢? 「不好的時候,看我就好像看陌生人一樣…」綠色的瞳孔充滿了憂傷…
我聽的好感動,我之前的工作經驗告訴我,老人癡呆症平均壽命是十年,我想這老太太也知道這個數據。但他們才結婚一年,她為什麼可以為一個漸漸把她當陌生人的人,犧牲她自己沒剩幾年的人生? 尤其是一個她深愛的人,她怎麼忍心去天天面對他? 看他在自己面前慢慢消失?
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