Shopholics (愛上女人購物狂)是2006的最新港片,為了確保對香港的知識有更新到。這是一部大濫片,除了主角劉青雲的角色令人應象深刻外,其他人的演技都不怎麼樣。還好,我看之前已經有心理準備,是看香港,不是讀解劇情。
尤其對物質生活的崇拜到了一種接近宗教的地步,像是Shopholics裡的男男女女到頭來還是購物狂,沒關係,反正男人都是身價幾十億,女的都嫁給男的了。反過來看劉德華在孤男寡女的角色才年入兩百萬,有房,有台96年的Accord,這不知道代表的是什麼? 通貨膨脹連電影角色都要增加身價? 還是香港人對物質的追求到達了另一個地步… 香港七百萬人大概有六百五十萬永遠成為不了兩部片男主角或同價值的男人,或嫁給兩片男主角或同價值的男人。
你知道最糟糕的事情是什麼? 台北人已經越來越像香港人…
So the horoscope says...
This is what I have found on the net, warning... it is very very long, and please only believe the positive points, as I don't think I have any negative points... :)
UPDATE: It turns out, I was born around 2pm something instead of 4pm, that means my previous post of Rising Sign in Pisces was incorrect...
Rising Sign is in 07 Degrees Aquarius
You like new ideas and concepts, but you prefer to discover them by yourslef -- it is not easy for others to convert you to anything. You form your own opinions, but once you do form them, you then want to convince everyone else that they are correct. Try to be more tolerant of the opinions of others. You have a deep and abiding interest in science, mathematics and the great social problems of the day. Very sympathetic toward the downtrodden, equality is your battle cry! You demand that those in authority be fair to all. You are an intellectual -- emotions and emotional people are difficult for you to understand. You are known for being calm, cool, detached and objective.
Sun is in 09 Degrees Libra.
Very sociable, you enjoy being with others and definitely prefer not be alone. Warm and affectionate, you go out of your way to make others like you. You despise ugliness, for you being surrounded by beauty and harmony is a necessity of life. You prefer fine clothing, an attractive home and pleasant surroundings wherever you are. Your refined tastes apply to music and to art as well. At times, you are very indecisive you waver and falter when forced to make a choice because you have the ability to see both sides of any question. The positive part of this is that you are very fair-minded and can be trusted to settle disputes. Your greatest challenge is to take any one- on-one encounter and make the most of it.
Moon is in 17 Degrees Gemini.
Restless in the extreme, you are easily bored because of your short attention span. Your emotions change rapidly and you love to talk about your feelings. Generally, you have good judgment -- your intellect controls your emotions and you do not overreact emotionally to things. A good jack-of-all-trades, you have many- sided interests and enjoy reasoning things through. With your mental agility and need for physical mobility, you are attracted to traveling and learning about other peoples and cultures. You have vivid powers of emotional self-expression - - you can be a nonstop talker. You love to share your ideas with anyone who will listen.
Mercury is in 28 Degrees Virgo.
Very thorough and efficient, you pay attention to the minor but important details of any project. You are a careful thinker who can learn complicated, intricate techniques. You are attracted to practical, useful skills and are probably good at working with your hands. You are very critical of yourself and others, sometimes too much so, and you get the reputation of being a nag or of being nit-picky. Your first reaction to any situation is to try to organize, classify and analyze everything!
Venus is in 13 Degrees Virgo.
You express your love and affection through selfless service to people or causes. You have a tendency to underestimate yourself and doubt your self-worth. This is very demeaning and should be avoided -- learn to love yourself as well as you do others. Your standards of perfection are very high -- you are attracted to relationships based on duty and responsibility. You are supercritical of yourself and others and, at times, prefer to be alone rather than deal with any imperfections in yourself or in those with whom you might relate.
Mars is in 18 Degrees Cancer.
Your moods are very important to your overall well-being. You are confident and self-assertive when you are feeling upbeat, and you are retiring, irritable and grumpy when you get depressed about anything. Very sensitive, you wear your heart on your sleeve. You are easily angered whenever you think someone has slighted you. It is best for you to show your anger immediately and let it all out, rather than to try to hold it in or to hold grudges for a long time. You're extremely loyal and defensive of your family, neighborhood, community and culture.
Jupiter is in 05 Degrees Cancer.
