I had Mckey Dee for dinner tonight, I know it is bad for me, but I was too lazy to think about what to have, and yes I have seen "supersize me"...
What if I tell you that I used to have much more MC?
When I first graduated from University, it took me a while to land my first job, and it wasn't paying me rolls of cash. So, I had to have MC quite often. McDeals became a food group for me.
For those of you who have had McDeals, you know that McDeals come with medium fries, medium drinks and burgers that are different each day, Wednesdays are the McChicken (if that is really chicken) and Fridays are Fillet 'O Fish (if that is really fish)... McDeal Menus are not usually shown anywhere inside the restaurant (if you call MC restaurants), they are almost a best-known-secret.
I had so many of McDeals, I accidentally memorized the Deals for each day. I didn't even know I have burnt that menu in my brain. Until there was a time...
I was driving thru a MC, with 4.27 in my hand (McDeals used to be 3.99), when the MC part time girl asked me, "how can I help you?", without thinking I said, "McDeal of the day, diet coke to drink, no ketchup" and I handed over the exact change to her.
Following the training manual, the MC part time girl repeated the order, "so you want McChicken combo with diet coke?", my first reaction was actually, "It's Wednesday?!"
The thing was that I didn't even remember what day it was, but I "knew" Wednesday is McChicken day. After this incident, I cut down my consumption of MC down to once a month for a long long time.
If you didn't get that joke, that means you haven't had enough MCs. :)
我不喜歡連續劇,不管是日、台、港、中、韓、偶像劇,我全部抵制… 雖然我沒真的看過韓劇.
所以劇情就是A遇到B就一見鍾情,但B有一個舊情人C回來找B,C以自殺相逼(或是懷孕),B只好騙A和C在一起,A的青梅竹馬D在A傷心欲決時向A表白,A受了感動就和D在一起,B終於發現他愛的不是C,是A,把C甩了以後發現A已經和D在一起,就自暴自棄找了有夫之婦E,A也發現她愛的其實是B不是D,就甩了D,B知道A的心意後也甩了E,就當他們終於可以在一起的時候,D出了車禍(或打仗受傷) ,快掛的時候,心軟的A又回到D身邊,B放棄了A聽從家裡的命令和千金(或格格)F求婚,A又回去找B,發現B已經不像B了,像是B-了,但A還是一樣愛他,當他們又可以在一起的時候,B突然出現,A才知道B-事實上是B的巒生兄弟,暗戀A很久了,B放棄和F的婚姻,A要如何選擇呢?
What do men want...
It is not a big secret that women are as clueless about men as men are about women.
Many female acquaintances (not girl friends) asked me after discussed their relationship problems, "I am so confused, what do men want?", the best answer I could come up with was, "hm... er... women?"
When it comes to relationship, men are not trained to think, they are trained to follow their instincts, and they get rewarded most of the time. (check my last blog, women hate men who are indecisive)
To ask girl out on a date, to ask for girl's hand, to make that move to kiss the girl... The burden is usually on the men to make more moves, less thinking. This will leave girls ponder... what do men want out of this relationship?
Without going into discussion of how men just want women with big boobs and tiny brains. Men are actually more passive in a relationship when it comes to thinking about where the relationship is going. So good boyfriend or not, they usually, generally are thinking about the next move, not tomorrow, next date, not next annaversary...
The question is still out there... What do men want? The answer? They have no freaking ideas either, other than, perhaps, WOMEN.... :)
Many female acquaintances (not girl friends) asked me after discussed their relationship problems, "I am so confused, what do men want?", the best answer I could come up with was, "hm... er... women?"
When it comes to relationship, men are not trained to think, they are trained to follow their instincts, and they get rewarded most of the time. (check my last blog, women hate men who are indecisive)
To ask girl out on a date, to ask for girl's hand, to make that move to kiss the girl... The burden is usually on the men to make more moves, less thinking. This will leave girls ponder... what do men want out of this relationship?
Without going into discussion of how men just want women with big boobs and tiny brains. Men are actually more passive in a relationship when it comes to thinking about where the relationship is going. So good boyfriend or not, they usually, generally are thinking about the next move, not tomorrow, next date, not next annaversary...
The question is still out there... What do men want? The answer? They have no freaking ideas either, other than, perhaps, WOMEN.... :)
What do women want?
Today at the office, I read a very disturbinging survey done in HK, they surveyed 500 HK women age from 25 to 40, and the result is very shocking, although not totally unexpected. I have a feeling this might apply to other women all over the world as well.
