
I'm too nice?...

Here is a piece of my horoscope today...

"You're nice. That's not to say that you're too nice, or that you're a pushover, or that you're saccharine sweet. No, you're just nice, and you're nice to your fellow humans and people appreciate it. They like to work with you and they like to play with you. They like to talk to you and they like to walk with you. You care and they share and things work out nicely. Terrific. Just make sure that people are nice to you back. You've earned it!"

I always thought "nice" is a very boring word. To call someone "nice", is almost like you can't find any other word to describe that person, or you don't really know that person very well, so you settle for nice.

I have to admit, "nice" is probably the word most of my friends would describe me. Hopefully, they can find other words to describe me...



First time I really listened to Yesterday was actually by Boyz to Men, back in the 90s. They did it in A capalle style, very cool. Of course, when I get older, I realized it was actually a Beatles' song. I have to admit, even though I know the lyrics, I still don't understand what it means...


Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Suddenly, I’m not half the man I used to be,
There’s a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she had to go I don’t know she wouldn’t say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

I do know that I also believe in yesterday...


Dear friends, you have been B-listed...

Maybe spring is in the air, when I took a vacation back to Taiwan, many of my friends are dating, some after being single for a long time, some for the first time in twenty something years. I was amazed, but I thought at least I won't be around when they are in their little sweet world...

When I come back, I was again amazed to find out some of my friends are dating again, all of them happy!!

I guess being single long enough will turn a person into a couple-phobic, sometimes it becomes a little intolerable having people around you too happily in love. My solution? I have created different lists for different categories of friends.

A. Single friends: Doesn't have to be the positive sex, just friends I know I can usually count on when I need someone to dine out/watch a movie with.

B. Couple friends: They will sometimes occasionally call you, if their love ones are out of town/busy, and they feel bored. These friends are still okay to hang out with, because you never know when they will come back to A-list. Of course, picking up their calls are optional, and you can avoid their "double dates", especially there is just you and both of them.

C. Married friends: They are probably the worst for singles. They usually contact you once in a long time to host a home party at their house, trying to set up dates (so you can join their group), or trying to gossip about the people they know (maybe they are too bored?).

So, for those of you who just got B-listed, no worries, I know some of you will come back to A-list...




在台灣有三首歌我在起床後就一直在收音機、便利商店、計程車、服飾店、餐廳、百貨公司、任何有人的地方... 聽見,記得以前好像也不怎麼喜歡他,但這首歌越聽越喜歡...

Kiss Goodbye

作詞王力宏 作曲王力宏

Baby 不要再哭泣
每一次想開口 但不如保持安靜

幸福搭配悲傷 同時在我心交叉
付出的愛收不回 還欠妳的我不能給

每一次放棄妳的溫柔 痛苦難以釋懷
每一次Kiss You Goodbye

幸福搭配悲傷 同時在我心交叉
付出的愛收不回 還欠妳的我不能給


我這次台灣香港行去了一個婚禮、一個葬禮、一個生日、三次錢櫃、兩次溫泉、見了朋友的第一個小孩、見了才認識五個月的網友、第一次醉倒、第一次抽煙... 真的非常精采


去葬禮的時候,會感覺人生一場鬧劇,當家祭舉行一半,葬者兒女跪一排的時候,居然還有其他親戚遲到進來,遲到就算了,一坐下來居然先把禮品包好,好像是看電影遲到一樣自然,想跟父親抱怨,一轉頭,我老爸居然在看自己帶來的小說,還做出不要出聲的動作,而司儀反覆一模一樣的台詞一點幫助都沒有,不到三十分鐘,真的有人睡著了,司儀還不厭其煩的問,還有沒有人沒有拜過,說也奇怪,他問的時候,就一定沒人理他,好像是問誰要自願去洗他家廁所一樣,但就會有已經拜過的親戚會和司儀耳語一番,司儀就會問'三叔公'在不在,三叔公就如釋重負得出來拜,這景象連續發生好多次,一定要人叫才會出來,我就覺得奇怪,人都來了,幹嘛不拜? 拜完就是吃飯,吃的人也不管家裡人準備的是素菜,吵餐廳給他們做葷菜,同桌的親戚(我都不認識)一個個輪流問,結婚沒? 什麼時候結? (很想問他們我要跟誰結?) 還有一個不知道是什麼姑姑輩的,每一道菜都會用她的筷子翻來翻去,一直問,這是什麼? 好不容易送入口中,又直喊飽,下一道菜又重複一樣動作...



見到才認識五個月的網友時,認識緣分的奇妙,我們開始是在Friendster上聯絡,我們並沒有共同的朋友,只是我東晃西晃的時候看過她的profile,她寄一個smile給我,我加入她在Friendster,然後是msn,webcam,skype,電話... 我們聊了許多,但誰也沒想到五個月後,我們居然會在香港島蘭桂舫附近小巷裡的埃及小店中一起抽水煙、談心...




繼台北羅董熱情招待豪華烏來斷背之旅 ,南部陳董也熱情款待高雄半日吃透透...