You must be emotionally secure in order to grow and develop. You are happiest when your family and community support and nourish you and boost your morale. Whether your childhood experiences of love and emotional dependability were positive or negative will set the tone for your emotional growth and stability as an adult. When you feel at ease with yourself, you are able to offer assistance to those who need a helping hand.
Saturn is in 26 Degrees Leo.
Extremely self-reliant, you set very high standards of conduct and decorum for yourself, and you expect others with whom you associate to be that way, too. It is important that you had a strong father figure or role model early in life to mold your life course and direction. When you feel that those around you are unworthy or behaving badly, you withdraw, preferring solitude rather than associating with those who might besmirch your reputation.
Uranus is in 10 Degrees Scorpio.
You, and your peer group, demand to confront life at its deepest and most meaningful levels. Very compulsive and obsessive in your approach to everything, you will avoid anything that is casual or superficial, especially when it comes to relationships. You will seek out and explore new methods of healing as well as different ways to deal with deep-seated emotional problems.
Neptune is in 13 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and your entire generation, are heavily involved in investigating and idealizing foreign and exotic intellectual systems and religious philosophies. The most extreme ideals will be pursued with gusto. You will be at the forefront of humanitarian attempts to improve the lot of those who are in need of assistance. You will be comfortable with the concept of the "global village."
Pluto is in 13 Degrees Libra.
For your entire generation, this is a time of radical changes in society's attitude toward marriage and interpersonal relationships. There is a general fear and awe at the power inherent in making emotional or contractual commitments -- they will not be entered into lightly.
N. Node is in 15 Degrees Libra.
You find it very difficult to be comfortable being alone -- you would much prefer to be in an environment where many people are working together toward common goals. Your charming and sincere approach to others assures your popularity -- you have the gift of being able to ease tensions just by your mere presence. You're the perfect "team player" willing to sacrifice your own importance so that the group goal can be accomplished. Be careful, however, not to become overly dependent on your interactions with others -- you have personal private needs that should not be neglected.
UPDATE: It turns out, I was born around 2pm something instead of 4pm, that means my previous post of Rising Sign in Pisces was incorrect...
Rising Sign is in 07 Degrees Aquarius
You like new ideas and concepts, but you prefer to discover them by yourslef -- it is not easy for others to convert you to anything. You form your own opinions, but once you do form them, you then want to convince everyone else that they are correct. Try to be more tolerant of the opinions of others. You have a deep and abiding interest in science, mathematics and the great social problems of the day. Very sympathetic toward the downtrodden, equality is your battle cry! You demand that those in authority be fair to all. You are an intellectual -- emotions and emotional people are difficult for you to understand. You are known for being calm, cool, detached and objective.
Sun is in 09 Degrees Libra.
Very sociable, you enjoy being with others and definitely prefer not be alone. Warm and affectionate, you go out of your way to make others like you. You despise ugliness, for you being surrounded by beauty and harmony is a necessity of life. You prefer fine clothing, an attractive home and pleasant surroundings wherever you are. Your refined tastes apply to music and to art as well. At times, you are very indecisive you waver and falter when forced to make a choice because you have the ability to see both sides of any question. The positive part of this is that you are very fair-minded and can be trusted to settle disputes. Your greatest challenge is to take any one- on-one encounter and make the most of it.
Moon is in 17 Degrees Gemini.
Restless in the extreme, you are easily bored because of your short attention span. Your emotions change rapidly and you love to talk about your feelings. Generally, you have good judgment -- your intellect controls your emotions and you do not overreact emotionally to things. A good jack-of-all-trades, you have many- sided interests and enjoy reasoning things through. With your mental agility and need for physical mobility, you are attracted to traveling and learning about other peoples and cultures. You have vivid powers of emotional self-expression - - you can be a nonstop talker. You love to share your ideas with anyone who will listen.
Mercury is in 28 Degrees Virgo.
Very thorough and efficient, you pay attention to the minor but important details of any project. You are a careful thinker who can learn complicated, intricate techniques. You are attracted to practical, useful skills and are probably good at working with your hands. You are very critical of yourself and others, sometimes too much so, and you get the reputation of being a nag or of being nit-picky. Your first reaction to any situation is to try to organize, classify and analyze everything!
Venus is in 13 Degrees Virgo.