Here are the survey results:
A. Men you are looking for?
1. Stable income (84.3%)
2. Knowledgable and multi-talented (65.2%)
3. Sensitive and caring (63%)
B. Can't stand men who...
1. are Indecisive, push over (53%)
2. Cheats (48.7%)
3. are useless, with no potential (48.6%) (not in bed i hope :))
C. Why is it hard to find good men?
1. women are more capable than men (57.7%)
2. men don't have financial strength (50.6%)
3. more women than men (49.7%)
D. Worst fears?
1. being poor (53.6%)
2. getting old (45.9%)
3. married the wrong men (44.9%)
E. What do you want for V day?
1. Diamond jewlery (33.7%)
2. Flowers (13.6%)
3. Hi-tech items (10.5%) (vibrator?)
F. How do you want to spend V day?
1. Travelling (43%)
2. Candlelight dinner (21.1%)
3. shopping and watching movie (8.2%)
Let's make one thing very clear, this is a survey done in HK and with a small sample of 500, so its significance is somewhat limited, but it is still pretty interesting to study what women want...
Also, I think survey is about what women "think" they want, not what they "really" want, women are very good at contridicting themselves.
So, let's go thru the list - A. I guess I am out on 2 of the 3 :), it looks like women are not as in looks anymore.
B. only out on 1 of the 3, im definitely not 3 :), but being a Libra, im very indecisive...
C. with the traditional bar being set that men "have" to be more capable than women, it is no wonder that the "avaliable" wealth single men are somewhat limited...
D. doesn't that remind you of "gone with the wind" - I will never be poor again!! with modern women like Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, enjoying life requires funding, I am not suggesting women are gold diggers, but more $$ means more choices. You can't avoid 2 though, so i guess women should just marry rich men to avoid 1, forget about 2, fire rich men and get their half to marry the "right" men to avoid 3.
E. er... diamond is a girl's best friend? I will settle with flowers, even though they die the next day and are 20% less popular but 90% cheaper than diamonds :)
F. hm... travelling is very nice, but candlelight dinner is way easier to arrange.
So, what do you learn from this survey? Women today are more capable, more educated, richer, and they want more from life. What do they want? They want older men with good career, smart, talented, caring, romantic... Any of these a suprise? no... but how do single guys survive? Simple, you are always getting older, you can "pretend" to be caring (or to be smart and talented), and buy flowers and candlelight dinner "pretending" to be romantic. :)
Now, seriously, women are smarter than that, they know what they want... or do they?
Here are the survey results:
A. Men you are looking for?
1. Stable income (84.3%)
2. Knowledgable and multi-talented (65.2%)
3. Sensitive and caring (63%)
B. Can't stand men who...
1. are Indecisive, push over (53%)
2. Cheats (48.7%)
3. are useless, with no potential (48.6%) (not in bed i hope :))
C. Why is it hard to find good men?
1. women are more capable than men (57.7%)
2. men don't have financial strength (50.6%)
3. more women than men (49.7%)
D. Worst fears?
1. being poor (53.6%)
2. getting old (45.9%)
3. married the wrong men (44.9%)
E. What do you want for V day?
1. Diamond jewlery (33.7%)
2. Flowers (13.6%)
3. Hi-tech items (10.5%) (vibrator?)
F. How do you want to spend V day?
1. Travelling (43%)
2. Candlelight dinner (21.1%)
3. shopping and watching movie (8.2%)
Let's make one thing very clear, this is a survey done in HK and with a small sample of 500, so its significance is somewhat limited, but it is still pretty interesting to study what women want...
Also, I think survey is about what women "think" they want, not what they "really" want, women are very good at contridicting themselves.
So, let's go thru the list - A. I guess I am out on 2 of the 3 :), it looks like women are not as in looks anymore.
B. only out on 1 of the 3, im definitely not 3 :), but being a Libra, im very indecisive...
C. with the traditional bar being set that men "have" to be more capable than women, it is no wonder that the "avaliable" wealth single men are somewhat limited...
D. doesn't that remind you of "gone with the wind" - I will never be poor again!! with modern women like Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, enjoying life requires funding, I am not suggesting women are gold diggers, but more $$ means more choices. You can't avoid 2 though, so i guess women should just marry rich men to avoid 1, forget about 2, fire rich men and get their half to marry the "right" men to avoid 3.
E. er... diamond is a girl's best friend? I will settle with flowers, even though they die the next day and are 20% less popular but 90% cheaper than diamonds :)
F. hm... travelling is very nice, but candlelight dinner is way easier to arrange.
So, what do you learn from this survey? Women today are more capable, more educated, richer, and they want more from life. What do they want? They want older men with good career, smart, talented, caring, romantic... Any of these a suprise? no... but how do single guys survive? Simple, you are always getting older, you can "pretend" to be caring (or to be smart and talented), and buy flowers and candlelight dinner "pretending" to be romantic. :)
Now, seriously, women are smarter than that, they know what they want... or do they?