一大早從台北搭車南下,一路上期待的鐵路便當都沒有出現,一直餓肚子到高雄,一出車站,就被送去吃牛肉麵加小菜,剛吃得飽飽的,還沒去酒店,先去買了一些Mister Donut,到達下榻的酒店,才發現居然是高雄101的金典酒店,六十二樓加無敵高雄港海景,真得住得很不好意思,休息片刻,先去西子灣看打狗英國領事館,水果茶加兩種甜點,再去旗津走走,晚餐海鮮很棒不提,還擺了滿滿一小桌,我們才兩個人,抱著飽飽的肚子,經過一攤賣番茄的,原來是旗津有名的古早吃法,又來兩盤,再來,又被帶去吃水果刨冰,一直報怨肚子脹的時候,陳董說去愛河畔走走,我想也好,幫助消化,一到愛河,又被拉去喝有超濃奶油的奶茶...



烏來斷背 今日自己

昨天早上起來十分宿醉,十一點就被朋友拉到烏來泡湯,台北異常的下了大雨,在朦朧的溪邊,我和好友坦承相見,春秋烏來真的是蠻高級的地方,很有SPA的味道,加上週一沒什人,空曠的幾個湯就給我們兩個享用,我們從新婚生活聊到工作,又聊到女人... 多年來罕有的男性bonding時間...


今天早上起床,把接下來三四天的行程都排好,和父親用過中餐,赫然發現我下午三點居然都沒事做了? 再看看昨天做了些什麼... 好像跟在溫哥華的週末沒什麼兩樣?



iving in a cashbox...

I went to Cashbox KTV again last night, this time, I got pissed drunk...

I have been to cashbox before, but I never knew ppl in taiwan actually went to cashbox for food and alchohol and much less singing. Very rightly so, my friends were fighting over which KTV has the best food?!?! I told them, if there is wireless internet connection, you can practically live in a cashbox KTV lounge, some rooms have their own private washrooms too!

So, went with a few friends, a friend I just knew for a month, a high school friend I didn't really know back in High school and haven't seen since high school, and 4 other newly made friends, started drinking whisky from 7pm, and I pretty much passed out around 10pm, woke up around 10.30pm to throw up in the washroom, attempted to clean the washroom, then passed out somemore in on the couch...

My head hurts like hell...


一個演唱會 三小時KTV...


和父親用過早餐,聊過天,就去公館走走,週六十一點的公館,還沒起床,晃了公館,吃過飯,就去看朋友的小孩,四個月大的娃娃,已經不錯好玩,和朋友座公車到內湖提他的愛車,去和另一對朋友在環亞碰面,在去年曾吃過的同一間餐廳,晚餐磨牙,就到對面的台北小巨蛋看平生第一場正式的演場會,近距離看到渝澄慶 李玟 南拳媽媽 4F裡的兩個F 楊承琳 小黒的兒子 黃義達 蜜雪薇琪其中一枝 游鴻明 吳宗憲 康康 ... 站了三個小時,又回環亞的錢櫃,唱了三個小時,回到家中已經三點,想起來,還真的豐富的一天。



The real reasons why I came back...

Many friends had asked me, why now, why April, why come back to Taiwan? Especially I was only back here 10 months ago.

The reasons? That question has bothered me all thru the flights, I haven't really been thinking about that question, I thought that question was easy enough, I needed a vacation...

Was it really? At first, I thought I needed the trip to confront with my Zahir, my obessession, my obessession with relationship, or my obessession trying to understand a relationship. When that opportunity did not arrive, I got a little lost, but I knew back in March, I need to get away, for just a little while.

I was pretty tired, haven't had decent sleep for months, stressed from work, from the organizations I am participating in, from relationships (or lack of), from social engagements... things I was so fond of have ganged up on me. But I had to hold on, as I need to maintain my calm, as it is my character to be completely zen...

However, why do I have to justisfy myself? Isn't needing a break something shameful to admit?

Then, I realized, yesterday, I was ready again to embrace new experiences in my life, when I landed HK, for the first time, a place where I have always wanted to visited, although it was only a transfer, I knew I wanted to experience more of "the first time"s in my life, like the first time I will be visiting my grandparents at their new place, the first I will be staying in HK, meeting that friend in HK for the first time, seeing my best buddy's son for the first...

I know, for a fact, when I go back to the place I belong, back to the things I love to do, I will embrace them much more, because of these new experiences, I will...


Embarking a not so new journey...

I have told my closest friends last time I visited TW, that it felt like I would visit it either in the near future, or not for a long time...

I guess the first is true, it has been actually 10 months since I last visited TW. A place I lost many friends to.

As usual, I will be writing a journal on my trip, so, if you care, join me with my adventure, yet again..


Depressing song on a sat morning...
Heard this song a few months back, thought it was a great song, very freaking depressing though... by James Blunt, with his whiny voice, the song sounds surprisingly like many oriental love songs...

Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.