You express your love and affection through selfless service to people or causes. You have a tendency to underestimate yourself and doubt your self-worth. This is very demeaning and should be avoided -- learn to love yourself as well as you do others. Your standards of perfection are very high -- you are attracted to relationships based on duty and responsibility. You are supercritical of yourself and others and, at times, prefer to be alone rather than deal with any imperfections in yourself or in those with whom you might relate.
Mars is in 18 Degrees Cancer.
Your moods are very important to your overall well-being. You are confident and self-assertive when you are feeling upbeat, and you are retiring, irritable and grumpy when you get depressed about anything. Very sensitive, you wear your heart on your sleeve. You are easily angered whenever you think someone has slighted you. It is best for you to show your anger immediately and let it all out, rather than to try to hold it in or to hold grudges for a long time. You're extremely loyal and defensive of your family, neighborhood, community and culture.
Jupiter is in 05 Degrees Cancer.
You must be emotionally secure in order to grow and develop. You are happiest when your family and community support and nourish you and boost your morale. Whether your childhood experiences of love and emotional dependability were positive or negative will set the tone for your emotional growth and stability as an adult. When you feel at ease with yourself, you are able to offer assistance to those who need a helping hand.
Saturn is in 26 Degrees Leo.
Extremely self-reliant, you set very high standards of conduct and decorum for yourself, and you expect others with whom you associate to be that way, too. It is important that you had a strong father figure or role model early in life to mold your life course and direction. When you feel that those around you are unworthy or behaving badly, you withdraw, preferring solitude rather than associating with those who might besmirch your reputation.
Uranus is in 10 Degrees Scorpio.
You, and your peer group, demand to confront life at its deepest and most meaningful levels. Very compulsive and obsessive in your approach to everything, you will avoid anything that is casual or superficial, especially when it comes to relationships. You will seek out and explore new methods of healing as well as different ways to deal with deep-seated emotional problems.
Neptune is in 13 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and your entire generation, are heavily involved in investigating and idealizing foreign and exotic intellectual systems and religious philosophies. The most extreme ideals will be pursued with gusto. You will be at the forefront of humanitarian attempts to improve the lot of those who are in need of assistance. You will be comfortable with the concept of the "global village."
Pluto is in 13 Degrees Libra.
For your entire generation, this is a time of radical changes in society's attitude toward marriage and interpersonal relationships. There is a general fear and awe at the power inherent in making emotional or contractual commitments -- they will not be entered into lightly.
N. Node is in 15 Degrees Libra.
You find it very difficult to be comfortable being alone -- you would much prefer to be in an environment where many people are working together toward common goals. Your charming and sincere approach to others assures your popularity -- you have the gift of being able to ease tensions just by your mere presence. You're the perfect "team player" willing to sacrifice your own importance so that the group goal can be accomplished. Be careful, however, not to become overly dependent on your interactions with others -- you have personal private needs that should not be neglected.
4、沾沾自喜彙報月薪幾位數、襯衣多少錢一件、聖誕節到哪裏滑雪、剛加入某超級貴族無敵高爾夫俱樂部、下個月准備在中東盤一油田、阿拉斯加建 一冰庫...
4、沾沾自喜彙報月薪幾位數、襯衣多少錢一件、聖誕節到哪裏滑雪、剛加入某超級貴族無敵高爾夫俱樂部、下個月准備在中東盤一油田、阿拉斯加建 一冰庫...
5 Man Fuk...
I think if I don't work in the financial industry, I would have been a comedian, why? I love being on stage, I love talking to people, I love to ramble...
However, comedians need to think differently. For something that seems ordinary, will be something extremely funny to a comedian.
So, here is the story, I have been trying to book my hotel in Hong Kong for days, starting from Salisbury YMCA at Tsim Sha Tsui, full... International YMCA further in Tsim Sha Ssui, full..., to YWCA Anne Black House at Mong Kok, Mong Kok? You might ask, sounds familiar, it is feature in many HK movies, where gangsters come out at night and chop people. I thought that was funny enough when I have to stay in YWCA in Mong Kok, I couldn't stop laughing when I see the address of the YWCA...
It is 5 Man Fuk Road...