If it is love you are looking for...
I thought today was going to be a beautiful day, but it turned out to be a depressing day. Got 3 text messages that reminded me to be happy on this day. Of course, a little splurging on shopping and fine dining with a good friend of the opposite sex helped a lot. (wait, that makes me sound like a woman)
Anyhow, seeing the beautiful moon in the sky, reminds me of the poem from China... This is for all the friends, singles or couples:
水調歌頭 蘇軾
真的 祝天下有情人終成眷屬...
Anyhow, seeing the beautiful moon in the sky, reminds me of the poem from China... This is for all the friends, singles or couples:
水調歌頭 蘇軾
真的 祝天下有情人終成眷屬...
Valentine's day is Singles Awarenss Day...
For the first time in ten years, I am going to have a single's Valentine's day.
It is a little depressing to be reminded by friends and media that this commercialized holiday is approaching. To add insult to this injury, I learned today that Valentine's Day is aka "Singles Awareness Day"!?
I guess single people like me have to be "aware" of being single :).
However, dear Canadians are better off than many of us who have links to Asia and at the same time, tragically single. Look at Chinese Valentine's day, on 15th of Lunar June, so you have to be "aware" twice a year.
How about Japan? Thanks to their marketing efforts, girls have to give guys chocolates on Feb 14, while guys have to return favours on Mar 14 (white day). So, if you didn't get any chocolates on Feb 14, you will be reminded again on Mar 14, because you won’t be handing out chocolates.
Korean singles probably have the worst holiday, on Apr 14 (black day). All Korean singles will gather together to eat "black noodles" on this day. So, if you are Korean and single, spending black day at home is not bad enough, you have to go eat noodles with other single losers. :)
I had an interesting conversation with a girl recently, she does not like the idea of valentine's day, how commercialized it is, and how gifting is a selfish act, because you are expecting something in return. (actually, she is pretty much against any holiday that the Bay holds sales for, thanksgiving, xmas, father’s, mother’s, mid of month, spring clearance...)
I have to agree with what she said, and add to that. I think "love" can also be a selfish act, most people "love" because they expect to be "loved" in return. Especially when we get a little older, unconditional "love" becomes something that only exists between pets and their owners.
At this point of my life, I like to announce that being single isn't as bad as it seems, that is without any bitterness against my happy couples friends and married friends. To these friends, I wish them Happy Valentine's Day, love and cherish.
To my single friends, Happy Singles Awarenss Day, hope you will always be aware why you are single and be happy with your choice (if you choose to be single) or be faithful that you won't be having that "black noodle" this year...
It is a little depressing to be reminded by friends and media that this commercialized holiday is approaching. To add insult to this injury, I learned today that Valentine's Day is aka "Singles Awareness Day"!?
I guess single people like me have to be "aware" of being single :).
However, dear Canadians are better off than many of us who have links to Asia and at the same time, tragically single. Look at Chinese Valentine's day, on 15th of Lunar June, so you have to be "aware" twice a year.
How about Japan? Thanks to their marketing efforts, girls have to give guys chocolates on Feb 14, while guys have to return favours on Mar 14 (white day). So, if you didn't get any chocolates on Feb 14, you will be reminded again on Mar 14, because you won’t be handing out chocolates.
Korean singles probably have the worst holiday, on Apr 14 (black day). All Korean singles will gather together to eat "black noodles" on this day. So, if you are Korean and single, spending black day at home is not bad enough, you have to go eat noodles with other single losers. :)
I had an interesting conversation with a girl recently, she does not like the idea of valentine's day, how commercialized it is, and how gifting is a selfish act, because you are expecting something in return. (actually, she is pretty much against any holiday that the Bay holds sales for, thanksgiving, xmas, father’s, mother’s, mid of month, spring clearance...)
I have to agree with what she said, and add to that. I think "love" can also be a selfish act, most people "love" because they expect to be "loved" in return. Especially when we get a little older, unconditional "love" becomes something that only exists between pets and their owners.
At this point of my life, I like to announce that being single isn't as bad as it seems, that is without any bitterness against my happy couples friends and married friends. To these friends, I wish them Happy Valentine's Day, love and cherish.
To my single friends, Happy Singles Awarenss Day, hope you will always be aware why you are single and be happy with your choice (if you choose to be single) or be faithful that you won't be having that "black noodle" this year...
匯豐... the world's local bank...
HSBC is the world's local bank... 小心你的過去... 就在你身邊!
HSBC is the world's local bank... 小心你的過去... 就在你身邊!
Horoscopes.... Are you freaking kidding me
Lately, I have been paying attention to my daily horoscopes, on Monday, it said, "get ready for another romantic encounter...", it didn't happen. :(
And this morning...
"The weather is getting windy, but just keep your head down and you'll stay grounded...
You're so darned happy you're bubbling over. You're in love, and they're all you can possibly think of..."
What? I'm in love, you got to be freaking kidding me... How come I can't feel the love??
Horoscopes is a funny business, it divides people into 12 groups, and gives each of them some characteristics based on their "signs". I am a Libra, supposingly, I am flirtatious, good in crowds, gullible, good listener, logical, with a smile that can melt chocolate 20 feet away, and a damn good kisser. (okay, I added that last one)
On the other hand, I am indecisive, argumentative, and did I mention indecisive?
Of course, I think all the above mentioned are very very true. I have personally spent 15 min looking for a toothbrush. (why on earth are there 150 toothbrush to choose from?) I chose electric toothbrush in the end, why? because only one brush head will fit one model of electric toothbrush.
It is fun to look at horoscopes from time to time, it reminds me of my shortcomings, but then again, today's horoscope: "You're in love...", you got to be freaking kidding me...
And this morning...
"The weather is getting windy, but just keep your head down and you'll stay grounded...
You're so darned happy you're bubbling over. You're in love, and they're all you can possibly think of..."
What? I'm in love, you got to be freaking kidding me... How come I can't feel the love??
Horoscopes is a funny business, it divides people into 12 groups, and gives each of them some characteristics based on their "signs". I am a Libra, supposingly, I am flirtatious, good in crowds, gullible, good listener, logical, with a smile that can melt chocolate 20 feet away, and a damn good kisser. (okay, I added that last one)
On the other hand, I am indecisive, argumentative, and did I mention indecisive?
Of course, I think all the above mentioned are very very true. I have personally spent 15 min looking for a toothbrush. (why on earth are there 150 toothbrush to choose from?) I chose electric toothbrush in the end, why? because only one brush head will fit one model of electric toothbrush.
It is fun to look at horoscopes from time to time, it reminds me of my shortcomings, but then again, today's horoscope: "You're in love...", you got to be freaking kidding me...
Lamb is back, or is he?
Ladies and Gentlemen, Lamb is back from the short vacation.
During the absence, I have been to five dine outs, gone to whistler with 3 best friends for a few days, countless New Year parties, Chinese New Year parties and birthday parties... Life is good!
Now, since it has been 4 months after my previous birthday, it might be a good time to quickly review my 5 year wishlist:
My own place (either 200k condo or 300k townhouse) - it might will be 300k condo or 400k townhouse with where the current prices are going
BMW 325i (Mystic Blue or Jet Black - done, although my Anna is Alpine White
Laser eye surgery (might need mental support) - still need mental support
Fall in love (yes, I still believe in love) - done and still looking
25 million portfolio (my clients', not mine) - still some way to go
2/5, I think I am doing well with my plan, now, my one year plan:
Hit golf ball straight 80% of the time (at least with 7 ~ 9 irons) - haven't hit a golf ball since sep 2005
Learn how to drive a stick (might need friends' cars) - still haven't
Learn to play guitar (maybe self-learning?) - only as far as getting a brochure from Tom Lee
Make a new 5 year list (if the above doesn't work :) ) - hm... working on this one
0/4, I guess I am not as good as following a short term plan.
What is next? I am working on a short story/novel... When is it coming out? Probably after my PFPC exam, guitar lessons, golf lessons, and shooting lessons. :)
During the absence, I have been to five dine outs, gone to whistler with 3 best friends for a few days, countless New Year parties, Chinese New Year parties and birthday parties... Life is good!
Now, since it has been 4 months after my previous birthday, it might be a good time to quickly review my 5 year wishlist:
My own place (either 200k condo or 300k townhouse) - it might will be 300k condo or 400k townhouse with where the current prices are going
BMW 325i (Mystic Blue or Jet Black - done, although my Anna is Alpine White
Laser eye surgery (might need mental support) - still need mental support
Fall in love (yes, I still believe in love) - done and still looking
25 million portfolio (my clients', not mine) - still some way to go
2/5, I think I am doing well with my plan, now, my one year plan:
Hit golf ball straight 80% of the time (at least with 7 ~ 9 irons) - haven't hit a golf ball since sep 2005
Learn how to drive a stick (might need friends' cars) - still haven't
Learn to play guitar (maybe self-learning?) - only as far as getting a brochure from Tom Lee
Make a new 5 year list (if the above doesn't work :) ) - hm... working on this one
0/4, I guess I am not as good as following a short term plan.
What is next? I am working on a short story/novel... When is it coming out? Probably after my PFPC exam, guitar lessons, golf lessons, and shooting lessons. :)
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