How the heck are you suppose to pronounce it? I thought it was hilarous that there is actually a street name like that, it is even funnier when you realize that this road is in the 'hood', and into frantic laughs when you realize that the YWCA, the Young Women's Christian Association, chose a location in the 'hood', and on a road with that name...
btw, if you hear it on the news that a foreigner been ass-whooped in Hong Kong on Man Fuk Road in April, that will be me... :)
However, comedians need to think differently. For something that seems ordinary, will be something extremely funny to a comedian.
So, here is the story, I have been trying to book my hotel in Hong Kong for days, starting from Salisbury YMCA at Tsim Sha Tsui, full... International YMCA further in Tsim Sha Ssui, full..., to YWCA Anne Black House at Mong Kok, Mong Kok? You might ask, sounds familiar, it is feature in many HK movies, where gangsters come out at night and chop people. I thought that was funny enough when I have to stay in YWCA in Mong Kok, I couldn't stop laughing when I see the address of the YWCA...
It is 5 Man Fuk Road...
How the heck are you suppose to pronounce it? I thought it was hilarous that there is actually a street name like that, it is even funnier when you realize that this road is in the 'hood', and into frantic laughs when you realize that the YWCA, the Young Women's Christian Association, chose a location in the 'hood', and on a road with that name...
btw, if you hear it on the news that a foreigner been ass-whooped in Hong Kong on Man Fuk Road in April, that will be me... :)
明年今日 - 陳奕迅
或者我 已不會存在
即使你不愛 亦不需要分開
跟本不需要被愛 永遠在床上發夢
人總需要勇敢生存 我還是重新許願
例如學會 承受失戀
>明年今日 別要再失眠
床褥都改變 如果有幸會面
明年今日 未見你一年
誰捨得改變 離開你六十年
竟花光所有運氣 到這日才發現
明年今日 - 陳奕迅
或者我 已不會存在
即使你不愛 亦不需要分開
跟本不需要被愛 永遠在床上發夢
人總需要勇敢生存 我還是重新許願
例如學會 承受失戀
>明年今日 別要再失眠
床褥都改變 如果有幸會面
明年今日 未見你一年
誰捨得改變 離開你六十年
竟花光所有運氣 到這日才發現
不知道為什麼,連我也開始倒楣,首先是上班的一個錯誤,把加幣誤送到美金戶口,好死不死美金又開始跌,匯率就賠了近四百元加幣,誰付? 當然是我自己的荷包,一回到家,我那美麗的19吋LCD居然出現了兩條白線,等了三天,還是在那,才買六個月而已,拿回店家說要直接和原廠聯絡,玩了半天,和個人浪費了一堆時間,居然叫我打給加拿大的服務部門,如果加國有,就不要白目到只列出美國服務部門的聯絡電話,OKAY?
還有興致匆匆要回台灣,其中一個原因居然突然告知人不會在台灣,是否另節新歡,則不可得知... 林林總總,列出來也有半頁紙的衰事。
1. 自慰 - 自我安慰自己,不是四千加幣的錯就偷笑了,舊的不去新的不來,而且大概一輩子不會有機會再打603的長途電話給白目公司,如果人不在台灣,就代表無緣,人都盡力了... 但不管怎樣自慰,免不了心理的空虛...
2. 傳染 - 傳給好朋友,古有話 獨衰衰不如眾衰衰,大家一起倒楣,才會覺得人人平等,朋友難得,但如果傳染得不好,遭人厭,給人貼上衰人勿近,結果連朋友都沒了...
3. 寫Blog - 上上網,發洩一下情緒,告訴自己,如果有天又衰了,看看今天,好像又沒什麼...
不知道為什麼,連我也開始倒楣,首先是上班的一個錯誤,把加幣誤送到美金戶口,好死不死美金又開始跌,匯率就賠了近四百元加幣,誰付? 當然是我自己的荷包,一回到家,我那美麗的19吋LCD居然出現了兩條白線,等了三天,還是在那,才買六個月而已,拿回店家說要直接和原廠聯絡,玩了半天,和個人浪費了一堆時間,居然叫我打給加拿大的服務部門,如果加國有,就不要白目到只列出美國服務部門的聯絡電話,OKAY?
還有興致匆匆要回台灣,其中一個原因居然突然告知人不會在台灣,是否另節新歡,則不可得知... 林林總總,列出來也有半頁紙的衰事。
1. 自慰 - 自我安慰自己,不是四千加幣的錯就偷笑了,舊的不去新的不來,而且大概一輩子不會有機會再打603的長途電話給白目公司,如果人不在台灣,就代表無緣,人都盡力了... 但不管怎樣自慰,免不了心理的空虛...
2. 傳染 - 傳給好朋友,古有話 獨衰衰不如眾衰衰,大家一起倒楣,才會覺得人人平等,朋友難得,但如果傳染得不好,遭人厭,給人貼上衰人勿近,結果連朋友都沒了...
3. 寫Blog - 上上網,發洩一下情緒,告訴自己,如果有天又衰了,看看今天,好像又沒什麼...
There are a lot things I can't really do alone in life, like going to restaurant, movie, sex, travel...
There are people who would say travelling alone is a lot better than travelling with others. Because when you see something beautiful, your partner might not appreciate it, when you are astonished by the art, your friend might think the frame is too rusty, when you want to try that bungee jump, your friend is refusing to let go of your leg...
But that is percisely my point, it is very hard to find a good travelling partner, but imagine having someone who share the same view, share the same feelings, the bonding will be irreplacable! If you see that sunrise on the top of fuji mountain, and there is someone around you to share that scenery, it will be very different than taking a picture with your Canon and share with your friends later, they will miss the whole package.
Some will choose to go alone if they can't find a perfect partner to go with, I am more willing to take an okay partner and turn that person into a great partner. Because in life, the road should never be travelled alone.
There are people who would say travelling alone is a lot better than travelling with others. Because when you see something beautiful, your partner might not appreciate it, when you are astonished by the art, your friend might think the frame is too rusty, when you want to try that bungee jump, your friend is refusing to let go of your leg...
But that is percisely my point, it is very hard to find a good travelling partner, but imagine having someone who share the same view, share the same feelings, the bonding will be irreplacable! If you see that sunrise on the top of fuji mountain, and there is someone around you to share that scenery, it will be very different than taking a picture with your Canon and share with your friends later, they will miss the whole package.
Some will choose to go alone if they can't find a perfect partner to go with, I am more willing to take an okay partner and turn that person into a great partner. Because in life, the road should never be travelled alone.
Who wants to be a billionaire...
I was listening to radio on my way home, after a long tiring day.
They were talking about Forbes' newest list of billionaires, apparently, there were 793 billionaires on this planet, how many zeros in a billion? 9 zeros, and mr. gates is the number one on this list, with 80bn US, that is 10 zeros...
on the top 25 list, 3 are related to Microsoft, and 4 are related to Wal Mart, that is 7 in combine, that is unbelievable amount of wealth!! Youngest is a 21 year old girl living in Lebanon, whose father was the president who got assisnated last month.
I always wanted to be extraordinary, i guess being rich is pretty extraordinary, but even someone like Martha Steward didn't make the list, she only had 500million! It makes me wonder, if fortune doesn't make one extraordinary, what does? Fame? Fancy outfit?
What should I be doing to become "someone", I still think I have a long way to go, and what does "extraordinary" mean?
They were talking about Forbes' newest list of billionaires, apparently, there were 793 billionaires on this planet, how many zeros in a billion? 9 zeros, and mr. gates is the number one on this list, with 80bn US, that is 10 zeros...
on the top 25 list, 3 are related to Microsoft, and 4 are related to Wal Mart, that is 7 in combine, that is unbelievable amount of wealth!! Youngest is a 21 year old girl living in Lebanon, whose father was the president who got assisnated last month.
I always wanted to be extraordinary, i guess being rich is pretty extraordinary, but even someone like Martha Steward didn't make the list, she only had 500million! It makes me wonder, if fortune doesn't make one extraordinary, what does? Fame? Fancy outfit?
What should I be doing to become "someone", I still think I have a long way to go, and what does "extraordinary" mean?
Identity Crisis...
How many of you have experience the same identity crisis as I do?
This year marks an important year, I have spent equal amount of time in Canada and in Taiwan. But am I really Canadian or Taiwanese? I think all of us have the same experience.
Never mind what TV you watch, what friends you hang out with, or what type of music you listen to. You always compare how "westerners" would do differently.
Especially when it comes to relationships, I have a few friends who would qualify as CBCs or Bananas, they would say, "this is what a white guy will do...", "asians will probably do this...". One would think by growing up in a place, influenced heavily by the western culture and media, one would stop comparing himself/herself with their ethnic background, especially in an environment so culturally diversed.
I wouldn't say this is a bad thing neccessarily, especially in a century where the economic growth will be coming from Asia, and we will provide that bridge between cultures. However, it will still leave us, searching, wondering, where do we fit in between?...
This year marks an important year, I have spent equal amount of time in Canada and in Taiwan. But am I really Canadian or Taiwanese? I think all of us have the same experience.
Never mind what TV you watch, what friends you hang out with, or what type of music you listen to. You always compare how "westerners" would do differently.
Especially when it comes to relationships, I have a few friends who would qualify as CBCs or Bananas, they would say, "this is what a white guy will do...", "asians will probably do this...". One would think by growing up in a place, influenced heavily by the western culture and media, one would stop comparing himself/herself with their ethnic background, especially in an environment so culturally diversed.
I wouldn't say this is a bad thing neccessarily, especially in a century where the economic growth will be coming from Asia, and we will provide that bridge between cultures. However, it will still leave us, searching, wondering, where do we fit in between?...
我們那時候把狗狗養在樓頂,每天餵它剩菜剩飯,狗狗從來不咬人,只是有是沒事和鄰居的雪麗(純種Chow chow)吵架,殺殺樓上的昆蟲和其他小動物,過著自由的生活 (房間超大 只是沒屋頂)
我們那時候把狗狗養在樓頂,每天餵它剩菜剩飯,狗狗從來不咬人,只是有是沒事和鄰居的雪麗(純種Chow chow)吵架,殺殺樓上的昆蟲和其他小動物,過著自由的生活 (房間超大 只是沒屋頂)
我收拾行李 準備要離去
天在下雨 下著大雨
我不哭泣 我不傷心
站在這裡 想著過去
我的孤寂 說給誰聽
喔 親愛的朋友 請別為我擔心
打完球,午餐時朋友和我敘述一個等待的女人和一個不知珍惜高興就愛的男人,一個沒有結局的愛情故事… 她自己的愛情故事
我收拾行李 準備要離去
天在下雨 下著大雨
我不哭泣 我不傷心
站在這裡 想著過去
我的孤寂 說給誰聽
喔 親愛的朋友 請別為我擔心
打完球,午餐時朋友和我敘述一個等待的女人和一個不知珍惜高興就愛的男人,一個沒有結局的愛情故事… 她自己的愛情故事
Wish I was 18 again...
The last few weekends have been a little crazy, social engagements after social engagements, one tua after another, sometimes, when I wake up the next morning, I still feel pretty tired.
I remember when I was 18, barely knew how to drive, would stay all night, hanging out with friends, doing pretty much nothing, even at 3am in the morning, we would still be looking for mid-night snack.
Come to think of it, everything was so exciting, and I could eat all day without gaining a pound. Sky was always blue, and relationship was the most important thing in life.
10 years later, I have to watch my diet and I still gain weight, people are not as nice, and relationship has become something of luxury instead of necessity.
Also, there is the interior clock that puts me in the sleepy mode when it is 11pm. I remember I used to work until 2am in the morning, and 8am class in SFU, or the time when I could drive 45 min to SFU, class until 4pm, drive 45 min to Surrey, work until 11pm, drive 45 min back to Richmond.
I wish I was 18 again, life was a little simpler... Or was it? I was heartbroken, low self-esteem, financially dependent, and pretty much a geek. I rather be 28, I am enjoying the best so far...
I remember when I was 18, barely knew how to drive, would stay all night, hanging out with friends, doing pretty much nothing, even at 3am in the morning, we would still be looking for mid-night snack.
Come to think of it, everything was so exciting, and I could eat all day without gaining a pound. Sky was always blue, and relationship was the most important thing in life.
10 years later, I have to watch my diet and I still gain weight, people are not as nice, and relationship has become something of luxury instead of necessity.
Also, there is the interior clock that puts me in the sleepy mode when it is 11pm. I remember I used to work until 2am in the morning, and 8am class in SFU, or the time when I could drive 45 min to SFU, class until 4pm, drive 45 min to Surrey, work until 11pm, drive 45 min back to Richmond.
I wish I was 18 again, life was a little simpler... Or was it? I was heartbroken, low self-esteem, financially dependent, and pretty much a geek. I rather be 28, I am enjoying the best so far...
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